Priceless Take One Vol. 19 Number 17 An Award Winning Weekly Newspaper Thursday, October 14, 2010 Riley County Kansas Cash Flow Is Stabilizing By Gene Meyer ments in elementary and secondary (KansasReporter) schools and the university system, TOPEKA, Kan. - Kansas’ state cash which caused the shortfall, said Alan Notables flow continued to stabilize even Conroy, the research department’s Notables though it slowed a bit in September, a director. The balances should even up This list of notable people associ- new state report confirmed. when the earlier-than-expected spend- ated with Riley County and Ft. Riley Kansas tax revenues during the first ing catches up with original projec- (through birth, residence, or other three months of the fiscal year that tions, he said. association) who have achieved dis- began July 1 confirm earlier revenue Even with improvements over year- tinction at the state, national, or department calculations that total tax earlier levels collections, tax and gen- international level, is expanded from receipts of $1.32 billion during the eral fund revenue collections in Kansas the “150 Riley County Notables period were nearly 12 percent higher both continue to trail fiscal 2009 levels. from the Last 150 Years” list com- than a year earlier, the Kansas Kansas collected nearly $628 mil- piled by Kevin G. Olson for the Legislative Research Department lion in individual income taxes during Manhattan/Riley County sesquicen- reported Wednesday. Those follow the three months ended Sept. 30, or a tennial commemoration in 2005 steep declines that were recorded for fraction 0.5 percent more than two with the assistance of the staff of the the period in each of the two preceding years earlier, but corporate income and Riley County Historical Museum, years. severance taxes have recovered the C150! Heritage Committee, Total state revenues were actually approximately only half the ground Riley County Historical Society $7.4 million lower than that, or $1.31 they dropped during fiscal 2010. Board of Directors and the Riley billion, because the state also needed Retail sales collections, which nom- County Historical Museum Board of to make unexpected early payments inally hit $481 million during the most Trustees. from its non-tax revenues accounts to recent quarter compared to $429 mil- There are likely other individuals help pay its share of construction costs lion a year earlier and $441 million in who belong on this list. If you have at schools and universities, the report 2009, appear to be higher primarily suggestions for additions, or correc- showed. because of a 1 cent per dollar rate tions, please inform the Riley Income, sales, property and other increase July 1. Adjusting out that County Historical Museum, 2309 taxes make up the largest share of gen- increase, which amounts to 18.9 per- Claflin Manhattan, Kansas 66502, eral fund revenues, but about 4 percent cent, overall retail activity in Kansas (785) 565-6490, or contact us of the total also comes from other appears to have been running 0.1 per- through our web site www.riley- sources such as interest or investment cent below year ago levels and 2.9 per- countyks.gov. income, transfers to and from other cent below the 2009 pace. Abbott, Edmund C. – Served as government agencies, and fees that State revenue officials consider first District Attorney and U.S. Attorney some government agencies charge for quarter reports especially significant in New Mexico Territory; elected specific services. because they are the earliest reports in first judge in New Mexico after Kirstie Alley, actress attended Kansas State. In the quarter just ended, payments each fiscal year that includes both esti- statehood, 1911. Colonel in the totaling more than $20 million came mated individual income taxes that National Guard; commanded troops School. due earlier than expected on the state’s self-employed taxpayers pay plus final guarding New Mexico border from Baker, W. (Walter) Thane – share of bonds sold to finance new retail sales tax receipts from back-to- raids by “Pancho” Villa, 1916. Olympian, track, 1952, 1956. Winner buildings and other capital improve- school sales. Buried in Arlington National of gold (1956), silver (1952, 1956) and Cemetery. Graduate of Kansas State, bronze (1956) medals. Enshrined in 1893. Track and Field Hall of Fame. Alexander, Grover Cleveland Enshrined in the Kansas State High Kansas Education (Pete/Alex) – Hall of Fame major School Activities Association league baseball player. Born (KSHAA) Hall of Fame, 1977; February 26, 1887, at Elba, Graduate of Kansas State, 1953. Nebraska; died November 4, 1950. Baker, William (Bill) – Football Improving, But Served at Camp Funston, 1918, mar- player. Enshrined in the Washburn ried Amy M. Arrants on May 31, University Football Hall of Fame. By Rachel Whitten of times the schools see them before 1918, at the Riley County Graduate of Manhattan High School. (KansasReporter) the states see them.” Courthouse. Balderson, Steve – Filmmaker. Born TOPEKA, Kan. – Reading, math Additionally, over the last year, the Allen, Henry J. – Kansas January 19, 1975. Graduate of and science scores all inched higher on state has lost highly qualified special Governor, 1919-23; U.S. Senator, Manhattan High School, 1993. Kansas’ latest education report card, education teachers. To be rated highly Kansas, 1929-30. Born September Attended Kansas State. but state Board of Education members qualified means that a teacher is fully 11, 1868; died January 17, 1950. Bailey, Dawayne – Musician. say they see some troubling marks too. licensed and demonstrates competence Lived in Manhattan and published Played with Bob Seger and the Silver Stephen Ambrose, author, was The report card presented to the in their subject matter. In 2010 only 62 the Manhattan Nationalist newspa- Bullet Band, 1982-86; Chicago, 1986- a Professor at K-State. Kansas State Board of Education at percent of special education teachers per before acquiring ownership of 95; Veronique Sanson, 1998-2000; their monthly meeting Tuesday are rated as highly qualified in Kansas, newspapers statewide. among other musical accomplish- showed that students performing in the down from 81 percent in 2009 Alley, Kirstie – Movie and televi- ments. Grew up in Manhattan, graduat- top three performance levels on read- The number of highly qualified sion actress. Starred in television ed from Manhattan High School, 1972. ing assessment increased to 86.3 per- English language learning teachers shows “Cheers,” 1987-93, and Beach, Ross/Marianna Kistler – cent in 2010, up from 85.7 percent a also dropped, from 84 percent in 2009 “Veronica’s Closet,” 1997-2000. Businessman/woman, Philanthropist. year earlier. Numbers of top tier math to 78 percent in 2010. However, the Won two Emmy Awards and a Ross Beach was born February 22, achievers similarly increased, to 83.1 graduation rate for ELL student Golden Globe Award. Attended 1918 in Abilene. He was inducted into percent from a year-earlier 82.8 per- increased by two percentage points, up Kansas State, 1974. the Kansas Business Hall of Fame, cent, while the number of top-perform- to 77 percent in 2010. Ambrose, Stephen E. – Historian, 1999.. Married Marianna Kistler of ing science students held steady The report also contained federally- professor, author. Professor at Manhattan June 1, 1941. Both are among fourth-graders, but increased required adequate yearly progress, or Kansas State, 1970. Anderson, John graduates of KSU. Ross and Marianna among seventh graders and high AYP, measurements that 82 of Kansas’ A.– College President and U.S. Beach donated funds to build the school students. 293 school districts and 254 of its Congressman. President of Kansas Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of That’s the good news, board mem- 1,380 public schools flunked when State Agricultural College, 1873-78; Art at Kansas State University. bers learned. educational performance standards U.S. Congressman, 1879-91. Billings, Josh – Major league base- The report also showed that over the were raised this year. The board dis- Anderson - Jordon, Teri – Athlete, ball player. Manager of the 1943 last two years, the number of students cussed the idea of asking the U.S. runner. World Record holder in ten Kenosha Comets in the All-American receiving free and reduced lunches Department of Education for a waiver, mile run, 1972; American record Girls Professional Baseball League rose sharply. About 46 percent of the exempting the state from meeting next 5,000 meter run; Kansas State (popularized in the movie “A League students in Kansas schools receive dis- year’s goals, which are set to rise University Athletics Hall of Fame. of Their Own”). Attended Kansas counted or no-cost meals in 2010, again. Eron Brockovich, activist, while in 2009, less than 43 percent did. Dave Dennis, a board member from From Leonardville, Kansas. State, 1910-12. attended Kansas State. Arthur, Charles – Attorney, Bishop, Herbert H. (Herb)- At the same time, graduation rates for Wichita, said something must be done Legislator. Speaker of the Kansas Educator. Inducted into Kansas State Butterfield Overland Despatch, a students who receive free and reduced about the unrealistic AYP standards, or House, 1963-64; Manhattan resi- High School Activities Association stagecoach line running between lunches dropped by two percentage next year’s tests will be a “bloodbath.” dent. (KSHSAA) Hall of Fame, 1977. Atchison and Denver 1865-66. Early points, from 82 percent in 2009, to 80 His board colleague, Jana Shaver, Ashbrook, Harriette – Novelist, Blackman, Rolando – Basketball settler in Manhattan. percent in 2010. from Independence, agreed. Mystery Writer. Also wrote under player, Olympian. All-Star NBA play- Buzenberg, Bill – Journalist. Sally Cauble, a board member from “Our schools are doing a great job,” the name Susannah Shane. Born in er. Member of the 1980 Olympic bas- Former V.P. of News at National Liberal, said the rise in meal assistance Shaver said.
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