NCAAS'howdown:l-I-ereAt Last: ---4 Bearcat -_Challenge To OSUPossible by Hank Graden .Back on March 25, 1961, 'after the Bearcats had beaten mightly Ohio State 70-65 in overtime to capture the National Championship they issued a proclamation for a challenge to:" meet the' Buckeyes again, Saturday 'evening alt 9 p. m. in - LOUlilsVll]le, Ky., tihis ohallenge may come about.' Sports writers from. all over the country cailed Cincy's'vic- The .Jucker fprmula to a win- Vbk XLVII; No. 2i tory a Huke and still trumpeted ning team is to 'play defense. Inio~ that the Ohio State squad was gredients to this recipe include \.:'~: the number one team in the na- ,. • 'It:'~':;' work, both physical and' team tion and 'their coach Fred. Tay- (work) and' sacrifice. Each I?'-~ lor was the'llnumber one coach member is a concentrated part, Party in the country /' even after they which when one player lets UC We·- Vote had lost out in the NCAA fina Is down the whole system loses its to Cincinnati. impo'rtance. Scoring does ,not Still writhing from the harsh take a backseat, because ~the treatment from the press, the Bearcats are' averaging 12.~ Bearcats began the present sea- points per ga me and holdin~ Scheduled For Tomorrow son 'with an attitude that they their opponents to ,a 'mere 54.4 would have to "prove them- markers' a game~ Sponsored by the Student Un- During the hour-long program, are not able, to beat the grin' selves." Early in the season Reigning co-champions of the ion Program Council, a mam- complete with speeches by leading program a.giant votin(party will things didn't move too smoothly MVC, the Bearcats needed a play- moth "UC We Vote" rally will be campus personalities, debates, ,be -held the '.same afternoon; from because coach Ed, Jucker just off meeting to decide which team free cokes, and other hoopla wasn't set a starting lineup. held tomorrow from 12 noon to 2:30 to 3:30 p. m. 'in the Union's on would go to the NCAA Midwest, 1 p. m. in the Union Grill. The sidelights, the theme will be that Cincinnati lost two seniors due Regionals in Manhattan, Kan, main lobby. program' will be staged to re- at "UC We Vote." , to graduation off last year's Cincinnati kept true to form when semble a political campaign con- Buses will be on nand to take Promised, here area king-size champions, but inherited the they put a defensive stopper on 'ventton. ' students who' are qualified to cake to' be cut and eaten and greatest sophomore two-some in the Braves prolific offense to win the country in Ron Bonham, 6-5 61-46 at Evansville, Ind. Purpose is to center attention register in Cincinnati downtown what is described as "good po- to Board of Eleetions headquart- forward and George Wilson, 6-8 After wil)ning the playoff. the on the fact that all DC students litical fellowship," Buses again ers, then return them to the forward. Three starter veterans ICafs began to inch thelr viay who are residents of Cincinnati will be available during ,this campus. , returned from 'the title team with toward another national crown. and who will be 21 years of, age period for the trip downtown to captain Paul Hogue at center, A team that gained an ,at-large should take steps immediately And the noon event is not all. and from the Board of Elections. to register in order to be elibible For Cincinnati-domiciled students Tom Thacker at guard and for- berth, Creighton, came to the Members of the Union's Pro; to vote in the May 8 city election. , who will be 21 by May 8 and who ward arid 'tony 'Yates at the tournament confident of a vic- gram Council' have been given guard spot. tory and left demoralized by' an these special assignments in con- 'The ICats struggled early in almost perfect defense per- CamlpU5 Wide nection" with. the r DC WE VOTE the year when they lost Mis- cisioned by the Bearcats, and project, under the general chair- souri Valley,Conference contests had to settle for a third place manship of Lee Gwinnutt: to Wichita 52-51 and Bradley 70- finishjn .the tourney. Elaine Betz, chairman of camp- 68 in overtime. Sandwiched, be- Colorado beat Texas Tech h\ us publicity; Bonnie, Bizzarri, tween these two lesses came a the first round of the regionals Tuxedo Junction ~Dance chairman , of refreshments; Mark" -Hellday Fe~:tivafOchampionship which gave them the chance to Greenberger, chairman of Grill in New York City when the play Cincinnati for the Midwest debates and decorations; Bruce Cincinnati aggregati,o'n disposed ,Regional championship. Cincin- Heymann chairman, of bus trans- of St. John, LaSalle andWiscon- nati again erected a human bar- Friday At CastLe Farm' portation; Dave Itkoff, chairman ~in. rier of 6,9 Paul Hogue, 6-8 George of the campus mail campaign; Coach Jucker held a team Wilson, 6-5 Ron Bonham and 6-2 door Friday night. The tickets "Tuxedo Junction" Dance will . Stuart Fox, chairman of music. meeting after the loss to Brad- Tom Th:Y'keraround the basket be, held this Friday night, March are, $3.50 per couple. ", . Among those assisting Itkoff ley which, put the 'Cats backs to. to smoth-r the Buffaloes offense 23, from 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. at 'Preceding the dance, 'Logan with the campus mail campaign the wall. After the council had and hold them to 46,points. Castle Farms. The Glenn Miller Hall residents 'are entertaining' to alert organizations to the broken up Jucker announced that Now is the Erne which the Bear- "everything \will be all right cats have been waiting since that Orchestra, conducted by Ray Me- at a punch party on the roof of March 23 events and the UC We Vote project are' Linda Glass- now." And sure enough "things" fatal night last march when the their dorm. Everyone attending Kinley, will provide the music. man, Donna Avery,' Kathy Goert- were an right, for the Bearcats Bearcats beat Ohio State. "Twice Although the dance is being spon- the, dance is cordially invited to emiller, Ann Ezzell, Margo Geyer,' now hold the longest winning this season we had letdowns, but sored by the residence halls, it .come to the party; which will be Kathy White, Anna Schwartz, string in the country with 16 and we scrapped back. That's a sign is an all-campus event, and every- held from 7:30 p. m. to 8:30 p. Barbara Shure, Susan' Crummey, are on their way in defense of the of a good team," says Jucker,« Barry Ross, Martin rPenales, and coveted -NCAA basketball Cham- "Go all the way-I think we're one is invited to attend. m. There will be no charge for Stuart Fox. pionship. ready." "Tuxedo Junction" tickets are the party. still available. They are being Since the University of Cin- sold outside the grill for the, re- cinnati Bearcats will be playing -main del' of the week from 11-1 in the NCAA .serni-finals at Louis- Mystic Thirteen Tappinq Tuesday, daily. They may still be purch- ville Friday night, there will be several television sets at, .the ased ,in the residence halls from dance for watching the game. the' corridor representatives in ~ Everyone ,will 'be able to keep 13 Outstanding UC .W omen -Honored the women's halls and from the posted on the game while enjoy- unit presidents in the men's halls. ing the music of the Glenn Miller Thirteen Junior women were Freshman Project -.Accompanist; Program Chairman; Orientation Tickets will also, be sold at the Orchestra. ... tapped _~for Mortar Board last Glee 'Club;, Memorial Dorm Judi- Board. .Tuesday on the basis of outstand- ciary. Committee; RE,W; WAA; Valerie Rapp3.40 A & S; Kap- ing scholarship, leadership, and Guidon; Junior Advisors - Chair- pa Alpha, Theta - Pledge Treas- service to the university: man; Honie,coming- > Executive urer, Vice President; Freshman Kathy McKee And Joe Ziina Joan Benham 3.20N & H;Nurs- Secretary. PI' 0 j e c t,- Publicity Chairman; and Health Tribunal - Secretary, Carol Kohsln 3.73 Bus. Ad.; Al- F I' e s h man Conference; Alpha Committee Chairman;' YWCA - pha Chi Omega -"Treasurer; "Jr. - LambdaDelta; YWCA; Freshman Rehearse ForGuys'And Dolls Sophomore Council, Cabinet; Kap- Panhellenic - President; YWCA - Spirit Banquet - Committee Co- pa Alpha Theta - Assistant Pledge. Sophomore Council, Membership chairman; Sophomore Class Mum Trainer; Freshmen Nursing Class Chairman; Freshman Conference; Sale - Committee Co-chairman; President; Angel Flight - Secre- Freshman Project; .Alpha Lamb- Homecomtng.rGuidon - Captain; tary; Alpha Alpha Pi; Guidon; da Delta; Sophomore Conference - Panhellenic Rush Committee; Stu- Panhellenic Council; Junior Ad- Reservations and 'Evaluation Co- dent - Faculty Conference - . Pro- visers; U. C. SNO - Vice Presi- chairman; Homecoming; G I' e ek gram Chairman. ' - dent. Week.. Guidon - Secretary-Treas- Gayle Schirmer' 3.00 Education; Elaine Betz3.10 Education; urer; Karnpus King' - Program Freshman Project - General Chair- Kappa Delta -Assistant Treasurer, Committee Chairman; Junior Ad- man; Bearkittens - Co-Captain; P a n hell e n i c Representative, visers. , . .Kappa Kappa Gamma; Mummers; House Manager; 'AWS Freshman Janet Mills 3.16 Education; Ed- Arete; Modern Dance Club - Pres- Project - Treasurer; WAA Legis- ucation Ttibunal- Publicity Chair- ident; WAA - Corresponding See- lative Board - Publicity Chair- man, Secretary; Alpha / Lambda retary. President; Speakers Bur- man; Aws Legislative Board; Ed- DeUCi;, Cincinnatus '-Historian; eau; Karnpus King - Committee 1:lcation,T,r i b un a I - Secretary; Freshman" Pro j e c.t f 'Narrator: ~Chairman; Cincinnatus; RE.W.
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