DOCUMENT RESUME UD 011 985 ED 057 157 Committee on Nutrition and TITLE Hearings Before the Select Human Needs of the United StatesSenate, Ninety-Second Congress, FirstSession on Nutrition and Human Needs. Part8A--Food Distribation Program. Hearings Held Washington, D.C.,September 15-16, 1971. Washington, D. C. Senate Select INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Committee on Nutrition andHuman Needs. [Sep 71] PUB DATE Senate Select Committee on NOTE 300p.; Committee Print, Nutrition and Human Needs AVAILABLE FROMSuperintendent of Documents,Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.20402 ($1.25) MF-$0.65 HC-$9.87 EDRS PRICE *Food Service: Food DESCRIPTORS *Federal Aid; *Federal Programs; Stores; *Nutrition; NutritionInstruction ABSTRACT The Senate Select Committee onNutrition and Human Needs held hearings on the"Food Distribution Program."The Programr-often referred to asthe "commoditydistribution," "surplus distribution," or "directdistribution program"--has thedual purpose surpluses and helping the poor.It presently of alleviating farm counties and feeds about 3.6 millionAmericans living in about 1,000 cities. It is an out-growthof farmrorientedlegislation which was developed in the mid-1930's.The program reached itspeak levels after World War II. Sincethe early 19601s, it hasbeen overshadowed which now reaches about10.5 million by the Food Stamp Program, Program is people. The committee believesthat the Food Distribution difficulties. First, thetestimony of fraught with problems and private food sector recipients is recorded.Secondly, members of the describe what is wrong withthe program as it nowexists; and, thirdly, is recorded how itmight be substantiallyimproved. In addition, state and localadministrators give reports on the functioning of their programs.In the appendix, materialssubmitted by witnesses are included, asare relevant newspaperarticles. (Author/ow) NUTRITION AND HUMAN NEEDS-1971 a-4 HEARINGS 1%tr. BEFORE THE 4c IICT,..i'e.iMIITTEE.. ON tithJ NUT1300$:-.;;40 HUMAN INTEEDg ,. OTTIIE UNITED STATES SENATE N INETY-SECOND CONGRESS FIRST SESSION NUTRITION AND HUMAN NEEDS PART 8A-FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM WASHINGTON, SEPTEMBER 15, 15, 1971 U.S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE W FICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO. DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG- INATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU- CATION POSITION OR POLICY Lrb Printed for the use of the Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs C:70 Ir4 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE m-am WASHINGTON : 1971 For sale by the Superintendent of Document. U.S. Government Printing Mace Washington, D.C. 204011)Priee $1.25 1 SE11.0ECT CCIAINITTTEE ozzNurrift.rrIcasl .A.11113 MUILMLILANTNISMYJS GEORGIE McGOVR1Ft37.South Lliakota. heverm'a41, ALLEN 3.LINLJEU,Louisiana CrIAJECLACIS R.ccoolic, PERCY, Kentucky Illizzois IIEUINI.A.14 T.A..1.31.A.1303:12, Cleo:wain 511.A.11311..OW A.. -13Airt-r, 341cblignn noneneit.ir IDOX.10.II.MON. Tatimetas Oklahoma WALT 310:3413ALE. 3fInnt.s.ata 13,20.NICY Pennsylvania. ET/WAR13 34. ICErsTNEOlt,Muskt4nctiulsetts 11.1CIrLARO SCT NEMER. GAYLORD NIEL/30bl. Witscoustri ic.caam.t-rAP.r. Zn.. ()filo ALAN' c lt A N'T0247. California IFEW NT MEM Scuir.Aassnwra.., .4-taffDirector r-RocatAm - 100013l'art 13ISTRIEWTION 8Aflearings of September15, 10, 1071 Flirt 811Hearings ofSeptember 22, 23, 1071 CON T1N T 8 FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM Womvxsnay, SIMPTEIA HER 15, 1071 SenatorSecretary Percy's Hiehardson's letter of September response of 1, Noyember 1971, to Secretary 5, 1971 Richardson; and v Opening statement of Senator Percy, prefling 2027 WITNESSES IN CHRONOLOGICAL orwiErt Higgins, Mr. Marlow Phoenix, Ariz 203020'29 Choate, Mr. Robert li., Robert B. Choate& Associates, Washington, 113.C 2040 Brooke,Prepared Senator, statement prepared of statement of 2068 Manning, Mr. Frank, president, Legislative Council for Older Americans,2069 Peppard,Inc., Massachusetts Mrs. Rita, VISTA volunteer, Boston, Mass 2071 Prepared statement of 2073 Weiner, Mrs. Gertrude, managing attorney, Legal Assistance Program,2075 Boston, Mass 2076 Preipared statement of C082 Troy, Mrs. Bina, Paris Mo 2082 Prepared statement of 2084 Oliyarez, Mrs. Grace, executive director, Food For All 2085 Bpuman,Prepared Dr. Howard statement E., ofvice president, Science and Technology, Pillsbury Co 2090 'rj; -LingijAy, BEM. 10, 1011 Peterseln,Opening statement Mrs. Ester, of SenatorConsumer Percy, Adviser presiding to the president of Giant Food,2090 Inc 2100 Latham,I3r.Michael, professor ofInternationalNutrition,Cornell University 2108 Bolger, Miss Susan, nutritionist, Maternal and Infant CareChihli ..ai and2121 Youth's Project, Boston, Mass 2121 Stephens,Prepared Mr. statementHarvey, executive of vice president, ARA, Inc.; accompanied by Mrs. Edythe Robertson, nutritionzst 2141 Abascal,Foundation, Mr. Ralpii,San Francisco, staff attorney, Calif Neighborhood Lega/ Assistance2151 A.PPENDIXES Appendix 1. Items pertinent to hearing of September 15 1071: Item,From 1Material Marlow submitted Riggins by witnesses: 216f ; 3rzi) Appendix 1.- --Continued: Page Item 1---Contimied: From Robert B. Choate: _2166-69 -Four photos depictingconditions of old age recipientsUnit ed i .xhib it ADietary levels of households inthe 2170 States, Spring_1905 -, 2171 Exhibits B and Ccheck 2172 Exhibits1-',xhibit 1-3--rtiE., I' and G 217:3 Exhibit -,--7-camtyrocjity-distribution ,programj State moil-2174 etar:V. staiidatids 0t*eligibility fOr certifying holiAeholds 2174i Exhibit J--7-Table 4 221177!; Exhibit -K---rrsis(Fn)-Instrnctionsfigures 709-,-6 for food -ExhibitExhibit MSecondIJCost per,potind quarterestimates for fiscal year 1971_ _2178 .FromAllston-Brighton Rita ;M. Peppard: Food Surplus TaskForce-, Petitioners. 2180 From GertrudeBina Troy Weiner . , 22118844 From Grace Olivarez,: . Food Program in PuertoRico__ _ __ _2185 A. Study of the Federal1 Challenges for theSeventies-- _-_ _ - , 2187 Food Distrib. Man: -FromWarehouse Howard E. Sa....-tion Control _ 2229 Item `"" Material, submitted by:Richardson,other than letterwitnesses: of November5, 1971._2260 .1:-iiclosure from Secretary . Au Anonymous Report: USDA Packaging ofCommodities for Distribution tothe 2261 _.From. Mrs.Poor Muriel Barron,Paris, Mo 2267 Appendix.. 2. Items pertinentto hearing of September16, 1971: Item 1Materialsubmitted by witnesses: . From Ester Peterson: -`)268, Experts Unite toPlanNutritional Program Charts 2271-77 Giant Food StoresLatham: FromTables Dr. Michael on Nutrient C. Values 2278 The CommodityDistribution Program iii TompkinsCounty-, New -York 2283 From SusanEdythe Bolger Robertson: Food Preferences ofCollege Students and NutritionalImpli-2284 cations Prom Ralph Abascal: regarding illegality ofCalifornia's ExhibitCommodity -1--Correspondenee DistributionProgram 2292 Exhibit 2-1...T.S.District Court,' Eastern Districtof Cali-2301 fornia U.S. District Court,Central Districtof California, No-2309 70-77.4-11. 2315 U.S. Dik;trict Court,.forCoronado the Northern v.. Quitoriano District _of California, 15.S.Civil DiStrict Action Court No. C-70-2160AJZ 2318 U.S. District Courtfor the Central Districtof California, 2320 NO.,70-774-R submitted from other thanWitnesses: 2323 Item.From 2--MateriaI Noland K. Deaver 2323 From Kevin 11. White,Mayor of Boston- 2324 Food Assistanibe-Prograrlis-inBoston Item 3Articles ofinterest: (Missouri) APpleal, August26, 1971: FromAll the Counties Monroe-County.- To Be TreatedEqually in Free FoodProgram_2327 From the CornellUniversity News September16, 1971: 2327 Office of Public: InformationPost; OctoberFeelease 8, 1971:- - FromOnly the 'Washingtonthe Issue Is Gone':The-Hungry Are Still With-Us_ L.iL.....2329 : SmsrEstrzEsz 1, 1971. Secretary,Ltoii. EL.LIOT U.S. Itatori.konsors*, Department of ifealth,..Education, andWelfare, Washington, hearings in mid-Septerriber through 11)m.s.s 11U. SECIIWX.WELY"Corumittee : oiI will 1Tutrition. be conducting and Minmart IsTeeds'on theCommodity the,Sepate A.grieulturS. DistributionIn conjunction Program,.of with thosethe 1Zoepartraent hearings and orin light of the /1ouSelpassed version of ki.R. 1, I would be interested to know .what theProgramposition Old of thethe ultimateA_drninistration ImpleL is with regard to the future of the.Commodity I - mentation.ofI would- appreciate the Vantily an A.ssistance'plan.early response tothis request. r Sincerely, Cir.A.ux.scac-, II.'17.5. 1=2'ipoomr, Senator. 7 - i . _stem Worms/am,r, Soorts-r&tirs- as' lEt*s.r...r1r,WaShirigton, D..0 Toverniler 5, 1971, Tzlorir. Ctr.Auxtms 171. PErso-sr, Washington,U.S. Senate, D(77. DEsLit Sts.s.'ron Poitow: Thank you for yourletterposition of September concerning 1 thein which -future-of you therequest Commodities information Distribution on the Axlministrotion's Program (CDP) asit relates'to 313.R..1.; the florise- passed. Welfare Reform bill pending before theSenate COMT, " .2itileLtne:* 4:16.s you know, Section 502 a1 c,r sat_ ilersorts Stamp _ programs front partion.ating tit tkie Vooci Program.under ttof' '1.-L.cru _tis no provision in the current bill,howev-er, which precludes par- ticipation in the commodities program. Tinder the comvnodities program the Departmentof purchases_Agriculture to Statesdonates (ane_ food territories)aequired through for frce price-support distribution and to schoolssurplus removalandother institutions serving ti needy and directly to needy families where directdistributionbeen considered, programs in are effeett mr. =ft'ec.,_ The fcma stamp and commodities
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