I'd Rather Eat Than Be a Movie Star G Bv OJe The Amazing Story Behind Irving Berlin's Famous Song. "God Bless America" M0VIEAND RA0lOG UIDE: The National Weekly ofpersonalities and Programs A Preview of a New Super-Season In Radio Broadcasting UICK, W.tson, the dictionary! We w.nt to DIVORCE IS A HICCUP 'n the course of Q talk about the new radio season wh'ch storts true love. ~ccord;ng to some of our Hoi ywood next week end we need more superlatives than favorites. So they don't worry about ;t. But we our own vocobu ory provides. Thank you. Waf­ do. We are so old-fashioned we don't ike to see son. We turn to the A's ... the inst;tution of marriage (it's ~ pretty good in­ AMAZI NG ;s the word for the new "Ch.se stitution, too) kicked around ~s it is by some of end Sanborn Program," which brings back Char­ our movie youngsters. lie McCorthy on September I. Inside reports on "Remember the romance of Artie Shaw ~nd the summer activities of Messrs. Bergen and Mc­ Lena Turner. The headlines gave us ~ thrill. Here Carthy promise some corking autumn programs. w~s a heedless courtship. whirlwind love, e mid­ Turn to the Bs ,,, n,ght d.sh to Las Vegas. Then we le.rned th.t BIGGER AND BETTER fit the new "Lux R.dio Artie was said to be carrying the torch for Betty The.ter' with Cecil B, DeMille at the helm, reo Gr.ble .t the lime of the morri.ge .nd th.t porting to your ears and mine on Mondoy, L.n. w.s still engaged to a Hollywood .ttorney. September 2, Now, the C's •.. "But this is dffferent," we heard, COLOSSAL describes "Those We Love," Is the marital smash-up of Lana Turner Nuts! Two kids with unbuttoned emotions got which begins .g.in on September 2, the Good and Artie Shaw their own affair? Can carried away by an idea which they m~y h~ve News" show, which comes back September 5, they ignore countless idolatrous imitators? mistaken for love. When they started ex~mining .nd the Bob Ripley "Believe It or Not" bro.d· their emotions, they found they were married to cast, which starts its year in Salt Lake City with each other. Now they are qetting a divorce. a monumental tie-up with the world premiere of There have been others: Priscilla Lane and Oren the new movie, "Brigham Young." D's ... H.glund, Wayne Morris .nd Bubbles Schinosi, DEEEE·"ghtful fits the Adventures of Sher· CONTENTS Florence R;ce and Robert Wilcox. Sure they lock Holmes, bro~dcasting its premiere on think it's love. Movies September 13. And Sm;lin' Ed McConnell on Why don't they wail and find out? September 15. And W.yne Kings Orchestra on Norma Shearer and Robert Taylor Those Hollywood kids forget h.t they .re September 21. Now, E ... in "Escape'·., . dols. They forget that wh.tever they do is I'd Rather Eat Than Be a Movie Star mitated ~IJ over America. m~y be ~ heir-do. ECSTATIC hints the contents of Chats About (an article by Gale Page)... 2 It m~trjmonj~l slip~knot, jmit~ted, Dogs," on September 29. Well, perh.ps Bob War Can Be Romantic 4 or e but it is Becker doesn't describe his progr~ms th~t w~y, Thic Week in Hollywood (news) 5 Someone ought to read every Hollywood ster but it's • good word .nyhow. Certainly it fits the This Week on the Screen (reviews). 8 the somber words of the marriage covenent, with premiere of the Illinois Women s Symphony on Pick the Villain........ 9 special emphasis on ' Till death do us part," the s~me d~y, ~nd Dorothy Thompson's return "The Return of Frank James" (Pic- Til de.th do us p.rt . .. How m.ny picture ~s ~ free-~pe~k;ng commentator, and the "Screen ture of the Week) 10 stars realize the deep solemnity of th~t pledge? Guild The.ter' stor·studded programs. F ... Hey, Props! (an article) 12 A man's marriage is his personal affair, but an marri~ge FAST, FURIOUS and FUNNY!! Get it? It's Radio idol s is everyone's affeir. A star's the one ~nd only Bob Hope's premiere on Sep­ m~rriage is an influence for good or for bad tember 24. G ... Coming Radio Events 13 from Bangor to San Pedro. We wish for Miss Along the Airialtos (news) 14 GIGANTIC entert.inment is yours almost First Families of Radio ("Hilltop Lane and Mr. Shaw only the best of luck in their d~y ~t every thereafter, Listen! "I Love a Mys­ House") .... 33 separate careers, but we hope they are last tery, , September 30. Check your calend.r on Secrets in the Sky (an article) 34 aw~re that their example h~s done a sefious October I for the return of Fibber McGee and Pictures Along the Airialtos 36 wrong to many, many people whose n~mes they Molly." October 2 for Fred Allen's comeback. The Story Behind "God Bless Amer- will never know. Eddie Cantor ditto. October 4, "Arch Oboler's ica" (an article) 37 PI.ys." October 6, J.ck Benny and hecklers. Oc· On the Bandwagon (a department). 38 STAR ON THE COVER: In bro.dc.sling, tob~,r 20, the "Metropolitan Auditions of the The Farmers Take a Wife (an arti- Rudy Vallee is an institution. Any true account cle) . 39 i\lr. of his life fairly reeks of superlatives, He is ra­ On Short Waves (a department) 40 H ... for Hip, hip, hurrah! The biggest sea· dio's greatest star-maker, having introduced son of bro~dc~sting history is just beyond our Programs more top air personalities-among them are di~ls, Follow it in Movie and Radio Guide, Lis­ Week of August 17-23 16-32 Cantor, Brice. Crosby, Penner, Kate Smith, Fren­ ten in ~nd h~ve the time of your life, ces Langford-than any other impresario. He is radio's greatest ro­ THIS HUSSEY girl who plays with Joan M. L. ANNENBERG, Publisher mancer, with more Crawford in "Sus~n and God" is attracting ot­ Curtis Mitchell, Editor beautiful women in tention everywhere, People write us asking about his life than Barry­ her, We strive to Vol. 9, No, 45, August 17·23, 1940 more, He was the please. This is to re­ 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. first .nd is still the port that the inimita­ A••,,,.i"f, "·,II/or. \hrUn Lflll.: .lIml(Jl/i"" 1-:1/1/0'. Ituth most famous of 1111..1:<'11; /)"'0'1,,,,,,1,,1 1":,Ii/o'.; O"r"'''l SIIal\hOlll. )flO'''''; r~­ ble James Street, WII."nll"",,,. "'-f" rvrk; E,a'h 1·lumUlt-r. 1I,,11}\\'Mllt; 11,," crooners. He is '\1,. ,~, \11<1>1.· I: 111<"1"1(1 ,",un.lm.n. l·n'll..'n : Jalllf' who dotes on Holly­ IlKIII!'n. EllUl'KII"n; t'h.,lf' .\. '\1",.,1.,,11, ~IK.rl Wa'n. dio's greatest idea l:d,I",,,,1 t..i./u,,/<.' Jolon ("1'1 '~1. Fund, t·h. f. Jr., wood glamour, as well ItK,IIIM,,1 Ihnl"n. I'hnlf~ Lot-limo..\nhur ,\IUlfr. I'I.rfntt man (note his latest as Connecticut ob­ 11"<111"'. \I,·hlll "I,lfllfl on NBC, Thurs.). We stinacy, has just sent \I",U; \'1,1(\1010 (lnlllli ITnlit \Iark Itfl:l.'ftfd I', S. ~re spe~kjng of Hu­ J·KI. twt~l. \·"lulI1(' IX "'-uHlhfr ~~, Wftk rot ,\UMU·I I,· us the most intrigu­ ~:, lilli, /"uhU.hfd "ff'klr Il)· thf (·fl"t'li. "("nlllnl'. 111 bert Prior V.llee, the '"h"""lh ""Utl ('1'1"'1(0. 1Il11Mll-. Elltflf'd a~ ~••'d-d•• ing yarn of the year ["Kllf' .1 I~ 1', I I'm.... ('111('••0. 1111 .... ,1. F....run,I' 11, Vermont boy who Rudy Vallee I!'lll. "",..., Iht.11 (I[ ,\1.niI:t. IlIa_ .\utln,lu<l loll''' 1 under the title of .'111,(' lJ<l"T1",..nl. Oil...·•. (·..n..,II.........,tl-d. 1lI111ft. once worked in his 1'1'),1.101. 111111, h)' I1M' t'e('flll ,'''11111.11). ,\JI II.h... r ­ "Glamorous Puritan." IIf'nt,1 I'll ,lIdlf'tl mlllu,('tipli .1_ltl ht ........OI ••nh·.1 father's drug store, I" 1;11111' I. ...Il·"tkhf f'd fn>'fl(,pt f"r ~lUm, TC'n N'lIto From that, ladies, you 1M" ...". til ItOf I'nllfd ~Ulfi, Suh-n-llIll,," nit< In tllf who went to Yale. got himself a band, and revo­ I· ~, .mJ 1_ (' 1'.1 .nd ......ntrlM Of "If' l"ln-.\_kln th~t ~ Ruth Hussey can draw your own 1', 1.1 ,'nl"n III mnnlh. H,a; UIlf lUt, H .... "ub­ lutionized radio, Not there isn't less glit. ....1..11.. rltf In f""llI'lItflUnlrlf"· .IJI-.th, '1.~'; ",W! tering side to Mr. Vallee. He loves dogs of .11 conclusions. The story }far••1: II. Ittllllt h,' .-UI 1Do"lPy ,",.It" ('lip" .. _~If'J' relates the rise of jll ....r" rllfolil: d'.1111 101 ",door o( '\1,'1"'111: .1'" II ,,,t,. (:t ."r. kinds, currently prefers spaniels (shown with him '·U'tttl('f >tnl .t Mlb>crlbtr". rl_t. I'lu~ IU"" (nut_tPlI pl.in-spoken Ruth Hussey and the stubborn (, t rllllllff ol l,Jtl~.... lJf .ure to fil f I.
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