8 I 8 LI 0 GRA PH Y Correspondences with R. Lohia, NMML. Jawaharlal

8 I 8 LI 0 GRA PH Y Correspondences with R. Lohia, NMML. Jawaharlal

SELECT 8 I 8 L I 0 G R A PH Y SectionA- Private Papters. (National Archives of India) 1. Lahore Conspiracy Case Papers (1930-1931) 2. Purushottam Das Tandon Papers (1926-1960) 3. Rajendra Prasad Papers (1935-1962) 4. Sampurnanand Papers (1922-1968) 5. All India Congress Committee 1855 (1917- 70) Nehru Memoral Museum and Library. 6. All India Congress Committee 1917-69 NMML. 7. J.P. Lohia Rameshwar Memorial Trust- NMML. 8. Messages, addresses and speeches of Jawaharlal Nehru relating to Science, received from various sources, (1948-63) NMML. Section B - Papers and Documents. On Asoke Mehta. (Correspondence with Asok·e Mehta). 1·. Padmaya Naidu Papers 1 letter: 7 Jan. 1975, NMML 2. S. Nijalingappa Papers, 1 letter, 1973, NMML. 3. Nath Pai Papers 3 letters, 1963, 69, NMML. 4. Yusuf Meherally Papers Correspondences with R. Lohia, NMML. 5. D. G. Tendulkar Papers 1 letter 1 0 october, NMML. 6. C. Rajagopalachari Papers 3 letters - 1957-59, NMML. 7. Prem Bhasin Papers 5 letters, 1954, NMML. Jawaharlal Nehru Papers- NMML. 1. C. Rajagopalchari Papers. 262 42 letters 1950-65, NMML. 2. Padmaya Naidu Papers 19 letters : 1936-62, NMML. 3. Yusuf Meherally Papers 1 letter- 1929, NMML. 4. Sri Prakash Papers . 8 letters, NMML. Section C - Primary Sources. A. Mehta, Asoke. 1. Mehta Asoke- Socialism and Gandhism, Bombay, Congress Socialist Publishing Co. Ltd., 1935. 2. Mehta Asoke- Democratic Socialism, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1954. 3. Mehta Asoke- The Political mind of India, Socialist Party, Bombay, 1952. 4. Mehta Asoke- Studies in Asian Socialism Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Bombay, 1959. B. Nehru, Jawaharlal ,~ 1 .. Nehru, Jawaharlal- An Autobiography, Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, Oxford University Press, 1989. 2. Nehru, Jawaharlal -The Discovery of India Oxford Un'iversity Press, 1994. 3. Nehru, Jawaharlal -The Glimpses of World History. ' 4. Nehru, Jawaharlal -A Bunch of Old Letters. 5 .. Jawaharlal Nehru's speeches, 1946-49, Publication Division, Government of India, New Delhi, 1967. 6. Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru. Vol1-15 (First Series). A Project of the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, Orient Langman, General Editor-S. Gopal, 1972. 7. Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Vol. 1-19 (Second Series). Published by Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, Teen Murti House, New Delhi- 1996, General Editor-S. Gopal. 8. Jawaharlal Nehru's speeches Vol. 4 (1957 -1963), Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Govt. of India, 1964. 9. Jawaharlal Nehru :An Anthology, ed. by S. Gopal, Oxford University Press, 263 1983. 10. Jawaharlal Nehru :Years of Struggle, compiled by ArjunDev, National Book Trust, India, 1989. 11. Nehru, Jawaharlal -Recent. Essays and Writings on t~e Future of India, Allhabad, Kitabistan, 1934. 12. Nehru, Jawaharlal- Where are we? Kitablistan, 1939. 13. Nehru Jawaharlal- The unity of India, Collected Writings, 1937-1940, London, 1948. 14. Nehru, Jawaharlal- India and the World, London, Allen and Unwin, 1936. C. Lohia, Rammanohar. 1. Lohia, Rammanohar- Marx, Gandhi and Socialism, Hyderabad, Rammanohar Lohia Samata Vidyalaya Nyasa, 1978. 2. Lohia- The Struggle for Civil Liberties. Calcutta, Rammanohar Lohia Sahitya Prakashan trust : 1983. 3. Lohia- The will to power anc;:l other writings, Hyderabad Navhind Prakashan: 1956. 4. Lohia- Aspects of Socialist Policy, Scoailist Party, Bombay, 1952. 5. Lohia- The wheel of History, Hyderabad, 1974. 6. Lohia - Caste System. 7. Lohia- Foreign Policy. 8. Lohia- Fragments of a World Mind. 9. Lohia- India, China and Northern Frontiers. 10. Lohia -Indian Foreign Policy, All India Congress Committee, Allahabad, 1938. 11. Lohia - Letters to Socialists, Calcutta. 12. Lohia - Note and Comments. Rammanohar Lohia Samata Vidyalaya Nyas, 1972-1977, 2 Vol. 13. Lohia -Programme to end Poverty. 14. Lohia- samajvad Ki Rajneeti, Navahind Prakashan, 1968, (Hindi). 15. Lohia- Socialist Unity Samajvadi Prakashan, Hyderabad. Section D - Secondary Sources. 1. Appadorai, A -Indian Political Thinking in the Twentieth Century: An Introduc­ tory Survey II Edition, South Asian Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 1987. 264 2. Arora, V. K. - Rammanohar Lohia and Socialism in India, Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi, 1984. 3. Arumngam, M -Socialist Thought in India: The Contribution of Rammanohar Lohia, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 1978. 4. Bhambhri, C.P. -Politics in India 1947- 1987. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1988. 5. Bhambhri, C.P.- Political Process in India, 1947-1991. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 6. Bose, Subhas Chandra- The Indian Struggle 1920-42, Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 1964. 7. Bose, Subhas Chandra- Cross roads. 8. Choudhuri, Asim Kumar- socialist Movement in India, Progressive Publishers, Calcutta, 1980. 9. Chandhuri, Chitrita- Rammanohar Lohia and the ndian Socialist Thought. Minerva, Calcutta, 1993. 10. Chandra Bipan: Indian National Movement: The Long-term Dynamics, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1993. 11. Chandra Bipan- The Rise and Growth of Economic Nationalism in India, People's publishing House,· New Delhi, 1966. 12. Cowdhury, Satyabrata Rai- Leftist Movements in India, 1917-1947. South Asia Books, 1977. 13. Chand Attar- Nehru : Caste System, Minorities and social justice, lndepen­ . dent Publishing Company, Delhi. 14. Chatterjee Subhas- Subhas Chandra Bose : Man Mission and Means, MINERVA, India, 1989. 15. Das H.H.s Patra PSN- Indian Political Traditions, sterling Publishers Private Ltd., New Delhi, 1992. 16. Desai, A. R. - Social Background of Indian Nationalism, Popular Prakashan, Bombay. 17. Das, M. N. -The Political Pnilosophy of Jawaharlal NEhru, George Allen and Unwin, London, 1961. 18. Danlabate Madhu- Evolution of Socialist Policies and Perspectives, Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1986. 265 19. Dev, Acharya Narendra- Socialism and the National Revolution, ed. by Yusuf Meherally, Bombay, Padma Publisters, 1947. 20. Dev, Acharya Narendra- Towards Socialist Society, ed. by Brahmanand, New Delhi, Centre of Applied Politics, 1979. 21. Dutta, Amlan - A new Radicalism and other Essays, Minerva, 1989. 22. Dutta, R.C. -Socialism of Jawaharlal Nehru, Abhinav'Publications, 1981. 23. Dutta, R.P.- India Today, People's Publishing House, Bombay, 1947. 24. Ghose Suniti Kumar- India and the Raj 1919-1947, Prachi, Calcutta, 1989. 25. Ghosh, Sarkar- Political ideas and Movements in India, Allied Publishers, 1975. 26. Ghosh, Sarkar- Modern Indian Political Thought, Allied Publishers, Calcutta. 27. Gopal, Sarvepalli- Jawaharlal Nehru: A Biography. Oxford University Press, 1989. 28. Goyal, O.P.- Contemporary Indian Political Thought, Kitab Mahal Private Ltd. Allahabad, 1956. 29. Haithcox, John Patrick - Communism and Nationalism in India, Oxford University Press. 30. Jawaid, Sohail- Growth of Socialism India. Associated Publishing House, New Delhi, 1980. · 31. Lakhanpal, P.L.- History of the Congress Socialist Party. National Publishers ( and s·tationers, Lahjore, 1946. 32. Lahiry, Ashutosh- Gandhi in Indian Politics- A critical Review, Firme KLM Pvt. Ltd., Calcutta, 1976. 33. Limaya Madhu- Evolution of Socialist Party, Chetna Prakashan, Hyderabad, 1952. 34. Masani, M.R. -Bliss Was it in that Dawn, Arnold- Heinemann, New Delhi- 1977. 35. Masani, Minoa- Socialism Reconsidered, Padma Publications, Bombay, 1944. 36. Masani, Minoa- The Communist Party of India, London, 1954. 37. Mehta, V.R.- Foundations of Indian Political Thought, Manohar, 1992. 38. Moraes Frank- Jawaharlal Nehru, Millan, New York, 1956. 39. Mehrotra, N.C. - Lohia: A study, Atma Ram and Sons, New Delhi, 1978. 40. Morris- Jines, W.H.- The Government and Politics in India, B. I. Publications, 266 New Delhi, 1947. 41. Nanda, B.R. -Mahatma Gandhi, Oxford University Press, 1992. 43. Nanda, B. R. - Jawaharlal Nehru: Rebel And Statesman, oxford University Press, London, 1995. 44. Narayan, Jayaprakash -Towards Struggle, ed. by Yusuf Meherally, Padma Publications, Bombay, 1946. 45. Nambooridipad, E. M.S. -Nehru : Ideology and Practice, National Book Centre, 1988. 46. Overstreet and windmiller- Communism in India, The Perennial Press, 1960. 47. Pantham Thomas and Dentsch Kenneth - Political Thought in Modern India, Sage Publications, 1986. " 48. Palmer, N. b. -The Indian Political System, George Allen & Unwin, London, 1961. 49. Patil, V.T.- Nehru and the Freedom Movement, Sterli.ng Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 50. Ram. M. Chalapathi- Jawaharlal Nehru, PublicationsOivision, Govt. of India, New Delhi, 1990. 51. Roy, M.N.- Politics, Power and Parties. Calcutta Reniassance Publishers. 1960. 52. Roy, M.N.- Renaissance, Romanticism & Revolution. Calcutta Renaissance Publishers, 1952. 53. Roy Dipti Kumar- Leftist Politics in India, M.N. Roy & the Radical Democratic Party, Minerva Associates Publications Pvt. Ltd., Calcutta, 1989. · 54. Rai Akhilendra Prasad- Socialist Thought in Modern India, Meena Prakashan, Meerut. 55. Rose. Sanl- Socialism in Southern Asia Oxford University Press, London, 1959. 56. Sampurnanand- Memories and Reflections, Asia, Bombay, 1962. 57. Shankar, Girja- Socialist Trends in Indian National Movement (A study of the Congress Socialist Party), Twenty. First Century Publishers, Meerut, 1987. 58. Smith Donald- Nehru and Democracy, The Political :Thought of an Asian Democrat, Orient Longmans, Calcutta, 1958. 59. Shashi Wairathi- Communism and Nationalism in India. Anamika. Prakashen I 267 Delhi, 1987. 60. Shastri, C. Prakash- Socialist Though in India, Printwell Publishers, Jaipur, 1985. 61. Sahai Krishna- Socialist Movement in India. Classical Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1986. 62. Seth Sanjay- Marxist Theory and Nationalist Politics: The case of Colonial India, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1995. 63. VermaV.P.- Modern Indian Political Thought 3rd Edition, I ,axmi Narain, Agra, 1967. 64. Vishnoo Bhagwan - Indian Political Thinkers. Atma Ram & Sons. Delhi. 65. Wolpert Stanley- Nehru: A Tryst with Destiny Oxford University Press, 1996. 66. Zakaria Rafig ed. -A study of Nehru, A Times of Indian Publication. 1959. Section E - Journals and Periodicals & Newspapers. Congress Socialist Indian Annual Register, 1932. National Herald Times of India. The Bombay Chromicle, Tribune, Seminar. 268 .

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