July 31, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2147 In conclusion, the malady of Sudan since honor for me to rise today in recognition of Dr. with tremendous programs and facilities make independence is not only that it is a nation John Richard and Mrs. Mabel Warren on the the Council one of the premiere scouting orga- state because of a border imposed on its peo- occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary. nizations in the nation. ples and nations, but also because of an in- stalled government that doesn’t reflect its Dick and Mabel Warren first met in 1948 as Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues peoples’ diversity, represent their aspira- students at Stetson University in DeLand, Flor- join me today in congratulating the Chester tions, or serve their interests, nor did it ever ida. Dick Warren served his country faithfully County Council of Boy Scouts of America on attempt to do so. Alternatively, the state in World War II as an Army Signal Corpsman reaching a very special milestone and offering discriminated against its newly found citi- during the France and German invasions. best wishes for continued success in men- zens in policy and action and chose to sup- After returning home, he began his studies at toring generations of local youth and building press their valid claims to equity of political Stetson, where he was the founding President a stronger community and nation. and cultural representation, and socio-eco- of the school’s Lambda Chi Fraternity chapter. nomic development, by extreme force and f He graduated in 1949 with a bachelor of arts genocidal tactics and wars. Therefore, the HONORING THE LIVES OF SPEC. process of ‘making unity attractive’ is im- in French. Mabel first attended Mount Berry portant to the spirit of the right to Self-de- College in Georgia, and then moved to DANIEL P. DREVNICK, SPEC. termination reflected in the CPA, because Stetson after two years, where she met her fu- JAMES D. WERTISH, AND SPEC. only then will the people of Southern Sudan ture husband. She graduated from Stetson CARLOS E. WILCOX IV have two viable choices one of a united with a bachelor of arts in Elementary Edu- Sudan under new basis, and the other of a cation. separate nation-state. It is imperative that HON. BETTY McCOLLUM the unity that has not been made attractive Teaching has always been a part of the OF MINNESOTA in the last 4 years of the interim period of Warrens’ lives, and both Dick and Mabel went IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on to earn master’s degrees in the field of the CPA, be made attractive, otherwise, the Friday, July 31, 2009 people of Southern Sudan will have only one education. In 1973, Dr. and Mrs. Warren set- option, to opt for secession, choosing to tled in Niceville, Florida where they have re- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, I rise to build a new state that would fulfill their mained ever since. Dr. Warren became part of remember three servicemen from the Min- quest for a transformed governance system; the faculty of Okaloosa Walton Community nesota National Guard’s 34th Red Bull Infantry equity of citizenship, political representa- College, now known as Northwest Florida Division and to pay tribute to their lives. The tion, and socio-economic development; and deaths of Spec. Daniel P. Drevnick of respect for their basic human rights. State College, where he retired as Dean of It is imperative that while a serious at- Humanities in 1997. Mrs. Warren taught ele- Woodbury, Spec. James D. Wertish of Olivia, tempt to ‘make unity attractive’ is under- mentary education for 34 years and spent the and Spec. Carlos E. Wilcox IV of Cottage taken, the parties to the CPA and the inter- last 21 years of her teaching career at Grove are a tragedy for our entire country. national community led by the United Longwood Elementary School in Shalimar, They lost their lives in a missile attack near States, IGAD and the Trokia commit them- Florida. Both Dick and Mabel continue to be Basra, Iraq on July 16, 2009. selves the timely conduct of the referendum an active part of the Northwest Florida com- Specialists Drevnick, Wertish, and Wilcox and to respecting its outcome, whatever it served this nation with honor and courage. is. It is also important that the parties and munity, giving their time and service to others. the international community envisage the Madam Speaker, on behalf of the United They departed from Minnesota in February post-referendum challenges and opportuni- States Congress, I am proud to recognize Mr. with more than 1,000 Minnesota National ties—especially across the oil and security and Mrs. Warren on their 60th wedding anni- Guard soldiers. In Iraq, their duties included sectors; political issues like border access versary. My wife Vicki and I would like to wish providing logistics and communications for right for nomads and seasonal migrants; eco- all the best to Dick and Mabel, as well as their more than 16,000 U.S. and multi-national coa- nomic issues like national assets and debts; children, Barbara, Richard, and Mary Jane, lition forces. and international issues like treaties around and their nine grandchildren. They are truly an Daniel, James, and Carlos are Minnesotan the Nile water—and begin to set plans to ad- and American heroes. We will be forever dress them. outstanding family from the First District of Sudan is at cross-roads; one road would Florida. grateful for their military service. They made lead to either a united New Sudan on a new f the ultimate sacrifice for our nation and a basis, or two democratic nation-states, and more peaceful world. another would lead to war and devastation HONORING THE CHESTER COUNTY Madam Speaker, please join me in paying with major regional and international impli- COUNCIL OF BOY SCOUTS OF the highest respect to Spec. Daniel P. cations. It is up to the two parties and the AMERICA ON THEIR 90TH ANNI- Drevnick, Spec. James D. Wertish, and Spec. Sudanese people to decide what is to become VERSARY Carlos E. Wilcox IV. Their families, friends, of Sudan and the help and engagement of the international community is crucial during and comrades in Iraq have my deepest sym- the next few months to come. HON. JIM GERLACH pathies for their profound loss. f OF PENNSYLVANIA f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PERSONAL EXPLANATION HONORING THE LIFE OF SALLY Friday, July 31, 2009 CROWE HON. ADAM SMITH Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise OF WASHINGTON today to honor the Chester County Council of HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Boy Scouts of America, which is celebrating OF VIRGINIA Friday, July 31, 2009 its 90th Anniversary. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Founded in 1919, the Chester County Coun- Mr. SMITH of Washington. Madam Speaker, cil began with 15 Troops and approximately Friday, July 31, 2009 on Thursday, July 30, 2009, I recorded an in- 300 scouts. During the last 90 years, the Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speak- correct vote on the Tierney amendment to the Council has helped enrich the lives of boys er, I rise today to honor the life of Sally FY 2010 Department of Defense Appropria- and young men through activities geared to- Crowe, the longtime House of Representatives tions Bill. I intended to vote ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall ward building character, developing leadership Members Dining Room hostess. Sally passed vote No. 663. skills and instilling a commitment to serving away this July 12th at the age of 92. She f others. began working as a cashier in the Longworth RECOGNIZING THE 60TH WEDDING The Council has a stellar history with long- cafeteria in 1951, moving to the Members’ ANNIVERSARY OF JOHN RICH- standing traditions, including camping at the Dining Room in the 1960s, where she re- ARD AND MABEL WARREN Horseshoe Scout Reservation and the Sunday mained ever since. In 2003, Sally received the chapel service ‘‘overlooking the valley of the John W. McCormack Annual Award of Excel- Octoraro.’’ lence in recognition of her outstanding service HON. JEFF MILLER The Council has thrived for nine decades to the House. OF FLORIDA due to dedicated volunteers, leaders and Sally was extraordinarily devoted to her job IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES alumni who graciously commit countless hours and to the institution of the House of Rep- Friday, July 31, 2009 mentoring and leading the youth of Chester resentatives. I first met Sally thirty years ago. Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, on County. And the exceptional support from She was a warm, engaging individual who in- behalf of the United States Congress, it is an community and business leaders combined fused this House with Irish wit and wisdom. VerDate Nov 24 2008 06:28 Aug 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.034 E31JYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E2148 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 31, 2009 She was a wonderful example of the talented, Volunteers’ Day. In the American tradition of system which has proven itself as a resource professional and dedicated federal employees ‘‘lending a hand,’’ I am delighted to recognize in the war on terror and a homeland defense who serve their country with distinction and this community’s activist history and continued asset. The Eagle Vision III system has sup- honor. commitment to altruism. ported missions with AFNORTH, Madam Speaker, I would like to offer my Although people began settling in its moun- NORTHCOM, the Federal Emergency Man- sincerest condolences to the family and tainous land long before the American Revolu- agement Agency (FEMA) and the U.S.
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