1502 Aug. 25 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 the next 4 years as a high school education have opportunity for all, responsibility from is today, with a tax credit for those 2 years all, and a sense of community. and a tax deduction for all college tuition up We are all in this fight for the future to- to $10,000 a year. gether. I don't want to be told, ``You're on And we ought to have the right kind of your own.'' I don't want to look at people tax cut. The right kind of tax cut is one that's and say, ``You're on your own.'' I believe targeted to people who need it, focused on we're stronger when we join hands and building strong families and educating peo- march into that future together on the right ple so that they'll be more productive, they'll track, the right track. Will you help us? Will grow the economy, they'll be stronger, and you stay with us? Will you fight for victory? is paid for in a balanced budget. That's what Will we win? I know we will. our tax cut does. Give people tax breaks to Thank you, and God bless you all. Thank go to college. Give people tax reductions if you. they have young children. Give people an ex- panded IRA that they can withdraw from for NOTE: The President spoke at 1:40 p.m. at the a first time or health care or education needs. old C&O train station prior to departure on the But don't give people a big tax cut that costs 21st Century Express. In his remarks, he referred over $500 billion that will blow a big hole to Gov. Gaston Caperton of West Virginia; Char- lotte Pritt, Democratic candidate for Governor of in the deficit, raise interest rates, raise your West Virginia; Marilyn Milne, president, Boomer- mortgage rates, your credit card payments, ang Medical Transcription, Inc.; Sharon Rocke- your car payments, and require even worse feller, wife of Senator Jay Rockefeller; Mayor Jean cuts than the ones we vetoed last year. That's Dean of Huntington, WV; Chuck Chambers, co- the wrong way. No U-turn. Stay on the right chair, West Virginia State Democratic Party Exec- track. Go forward into the future. That's the utive Committee; former Gov. Hulett C. Smith right way. of West Virginia; and Cecil Roberts, president, I have said a thousand times, but I'll say United Mine Workers of America. A tape was not available for verification of the content of these one more time, I know we still have prob- remarks. lems. There are still too many people who want work who don't have it. We've got to give all those people that we're sayingÐon Remarks in Ashland, Kentucky welfareÐthere's no more guaranteed check anymore. We've got to make a lot more August 25, 1996 Marilyn Milnes because they're entitled to The President. Thank you, thank you, work if we're going to cut them off a check thank you very much. for their kids. We've got to give them the Audience members. Four more years! jobs. We've got to create the jobs. Four more years! Four more years! I know there are still people who have The President. Thank you, thank you very worked hard and don't have a pay raise. And much. Thank you very much. You have made we've got to give those folks the education me very happy today. My daughter, Chelsea, they need and challenge their employers to and I are delighted to be here. Hillary had be responsible when they make a profit to to leave us in West Virginia to go on to her share their income with their employees so hometown of Chicago to make sure every- we can go forward and grow together. I know thing was all warmed up for us. We're on that. the right track to Chicago, and we're on the But I will say again, as I have said over right track to the 21st century. and over and over again since 1991: If we I thank Governor Patton for being here. want a country where the American dream I always enjoy seeing the Governor and Mrs. is alive for everybody who will work for it, Patton, and I'm glad your mother is here if we want a country where people are com- today because I want her to hear the Presi- ing together, not being divided, if we want dent say that if every Governor in America a country that is leading the world for peace had as much energy and drive and deter- and freedom and prosperity, we've got to mination as Paul Patton we wouldn't have VerDate 28-OCT-97 13:59 Nov 19, 1997 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P35AU4.027 p35au4 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 / Aug. 25 1503 the problems we have today. He has really birthday. I was 35 once. [Laughter] Enjoy got it. it while it lasts. We congratulate you on your I thank Senator Wendell Ford for his hard-won success, and we're very proud of words and for being here. I also thank the you. And I know your father, State Senator distinguished Congressman from Louisville, Ron Cyrus, is here. We know he is proud Mike Ward, for being here. We also haveÐ of you, too. Thank you very much for coming I know Steve Beshear, the United States Sen- to be with us. ate candidate, and Denny Bowman, a con- I want to thank two of my former col- gressional candidate. And I want you to send leagues for being here, your former Gov- them up there; we need some help. We need ernor, Martha Layne Collins; former Gov- some help. ernor John Y. Brown. Phyllis George Brown, Wendell Ford was very kind in what he thank you for being here. I thank the chair said about me, but let me tell you, if it hadn't of the Kentucky Democratic Party, Bob been for Wendell Ford, if he had gone the Babbage, and all the other Democrats who other way, we would not have voted in 1993 are here. I thank the bands that played, Un- to reduce the deficit, get the interest rates limited Tradition and the Mountain Opry. I down and get the economy going again. The wish I had been here. All the band members deficit is 60 percent lower than it was when and the cheerleaders from Boyd, Greenup, I took office; it's gone down 4 years in a and Pike Counties, thank you all for being rowÐ4 years in a rowÐfor the first timeÐ here. listen to thisÐthe deficit has gone down 4 I thank the folks in West Virginia who years in a row for the first time since before came with me and the folks from Ohio, in- the Civil War, in the 1840's. A President has cluding former Congressman and Congress- done that, thanks to Wendell Ford and man-to-be, Ted Strickland. I'm glad he is thanks to Mike Ward. And we did it while here today. continuing to invest in education, in environ- Folks, most of all, I want to thank Kevin mental protection, and protecting Medicare Gunderson. I want to thank Kevin Gunder- and Medicaid. son not only for what he said but most impor- And then, when our friends in the opposi- tant, for who he is, for not giving up when tion won the Congress, and they wanted to he was down and out, for refusing to give remove the guarantee of Medicaid that helps up on a productive life, for being determined middle class people with families in nursing to stick up for what is good and worthy in homes, that helps middle class families with all people and to make the most of the abili- people with disabilities in them, that helps ties God has left him, which as you can see poor children and pregnant women, when here were many, indeed. We thank you, sir, they wanted to cut back on education when and God bless you. we should be investing more, when they You know, I was up the road in Hunting- wanted to cut back drastically on our ability ton, West Virginia just a minute ago, and I to protect the environment, when they want- was shaking hands with the crowd. And this ed to give corporations permission to take little girl came up to me and she said, ``Did $15 billion out of their workers' pension you really call Kerri Strug at the Olympics?'' funds, when they wanted to raise taxes on I said, ``I sure did.'' She said, ``Did she really millions of the lowest income working people come to the White House?'' I said, ``She sure in this country, Wendell Ford and Mike did.'' I said, ``Not only that, she and her fam- Ward said, no, and made my veto stand up. ily came to New York to my birthday party.'' We said, no, and I thank them for it. She said, ``Really?'' I said, ``You like her, Thank you, Billy Ray Cyrus, for coming. don't you?'' And do you know what she said? My daughter is glad she made the trip now. She said, ``I got it on tape.'' [Laughter] [Laughter] And so are all the rest of you.
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