![16, 1970 2« Pages—10 Cents EIGHTIETH YEAR—No](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
*DV, VIM Primary Election Voter Registration Demll'me Apr. 23 «Wi THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY 1'uOUsHml WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1970 2« Pages—10 Cents EIGHTIETH YEAR—No. 36 _very Thursday in Rid BoroIncumbents Berenson to Top Mayor Views 111 JJ1U Seek New Terms; ^ May 12 School Palmer Candidate DemOCratS Slci te Vote "Disturbing" Mouotainsiilc — Louis N. Parent Westfield attorney Robert B. Beo- Mountainside — Mayor Thomas X At Impasse For Congress and William 0. Van Bbrcom.'Kc- enson has -been selected as the llicciardi, according to many resi- puKioan incumbents, announced this yycilfj(,]<i Democratic Cc-irnmittie s dents, is winning p!audits for the re- Tlio problem of grass disposal in tli,> cmumm'!y remains at an im- week they will seek a return to for mayor. ported outspoken stand he took re- Democratic Congressional candi- - "^ their seats on the borough council garding the May 12 referendum of passe. ScaiUTiigt'i's. according Io Cuiincj!nr.i:i U<.i;(>rl Ferguson, arc date Daniel F. Lundy of Westfield Municipal eteirman. Richai'd M the Union County Regional Board at adamant on llreir new r_h' polity of a prc|«i.'l S30 ratu far seasonal col- said today thjal a primary national in lhe Nov. 3 elections. I Mr. Parent is finishing liis first Dravis announced today tail Bei- a closed meeting which was held lection cf .V'H-: _cn diNiri.s fro-m (lie normal rc'ar yiird locutions. An alter- need is a "total commitment to, re- * last week at Jonathan Dayton High nate propo jj I'•:.!. \w;ii!d p.rcv^de a Viii ianle rtt'.e C'.'.'.linfJ in al hvast half' place apathy" in order to meet the i three-year term of office and Mr. enson will hctad Uie 1970 Demociat School. II,., ,,, f,,. but 'which would re- challenge of today's world. < Van Blarcom was appointed in Jan- ic ticket of five candi_ates in tlhe n w t 1 uary to fill out the term of Donald campaign for mayor and four council The meeting was set up ljy the quire grci-n n!;ii'.ic bagging of the •Lundy was named by the Union r i M. Robertson, who retired. seats in the town lihis Nbvembea board for the purposes of discussing Pray for Astronauts refuse for uirLsidc pickup, violates County Democratic Organization's Mr. Parent told the Leader, "I "We are delighted tlhat Mr. Ber the referendum between members, town slatutus. screening committee to run for Con- Mayor James C. -Moran, mem- f feel the last three years have been | agreed | ticket municipal officials and local con- Mr. Ft':.Alison is chairman of a gress from the 12th Congressional s ' cnsM ras t0 nea( tne bers of (he Town Council and interesting and' challenging and a ^],] y j |.; ,yih ^ea stituent boards of education from .study conimil'.CH' which lms met District which includes Westfield s ear n a mc on a nu)m (he almost 150 attending Tues- the six communities involved. •with the refuse collectors several and 28 other communities in Union major part of them were (spent in of major prol)ien1s facc our town," day nigliCs session in (lie arid Essex Counties. The seat is now my being educated in the affairs of Dravis said. "We Have seen some In a statement to me leader, council clumbers paused brief- limes .since rosidjrfu' complaints on occupied by Rep. Florence P. Dwy- municipal government. Therefore, i irnpDpt,a,n.£ strides since last ye^rs Mayor Kicciurdi said his feelings ly al 9 p.m. during the almost the issue were fii.:t voiced two weeks er, HepuWican who is seeking re- feel the next three years will offer elN,lian of Cotlnci].man Patrick Min- Which he expressed in essense at ihrcc-liour session (o offtr a ago. election. me an opportunity to be of full s«r- ogue t(1 ,.,„> ¥mtih Ward _ we j,n. the meeting were: "As the Msiyor silent prayer for tlie safe ro- Belli Councilman Ferguson and vice U> the community and its cili- tend to COTtinue 0UT work tor ^ of Mountainside, I am naturally con- (um of America's three imper- Miiyor James C. Moran promise- Tlie Democratic candidate, who is zens." improvement of Westfield and the cerned tbat if we do nol do the right iled aslronauls aboard the tri|>- (hat the town will devise a "work- assistant treasurer of Merclk & Co., thing now. then Uie penalty must be Mr. Van Blarcom, who aiso serves solution of these problems with the plcil Apollo 13 spaceship. able" o-nliiKiiH'e esi.a'bl':*vhing fees tac. in HaJuway, dafd in his opening as chairman of the local KupubJic-n election of candidales of the high paid for in the years ahead. and services, irJthough the council- campaign statement that because party, said his running for office jiber of Robert Berenson." man concedes that his committee's our world is changing, new way- ca "Good education is available in was "Tlie opportunity to join with KOBERT B. BERENSON majority rcco<minend_l.ion of bag- arc needed to make government (Continued on page 41 any of the four schools. However, Hculth Bd. Offers Councilman Parent as his running ging garden debris does not meet more responsible to the needs of the mindful of the fact our children have with unanimous supirort of the-coun- people. mate in his bid for reelection Iras been moved from one school Io an- Free Rabies Shols prompted me to seek a full three- cil. DANIEL F. LUNDY (Continued on page 4) The annual rabies vaccination pro- "Flaith and hope must replace the year term. I have always been in- grom sponsored by the Wesliield One of these dissenters is Coun- cynicism and despair that have been terested in government on all levels Kamler Declines cilman Polriek Minoguo, lone Dem- poisoning our national spirit. Above Board of Health will begin next and lhe needs of the people hold a week al the firehouse on North Avo. ocrat on Mie council, who asks that aW, we need a commitment in pltice special interest for me." No Language the council formufale an ordinance of apathy," Laindy said. "My expe- Hotline to Help Two-hour .sessions will Im held Apr. In the absence of H. Russell Car- which would establish foes at the rience is that people will wank to- 22, 24, 23 and 30 from 2 to 4 p.m. doni, chairman of the local Indepen- previous $4 a month for pickup of gether to solve community prob- 3rd Council Term Program in Boro This is a free service with funds Troubled Youth dent Democratic party, Joseph Me- lems. I hope to project this experi- coining Ircm dog license fees. Vtic- 4hiX"(! rails twice a week. This serv- Mahon, newly elected president of Morris Kamler, Republican Town ence into our government's approach cino is supplied by the State Depart- ice included one free can of garden The Mayor's Advisory Comnmiee the Independent Democratic Club Councilman from Hie fourth \vard, to tlie issues we face today." Schools in 70-71 ment of Health. refuse the second dny of collection. on Drug Abuse has plans to initiate announced that John H. Palmer Jr. today announced that he will not seek reelection to a third term. Registered dog owners are being "The council is completely upset The Merck _ Co. executive is a immddtertoly a "Hoitline". telephone w0lrfd fj]e to run again this year, Mountainside — The question of over tlie silualion," Miayor Moran Mr. Kamler is the third G.O.P. notified by post card when to ap- lawyer and a certified public ac- Smm<x m WeslHFJeld. Ttiere has been but that no running male for Mr. whether foreign language courses said. "Our most essential service H cauntanl. councilman leaving office at the end pear. The board requests that do; an increasing feeling and concern should be introduced into the cur- be brought by an adult or by a child Setting rid of garbage and' , . •Lundy is active In local commun- on the part ot tlhe comm&ttee that (Ooritiinued on page 4) of (his year. Walter G. Perry (R- riculum for seventh and eighth Ward 2) and Robert G. Ferguson who is able to control his dog. -w°;ro fi°ing '<> do something about Ity affairs and currently serves as tliore is a definite need for this serv- grade students was the m'ain topic Since the vaccine used at the pub- ''•" president of the Community Devel- ico in the dommunity. The esftabEsh- (R-Ward 3) announced last week at a meeting of the Board of Edu- that they would not seek relection. lie clinic protects for one year only, The eouncilmen are not lhe only opment Corporation of Westfield. nont of the content and sKr~3t_re cation Tuesday night at the Deer- Premature "Chanty" Councilman Alexander Williams <;R- all dog owners have been urged by ones upset over the current situation, In addition, Lundy has served as are presently being discussed by a field School. Ward 1), who is completing his first the board to take advantage of the The inceUng room overflowed Tucs- trustee Of the Union County Anti- special J_*!ine' committee t#_feo_ Causes Thrift Siiop term in office, lias revealed Uiat he Parents complained that thoir chil- program again tthis year. This is <Iay niglit with up to 150 citizens poverty Council, vice president of by Mitton; BfeliHh', a member of Hhe dren were not receiving instruction Donation Box Change will be a candidate for liis party's the 23rd year tlvat the service has standing along walls and in the cor- the Christian Fiamily Movement of drug abuse; aomniittee and exectt- in the local schools and Uiat by the nomination in the June 2 Primary been offered in Westfield.
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