
., .. U.S. S. j,'1'l'!ET.. "J1 ( CV-36) c/o Fleet Post Office San Francisco, California CV36;iQ Al6-13 Ser: ~:6~\ 17 November 1951 CC>r:1FIDEFTIA1}' · SECURITY ll~FOPJiATION From: Cor.mJa.nding Officer, U.S.S. ANTIETAlf (CV-36) To: Chief of Naval Operations Via: (1) Cor.ll-na.nder Carrier Division ONE (2) Co!Th-nan ~er Task Force SEVEHTY SEVE:T (3) Conunander s~·TF Fleet (4) Commander :laval Forces, FAR :s;;.ST (5) Co~~nder-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet Subj: Action Report for the period 15 October tbrou:;h 16 November 1951 Hef: (a) OpUav Instruction 3480.4 dtd 1 July 1951 Encl: (1) Conunarder Carrj er l\ir Group FITI.'EE.:~ 1 tr of 17 November 1951 f (~~ ' 1. The Action Report for tre period 15 October 1951 throttgh 16 November 1951 is hereby submitted in accordance ,,nth re:'erence (a). The U. ~. S. "l.?TIET"'J'T arrived at Yokosuka, Japan at 1400! on 4 October 1951. The period 4 - 11 October was spent at anchor in Yoko­ suka F.arbor and was devoted to voyage reoairs, restricte~. availabj.1ity, and conferences with personnel fro!'l the U.S.S. BOXER (CV-21). ·•t 10001 on 11 October 1951 the u.. s.s. A!~'lTST"\11 cot underway for tbe operating area to join Task Force S:SV:.:'TY SEVEN. in accordance with C'lF-77 Confidentio.l c'ispatch 082216Z. The U.E'>.S. SFELTOH (!}D-790) nccompe.nied the ship in order that refresher air operations could be conducted enroute. 'lbe ship joined the Tc.sk Force .~.t 0600! on 15 October in the Operr.ting .1~re,.,_ nortr the 38th P'='rn.llel no!."..r tbe east co2.st of Korcr:t. Tbe Task Force we.s coTJ'I.nanded by n.1m~ J.J. CL.\RK in the u.s.s. ·BOP FOI'1-'E 11.ICV..1RD (CV-31), and opernted under To.sk Force 77 Operation Order 22-51 (Revised) dc.ted 7 October 1951. It wn.s cor•lposod of the U.S.S. :30!1 FOifiE !liCr-~tt.D (CV-il), U.S.S. ':i'.SSH:X (CV-9), 'S.S.S. /EvJ F:tS?Y (BB-62), U. S.S. FELP.Ll, (CA-75), :::.na otl->er scrcenine t,ni ts. .'dr Group FI.~"~:rc' wc.s emb<-.rkod in .the U.S.S. ~.~~TIV:'j\\11. .:.. ftor 31 dnys 0f opcro.tions, the srip de::;arted F'or Yokosuk::: for a p::::ri'Jd of mo.intenrtnce ind upkoep, leavin2· the :1ction nre:.t on 14 Nove::1ber 1951. r DECLASSlFl ED The l-1i.ssion of Task Force 77 was as follows : (1) Conduct air op8rations from an operating are~ off the coast of Korea. to provide close air support of friendly tre.op oper~tions, interdiction of enemy routes of movement ~nd supply, and ':!.rmed reconnaisstmce of enemy inst.:~.11c.tions :"!.nd lines of corm.nunications. (2) Provide '1ir cover for replenishment ships .l.nd 0ther friendly n2,v.::1.l surf'"'.ce forces when nocess:.ry. (3) Protect the force 1-r:;ainst :21.ir, surface, cmd subs1.1rf·:!CO '1 ttacks. (4) Provide air spot to bomb':'..rdm.ant :':''1rccs Hhen directed. (5) Conduct photo and visu1.1 reconn:dss::>.nco 1.s required. (6) Coordin.1.te -='.ir opor:1tbns ui t:b the 5th Air Force throur;:h JOC, Koren. (7) Exch::..neo intel1i?:ence informe.tion with friendly nC'.v:'J. forces ::mg':!.ged in surf::.ce interdiction opor?.ti)ns on tho er:st coMt of Kore'l. The Collllnc'l.ndin~; O.. ficor of Cc..rri.:;r .~ir Group 15 is CDR R. B. F.~P..H.TI'G­ TOH, USH with the fo11 ,,,rinc; com"'lemont of pilots :'..nd number l")f D.ircr1.ft at the beginnin€ of flight ope:r-;_tj.0ns on 11 Oct·:)ber 1951. SQu,·~DRON ~,TQ. OF PILOTS }TO. & TYPE OF ~"...RCR..i.FT VF-713 26 17 F4U-4 VF-831 22 16 F9F-2B VF-837 23 16 F9F-2B v.~-728 27 7 _\.D-4, 9 .;D-4L 2 ."ill-4Q. VC-3 6 4 F4U-5!JL VC-11 5 3 ~ill4W VC-35 6 4 .ill-4NL VC-61 4 3 F9F-2P C1G-15 8 -- --- EU-1 2 1 HOJS P-;_rticul:'l.rs cr:mccrninc loss of ~iiprl.ft ttro given in cnclost1ro (1). PART II CFDONOLQ~!C~~ 11IW~R 0{ EVf:TTS 10/11/51 - Tho U.S.S • ..'.l'TIPT"Ui (CV-36) in company with the u.s.s. S:'ELTON (DD-790) sorti'Jd from Yokosuka --.t lOOOI nfter mving been de- 1nyed four hours bjr dense f'":!;;. Refresher c.ir opor?.tirms '"ere begun nt 1530! and secured at 1730!. 27 Sorties were flown of which 7 were jet cmd 20 prop. At 17.301 the ship began to secure to typh0on RUTH ,~nd he.J.ded for the Ser>. of Japan. -2- • .,a 16/1'-13 DECLASSlFlED 10/12/51 - St~aming in comp1.ny with U.S.S. Srt:L'J'()lT (DD-790) hcn.ding for Sea of Jrqxm to nvoid typbcnn RFTF. ?·10 --.ir npcr'l.ti::ms. Inclement ... m-:.ther. 10/13/51 - Refresh..;r <tir o:rcro.ti 'JUS in Tsushim'l. Str'l.i ts ·•rer.. bcg"..;-l 'l.t 0800! :-.nd secured n.t 1400! dl.!e to inclement we!'.thor. 56 s0rtios wore flown 'Jf Hhich 18 \roro jet c.nd 38 prop. U.S.S. EVFRSnL..-:: (J:9 789) j!inod ·'l.t 18451. 10/14/51 - Sto.'1ming in comp·my \-Ii th EVF.RSOLZ ~nd SFELTOU on c0ursc:s to c.void typhoon RUTF. Inclement wc·1.thcr J.ll d:'ly. Ho nir opJr".ti0ns. •.. ~ firinc~ scheduled w::.s c'l.ncclled. 10/15/51 - Rcndozvuusec1 wj.th TF-77 n.t 0600!. Bog·:m '1ir opor::.tions 'lt 1215!. Flow 14 jots :md 21 prop s0rtios on C~l.P, -:.rmod rcccn, .·.nd rail­ road interdiction strikes. 10/16/51 - Bcf':.an Air 0pcr".tions c.t 04301 c:cnd C•)ntinucd until 1645!. 74 sorties were n-,,.m of which 24 vJoro jets ~.nd 5.0 were props. Cl\.P .:l.SP, nrmod rocc,, pr·0tn rocco, 1\nd r:::dlr...,:-.1 intordicti:)n strikes troro flown. 10/17/51 - Rop1cnisbm<:mt chy. -L~ firing in o.fternoon. The lT. S. S. BOl; PO:::~:E r:.ICF. .":.RD (CV-31) dopr..rtod during t.bo night. P10l.r .:i.dmir:-.cl J')}~J PFRH.Y, Com.C.l.rDiv 0~1E, relieved Ror.r L.dJnirl.l J.J. CL.·~n:~ ns CTF-77. 10/18/51 - M:1rnint; flig;l:t oper1.ti"'ns wor..:: dol-:tyod until 10301 bcc~.uso of f~g :::tnd ."l.ftcrn::-~)n ope:r'"ltil'"'l:s were secured 'lt 15151 duo t? ponr ,_,m~.tb.or OVGr t,l.rgot ·;troc:t. 16 jet s"'rtLs "l.nd 27 pr~p sorties Hero fls'm ·)n CAF, .. ~sP, r:rnod rocco, l'k:ViJ.l Gunfire spJt, r'.nr'l. r1.ilr )::',d strilws. 10/19/51 - 18-unched 10 jot :--.11d 14 pr0p s-::rtios. Hoccthor "vor K"'rcn p...,or r1.nd n.ir ()por.'l.ti")DS were secured n.t 1115!. Rondozv-,use(l, with replonisbmont gr')up -l.t 14001 nnd spent. rcr.nindor ·"'!f d::-.Y r.:ml..:;nishing. 10/20/51 - B:\d wc.r:.tbor ""lvcr f•rco .::r:d tr!.!'r;ot are':'. r<:Jstrictcd flight oper".tions t() 7 jet n.nd 26 Pr"P S0rt.ios. Flo"; c:~p~ -~SF, ·".n(~. strikes. 10/21/51 - Flow 31 jot ".nd 47 prop S')rties on c.~?, ..'-SP, ,'J.rT•10d ::-.nd plnto rucc:), ~';GF, .':'..nd r":..ilr>;,d strikes. LT ..... s. IC~L:... s, VC-61 Ph")to pil ,t, ~·t:<.s hit by ·'-"• during n ph0t0 run. P:l:mo w-:ts b"cdl~r shJt up but :::d.l)t m::.de n snccossf'ul l:mC:.inc ~t K-18. LT IC~L ~S ur.s ,,. ..,undr.:d in lo!t thirh. lhde 19,000th ln.nding. 10/22/51 - Flolt 33 jot r·.nd 45 pr'JP sorties. 2 F9F' s landed nt K-14, 1·:--w on fuel. 1 ~ill-4~1 mn.do c. lr:J.tcr l,·mding n.t 2030I nh0r1.d 0f ship duo to 0<1(dne failure c.fter t:;.king '1UE: '1-TnVc 0ff. •i1l three occup-".nt.s rescued by plnnc 7,u:-.rd d.:3str':ly3r. -3- 10/23/51 - Replenisl'l.mcnt dny. P0"r wo:.thcr f0rcod ctlnccll:-.ti-,n ..,f scheduled J.Li.l. pr--.ctice. 10/24/51 - Flow 75 sorties 0f ,t~hich 34 wore jots :-.nd .4~ were pr·ops. In ~dd:i.ti •n, reccwcred 2 F9F' s :'.nd 2 "J)' s fr..,m K-3 which h'ld been thoro for h,.,ok tr..,u1)le, ?;.nd 2 F9F' s fr-,I!l K-14 t.rhich bnd lc.ndcd thoro short nf fuel. 10/25/51 - Flew 73 SCJrtios of '1-ihich 34 wore jots 2-nd 39 Here props. LTJG L. vl. DOP.S::Y, USlrn, di tchod his F4U in vhns::>.n R.'lrb..,r due t0 cngin9 ml­ 1 functi·:ming c::used by enemy sm1.ll :crms fire, ·:mel W:'.s rcscuec. by the heli­ copter fr)I'l the tr.s.s.
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