DIRECTORY.] GLOUCESTERSHIRE. PRIVA.TE RESlDENTIJ, Brain Jamoo, beer retailer, Hawsley Littll'. Herbe"Ft, earriage painter .A.pplegate Geo. Stanley, Lydbrook ho British Red Ash Collieriea Limited Lusty Giles, grocer, Up. Lydbrook Bennett Edward, Hill side (Graham, Roberts & Co. sole agts) Lydbrook Chemical Co.(Thomas ]i"ew- Bennett William .A.lbert J.P. Joys Grn Burgum Mary Ann (Miss), grocer comeu, proprietor) Brake Rev. George R. (Primitive Carpenter Oliver, beer retailer Lydbrook & Crnmp Meadow Colheries Methodist), The Poplars Damsell Brothers, grocers Co. Ltd. ; head office, Cinderford Chell Misses Davies Wallaee, butcher,Up.Lydbrook Meredith Samuel, beer reta1ler, Creed Robert John, The Glen, Lower Davies William Llewellyn, butcher Upper Lydbrook Lydbrook 1 England John, Bell inn Meredith William J, shopkeeper Damsel! Frederic J.P. The Mount Fear Francis J obn (Mrs.), baker Parsons Phenius, boot maker Damsell Geo. Spearing, Low.Lydbrook Fletcher Jane (Mrs.), boot & shoe dlr Phelps Oliver, grocer & draper, Uppex Evans Phillip, Church view Flewelling Edmund John, builder, Lydbrook Hopkins Rev. Geoffrey .A.rthur M.A. contractor, undertaker, carpenter & Ravenhall Thos. shopkpr.Up.Lydbrook (vicar), Vicarage joiner; materials supplied, & esti­ Ryder Frederick, beer retailer Jones Rev. H. Mostyn ("Baptist) mates given for all kinds of Smart Thomas Leonard, beer retailer, :Morgan .A.rchibald, Church view building & repairs free of charge. Upper Lydbrook Phelps Sydney, Worrall hill Tel. No. 3 Lydbrook Smith H. W. & Co. electric wire & Russell Alfred James i Gibbs An drew, cycle agent cable manufacturers Smith Harold William, The Beeches Haddock Lil!y (Miss), dress maker Thomas Rd. & Co. Ltd. tinplate mfrs Hall .A.rthur, shopkeeper Thorpe William, solicitor; attends COMMERCIAL. Hat ton Cornelius, farmer, Joys green from Ross, tues. 3.30 to 6.30 p m Early closing day, Thursday I p.m. I Jones Alfd. Jas. beer ret.Up.Lydbrook Toombs Charles, shopkeeper Applegate George Stanley M.R.C.S. I Jones Frederick, Anchor inn Townsend Thos. Wm. s!atnr. Pbst off Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, & Jones Leonard H. joiner Upper Lydbrook Co-operative Society medical officer & public vaccinator Jones William S. beer retailer Limited (Lewis D. Organ, man­ No. 5 district, lVestbury-on-Severn Joynes John James, n1ining engineer, ager), Upper Lrdbrook union, Lydbrook house Ferndale Ward Hannah (Mrs.), ladies' out­ Bennett Edward L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S. Kear Tom, Sawyers' Arms P.H. fitter, Upper Lydbrook Edin. surgeon, Hill side Lower Lydbrook Watkins Albert E. shopkeeper, Lower Bennett William .Albert, drug stores,: Knight Chas. E. Courtfield .A.rmsP.H Lydbrook grocer, & post office, Joy;; Green 'Lewis Henry, baker Wheatstone Sarah Hannah (Mrs.), beer Bevan George, coal dealer Lewis Humphrey, boot maker retailer, Vention lane Bevan Thoma;s, shpkpr. Up. Lydbrook Little Edwin & Son, millers (steam & White Charles F. baker Brain .A.rthnr T. butcher water) LYDNEY, with the Tithing of Aylburton. LYD.!'i"EY is a parish and town, on the high road from dressing rooms, cloak rooms &c. The Lydney Inst1tute Gloucester to Chepstow and Swansea, 9 miles north-east I has lending and reference libraries, containing over 6,ooo from ChepsLow, 123 from London by road and 134 by volumes, and reading, billiard and games rooms. The rail, and 20 south-west from Gloucester, in the F01·est of School of Science and Art, and the Secondary School Dean division of the county, head of a petty sessional ; for girls and boys are located in a portion of the division, in Ble:iisloe hundred, Chepstow union and I in,titute buildings. Both are controlled by a Board county court district, rural deanery of South Forest, of Governors elected by the County Council and local and archdeaconry and diocese of Gloucester. There is a authorities and are carried on under a scheme approved station here on the Great Western uilway, and two by the Board of Education. The vicinity of Lydney is stations on the Severn and Wye railway which belong i rich in mineral produce, more especially iu coal and to the Great Western and Midland Railway Co.'s. Lyd- 1 il•on ore. Richard Thomas and Co. Limited, have ney Dock, about a mile distant, is ths principal shipping large tinplate works near the station, giving employ­ place for the Forest of Dean coal: there are eight tips, ment to upwards of 550 hands. .A. cattle market is and steamers and vessels up to 700 tons burden are held here on the fir•~ Tuesday in the month. Fairs are loaded here. The principal exports are coal, stone and held on May 4th and November 8th, and a general wool tinplates, imports pit wood, steel bars, road stone and and stock fair on 25th June. Lydney and Distrio~ general merchandise, the width of the outer harbour J Cotta~e Hospital, opened in 1909 on a site given by C. gates is 34 feet. The church of St. Mary is a large Bathurst esq. M.A., M.P., J.P. stands on elevated edifice of stone in the Early English style, consisting graund overlooking the Severn, and is a building of red of chancel, clerestoried nave of five bays, aisles, north sandstone, containing- two wards, each with four beds, and south porches and an embattled western tower one for male and the other for female patients , on containing clock and 8 bells: the east window of the the ground floor is the surgery, operating room and south aisle repres<>nts the period of transition from I matron's sitting- room, and two single bed wards. The (,be Early English to the Decorated, and t'WO windows Rev. G. Watkins' charity of £wo, left by a former in the north and south aisles are Perpendicular in· curate, is invested in Consols, and the interest dlstri­ sertions: the chantry at the end of the north aisle buted to the poor yearly: there are also six almshouses, was the chapel of the Holy Cross, and endowed by The ancient <4th century cross, at the top of Church John Ch,vdborough and his wife, and John Stevens street, was restored in 1878, in memory of the lat-e ltev. and his wife in '375: it is now used as an organ W. H. Bathurst, of Lydney Park, by his children. Ill, chamber and choir vestry: most of the windows are 1892 a park of about 17 acres, tastefully laid out a.nd memorials: in. 1896 a _portion of the spire was blown planted with shrubs and evergre<~ns, was presented to down, and agam rebmlt, at a cost of about £t,ooo; the town by the late Charles Bathurst esq. in corn­ since that time Pxtensive alterations and improvements memoration of the coming of age of his son Charles, have been made in the interior, including the erection and is known as Bathurst Park. Lydney is by some, of an oak screen, the panels of which are fillpd with writers supposed to have been the Roman station oil paintings ; there are also other oak •cr<>ens includ· "Abona'' and there are evidences of its undoubted ing one between the chancel and the nave: the church oooupation by the Romans: in Lydney Park, tqe re. affords sittings for 6oo persons. The register dates mains of tesselated pavements and hypocausts, together from the year r678, and incorporates that of .A.ylburton. with a large numb"r of coins, broken pottery, and im,­ The living is a vicarage, with the tithing of Aylbnrton plements of various kinds bave been discovered: the annexed, net yearly value £485, with residence, in the station included also a temple, "Cl.edicated to a deity called g-ift of the Dean and Chapter of Hereford, and held "Nodens" or "Nordons.'' In the churchyard are two. since r893 by the Rev. John Charles Eldridge Besant ancient yew trees. There is also an ancient oak in the M . .A.. of Christ Church, Oxford, and surrogate. The public park, with a girth of 43 feet. Nass Court Rouse, Church of the Holy Trinity, Primrose Hill, was erected a fine old structure of the later Tudor period, 1s now in 1903, and will seat rso persons. The Baptist chapel occupied as a. farm house. At Gatcombe, is a house was erected in r834 and enlarged and restored in 18J{i still retaining traces of the Elizabethan style, and oncE and H)06, and has 350 sittings. The Wesleyan Metho- the residence of Sir Waiter Raleigh. Remams of a dist chapel, enlarged in 1892, will seat 250 persons. Roman road forming part of Rykneild street, are trace-­ The Primitive Methodist ehapel, bnilt in r869, ha~ able through the parish. Lydney Park is the seat of sittings for 400 persons. The reorganised church of CharlPs Bathurst e•q. M . .A.., M.P., J.P. ; the mans10n is Latter Day Saints have a meeting place here. The a picturesque building of stone in the Eli1.abethan style, Town Hall, erected in r889, by a limited company, on a erected in 1875, from the d~igns of Mr. C. H. Howell, sit-e facing the Cross, given by C. Bathurst esq. M . .A.., architect, of Lancaster place, London; the park is 120 :M.P., J.P. at a cost of £2,ooo, is a building of stone, acres in extent. Charles Bathurst e•q. M . .A., MP., comprising a hall 93 feet by 40 feet with raised stage, J.P. who is lord of the manor, James Croome-Jackman .
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