Three Homes Raided~, UCSD Sponsors Conference Ten Students Charged Today on Controlled Growth by Rich Yep Within the last teo days, three private homes were raided by North A three-day conference on the Speakers will include John scarcities of food, fuel and Cou rty sheriffs, resulting in a total of ten UCSD students brought up social, political and economic Holdren, of the Energy Project at mineral ores make the need for on criminal charges. Two of the homes were located in Del Mar, the consequences of controlled UC Berkely; Earl Cook, dean of some type of limited economIC other in EI Cajon. growth began yesterday and will growth increasingly significant," Concerning the Del Mar busts, Student Affairs Legal Counsel continue through tomorrow. sai d Pi rages, associate director of Raphael Leven speculated, " It's clear to me that an undercover agent Some 30 social scientists and the Science, Technology and was operating in both arrests, and that students should simply take scientists from universities and Publ ic Affairs program and ah that into account." research institutions throughout assistant professor of political According to Leven, one student apparently admitted his guilt to the nation are participating in the science at UCSD. officers with the assumption that his friends would go free . However, meting, which is sponsored by Five ge neral sessions will cover both that student and his friends were charged. UCSD's Science, Technology and " PhYSical Factors Limiting "The best thing to do for busted students is to calmly indicate to Publ ic Affairs program. Growth," " Approaching a Steady the authorities that they want no statement made until they ca ll an The conference sch dule State," " InternatIOnal Per­ attorney," commented Leven. Includes g neral sessions for spectives on limited Growth," ArrCfignment took place for most of the students on Wednesday. delegates, an open symposium "SOCial and Political Problems of Fou r pleaded not gui lty, one pleaded guilty, and the other four have for the pub lic and a colloqUium limited Growth" and " Social and taken the option of the drug diversion program . for stud nts In UCSD's Fourth Philosophical Implications of Coli ge . Slowed Economic Growth" All discussions during the DUring the sessions, indiVidual meeting wi ll focus on how much speakers will diSCUSS the Navy Gives Scripps 5.8 growth ca n be limited In the economics of getting more fossd future and economic policies fuels and uSing new energy which shou ld be followed to technologies, possible resources Acres of Pt. Lorna Land control growth, according to Dr. Dennis Pirages from the sea, limited growth and o nn is C Pirages, coordinator of property rights and the bUSiness by Fr .. nk b FO'le Alenaneler Aguss iz, the Alpha the conference. th College of Ceo ciences at response to environmental The Navy has given Scripps Helix, the alumi num hulled Genera l meetings will be held Texas A&M University, and John concerns. Institution of Oceanography title Dolphin, the Ellen B. Scripps, the Platt, of the Mental Health in the Informal Lounge of the Participants In the three-day to 5.8 acres of Federal land on Thomas Washington, the ORB Revelle College Commons from 9 Research I nstitute at the conference are also conducting a Point Loma. The land was leased (Oceanographic research buy) a.m . to 5 p.m. today, October 11 University of Michigan . special colloquium for Fourth by the Navy to Scripps by an and the 355 foot Flip. The Flip is a and 8:30 to 11 a.m. tomorrow, Moderator will be Dr Herbert College students today at 11 a.m. agreement that was set to expire unique vessel that can convert October 12. York, director of the Science, on the south lawn of the In 1989. The Navy then tran­ from a horizontal position to a Humanities-Library Budding. The sferred the land to the Depart­ The free public symposium on Technology and PubliC Affairs vertical position. program will cover " Political and ment of Health, Education, and " Energy, Resources and the program and UCSD professor of Economical Problems of an Welfare, which passed it to Steady-State" was held yesterday phYSICS . Ample Society " Scripps . at 7:30 p.m. " World-wide Inflation and '$2.80 Per Day' The conference IS the first The land, located at the end of activity of the Science, Rosecrans Street, site of the Technology and PubliC Affairs imitz Marine facility, includes a Barrett Discusses Food Services program which was established new pier and marginal wharf by Hannah Cohen food quality result from the " monotony" of eating recently to study social, p:!itlcal exte ntion and supporting in the same place day after day, not from what is and economic implications of faci lities. The ca feteria spends $2 .80 per day per student, being served. He admits that, like anywhere else, developments In science and The new pier, completed last says Larry Barrett, Director ot' Housing and Food the afeterias do have better and worse days. technology March, is one of only two in San Services at UCSD. This means that a student pays According to Pirages, problems Diego that have complete sewer approximately $19 .60 per week for board. The bids will begin to come in for construction contracts for the Third College dorms in about a to be con idered w ill include the con nections. The other is located The above prices include a 1590 average miss nergy supply, feeding the at Point Loma at the Submarine meal factor which keeps food cost to students week . Barrett is hopeful that If construction begins by December that they will be completed for Fall world's population and arms Support Facility. significantly lower. Another fa ctor included is the control. Desc ribed as one of the world's loss due to silverware, china and food thefts by 75. finest shore bases for supporting students. The cost of replacing silverware alone was At this time, administrators have approached the oceanographic research, Scripps' $4,000 last year. If thefts were reduced, the rates Reg~ nts with a plan to build a 200 apartment 3rd College $2 million marine facility can would be S15-S20 ' less per !>tudent per year. complex which would hold four people per now accommodate its fleet of Barrett feels that the dorm rates were probably apartment. It would be similar to and constructed near the Mesa apartments. One hundred · fifty eight research ships. not raised enough to co mp~nsate for the inflation Foci Iita,tors: Scripps' research vessels that of food prices but he considers the raising of dorm apartments would be designated for un­ will birth at the new dock are the rates a " last resort" to coping with infla ion. He dergraduates and fifty for graduate students. 1900 ton Melville. which has a does consider it a possibility that the rates at the According to Barrett, there is a definite trend 'Resources' ra nge of nearly 10,000 miles and snack bars might have to be raised in the future. towards building more apartment complexes on by P .. ulette Fr .. ncis ca n stay at sea for six weeks, the Barrett feels that most of the complaints about Continued on Page 3 CQndidQtes--~------------------------. Until last year, commuting r----------------------------The students found it difficult to keep informed of various on-campus Flournoy, Fong Speak in San Diego Area happenings. Consequently, off­ campus students felt some alienation from the chool. Flournoy: 1nvestigate Budget Proposals' Fong: 'Continue Brown's Tradition' The Third College facilitators by James G, Soto Harvard to be a comparable March Fong said that she would enforce the changes were created to provide off­ Houston Flournoy said institution," referring to Harvard's would continue the work and the brought by the proposition in the campus students with general yesterday that budget increases exalted tradition. tradition that Edmund C. Brown same energetic way with which i nformation of available proposed by the University of Jr . brought to the office of univer ity re ources They erve California Regents must be in­ Secretary of State if she were a peer counselor to off-campus vestigated more closely before he elected to that post. tudents under the auspices of would be willing to accept them. Fong, the Democratic can­ Philip Raphael, Third College Flournoy, the Republican didate for the Secretary of State, oun eling psychologiSt. candidate for governor, was in was in San Diego Wednesday at a La t year, the Third College an Diego Thursday for a series of fundraising reception where she facilirator implemented Planned peaking engagements. Though spok to campaign workers and Paren hood, study kills, and a popular as State Controller, supporters briefly about the work ~ hop dealing With th rlournoy has been fighting an progress of h r campaign. asp cts of filling out finanCial aid uphill battle against Democratic Fong, the Assemblywoman appll .Itlon B Ide continuing Secretary of State Edmund C. from the 15th district in Oakland, With the ame woFkshop thl Brown, Jr. to win the November is probably best known ~;.r f' ''''' ,.. 1 t~ n _ .... r. "-::: r: :=·n election. He spoke yesterday at a throughout the state for her five for the facilitators is to ontmue breakfast for student and year cru ade against pay toilets. .,'. th Third College tradition of a minority community leaders" Fong's bill to eliminate pay toilets ~ more personal environm nc when he made his remarks on the from public restrooms was signed March Fo"g Tentatively, the Third Colle"e University of California. recently by the Governor. ~ . Supporting the concept of facilitators' offl ' e will i>e ope; rlournoy believes in improving In an interview before her she.
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