April 13, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E583 TAX LIMITATION CONSTITUTIONAL Burks Via was born in Roanoke, VA, June an incisive mind, integrity, common sense, AMENDMENT 7, 1917. He joined the Marine Corps on his and a full measure of compassion. His career birthday in 1938. After the Royal Canadian Air marks a time of great change in San Diego, HON. CASS BALLENGER Force trained him as a pilot, he flew missions from its past as a quiet Navy town, to its OF NORTH CAROLINA in the South PacificÐ207 from American present as a dynamic multicultural high-tech IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Samoa and 40 from Munda, Bougaineville, community. Thursday, April 13, 2000 and Guadalcanal. He is survived by his wife, Martha Via piloted the first Marine Corps aircraft to Monagan-Hart, his three children, and three Mr. BALLENGER. Mr. Speaker, I am land in Hong Kong after end of World War II. grandchildren. Our thoughts and prayers go pleased to be a cosponsor of the Tax Limita- As the United States worked for post-war out to the family of the late Judge Edward J. tion Amendment 2000 (H.J. Res. 94), intro- peace and stability in Asia, he served with the Schwartz. He will truly be missed. duced by our Republican colleague Rep- First Marine Air Wing in Tsingato, China. f resentative PETE SESSIONS (R±TX). I firmly be- When Chinese Communist forces grew strong- lieve that we need this amendment to insure er, and turned their gun sights to U.S. Ma- CELEBRATION OF THE 35TH ANNI- that, in virtually every circumstance, a tax in- rines, he flew the final missions out of VERSARY OF THE SERVICE crease would require a two-thirds vote in both Chengchun, Mukden, and Peiping. His service CORPS OF RETIRED EXECUTIVES houses of Congress for final adoption. While record with the Fleet Marine Force, Western this is not a new idea, I believe it is a proposal Pacific, from June 1948 to January 1949, in- HON. TOM BLILEY which deserves our attention and that of the cludes salutations for ``extensive behind the OF VIRGINIA American taxpayers again this year. lines intelligence missions'' against the Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Despite the best efforts of the Republican- munist forces. Thursday, April 13, 2000 led 106th Congress to reduce taxes and make In 1949, he was transferred to Cherry Point, Mr. BLILEY. Mr. Speaker, today I celebrate the federal tax code fairer for America's hard- NC, the long-time East Coast counterpart to the 35th anniversary of the Service Corps of working citizens, we cannot count on future the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. After Retired Executives (SCORE) Chapter 12 in Congresses to share our enthusiasm for these duty at the Naval Air Station at Anacostia, Richmond, Virginia, SCORE is a group of ex- reformsÐreforms which are strengthening in- where he was promoted to Major, he began a perienced executives who volunteer their time dividual citizens' economic opportunities and tour in 1953 that took him to El Toro, Hawaii, to help entrepreneurs start up and run a busi- fueling our nation's record economic growth. Japan, and Korea, flying 566 missions. Start- ness. We proposed a tax limitation amendment in ing in 1955, Major Via took charge of transport the fall of 1994 as one component of the Re- Richmond's SCORE Chapter 12 was estab- missions for senior U.S. and NATO military of- lished in April 1965 by the U.S. Small Busi- publican's Contract with America, a list of leg- ficials and diplomats around the world. As Ma- islative objectives which has guided our policy ness Administration. Since then, these elder rine Colonel William L. Beach noted in his eu- statesmen of central Virginia's small business agenda since the Republican takeover of the logy on December 17, 1999, Major Via was House and Senate in 1995. The enactment of community have been a resource for small considered the best VP pilot in the Marine business entrepreneurs, serving as mentors H.J. Res. 94 would represent an insurance Corps and the Navy. In fact, when President policy which this Congress should leave as a and advisors to the small business community. Johnson flew to California to dedicate the Uni- SCORE Chapter 12 volunteers have con- part of our legacy to our citizens. versity of California at Irvine in 1964, the Ma- H.J. Res. 94 not only seeks to make Con- ducted over 30,000 free counseling sessions rine Corps pilot was asked to back up the gress more fiscally responsible, but it would and led business workshops attended by over President's Air Force One pilot. That same instill greater public confidence in the tax sys- 10,000 individuals since its establishment 35 year, Major Burks retired, having logged tem. This result has been endorsed by the Na- years ago. SCORE has made a significant 14,000 flight hours. tional Commission on Economic Growth, contribution to the economic well being and Major Burks served not only his nation, but chaired by former House Member and Repub- quality of life in Richmond. also his family, and his community. His wife, lican Vice Presidential nominee Jack Kemp. I commend the men and women of SCORE Shirley, five children, and seven grandchildren, The amendment would block future major tax Chapter 12 who volunteer their time and ex- survived him. Orange County will miss him. At increases which resemble President Clinton's pertise to improve and foster the growth of Arlington, the nation will honor him. His con- 1993 tax increases for example, a bill which small business in central Virginia. tributions to freedom in Asia, in Europe, and cleared the House by only one extra vote and f around the world, and his service to the Ma- clearly lacked strong bipartisan support. Presi- rine Corps and the nation, merit our apprecia- PERSONAL EXPLANATIONS dent Clinton's tax hikes are haunting many tion and our gratitude in Congress. Americans today, in particular elderly Ameri- f cans in my congressional district. HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY The bottom line is that the same super-ma- REMEMBERING THE LATE HONOR- OF ILLINOIS jority requirement which is applied to major ABLE EDWARD J. SCHWARTZ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES decisions like amending the Constitution and Thursday, April 13, 2000 impeaching the President ought to be required Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, during for legislation which would take more money HON. RANDY ``DUKE'' CUNNINGHAM OF CALIFORNIA rollcall vote No. 56 on H. Con. Res. 288 I was out of our constituents' monthly budgets. unavoidably detained. Had I been present, I f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, April 13, 2000 would have voted ``aye''. HONORING MAJOR BURKS A. VIA, During rollcall vote No. 57 on H. Res. 182 USMC Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Mr. Speaker, today I I was unavoidably detained. Had I been honor the late Judge Edward J. Schwartz, who present, I would have voted ``aye''. HON. CHRISTOPHER COX in his life brought honor to his country through During rollcall vote No. 58 on Journal I was distinguished public service in the U.S. Navy OF CALIFORNIA unavoidably detained. Had I been present, I and as a judge for the United States District IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES would have voted ``aye''. Court for the Southern District of California. During rollcall vote No. 59 on Ordering Pre- Thursday, April 13, 2000 Judge Schwartz graduated from San Fran- vious Question H. Res. 444 I was unavoidably Mr. COX. Mr. Speaker, on April 28, 2000, cisco Law School and practiced for one year detained. Had I been present, I would have Marine Corps Major Burks A. Via will be laid before joining the Navy in 1942. He fought in voted ``nay''. to rest at Arlington National Cemetery. Major both the Pacific and European Theaters of war During rollcall vote No. 60 on Agreeing to Via was a constituent; and the El Toro Marine and was released as a Lieutenant Com- Res. H. Res. 444 I was unavoidably detained. Corps Air Station, where he was based for mander in 1945. He was appointed to the Had I been present, I would have voted ``nay''. many years during his quarter century of mili- bench by President Lyndon Johnson in 1968 During rollcall vote No. 61 on Will House tary service, is of special significance to Or- and became chief judge in 1969 where he Consider S. 1287 I was unavoidably detained. ange County, CA. It is my honor to bring presided over one of the busiest caseloads in Had I been present, I would have voted ``nay''. Major Burks' record to the attention of the the country. During rollcall vote No. 62 on Commit w/In- 106th Congress as the nation prepares to Judge Schwartz possessed the ideal quali- structions S. 1287 I was unavoidably detained. honor him at Arlington. ties of a judgeÐwisdom, intellectual curiosity, Had I been present, I would have voted ``aye''. VerDate 14<APR>2000 05:06 Apr 15, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13AP8.087 pfrm03 PsN: E13PT2 E584 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks April 13, 2000 During rollcall vote No. 63 on S. 1287 I was Aside from her notable political career, HONORING RICHARD B. HARVEY, unavoidably detained. Had I been present, I Jeanne Simon was also a successful author DISTINGUISHED SERVICEÐPRO- would have voted ``nay.'' and an authority and spokesperson on varied FESSOR OF POLITICAL SCIENCE During rollcall vote No. 64 on H. Res. 445 issues from libraries to education to arms con- I was unavoidably detained.
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