Stations in the U.S. West Virginia Berkeley Springs Bethany

Stations in the U.S. West Virginia Berkeley Springs Bethany

Stations in the U.S. West Virginia WJLS(AM) -March 5, 1939: 560 khz: 5 kw -D, 500 w -N. Bluefield Charles Town DA -N. TL: N37 46 40 W81 09 40. Hrs opn: 24. Box AB, WJLS Bldg., 102 N. Kanawha St. (25801). (304) 253- WHAJ(FM)- Listing follows WHIS(AM). WXVA(AM)-May 28, 1962: 1550 khz; 5 kw -D. TL: N39 7311; (304) 252 -5656. FAX: (304) 253 -3466. Licensee: 1623 W7751 56. Box 700 (25414). (304) 725 -0402. FAX: Personality Stations Inc. Net: MBS. Rep: Dome, Savalli, WHIS(AM)-June 27, 1929: 1440 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 w -N. (304) 728 -7941. Licensee: Heritage Broadcasting Co. TL: N37 16 15 Rgnl Reps. Wash atty: Reed. Smith. Shaw & McClay. 33 W81 06. Stereo. 900 Bluefield Ave. (acq 9-9 -82; $400,000; FTR 9- 27 -82). Net: AP, Unistar. (304) Format: Relg. News stall 2; news progmg 4 hrs wkly. (24701). 327 -7114. Licensee: Adventure Com- Format: Oldies. Gene McCoy, pres; Julie Schirt, gen Target aud: 25 -54. Spec prog: Sports 10 hrs wkly. munications Inc. (group owner; acq 9 -1 -84; $2,100,000 mgr; Roland McCann, progmg dir; Andrea Strace, news Nancy R. Smith, pres; William A. O'Brien. vp & gen mgr; FTR 7- 30 -84). Net: NBC Talknet. Format: News/talk. dir; John Humphreys, chief engr. Charlie Jennings, sls dir & prom dir; Margaret Lacy, mktg News staff one; news progmg 20 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 mgr: Bob West, progmg di r & mus dir; Gordon Ross, news plus; upper income. leaders of the community. Mike WXVA -FM -Aug 28, 1966: 98.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. dir: Charles Marlow, chief engr. Shott, pres; Paul D. McNeill, gen mgr; Steve Gregory, stn TL: N3916 23 W77 51 56. Stereo. Dups AM 3%. Net: AP. mgr; Ken Dietz, prom mgr & progmg dir; Kurt Pickering, Format: Adult contemp. Spec prog: Big band 4 hrs wkly. WJLS-FM -Nov 6, 1946:99.5 mhz; 34 kw. Ant 1,050 ft. news dir; Keith Bowman, chief engr. TL: N37 35 23 W81 06 51. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Prog sep from AM. Rep: Savalli; Dome, Regl Reps.Format: WHAJ(FM)-Co-owned with WHIS(AM). April 23, 1963: Charleston Country. News staff 2; news progmg 10 hrs wkly. Char - 104.5 mhz; 83 kw. Ant 1,200 ft. TL: N371521 W81 1055. lie Jennings, opns mgr, mktgdir, prom mgr& advdir; Rick Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Net: ABC /C, Unistar. Format: WCAW(AM) -1946: 680 khz; 50 kw -D, 250 w -N, DA -2. Janney, prom dir; Sandi Smith, progmg dir; Greg White, Top -40. News staff one; news progmg one hr wkly. Target TL: N38 19 15 W81 36 31. Hrs opn: 24. Box 4318, asst mus dir; Jerri Prevette, pub affrs dir. aud: 25 -49. Ken Dietz, progmg mgr; J. Patrick, mus dir. 41101/2 McCorkle Ave. S.E. (25304). (304) 925 -4986. Licensee: Franklin Communications Partners L.P. Group WOAY(AM) -See Oak Hill. WKOY(AM)-May 18,1948:1240 khz ;1 kw -U. TL: N37 owner: WESHAM Broadcasting Co. (acq 7- 16 -92; grpsl; 15 57 W81 11 20. Hm opn: 24. Box 7204, Mercer Mall FTR 8- 3 -92). Net: ABC. Rep: Banner. Format: Country, W VPB(FM) -May 1. 1974: 91.7 mhz; 10.5 kw. Ant 920 (24701). (304) 327 -6124; (304) 327 -8000. FAX: (304) sports. News staff one. Targetaud:25- Ham- ft. TL: N37 53 46 W80 59 21. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. 600 54.Morton 327 -6125. Licensee: Mountain Broadcasting Corp. (acq burg, CEO; Randy Daniel, pres; Capitol St., Charleston (25301). (304) 558 -3000. FAX: Skip Broussard, gen 5 -8-89; grpsl; FTR 5- 29 -89). Format: News /talk. News mgr; Steve Mallory, gen sls mgr; Rick progmg (304) 558 -4034. Licensee: West Virginia Educational Johnson, staff 8; news progmg 24 hrs wkly. Target aud: 30 plus. dir; Kevin Kasey, mus di r; Dave Higginbotham, chief engr. Broadcasting Authority. Net: NPR, APR. Format: News, Spec prog: Relg 5 hrs wkly. Earl Judy Jr., pres; Tina News 2 class, jazz. staff 3. Spec prog: Mountain stage Etter. opns mgr; Linda Slater, gen sls mgr; Steve Stout, WVAF(FM) -Co -owned with WCAW(AM). Feb 1, 1965: hrs wkly. Barbara Herrick. gen mgr: Ann Herlihy, dev prom mgr, progmg dir, progmg mgr & pub affrs di r; Jeffery 99.9 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 490 ft. TL: N38 19 15 W81 36 31. mgr; Nancy Buckingham, prom mgr; Jeanne Fisher, W. Sparks, mus dir & news dir; Jay Belt, engrg mgr. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Format: Adult contemp. News progmg dir; Jim Wallace, news dir; Francis Fisher, chief Rates: $8.40; 8.40; 8.40; 8.40. staff one; news progmg 13 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54; engr. female skew. W PIR -FM -Not on air, target date late 1993: 90.9 mhz; W W NR(AM) -Nov 17, 1946: 620 khz:1 kw -D, 500 w -N, 740 w -H, 700 w -V. Ant 1,102 ft. TL: N37 15 26 W81 10 WCHS(AM) -Sept 15,1927:580 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. TL: DA -N. TL: N37 47 18 W81 14 18. Stereo. Box AE, 345 43. Box 889, Blacksburg, VA (24060). (703) 552-4252. N38 21 49 W81 46 05. 1111 Virginia St. E. (25301). (304) Prince St. (25801). (304) 253-8307; (304) 253 -8308. Licensee: Positive Alternative Radio Inc. (acq 4- 22 -92). 342-8131. FAX: (304) 344 -4745. Licensee: West Virginia FAX: (304) 252 -6200. Licensee: Marline Broadcasting Vernon H. Baker. pres. Radio Corp. of Charleston (acq 6 -1 -92; $1,743,836; with Inc. (acq 4- 30 -84; $360,000; FTR 12- 19 -83). Net: ABC /C. co- located FM; FTR 6- 22 -92). Net: CBS, MBS. Rep: Rep: Katz. Format: Oldies. News staff 2; news progmg Eastman. Format: News /talk, sports. News staff 2; news 34 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54; adults. Spec prog. HS & Bridgeport progmg 60 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. Gary Martins, college sports. Albert A. Marline. CEO. pres & gen mgr; gen mgr; Jeff Williams, news dir; Jeff Batten, chief engr. Al Martine, WDCI(FM)-June 29,1991:104.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 328 ft. gen sls mgr; Jim Martin, progmg dir& musdir; Rates: $24; 20; 22; 18. Bill Farthing, chief engr. Rates: $12: 10; 11:8. TL: N39 17 59 W8017 30. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Box 371, Summit Park Rd. (26330). (304) 842 -8644. FAX: (304) WKWS(FM) -Co -owned with WCHS(AM). Sept 16, 842 -8644. Licensee: Dolphin Communications Inc. Net: 1969: 96.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 360 ft. TL: N38 21 24 W81 36 Belle Jones Satellite Audio. Rep: Dome. Wash atty: Blair, 19 (CP: ant 550 ft., TL: N38 21 51 W81 46 05). Stereo. Format: Target WXAF(FM) -See Charleston. Joyce & Silva. Soft adult contemp. aud: Prog sep from AM. Format: Hot country. Spec prog: 25.54. Earl W. Jr., pres; L. vp; Stewart Debra Stewart, Fusion jazz 3 hrs wkly. Doug Hammond, progmg dir. Richard B. Floyd, gen mgr & sls dir. Rates: $5.75; 5.75; Rates: Same as AM. Berkeley Springs 5.75; 5.75. WCST(AM)-Sept 7, 1958:1010 khz; 250 w -D, 17 w -N. WCZR(AM) -1939: 1490 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N38 21 28 TL: N39 37 00 W78 13 03. Box 10, Fulton St. (25411). Buckhannon W81 37 00. Hrs opn: 24. 136 High St. (25311). (304) (304) 258 -1010. Licensee: Trump Broadcasting Inc. Net: 342 -1490. FAX: (304) 342 -4646. Licensee: Empire ABC /E. Format: Country. Conrad Trump. pres, gen mgr WBTO(FM) -1984: 93.5 mhz; 2.75 kw. Ant 538 ft. TL: Broadcasting System (acq 4- 7 -88). Net: SMN. Rep: Dur - & gen sls mgr; Verg Ruppenthal, progmg dir & mus dir; N38 56 03 W80 11 20. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 728,157 petti. Format: Rock and roll. Don Cavaleri, pres; Jay Bill Fox. news dir; Scott Jordan, chief engr. S. Kanawha St. (26201). (304) 472 -1400. FAX: (304) Smith, gen mgr; Noel Richardson, chief engr. 472 -1528. Licensee: Harfynn Inc. (acq 10 -89). Net: ABC. WCST-FM- December 1965: 93.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 70 ft. Rep: Commercial; Dome.Wash atty: Dean George Hill. WKAZ(FM) -See Miami. TL: N3937 01 W78 13 00. Stereo. Hm opn:6 AM -10 PM. Format: Target 25 4 Solid gold. aud: -49. Spec prog: Relg WKWS(FM) -Listing follows WCHS(AM). Dups AM 100%. hrs wkly. Ron Roth, gen mgr; Phil Phillips, chief engr. Rates: $6.60; 6; 6.60: 6. WQBE(AM)-Feb 16, 1957: 950 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, Bethany DA -N. TL: N38 23 00 W81 42 52. Box 871, 4250 WBUC(AM) 13, 1959: 1460 khz; 5 kw -D, 87 w -N. -Dec Washington St. W. (25323). (304) 744 -9691. FAX: (304) TL: N39 00 07 W80 15 50. Stereo. Drawer C, 1 1/2 miles WVBC(FM) -Jan 1,1967:88.1 mhz; 1.1 kw. Ant 410ft. 744 -8562. Licensee: Bristol Broadcasting Co. Inc. Group TL: N40 12 58 W80 33 31. Stereo. Bethany House, west on Hwy. 33 (26201). (304) 472 -1460. FAX: (304) owner: Nininger Stns. (acq 5- 1 -64). Net: ABC /I. Rep: Mc- 472 -1528. Licensee: Cat Radio Inc. (acq 9 -4 -86; Bethany College (26032). (304) 829 -7853; (304) 829- Gavren Guild. Format: Country. Spec prog: Black one hr 7562. FAX: (304) 829 -7108. Licensee: Bethany College. $395,000: FTR 8- 4 -86). Net: SMN. Rep: Commercial, wkly. W.L.

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