UCRS NEWSLETTER - 1967 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── May, 1967 - Number 256 Columbia Electric Railway. Published monthly by the Upper Canada Railway June 23rd; (Friday) - UCRS Hamilton Chapter Society, Incorporated, Box 122, Terminal A, regular meeting. Board room, CNR Toronto, Ontario. James Street Station, Hamilton, Editor James A. Brown Ontario, 8:00 p.m. Authorized as Second Class Matter by July 7th; (Friday) - The Society’s annual the Post Office Department, Ottawa, Ontario, evening streetcar excursion will and for payment of postage in cash. leave Roncesvalles Carhouse at 8:15 Members are asked to give the Society p.m., and King and Yonge Streets at at least five weeks notice of address changes. 8:35 p.m. The trip will be about 3½ Please address NEWSLETTER hours in length, fare $1.50 by advance contributions to the Editor at 3 Bromley reservation or $2.00 on the car. Crescent, Bramalea, Ontario. No Tickets available from the Trip responsibility is assumed for loss or Committee at the UCRS box number shown non-return of material. above. All other Society business, including July 21st; (Friday) - If sufficient interest membership inquiries, should be addressed to is indicated an informal 8 mm. movie UCRS, Box 122, Terminal A, Toronto, Ontario. night will be arranged. Contact the Cover Photo: Coleraine, named after their home Entertainment Committee for details. by Nineteenth Century Irish settlers, was the October 6-9; A weekend of steam excursions end of steel for Quebec Central in 1877. Nine in Pennsylvania and New York, decades later, one of the last passenger featuring a day’s outing behind CPR trains pauses opposite the station which 4-6-U No. 972. Fare -- including bus doubles as living quarters for an employee’s and all trips -- $50.00 per person. family. See Page 65. Photo by Full details will be released soon. Jim Sandilands. 0256-001.jpg Trip will be limited to 82 persons, Contributors to this Issue so plan now to attend. Dwight Beattie, John Bromley, Bruce READERS’ EXCHANGE Chapman, Bill Coo, Ray Corley, Peter Cox, WANTED to purchase 35 mm colour slides Harlan Creighton, Peter de van der Schueren, of steam locomotives on display anywhere in Tom Henry, Johnny Krause, Omer Lavallee, Bob Ontario. Slide should show side view of McMann, Steve Munro, David Rudyk, Jim engine, with road number & name clearly Sandilands, David Stalford, Charles Vicary, visible. Write Art Wade, 2 Jasper Avenue, Ted Wickson. Apartment 6, Toronto 9, Ontario. Production: John Bromley, Tom Henry, Omer FOR SALE OR TRADE: Photos of Canadian Lavallee. and U.S. street and interurban railways. Distribution: Steve Munro, George Pearce, Want negatives, pre-1940 photos of Quebec John Thompson, Bill Weighill, Ted Wickson. Central, QRL&P (city and interurban), also COMING EVENTS CP 8000, 2850 on Royal Tour. Gerry Burridge, Regular meetings of the Society are 65 Cremazie West, Quebec 6, Quebec. held on the third Friday of each month (except READERS ARE INVITED to place their July and August) at 587 Mt. Pleasant Road, non-commercial advertisements in this Toronto, Ontario. 8:00 p.m. department, free of charge. th June 16 ; (Friday) - Regular meeting, RAILWAY News and Comment featuring a talk on the British CN REDUCES DEFICIT BY 26 PER CENT UCRS # 256 - 1 CN’s annual report for 1966 revealed operations accounting for $906.1-million of that an operating profit of $40.1-million for the total. Freight revenues were up 9.6% -- the year was turned into a deficit of the highest in CN’s history -- while passenger $24.6-million by “an extremely heavy interest revenues increased by 15.8% to the highest burden”. However the deficit was 26% lower since 1945. The report noted that passenger than in 1965 and the fifth consecutive drop revenues are rising at a faster rate than from the peak loss of $67.3-million recorded expenses, and reiterated CN’s confidence that in 1961. it will be possible to reach an eventual profit Gross revenues fell just $1.4-million position on passenger services; no figures short of the billion dollar mark, with railway were given on CN’s 1966 passenger losses. ONR’S CENTENNIAL PROJECT -- A STEAM ENGINE and cross-Canada travel -- of their The Ontario Northland has announced predecessors. Another possibility would be that a a single daily transcontinental in company diminutive train, hauled by a steam locomotive with increased inter-city runs. “under its own power”, will visit on-line Mr. Richer pointed out that present points during the summer. The locomotive, transcon schedules -- because of their however, will be available for display only, continuous nature -- must arrive at major and it is not planned that it will be used points en route at times totally unacceptable on excursions. for inter-city travel. He doubted that the The locomotive, ex-CN 2164, was railways could successfully compete against repainted as Temiskaming & Northern Ontario the airlines, with their coming jumbo jets, 137 for display several years ago, and was for an appreciable portion of the inspected by excursionists in North Bay during transcontinental passenger market. our weekend steam trip of September, 1963. (The railway does not foresee any Its display train for this summer’s tour will serious loss on these services in 1967, as include an old Centennial travel demands are expected to be caboose and the former restaurant car sufficient to maintain income from this source “Agumik”. at a reasonable level.) The tour is scheduled to begin on June Mr. Richer’s remarks came on the heels 12th at Haileybury, visit Cochrane, Timmins of the new Transportation Act which, over and North Bay the weeks of June 26th, July 3rd eight years, will eliminate $110-million and August 14th respectively, and wind up at annually in operating subsidies to the two Englehart on September 10th. railways and, in turn, grant them greater CN MAY ELIMINATE TRANSCONTINENTALS -- RICHER freedom in selecting the services they want Surprising, at least superficially, to maintain. It also follows CN’s 1967 budget was the May 9th statement by CN’s Passenger which forecasts a deficit of only $15-million, vice-president, Jean H. Richer, that the lowest since 1957. This year, CN is railway may eliminate transcontinental predicting a 30% gain in passenger revenues, passenger service within the next two or three to $90-million. years, or at The conventional dining car complete least drastically alter it to suit customer with kitchen will disappear -- likely by 1973 needs. At the same time, he revealed that -- in favour of a scheme of precooked meals. within five or six years the era of meals On short trips, passengers will eat cooked and served on dining cars will be over. pre-prepared airline-style meals at their Elimination of the two seats. On long journeys, it will still be transcontinentals would be accompanied by the necessary to provide dining car comfort for introduction of a series of inter-city trains passengers’ meals, but the food will be cooked to fill one of the two functions -- inter-city at the terminal and simply reheated on the UCRS # 256 - 2 train. Previews of these meal concepts will * A strike by 20,000 conductors and be afforded passengers on CN’s Turbos and trainmen could tie up 90% of U.S. railroads Southwestern Ontario Hawker Siddeley on June 2nd. The U.S. Congress is already trainsets, later this year. considering action to delay a June 19th strike Photo: Ontario Northland’s “T&NO 137" will by 137,000 members of six shopcraft unions. become a familiar sight to Northern Ontario * The Studebaker-built car to be driven residents during the coming summer.0256-002.jpg by Parnelli Jones in this year’s Indianapolis WORTH NOTING. .... 500 is of particular significance to Canadian * Canadian National Railways will host National. Its engine is an adaption of United the second international symposium on Aircraft’s PT6 aircraft engine, and is the railroad cybernetics, in Montreal from same power plant that is now being installed October 1st to 6th. Cybernetics is the science in CN’s TurboTrains at Montreal Locomotive dealing with the control and communications Works. in complex organizations of men and machines, * There is a good possibility that and the relationship between them. Hovercrafts will be in operation in eastern * Metro for Mexico? According to the Canada in the near future. Yarmouth, N.S. Mexican railway magazine “Revista - Bar Harbour, Maine, Digby, N.S - Saint John, Ferronales”, French banks have agreed to N.B. and several Northumberland Strait advance funds to the Mexican government to crossings have been suggested as possible permit construction of a “Metro” in Mexico routes for a pilot project. City. Any bets that it won’t be rubber-tired? * In an effort to reduce express incurred in switching operations. Southern freight loss and damage claims, CN has Pacific is testing 20 units on its cars. introduced “Operation Safe-T-Pack”, a program * R. J. Lewis, new president of the aimed at educating shippers to package and Trucking Association of Canada, has suggested address their shipments correctly and to that railways and truckers should call a ensure that they are undamaged before truce, maintaining that there is plenty of shipment. work for both industries. * Canadian National and Hilton of * Canadian railway carloadings in the Canada are examining the possibilities of first four months of 1967 were down 6.9% from constructing hotels in Toronto and Quebec the 1966 period, to 1,187,868 cars. Showing City. significant decreases were wheat, building * Northern Development Minister sand and lumber. Arthur Laing has announced that the government * CN’s design for its new bridge across is ready to consider new development railways the Second Narrows in Vancouver has come in into the Yukon and Northwest Territories.
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