If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. I." :-:')'," , ~c">"'" ill' .. "J! . l' 0, • ~l ! 1 o ,~ ..~ . .;I' ,.}/" 'v {f. REPORT OF THE CHIEF CONSTABLE OF THE '\ WEST MIDLANDS POLICE ,j FOR THE J I YEAR 1982 U.S. Department of Justice 90203 National Institute of Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the person or orgamzation originating It. Pomts of vIew or opimons stated in this document are tho..le of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official posltJon or polIcies of the National Institute of JustIce. Chief Constable's Office PermIssion to reproduce this COPYrighted material has been Lloyd House granted by Colmore Circus Queensway --tio...r:J:humhria .-l?o...l.J..ce-__ ~. __ Birmingham 84 6NQ He adquar_t e r S ___ 'h._____ _ to the National Criminal Justice Reference SelVice (NCJRS). Further reproduction outSide of the NCJRS system requires permis­ sion of the cOPYright owner. r WEST MIDLANDS POLICE I. MEMBERS OF THE POLICE AUTHORITY Chairman: Councillor E T Shore (Birmingham, SaZtley) I ; Vice-Chairman: ·Co~ncillor T J Savage (Birmingham, Erdington) Local Authority Representatives Magistrate Members Ward Councillor D M Ablett (Dudley, No. 6) J D Baker Esq JP FCA Councillor D Benny JP (Birmingham, Sandwell) K H Barker Esq Councillor E I Bentley (MerideiYl, No.1) OBE DL JP FRIeS Councillor D Fysh (Wolverhampton. No.4) Captain. J E Heydon Councillor J Hunte (Birmingbam, Handsworth) ERD JP Councillor K RIson (Stourbridge, No.1) S B Jackson EsqJP FCA Councillor I A Lane (Birmingham, Northfield) J B Pend Ie Esq JP BA Dip ED LCP Mrs K E Piddock JP Councillor G Law (West Bromwich, No.3) R J Smith Esq JP Councillor Mrs I Lovekin (Birmingham, ,G I Teeling Esq JP Stockland Green) Councillor J P Padden (Warley No.5) Councillor Mrs G M Pemberton (Warley No.2) Councillor G S Sidhu (West Bromwich, No.4) Councillor Mrs M E Stoneman (Coventry, No.2) BA Cert ED LRAM Councillor R A Wootton (Sutton Coldfield, No.2) 1 1 "r r f r f i- ,,'I I :1 " '0 r 1 ,L Police Headquarters' I 18' Division !I I 11 I Bournville Lane, Birminghan1 •.••.•.•••••••• Telephone No. 021-476 3141 t Lloyd House Telephone No. 021-236 5000 11" Chief Superintendent G T Harris Colmore Circus Queensway !j Telex 337321 h It Birmingham B4 6NQ II ; I I. IC' Division I y , Waisall Road, Birmingham ................. Telephone No. 021-356 0431 Chief Constable Sir Philip Knights CBE QPM I I .\ • .1 , l Chief Superintendent D C Wilson Deputy Chief Constable MrR Broome \ r. Assistant Chief Constables r:j ".. ID' Division Administration & Supplies Mr L Sharp LL.B r~ Queens Road, Birmingham ................ Telephone No. 021-327 6551 Crime Mr D H Gerty LL.B ,j Chief Superintendent J Bagnall Operations Mr KJ Evans Organisation & Development Mr G E Coles B Jur IE' Division Personnel & Training Mr J B Glynn Sheldon Heath Road, Birmingham ........... Telephone No. 021-7068111 ~ Staff Support MrT Meffen Cbief Superintendent G B Kirton ,"}.; i ,f Criminal Investigation Department ,{.''', 1', IF' Div!sion Chief ~uperintendent C W Powell (Operations) ~ Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham .............. Telephone No. 021-2365000 Chief Superintendent R P Snee (Support Services) J Chief Superintendent NT Jones ,j I Chief Administrative Officer l- t IG' Division ( Chief Superintendent W D E Shipman B Soc Sc L Alfred Squires Road, Wolverhampton ... Telephone No. Wolverhampton 27851 t Chief Superintendent R Massey I Communications t Chief Superintendent L P Coates 1 j, 'H' Division ~ t" Green Lane, Walsall ..................... Telephone No. Walsall 38111 Discipline and Complflints Department }, Chief Superintendent R J Meller I 3 Chief Superintendent T C Moore t ' t ~ I 'J' Division Management Services ! I J New Street, Dudley .....................Telephone No. Dudley 56900 , Chief Superintendent JAG Smith "i , I ," Chief Superintendent J J Tonkinson I ,f Operations Co-ord inator jf 'K' Division Chief Superintendent B S Windmill it New Street, West Bromwich ............... Telephone No. 021-553 2971 f>, Chief Superintendent G C Fieldbollse Personnel Department i~ T' Chief Superintendent A W Carter ~, iL IL' Division (,' h·(l Homer Road, Solihull .................... Telephone No. 021-705 7611 Traffic Department .,~'. Chief Superintendent P D Hancox Chief Superintendent D M Knight LL.B '!!:I t: 1M' Division Training Department f Little Park Street, Coventry ..............Telephone No. Coventry 555333 Chief Superintendent A M McDowall Chief Superintendent S M Hammond r .\Ii lr I:' \ j,' l 2 I 3 " . , f '. l:~,)~' I d d b , ft•., r } " 1; I: ANNUAL REPORT 1982 1'1 r~ WEST MIDLANDS POLICE t f Chief Constable's Office Police Headquarters I Administration Department Lloyd Hous~ I Colmore Circus Oueensway Birmingham 84 6NO I I POPULATION AND ACREAGE STATISTICS Force Area in acres .............................. 222,400.4 Population .................................... 2,648,939 To: The Chairman and Members of the West Midlands Police Authority Acreage per Officer ................................. 33.27 MR CHAIRMAN, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Population per Officer ............... " .............. 396.31 I have the honour to present my report on the policing of West Midlands Rateable Value .............................. £415,000,000 during the year 1982. I have the honour to be, Authorised Establishment of the Force Mr Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen Regular Force ..................................... 6,684 Your Obedient Servant Cadets ........................................... 100 Ij Civilians ......................................... 1,909 Traffic Wardens ..................................... 688 Chief Constable 4 5 J r r j n Contents II TrabUng(Continued) Training (Continued) t Page Page Administration and Organisation (Cont.) PROBATIONER TRAINING (Cont). COMMUNICATIONS TRAINING . • 59 Page I! Page Local Procedure ••.•••••••• 52 Command and Control HONOURS COMMENDATIONS Indecency Courses .•••••••.• 52 Operators Course .••••••• ~ • 59 I~~~~IP!3.tT1fONS' . ~1 Police National Computer TRANSFERS OF SENIOR AND AWARDS ........' .... 31 Junior . .•••...........• 52 OFFICERS •...••...•.... ill POLICE LONG SERVICE AND Intermediate .. •...•.•..•• 52 Terminal Operators Course •.•• 59 52 Teleprinter Message Switching ADMINISTRATION AND GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL ..... 31 Senior •..••...••.•..... DEVELOPMENT ..•••...... 12 DEGREE AWARDS .......... 32 Basic Crime •.•...•..•.•.. 52 System Course •• . •••••• 59 60 MANPOWER ...•...•...••• 12 LETTERS OF APPRECIATION ... 33 REFRESHER COURSES ..••••• 53 Computer Appreciation Courses •• 60 PUBLIC ORDER .•••...•.•.• 13 DISCIPLINE . ..•...... 33 Constables • . • • • • . • • • . 53 Eye-sight Tests for Operators .•.• CRIME ......•.••••••••. 15 COMPLAINTS AGAINST POLICE Sergeants •.•.........••• 53 cm TRAINING . • • • • • • • •••• 60 TRAFFIC AND ROAD SAFETY .. 16 OFFICERS .............. 33 Inspectors . • • 53 DRIVING SCHOOL •.•.•..••• 60 POLICE BUILDINGS • . ..... 17 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC POST PROMOTION COURSES ..• S3 AIR RECONNAISSANCE COURSE. 62 TRAINING ............... 17 PROSECUTIONS .......... 34 Sergeants ••.•••.•..•.•.• 53 AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT POLICE COMPLAINTS BOARD ... 34 PROCEDURE COURSE. • • • • • . 62 RELATIONS WITH THE Inspectors . • . • . ...•..•.• 54 COMM UNITY ......... ... 19 Other Alleged Offences by Inspectors Development . ....•• S4 AVIATION SECURITY COURSE .• 62 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....... 20 Police Officers ......... .. 35 SPECIALISED COURSES CID COURSES . • • • • • . ••• 62 COMPLAINTS AND Aston University • . • . • • • . • • • S4 COMMUNICATIONS COURSES .•• 63 DISCIPLINE DEPARTMENT ... 35 Higher National Certificate • . • • • 55 COMMUNITY RELATIONS . • ••• 63 CHAPTER II DOG BRANCH ..........•.. 36 National Examination Board in CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF Administration and Organisation MANAGEMENT SERVICES Supervisory Studies .....•.. S5 MOTOR VEHICLES . ••••..• 64 DEPARTMENT ........... 37 I Promotion Examination Classes .• S5 DIVING COURSE - ORGANISATION OF THE FORCE. 21 MOUNTED BRANCH ......... 39 Special Study Course ....••.. 55 NORTHUMBRIA ..•.•....• 64 EST ABLISHMENT AND STRENGTH POLICE STORES ..... " ..... 40 I Promotion Examinations .••... 56 DOG TRAINING COURSES - OF REGULAR FORCE .....•• 21 OPERATIONAL SUPPORT UNIT .. 40 Home Defence - Home Defence STAFFORD •..•...•.••.• 64 SUPERNUMERARY AND UNDERWATER SEARCH UNIT .. 41 I College . •.•.•........•. 56 DRIVING INSTRUCTOR SECONDED STAFF ......... 22 FINANCE DEPARTMENT ...... 42 I Home Defence Regional .•..•• , S6 COURSES .•..•.••••.•••• 64 HOME DEFENCE DEPARTMENT .42 DISTRIBUTION Public Order Training • • . • • • • • 56 FIREARMS COURSES . • 64 Regular Officers . 23 SPECIAL CONSTABULARY ..... 43 Tutor Constables Courses •.••.. 56 FORENSIC SCIENCE COURSES Civilian Staff and Manual Workers . 24 JOINT NEGOTIATING AND Resident Beat Officers Course .,. 56 FOR TRAFFIC OFFICERS •• .• 64 SERVICE OF MEMBERS OF CONSULTATIVE COMMiTTEE .. 48 Station Officers Course ••..••• 57 GAMING COURSE ..•••••••• 64 THE FORCE . 25 ANNUAL INSPECTION ..•.... 49 Public Speaking Course ...•... 57 HAZCHEM SYMPOSIUM .••..•• 65 RECRUITING ............. 25 Pre-Retirement Course. ••.. 57 INSPECTOR'S COURSE •..•••• 65 Graduate Entry . ........... 27 CHAPTER III Television Interview Techniques INSPECTORS' COURSES - Publicity . ............... 27 Training Seminar . .•..••..•.•... 57 DIRECTING STAFF COURSE .•• 65 u 57 WASTAGE DURING THE YEAR .. 28 Interview Techniques Training ••. MANAGEMENT COURSE .•.••• 65 POLICE CADETS - TRAINING ............... 50 Television Production Course .••. 58 MANAGEMENT
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