Public Document Pack Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Panel c/o Plymouth City Council Civic Centre Plymouth PL1 2AA Please ask for Katey Johns T 01752 307815 E [email protected] www.plymouth.gov.uk/democracy Published 10 December 2014 DEVON AND CORNWALL POLICE AND CRIME PANEL Friday 19 December 2014 10.30 am Council House (Next to the Civic Centre), Plymouth Members: Councillor Croad, Chair. Councillor Rule, Vice-Chair. Councillors Barker (Teignbridge District Council), Batters (Cornwall Council), Eginton (Mid Devon District Council), Inch (Torridge District Council), Geoff Brown (Cornwall Council), Eddowes (Cornwall Council), Excell (Torbay Council), Haywood (North Devon District Council), James (Cornwall Council), Penberthy (Plymouth City Council), Rennie (Plymouth City Council), Saltern (South Hams District Council), Sanders (West Devon District Council), Sutton (Exeter City Council), Wright (East Devon District Council) and Vacancy (Isles of Scilly), Independent Members: Yvonne Atkinson (Devon) and Sarah Rapson (Cornwall and Isles of Scilly). Members are invited to attend the above meeting to consider the items of business overleaf. This meeting will be broadcast live to the internet and will be capable of subsequent repeated viewing. By entering the meeting room and during the course of the meeting, members are consenting to being filmed and to the use of those recordings for webcasting. If you are seated in the public area of the Warspite Room, it is likely that your image will be captured by the recording cameras and this will result in your image becoming part of the broadcast. This may infringe your Human Rights and if you wish to avoid this, you should inform any council officer present at the meeting. The Council is a data controller under the Data Protection Act. Data collected during this webcast will be retained in accordance with the host authority’s published policy. DEVON AND CORNWALL POLICE AND CRIME PANEL 1. APOLOGIES To receive apologies for non -attendance submitted by Members. 2. MINUTES (Pages 1 - 12) To sign and confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 17 October 2014. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTE REST Members will be asked to make any declaration of interest in respect of items on this agenda. 10.40 AM – 10.55 AM 4. PUBLIC QUESTIONS To receive questions from (and provide answer s to) members of the public that are relevant to the panel’s functions. Questions should be no longer than 100 words and sent to Democratic Support, Plymouth City Council, Civic Centre, Plymouth PL1 2AA or [email protected] . Questions must be received at least 5 complete working days before the meeting. 10.55 AM – 11.10 AM 5. FINDINGS AND RECOMME NDATIONS IN RESPECT OF (Pages 13 - 22) THE POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER'S ANNUAL REPORT PRESENTED TO THE PANEL ON 17 OCTOBER 2014 The Panel will review the report (Formal Response to Police and Crime Panel) and actions/progress arising from the recommendations from the Police and Crime Panel in respect of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Annual Report presented on 17 October 2014. 11.10 AM – 11.25 AM 6. FINDINGS AND RECOMME NDATIONS FROM THE (Pages 23 - 278) 'REACTIVE SCRUTINY ITEM' OF THE POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER'S AND CHIEF CONSTABLE'S DEVON AND CORNWALL POLICE PUBLIC CONTACT STRATEGY - STATION ENQUIRY RATIONALISATION The Panel will review, report and agree formal recommendations made to the Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable in relation to the proposed Station Enquiry Rationalisation and consider the response and actions/progress from the Police and Crime Commissioner to those recommendations. 11.25 AM – 11.55 AM 7. SCRUTINY OF THE POLI CE AND CRIME (Pages 279 - 302) COMMISSIONER'S REVIEW OF THE 101 SERVICE PROVISION IN DEVON AND CORNWALL The Panel will review the report and recommendations provided by the Police and Crime Commissioner in respect of his recent review of the 101 non-emergency service provision in Devon and Cornwall. 11.55 AM – 13.30 PM 8. SCRUTINY ON "HOW IS THE POLICE AND CRIME (Pages 303 - 322) COMMISSIONER STRENGTHENING RELATIONSHIPS AND SHOWING LEADERSHIP IN PARTNERSHIP WORKING?" The Panel will use a select committee style approach to scrutinise how the Police and Crime Commissioner is strengthening relationships and showing leadership in Partnership Working. 14.00 PM – 14.15 PM 9. FINDINGS FROM SCRUTI NY OF "HOW IS THE PO LICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER STRENGTHENING RELATIONSHIPS AND SHOWING LEADERSHIP IN PARTNERSHIP WORKING?" The Panel will be asked to agree its findings from item 8 on this agenda which will then be used to inform the recommendations in a final report to be reviewed at the next Panel meeting. 14.15 PM – 15.00 PM 10. STRATEGIC ALLIANCE WITH DORSET (Pages 323 - 332) The Panel will hear a presentation from the Police and Crime Commissioner in respect of opportunities for strategic collaboration between Devon and Cornwall Police and Dorset Police. The Panel will also welcome Councillor John Adams, the Chair of the Dorset Police and Crime Panel, for this item. 15.00 PM – 15.15 PM 11. POLICE AND CRIME COM MISSIONER'S (Pages 333 - 338) PERFORMANCE REPORT The Panel will receive an update from t he Police and Crime Commissioner in respect of performance against objectives in the Police and Crime Plan. 15.15 PM – 15.30 PM 12. POLICE AND CRIME COM MISSIONER'S UPDATE (Pages 339 - 352) REPORT The Police and Crime Commissioner has provided the Panel with his regular report regarding the activities and decisions he has made to date and an update on preparations for Victim Services Commissioning and to include a staffing report (current and any new appointments including consultancy). 15.30 PM – 15.45 PM 13. REPORT FROM THE OFFI CE OF THE POLICE AND (Pages 353 - 354) CRIME COMMISSIONER IN RESPECT OF ANY NON- CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS ABOUT THE POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER Members will consider the report and after due consideration, agree the resolutions by the Chief Executive Officer of the Police and Crime Commissioner. 14. FUTURE MEETING DATES The following are the scheduled future meeting dates for the Panel – • 6 February 2015 (Precept) • 20 February 2015 (If Precept Veto’d) • 10 April 2015 (Provisional) Page 1 Agenda Item 2 Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Panel Friday 17 October 2014 PRESENT: Councillor Croad, Chair, Councillor Rule, Vice-Chair. Councillors Barker, Batters, Eddowes, Excell, Haywood, James, Rennie, Saltern, Sanders, Kate Taylor (substitute for Councillor Penberthy), Toms (substitute for Councillor Brown) and Wright. Independent Members: Ms Atkinson and Ms Rapson. Apologies for absence: Councillors Brown, Hare-Scott, Inch, Penberthy and Sutton. Also in attendance: Sarah Hopkins, Community Safety Partnership Manager, Jo Heather, Portfolio Advisory and Scrutiny Officer, Cornwall Council, Tony Hogg, Police and Crime Commissioner, Andrew White, OPCC Chief Executive, Lisa Vango, OPCC, Shaun Sawyer, Chief Constable, Emma Webber, Force Strategic Manager, Councillor Tisdale, Stithians Parish Council, Camborne, Councillor Robert Drew, Carn Brea Parish Council, Jeremy Joslin, President Hayle Chamber of Commerce, and Katey Johns, Democratic Support Officer The meeting started at 10.30 am and finished at 3.00 pm. Note: At a future meeting, the Panel will consider the accuracy of these draft minutes, so they may be subject to change. Please check the minutes of that meeting to confirm whether these minutes have been amended. 15. Councillor Roy Duncan The Chair reported on the sad passing of Councillor Roy Duncan, panel member from the Isles of Scilly, and asked the panel to join with him for a few moments of quiet reflection. The thoughts and sympathies of the panel were with Roy’s wife, family, friends and colleagues at this sad time. 16. MINUTES Agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 20 June 2014, subject to the addition of the presence of Councillor Batters and the correction of Tony to Andy Boyd in minute 3. 17. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declaration of interest was made in respect of items under consideration at the meeting – Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Panel Friday 17 October 2014 Page 2 Name Minute No Reason Interest Councillor Excell 20 - 26 Executive Lead for Torbay’s Safer Personal Communities Partnership 18. PUBLIC QUESTIONS There were no questions from members of the public. 19. APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT MEMBER TO REPRESENT CORNWALL AND ISLES OF SCILLY The Chair thanked Councillors Rule and James for their assistance on the selection panel along with Jo Heather, Cornwall Council, for supporting them in this process. Agreed to appoint Ms Sarah Rapson as the Independent Member representing Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly for a period of four years commencing 17 October 2014. 20. SCRUTINY OF THE POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER'S AND CHIEF CONSTABLE'S DEVON AND CORNWALL POLICE PUBLIC CONTACT STRATEGY - STATION ENQUIRY RATIONALISATION The panel undertook a post-decision scrutiny review of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s joint announcement with the Chief Constable to rationalise station enquiry offices. In preparation for the scrutiny, the Host Authority, on behalf of the panel and in liaison with the Chair and Vice-Chair, prepared and presented a report which included details of a wide range of community and stakeholder engagement and other evidence which aimed to assist the panel in establishing for itself the level of knowledge, understanding and any concerns that existed about the proposals, and particularly in the areas directly affected.
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