GLOBAL WATER FRAMEWORK 6th World Water Forum Marseille 12-17 March, 2012 IFC Secretariat Under the supervision of: S. NGUYEN-KHOA, S. SIMONET, N. BERTHELIER, J. NEWTON and F. LACROIX DRAFT June 2012 1 Foreword The International Committee of the 6th World Water Forum is very pleased to convey to the entire water community, not only the content of all preparatory works to the Forum, but also the complete record of the sessions which took place from 12 to 17 March 2012 in Marseille. This work would not have been possible without the tremendous mobilisation of numerous motivated, dynamic, conscientious people who gave their time, their energy and their professionalism (skills and knowledge) on a global scale, to make this Forum the success it was in terms of richness and content diversity as well as results. Whether they are thematic or regional coordinators, working on a level of a priority or on a session; whether they are leaders of working groups, experts, volunteers, from associations, parliamentarians elected for regions, large cities or rural sectors, business executives, members of international organisations, national or local government administration managers; they are gratefully hereby acknowledged. It would take too long to mention them all here of course but most are identified in the following document session by session. We will not forget of course all the IFC team members who have achieved a remarkable performance in terms of organisation, quality, structuring, and seriousness of the tasks they had the honour to conduct. This document brings together everything that has been said, produced, proposed, and promoted during this major gathering that was the 6thForum in Marseille. It is a working tool for everyone to help their actions and a support to the world water related issues. That is the wish we are addressing in conveying this document to you. Thank you. Prof. Ben Braga Mr. Jean-Marc Lacave President of the IFC Executive Director of the IFC 2 Contents Introduction I. Political Process 1. Ministerial Declaration 2. High Level Roundtables 2.1 Adaptation to Climate Change 2.2 Financing Infrastructure 2.3 Green Economy/Growth 2.4 Implementation of the Right to Water and Sanitation 2.5 The Future of Water Desalination 2.6 Transboundary Waters 2.7 Wastewater Management 2.8 Water and Health 2.9 Water for Development in Africa 2.10 Water Security and Sustainability 2.11 Water, Food, Energy Nexus 2.12 Water-related Disasters 3. Parliamentarian Process 4. Local/Regional Authorities Process 5. Trialogues 5.1 Africa 5.2 Americas 5.3 Asia-Pacific 5.4 Europe 5.5 Arab States 5.6 Mediterranean II. Thematic Process 1. Strategic Direction 1: Ensure everyone’s well-being 1.1 Guarantee access to water for all and the Right to water 1.2 Improve access to integrated sanitation services for all 1.3 Contribute to hygiene and health through water and sanitation 1.4 Prevent and respond to water-related risks and crises 1.5 Contribute to Cooperation and Peace through water 2. Strategic Direction 2: Contribute to economic development 2.1 Balance multiple uses through IWRM 2.2 Contribute to food security by optimal use of water 2.3 Harmonize water and energy 2.4 Promote green growth and value ecosystem services 3. Strategic Direction 3: Keep the planet blue 3.1 Improve the quality of water resources and ecosystems 3.2 Adjust pressures and footprints of human activities on water 3.3 Respond to climate and global changes in an urbanizing world 4. Strategic Direction 4: Conditions of Success 4.1 Good Governance 4.2 Financing Water for All 4.3 Enabling Environment III. Regional Process 1. The Africa region 2. The Americas region 3. The Asia-Pacific region 4. The Europe region 5. The Arab countries cross-continental process 6. The Mediterranean cross-continental process 3 IV. Grassroots and Citizenship Process 1. Youth 2. Women 3. Culture and ethics for water 4. NGO’s/CSO’s 5. Other activities V. High level opening day events 1. Opening ceremony and inspiring speeches 2. Launch of the 4th World Water Development Report 3. 2012, European Year of Water 4. The Way Towards Rio + 20 5. Innovative Financing for the Sustainable Rehabilitation of Lake Chad 6. Solidarity for Water in the Niger Basin: Practical Commitments for Real Solutions 7. Desalination Facility for the Gaza Strip: The Key Solution for an Intensifying Water Crisis VI. Major Sessions 1. High Level Panels 1.1 Water, food and energy nexus 1.2 Water and food security 1.3 Making the right to water and sanitation a reality for all 1.4 High Level Panel on Water and Disasters 1.5 Global Water Governance 1.6 Raising additional “grant” funding for water and sanitation 1.7 Water and Green Growth 1.8 Future on the World’s Water beyond 2025 1.9 Water for development in large countries 1.10 Water Scarcity in arid areas 2. Water Debates 2.1 Public/private provision of water and sanitation services 2.2 Water storage and resilience to climate change 3. Special Focus Sessions 3.1 Water storage and sustainable development 3.2 Water and the future of humankind 3.3 Water in the United States West VII. Commitments Session VIII. Side Events IX. Closing ceremony speeches Conclusion Glossary of Key Terms Annex: Table of other Side-events 4 List of Acronyms ABDIB: Associação Brasileira da Infra-Estrutura e Indústrias de Base (Brazilian Association of the Infrastructure and Capital Goods Industries) ACP-EU: Development cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the countries of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) ACSAD: Arab Center for the Study of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (Syria) AECID: Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo AFD: Agence Française de Développement (French Development Agency) AfDB: African Development Bank AFUR: African Forum for Utility Regulators AfWA: African Water Association AGWA: Alliance for Global Water Coalition AMCOW: African Ministers Council on Water AMWC: Arab Ministerial Water Council ANA: Agencia Nacional de Agua ANEW: Asset Network for Education Worldwide APWF: Asia Pacific Water Forum ASBP: Aral Sea Basin Programme ATTA: Asociación Technológica para el Tratamiento del Agua AU: African Union AUC: African Union Commission AWRA: American Water Resources Association CARI: Centre d’Actions et de Réalisations Internationales (Center for International Actions and Achievements) CARICOM: Comunidad y Mercado Común del Caribe (Caribbean Community and Common Market) CCC: Cross-Continental Coordinator CEDARE: Center for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe CLTS: Community Led Total Sanitation CONAGUA: Comisión Nacional del Agua COP 18: 18th Conference of Parties CREPA: Water and Sanitation for Africa CTIC: Centre for Training and International Cooperation DLG: Dutch Government Service for Land and Water Management DSK: Bangladesh: Dushtha Shasthya Kendra (NGO) DSM: Decentralized Solidarity Mechanisms DWA: Desert Water Agency ECRR / RESTORE: European Centre for River Restoration EECA: Eastern Europe and Central Asia EEDS: Energy, Environment and Development Society EMWIS: Euro-Mediterranean Water Information System (Greece) EPM: Empesa de servicios públicos de Colombia ERSAR: Entidad Reguladora dos Serviços de Aguas e Residuos ESCAP: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific ESCWA: Economic & Social Commission for Western Asia EU: European Union EUREAU: European Federation of national associations of water & wastewater services EUWI: European Union Water Initiative EWA: Environmental Work Area FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization FEMSA: Fomento Económico Mexicano, SA F-IEA: Fundación- Instituto Euro-Mediterraneo del Agua GDP: Gross Domestic Product GEF: Global Environment Facility GGGI: Global Green Growth Institute GIZ: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GmbH (German Society for International Cooperation) GWE: Global Water Experiment 5 GWP: Global Water Partnership HDI: Human Development Index IADB: Inter-American Development Bank ICIMOD: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development ICPDR: International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River IDB: Inter-American Development Bank IFC: International Forum Committee IFI: International Financial Institutions IHP-UNESCO: International Hydrological Programme IME: Institut Méditerranéen de l'eau (Mediterranean Water Institute) IMIDA: Instituto Murciano de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario INBO: International Network of Basin Organisations IOCL: Indian Oil Corporation Limited IOWater: International Office for Water IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPPDSM: International Platform for the Promotion of Decentralized Solidarity Mechanisms IRD: Institut de Recherche pour le Développement ISARM: Internationally Shared Aquifer Resources Management ISDR: International Strategy for Disaster Reduction IUCN: International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources IWRM: International Water Resources Management KOICA: Korea International Cooperation Agency KWF: Korea Water Forum LAC: Latin America and Caribbean LCA (WULCA): Life Cycle Assessment (Water Use in Life Cycle Assessment) MoU: Memorandum of Understanding M&E: Monitoring & Evaluation MDG: Millenium Development Goals MEDDTL: Ministère de l’Ecologie, du Développement Durable, du Transport et du Logement NAIADES: Navigation and Inland Waterway Action and Development in Europe NBD: Nile Basin Discourse NBI: Nile Basin Initiative NCWR: non-conventional water resources NEPAD: New Partnership for Africa's Development NGO:
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