THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 23, 1877. 6531 to commence in the Lineover stream, at a purposes of the undertaking, all or some of the point in such stream 495 yards, or there- waters of the several" brooks'and streams" follow- abouts, measured in a straight line in a ing, that is to say—The River Ghelt,the Lineover southerly direction from the southern side of Stream, the Rosley Upper Stream, the Rosley the toll-house of the Dowdeswell Turnpike' "Lower Stream," the Dowdeswell Wood Stream, Gate on the turnpike-road .leading- from the Upper DowdesweU. Stream, the • Woodlands Cheltenham to Oxford, and to 'terminate Stream, and the Sandj^well Stream; and the . within the intended " Lower Dowdeswell tributaries of the said several rivers, brooks, Reservoir," near the. south-west angle of the streams, and springs, and all brooks, rivulets, embankment thereof, which aqueduct, con- streams, watercourses, surface waters, and other duit, or line of pipes will be situate in, and waters and springs which flow into or form part pass from, in, through, or Into, the said of the said rivers, brooks, and streams, or which parishes of Charlton Kings, Dowdeswell, and may or can be intercepted by or .may be diverted Withington. into the existing waterworks of the Company, or No.'12. An Aqueduct, Con'duit, or line of Pipes, into the intended reservoirs and other works, and to commence within the intended " Lower as may be found in, upon, or under any lands to Dowdeswell Reservoir," near the south-west be acquired by the Corporation under the powers angle of the embankment thereof, and to of the intended Act, the waters of which said terminate in filters hereinafter described several rivers, brooks, streams, and other water- under the Number 13 at a point 25 yards, courses now flow or proceed- directly or deriva- or thereabouts, measured in a straight line tively into or supply the River Severn and the in a northerly direction from the northern navigable channel thereof. side of the said public road leading from -To authorise the Corporation to take, purchase, Cheltenham to Oxford at a point in such and acquire, by compulsion or agreement, and to road 205 yards, or thereabouts, measured appropriate and use lands, houses, mills, build- along such road in a westerly direction from ings, streams, springs of \yater, and other waters the said Dowdeswell' Turnpike Gate, which and hereditaments in or near the several parishes, aqueduct, conduit, or line of pipes will be townships^ extra-parochial, and other places situate in and pass from, in, through, or aforesaid, or some of themj and in the' parishes into the parishes of Dowdeswell, Withing- of Swindon and'Boddington. in the said, county ton, and Charlton Kings. of Gloucester, and to take on'lease and take grants of .easements of, in, under, .over? or No. 13. Filters to be formed partly by embank- through the lands, houses, mills, springs, ments and partly by cuttings, and to com- streams, brooks, and waters, and other heredita- mence at a point 25 yards, or thereabouts, ments delineated on the plans to be depo- measured in a straight line in a northerly sited in respect of the Bill, or as may be .direction -from.; the northern pide of the said required or deemed necessary or desirable for any public road leading from .Cheltenham to of the purposes of the intended reservoirs, lines Oxford at a point in such road 175 yards, or of pipes, and other works, or otherwise, for the thereabouts, measured along such road in purposes of the intended Act, and any rights, a westerly direction from the said powdes- interests, or easements in, over, or in connection well Turnpike Gate, and to extend in a with such lands, houses, mills, buildings, streams, westerly direction for 55 yards, or there- and springs of water, and other property, and to abouts ; and thence in a northerly direction alter, vary, or extinguish all existing rights or for 55 yards, or thereabouts;, thence in an privileges connected with such lands, houses, easterly direction for 55 yards, or there- waters, and other proper iy. abouts ; and thence in a southerly direction To authorise the temporary occupation and use for 55 yards, or thereabouts*, to the aforesaid of lands, houses, building's, .easements, and here- point of commencement, and there to termi- ditaments for obtaining materials for the con- nate, which filters will be wholly in the struction of the said intended reservoirs, aqueducts parish .of Chaiiton Kings. or lines of pipes, and other works, or otherwise, for No. 14.—An Aqueduct, Conduit, or line of the purposes of the intended Act, and to incor- Pipes to commence within the filters lastly porate with such variations and amendments, as hereinbefore described under the Number 13, maj' be proper or requisite, all or some of the near the northern side thereof, and to termi- provisions of ." The Railways Clauses Consolida- nate at the eastern end of. High-street, tion Act, 1845," with respect to the temporary Cheltenham, which aqueduct, conduit, or occupation of lands near the railway during the line of pipes will be situate in and pass construction thereof, or to make other provisions from, in, through, or into the parishes of with reference thereto. Charlton Kings and Cheltenham. To authorise deviations and alterations in and To empower the Corporation to construct and from the lines and levels of the reservoirs, aque- maintain all necessary and proper embankments, ducts, lines of pipes, and other works shown on dams, channels, basins, byewashes, weirs, cul- the plans and sections (to be deposited as herein- verts, cuts, bridges,' road' diversions, road ap- after mentioned) within the limits of deviation proaches, and other roads and communications, shown on those plans, or as may be prescribed in sewers, drains, sluices, filtering beds, reservoirs, the intended Act. wells, weirs, conduits, tanks, mains, pipes, and. To empower the Corporation within the several other apparatus, for the effectual construction, parishes, townships, extra-parochial and other maintenance, and use of the intended works, or places aforesaid, or any of them, to make, lay incidental thereto, for collecting, impounding, down, complete, and maintain, and from time to conveying, and distributing water in, to, and time alter, vary, replace, repair, and restore within the Company's present limits of supply. conduits, culverts, pipes, telegraph posts and To enable the Corporation to take, divert, and wires, drains, tunnels, and. other works for or in collect into or by means of the intended reser- connection with the conveyance or distribution voirs, conduits, pipes, and othei works herein- of water, and temporally or permanently to use, before mentioned, or into any other reservoirs, improve, cross, remove, alter, divert, stop up, conduits, pipes, or other works of the Company raise, lower, break up, pass along, through, over, or of the Corporation, or some or any of them, across, or under, or interfere with any turnpike and to impound, apprbpropriate,' and use for the and other roads, highways, footpaths, streets, N 2.
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