AH the X«m * BSD BANK SECTION ' and SnrroonAIni Town. ToM Fearlessly awl Without Bias TEK ONE b«i»t Wwklj, utttrcd u *««om!.CI«n M«tt«r «t th« Po.t- Subscription Price 1 On« Y««r ti.OO, VOLUME-UX, NO. 14. offlc* at B*a »aak. M. lH aniu th« Art «! Mans !.»?». BED BANK, N. J., ^THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1936; Biz Moutlu. 11.00. 8in«l. «,«•, 4<u PAGES 1 (TO IS. CLUB PRESIDENT Charles Antrim George F. Gramann CAMPAIGN MANAGER Woman's Club Accidentally Shot Prominent Barber Riverfront Gets At Murder Scene Dies Of Apoplexy Enjoys Luncheon Bslford Man Hit by One of Vol- Conducted Shops and Worked in Brunt Of Storm; ley of Eight Bullets Which Others in Red Bank for More Killed Robert J. Sujlivan, Ex- Than 50 Years—Expert Mu- At Molly Pitcher Pugilist. sician and Teacher of Dancing Damage Is Light Charles Antrim of Belford, an em- George F. Graman, Sr., aged 76 ployee of the Matawan Tile com- years, father-in-law of Councilman Big Gathering Today at Firat Event of Fall Season- pany, was accidentally shot In the Harry G. Degeurlng, died shortly be- Simian Urchin Wind of Gale Force Brings arm and chest Sunday morning at fore noon Monday at his home on New Year Books to Be Dwtributed—Active the same time Robert J. "Farmer" Brown place from apoplexy. Mr. Heavy Sea and Unusual- Sullivan, ex-pugilist and a saloon Gramann was an early riser and got Taken Captive Program Planned on 1936-37 Calendar. keeper on Manhattan's west side, up at his usual hour. He was strick- ly High Tide to Shrews- was shot to death by unidentified as- en while \yalklng in the yard of his In Wild Storm sailants who fired eight shots home as ho was preparing to go to The Woman'* club of Red Bank rown, Mrs. Walter Bruyere, Mrs. through the window of Joe Martini's bury River. >• holding a club lunoheon today at William H, Carvaller, Mrs. Hosea, hlB employment at Augustus Layton'e tavern on Old road In Matawan barber shop on East Front street, The Strange but True Story of a tin Molly Pitcher hotel. The session Chark, Mrs. John A. Chaunzy, Mrs. township, near Keyport, •Will begin at 1 o'clock, with Mrs. Edwin S. Close, Mrs. Edgar C. Cook, opposite the Globe hotel. The fam- Pet Monkey That Wat Mis- Leslie N. Crlchton as the guest Mrs. Horace P. Cook, Mrs. Thomas Mr. Antrim was taken to River- ily physician «ai summoned, but Mr. speaker and Ollvo Wyckoff as solo- Cook, Mrs. C. C. Cooper, Mrs. Melvla view hospital In the Matawan First Gramann sank rapidly and passed taken for a Human Peeping Many Boats Damaged; ist. Mrs, Hermann Asendorf Is 7. Cornwa.il, Mrs, Patrick Cotter, Aid squad ambulance, away within a few hours. Tom—Arrested by Constable. chairman and Mrs, Harry Motford Mrs. Leland W, Crafts, Mrs. Herbert Antrim was In a washroom at the Mr. Gramann, who had been a res- tavern and was hit by a stray bul- co-chairman of the affair. During B, Craig, Miss M, Louise Crawford, MRS. E. H. BOYNTON. ident of Red Bank for 56 years, was Wires Blown Down Mrs. Frank S. Curtis, Mrs. Frank J. let, which went through the door NEILSON EDWARDS. Friday night while the worst the session the year books for born at Wayside. He was the son storm of the season was at its height Dibben. • and after hitting the Belford man of the late Christopher and Louisa 1037, a product of The Register press, went through a beaver board par- Mrs. William F; Hartman of Hance will be distributed. Mrs, Monroe Eisner, Mrs. Big- luran Gramann. He had been a bar- road, Shrewsbury township, tele- The worst storm of the year roared tition and embedded itself in the ber since youth. He waa probably Tho book this year Is Issued In a mnd Eisner, Mrs. Abram I. Elkua Fire Company weather boards on the side of the ihoned to Recorder Elmer C, Waln- through this section on Friday but new style and Is much more con- Miss 'Emma. L. .Ely,. Mrs. I. P. one of the best known men of this Reception For 'Ight thai a Btrange man was growi- spent most of its fury over the At- building. Tho door was directly in profession In this vicinity and for venient for those who deslra to carry Emery, Mrs. Charles R. English, the line of fire. ng about her yard and was at that lantic ocean. It waa more fearsome It with them to remind them of the Miss Elisabeth Ernst, Mlsa Lillian To Display Sail over a half century had followed the /ery moment peering at her through than destructive and fell far short activities of the club. The colors of Flannery, Mrs. J. G. Foller, Miss Police said that Sullivan and five trade. Albert Hermann . window. The recorder Informed of attaining the force predicted in the club, green and white, are at- Florence F, Forgotaon, Miss Kath- Boat J)n Street companions had been in the tavern He started in the barber business 'onstable William S. England of advance notices. JCt abated abruptly tractively brought cut In the cover ertsa Foster, Mrs. Horace G, Fowler, only a few minutes and a waiter had at Sea Bright. A few years later he In Rumson Hall Tlnton Falls of the message and after a day of high winds and tor- denlgn, tho type lines being printed Mrs. Richard K. Fox, Mrs. Walter just taken their order when the shots came to Red Bank, where he hot asked him to hasten to the Hartman rential rains and the following day In white Ink on a green cover, 13. French, Mrs. Allan Frost, Mrs. 'ermission Granted Independent were fired. One bullet struck Sulli- only conducted shops of his own but residence. dawned bright and clear. Percy A, Qaddia, Miss 'Marian Gat- van In the chest and the rest en- in later years was employed in local Mayor Neilton Edwards to Hon- Features of the book are pagea de- Engine. Company by Mayor Arming himself with a pistol and Storm damage was almost entire- ueatb, Mrs. Frank Ganter, Mrs. B. tered the walls of the room. Sullivan shops, where he was looked upon as accompanied by his son, Harold Eng- voted to greetings by the president, H, Garrison, Mrs, C. A. Geatty, Mrs. was seated nearest tha window. or Republican Congressional ly localized to areas along the At- Mrs. Bertha K. Boynton; state fed- and Council at Monday being somewhat of a fixture and en- land, the constable did as be was Edwin C, Gllland, Mrs. Olive Gllaey, When the shooting started his five joyed an exceptionally large personal Nominee at Public Gathering bidden. He found that the Intruder lantlo ocean and along rivers and eration officers, federation meetings, Mrs, George M. 8, Goff, Mrs. Harry Night's Session. companions ran from the building. bays. Many boats were set adrift club officers, standing committees, following. At one time he conducted ras not a man but a drenched, dls- Goldhursti Mrs. Walter Gosling, Mrs. After Investigating, police said Sul- a barber shop in the old Red Bank Next Wednesday Night. Igured and shivering monkey, Waco and were either destroyed or dam- club departments, junior depart- aged. Docks along the waterfront Edythe Grlesenbeck, Mrs. Richard C. Independent Engine company, livan had been shot at before and Opera House building, adjacent to >y name, owned by David Scott, who ments, club program, club song and Hackjtaff, 'Mrs. Alnsworth J. Hague, was regarded as a tough customer :onducta an automobile service sta- also suffered damage. special events, as well as a com- which is disposing of a Ballboat on the former Central hotel on West Mayor Nellson Edwards of Rum- Mrs, J. °C.'Hanklnson, Mrs. Joseph the oo-operatlvo plan, was granted on the west side of Manhattan. On Front street, and later had a shop son, who is the campaign manager tion on Shrewsbury avenue near the On land the damage consisted plete list of honorary, active and as- a Harrison; Mrs, Samuel Hausman, March lBlh'ot this year, he was with airport. Sitting on a pole near the sociate members of the organization. permission • to display the boat on of his own on Monmouth street, next of tho Republican Campaign com- mainly of broken trees, power lines Mrs. Mart P. Havlland, Mrs. George Broad street near the corner of three other men when a similar vol- to Frank F. Supp's grocery store, mittee of Monmouth county, will house, the animal viewed with long- and signs. Orchards in the rural The Red Bank Woman's club was A. Hawkins, Mrs. C. Mitchell Helm, White street Monday night at a ley of shots were fired from a car near the New Jersey Southern rail- tender a reception next Wednesday ing the Interior comforts of the sections suffered somewhat when organized, aa the FhilomathUn Cot- iri. Alice Hendrlokson, Mrs. Marcus meeting of the mayor and council. on 31th street, near Ninth avenue, road. night, September 30, in honor ol Al- dwelling. Seen from a distance, he fruit was blown from the trees. Th» erie In 1898 by Mrs. Mary Wooster Hlgglnbotham, Mrs. Howard Higgln- Permission was granUd pending the Manhattan. At that time, Richard bert B. Hermann, Republican con- looked curiously like a human being rain ended a long, dry spell and re- Sutton. In 1916 It was reorganized son, Mrs. William H. Hlntelmann, approval of the police department.
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