ROCHESTER POULTRY ASSOCIATION 107th ANNUAL SHOW October 5th, 2014 GENESEE COUNTRY VILLAGE & MUSEUM MUMFORD, NEW YORK ROCHESTER POULTRY ASSOCIATION 107th ANNUAL SHOW GENESEE COUNTRY VILLAGE & MUSEUM Mumford, New York Sunday, October 5th, 2014 Entries must be postmarked no later than September 29th, 2014 SHOW COMMITTEE: Bob Berkemeier; Kelsey, Jackie& Doug Ferguson; Harold Knapp; Jeff, Colleen, Devin & Robin Lewis; Dan & Marietta Schuth; Terry & Terry Strobel JUDGES: **Troy Laroche** **Paul Monteith** ENTRY FEE: $3 each bird if you enter from 1 to 14 birds. $2.50 each bird if you enter 15 or more birds. $5 each bird for double coop (largefowl only). Cock pheasants must be double cooped. * Current NPIP certificate copy required with entry for all birds except waterfowl * Birds showing signs of disease will be removed from the showroom. * Only owners, show staff or judges may handle birds. RPA will not be responsible for lost or stolen birds. * Coop in by 9:15 October 5th. Judging starts 9:30am. The show hall will open at 7:30 am on Sunday the 5th and on Saturday, October 4th from 3pm until 5pm. The building will be locked overnight. * No entry changes will be accepted at the show. * Judging by current APA and ABA rules and standards. Judges’ decisions will be considered final. * Awards around 3:30pm. Please leave your birds in place until 4pm as per our agreement with the Museum. Our show is part of the Fall Festival special event, so we agree that patrons are entitled to full museum experience until closing. * Sale Coops: Club coops or your coops $5 each, includes unlimited refills. RPA reserves the right to regulate number and placement of exhibitors’ sale birds and coops in order to comply with Museum rules, foster a positive public perception and ensure the comfort of birds. No pre-sale coops; our coops or spaces for yours will be first come, first served on day of show and will be managed in the designated area by an RPA club member. Tailgate sales or selling out of vehicles will be forbidden on the premises as per the Museum. Only birds can be sold. * Museum Passes: Each exhibitor will receive one Museum pass to park behind the show hall, their Museum participant tag to wear and one Museum guest entry pass. The Museum requires that each guest take their pass through the Museum entry gate at 10am and exchange it for a visitor tag to wear. To receive your passes: Include one stamped, legal sized, self addressed envelope with entry for each exhibitor. * Parking: Only one vehicle per exhibitor or family may park behind the poultry barn after coop in. Additional and guest vehicles should be parked in lot up by entry gate. CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Rochester Poultry Association MAIL ENTRIES WITH FULL PAYMENT COLLEEN LEWIS AND 1683 OAK ORCHARD RD. SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE ALBION, NY 14411 FOR MUSEUM ENTRY PASSES TO: 585 682 5247 [email protected] Awards * $50 to the exhibitor who coops in the highest number of entries * $25 to the exhibitor who coops in the second highest number of entries * CUSTOM MADE STONEWARE POTTERY 19th century style created just for our show by Museum Master Potter Mark Presher as follows: GRAND CHAMPION: Large Fowl RESERVE CHAMPION: Large Fowl Bantam Chicken Bantam Chicken Waterfowl Waterfowl CLASS CHAMPION & RESERVE CLASS CHAMPION American Asiatic English Mediterranean Continental All Other Standard Modern Game Bantam Game Bantam SCCL Bantam RCCL Bantam AOCCL Bantam FL Bantam Bantam Duck Large Duck Goose Turkey Guineafowl (Don Perrin Memorial) *ARTHUR SCHALLENBERG MEMORIAL AWARD 16 inch Mark Presher Stoneware PLATTER TO GRAND CHAMPION of the SHOW (all standard and bantam chickens, waterfowl, turkeys and guineafowl competing) Offered by D.H.S. Wehle to honor the memory of Art Schallenberg Breeder, Stringman, Judge, Teacher, Friend SPECIALS ROCHESTER POULTRY ASSN. TWIN TIER POULTRY CLUB CHERYL DUNN $5 Best Silver Appleyard Duck $5 Best Leghorn $2 Best Magpie Duck $5 Best Runner Duck $5 Best Cayuga duck $2 Best Buttercup $5 Best Buff Duck $5 Best Belgian d’Uccle $5 Best Aylesbury Duck $5 Best Campine LEWIS FAMILY $5 Best Khaki Campbell $5 Best Australorp largefowl $5 Best Bantam Brahma $5 Best Modern Game Bantam $5 Best Large Brahma $5 Best Call Duck BUFFALO & WESTERN NY $5 Best Pekin $5 Best Silkie $5 Best Plymouth Rock $5 Best Large Cochin $5 Best Polish $5 Best Orpington $5 Best Turkey $5 Best Sebastapol Goose $5 Best Brahma $5 Reserve Turkey $5 Best Guineafowl $5 Best Pilgrim Goose $5 Reserve Large Cochin $5 Best Jersey Giant $5 Best Ameraucana $5 Best Crested Duck $5 Best Saxony Duck $5 Best Rouen Duck $5 Reserve Rouen Duck $5 Best Bantam Cochin $5 Reserve Silver Appleyard $5 Best Game Bantam BOB BERKEMEIER $5 Best Wyandotte $5 Best Large or Bantam Buttercup $5 Best Langshan $10Best Large or Bantam Light Brown Leghorn in memory of Larry Bush $5 Best Embden Goose $10 Best Guineafowl in memory of Don Perrin $5 Best Belgian d’Anvers $10 Best Buff Large, Bantam or Waterfowl in Memory of Harry Claus $5 Best Cornish $5 Best Large or Bantam Andalusian $5 Best Large Rhode Island Red HAROLD KNAPP DAN & MARIETTA SCHUTH $5 Best Bantam Rhode Island Red $5 Best Large Black Ameraucana $5 Best Red Pyle Modern $5 Best Large or Bantam Ancona $3 Res. Large Black Ameraucana $5 Best Large Red Pyle Modern Game $5 Best Large Blue Ameraucana $5 Best BB Red Modern Game Bantam $3 Res. Large Blue Ameraucana $5 Best Large BB Red Modern Game $5 Best Bantam Black Ameraucana $3 Res. Bantam Black Ameraucana $5 Best Btm Wheaten Ameraucana $3 Res. Btm Wheaten Ameraucana RPA THANKS THE FOLLOWING CLUBS FOR PLACING MEETS WITH US: (Meets placed after print will be posted at the show) APA SPECIAL MEET ABA SPECIAL MEET COCHINS INTERNATIONAL SPECIAL MEET OLD ENGLISH GAME BANTAM CLUB OF AMERICA MODERN GAME BANTAM CLUB OF AMERICA SPECIAL MEET WESTERN NEW YORK PHEASANT AND WATERFOWL ASSOCIATION SPECIAL MEET: Classes adopt APW standards. Categories to be as follows: GEESE: 1. Brown - Pacific/Lesser White Fronts, Grey lags, Pink Footed 2. Grey - Barheads, Snows, Ross, Emperors 3. Black - Cacklers, Canadas, Barnacles, Redbreasted, Brent’s, NeNe’s DUCKS: 1. Wood Duck, 2.Mandarin, 3. Teal, 4. AOV, 5. Diving, 6. Dabbling PHEASANTS: 1. Longtails - Reeves, Elliots, Humes, Mikado, Copper 2. Ruffed - Golden, Red Golden, Lady Amherst; 3. AOV - Ringneck, Silver, Swinhoe, etc. Ribbon or Rosette presented to Class Champions. Cash awards in each category awarded when 3 or more competing: 1st $5; 2nd $4; 3rd $3 (Young, Old, Gander, Hen judged together). WNYP&W offers Grand Champion plaques as follows: Ethelyn Clark Award for Waterfowl by Youth; Jim Keyes Award for Wild Waterfowl; Alice Gerling Award for Pheasant; Francis Gerling Award for Pheasant by Youth. Rochester Poultry Association offers: $10 Best Wild Goose Bob Berkemeier offers: $10 Best Pheasant in Memory of Warren Mack Terry Strobel offers: $10 Best Wild Duck WNYPWA MEMBERS ONLY YOUTH SHOWMANSHIP CLASSES: NOVICE (7yrs. And under); JUNIOR (8yrs. - 12 yrs); SENIOR (13yrs - 18yrs.). Youth wishing to compete in WNYPWA showmanship classes must preregister for their class on their entry form. Please use the Open Show form for your showmanship entry along with all your birds to be shown on Sunday. (The Youth entry form is for Saturday Youth Show domestic fowl entries only). Open show fees apply to all bird entries for this meet. Please note that only youth who are members of WNYPWA are eligible to be awarded any special premiums. MANY THANKS TO GENESEE COUNTRY VILLAGE & MUSEUM FOR HOSTING OUR SHOW We hope you join us to compete and enjoy the day with your guests in this entertaining venue. Genesee Country Village and Museum is a 19th century educational living history museum, and so much more, in Mumford, New York, just southwest of Rochester. It is the largest living history village in New York State, and one of the largest in the nation. Our show is part of the Museum’s annual 19th century style Agricultural Society Fair during the Fall Festival. We have the privilege of competing and enjoying our hobby while providing the public a window into our fancy. There is so much to see and do on the Museum grounds; exhibitors, family and friends will have plenty of entertainment to pass the day. See antique clothing collection and sporting art in the Wehle Gallery and the Civil War era hot air balloon. Catch the old time Base Ball tournament on the only 19th century replica Base Ball field in the U.S. Admire sheep and oxen, watch the dairy goat show, heritage produce judging and see who won the baking and preserve competitions - and so much more! Check it out: www.gvc.org YOUTH SHOW SATURDAY, October 4th, 2014 APA/ABA Youth Program Sanctioned BIRDS MUST BE COOPED BY 8:30AM October 4th. Bird judging will start at 9am SHOWMANSHIP WILL BEGIN at approximately 10am. Sign up at the show table at check-in YOUTH SHOW SECRETARY: ROBIN LEWIS 585-353-6810 150 Pearl St., Batavia, NY 14020 ELIGIBILITY: *Anyone 5 years old through 18 years old ENTRY FEE: *$3.00 Per bird, and must be included with entry form to Youth Show Secretary (Robin Lewis) *Youth exhibitors wishing to hold the same birds over from Saturday’s show to compete in the Open class on Sunday are welcome to do so at no additional cost. Here’s how: in addition to the fees and youth show entry form you send to Robin Lewis, you must fill out an Open Show entry form with the birds you wish to hold over for entry on Sunday and send the Open Show form to Colleen Lewis, 1683 Oak Orchard Rd., Albion, NY 14411.
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