nv^^mp^qp Vol. 3a EAST JORDAN, MICHIQAN, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1926. No. 27 Dicken For Green And Stores Close E. J. Wins Cure Alfalfa Commercial His Band Thursday P. M. In The 9th Properly Save State Senator For Chautauqua $5 to $10 Per Ton License Plates East Jordan Man Well-Fitted Most Merchants Ilave Agreed Locals Hammer Out Six Runs, State Department Make Ruling So great has been the demand for re­ Attend the "Big Hay Day" on July For That Office. turn engagements of Green and His To Closing That Afternoon. Defeating Grayling.. 6th at 1:00 p. m. slow time at the farm Relative to Same. Band, the famous musical organization of J. H. Noble, one mile south and In printing the announcement of the which two years ago delighted Chau­ In accordance with an agreement After Grayling had the base ball west of Advance and see for yourselves The following article from Michigan's candidacy of Doctor Hugh W. Dicken tauqua audiences on the circuit of signed by most of our merchants, the game of last Sunday nicely sewed up this "new" system of handling alfalfa Department of Public Safety sets at for the office of Senator from the 20th which our community is a part, the stores of Ea3t Jordan will be closed at the end of the eighth inning by a six hay, from cutting to cured product and rest some misunderstanding relative to Senatorial District, the "Herald" would program builders have urranged for a each Thursday afternoon during the to one score, the East Jordan team all the operations and make your own use of commercial plates. feel it had neglected a duty if we did return tour. We are very fortunate in month of July and August, with the went on a batting spree, every man up conclusions as to merits. Lansing, June 28,1926 not present some of the qualifications getting this great band this season. possible exception of August 20th. getting a hit. The winning run was Mr. L. D. Kurtz—Alfalfa expert from Charlevoix County Herald of the candidate with a short sketch of Good music presented in a way which Thursday, July 8th will be the first day. put across when Johnson made a wild M. S. C, will be on the grounds, as East Jordan, Mich. his activities in our midst. keeps' the audience wondering what The Agreement peg to third allowing a walk home, well as representatives from various The following is a statement made by "Doc" was born at Romeo, Michigan, pleasing surprise is coming next, is with only one out. Owing to a lame Implement Companies to demonstrate our Department concerning the use of but one of the reasons for the popular­ We the undersigned merchants do arm, D. Laurent was in the box for fifty years ago, attended and graduated agree to close their store each Thurs­ the various makes of hay making commercial license plates. There*nas from the Romeo High . School 1893, ity of this band. It will be'the feature Grayling, and up to the 9th when John­ machinery. been more or less misunderstanding in on the third afternoon of our Chau­ day afternoon during the month of later attending the University of Michi­ son essayed to stop the slaughter. It is necessary to use A left hand side the rural districts concerning the use tauqua. July and August and stay closed until EAST JORDAN gan and graduating from- the Depart­ the next morning. delivery rake in this new way instead of commercial plates and our depart­ ment of Medicine and Surgery of the The three act dialect comedy "The Fred Nelson AB R H of the right hand and many wonder ment would appreciate if you would University in the year 1898, having Bubble" is the attraction for the open­ Albert Tousch Manglos, 2b 6 1 1 wherein lies the real advantages of. publish the following communication: ing night session. This is a delightful played End on the University football D. E. Goodman Morgan Floyd, ss , ..5 ,1 2 these new left hand. rakes. The only Act 302 of the Public Acts of' 1915 as play, presented by an all-star cast, team in the year 1895. East JorAh Lumber Co. Store H.Kamradt.c..... ......4 1 1 real way to determine for yourself is amended by the Legislature in 1925, Locating first in Emmet County, headed by Arthur J. Beriault, veteran S. Kamradt, lb...... .....4 0 6 to actually see such implements in which defines "commercial vehicle" as character actor. Another dramatic —W. E. Hawkins, Agnes Porter; where he was united in marriage with Earl Clark LaLonde, of 4 1 2 operation. all motor vehicles used for the trans­ Miss Susie G. Dickenson, daughter of production of quite a different type is Swafford, 3b.-- 4 1 2 The new system will save from 15 to portation of passengers for hire and the spectacular and factastic play "A George Carr the late Colonel Dickenson, who was Peoples State Savings Bank Cort Hayes, If... 4 0 0 •10 per ton in selling value, cuts your those constructed or used for the for many years County Clerk of "pm- Message from Mars." Scenicly this is Bensen, rf i^ 1 0 0 labor charge, saves the quality of hay transportation of goods, wares of mer­ said to be one of the most pretentious State Bank of East Jordan met County. George Bell A. Morgan, rf ..... 2 1 0 and increases the. yield of succeeding chandise, might be interpreted as pro­ Twenty-five years ago the docti resentations ever offered to Chau- Mrs. F. P. Ramsey Saffron, p..-. _ .....3 1 1 crop as a result of the rapid handling hibiting the use of pleasure cars for located at East Jordan, where he has uqua patrons and it will undoubtedly C. J. Malpass Totals L, 36 7 .9 and getting the hay off the ground and hauling small amounts of grain or pro­ enjoyed a lucrative 'practice and gained e a fitting climax to the week's en­ A. & P. Tea Co. GRAYLING in the barn in a short time. duce to town or the hauling of sample an enviable reputation in his profes­ tertainment and enjoyment. - Smith & Bronkema AB R H This is the last announcement, so ceses, camp equipment, etc. However sion. , Dr. Harry G. Hill, in a psychology C. A. Brabant C. Johnson, 3b-p ......5 0 0 make your plans now and be at J. H. this Department does not place that During the world war he ottered hi/ lecture, "An undiscovered World" and R. D. Gleason Milnes, lb..__ ....5 i 3 Noble's—promptly at 1:00 p. m. slow interpretation on the law. We believe Ward B. Flaxington in his challenge services to his country, being two ""•-•' F. H. Bennett E. Johnson, c.._ ^ 5 1 1 time, July 6th, and judge for yourself. that a farmer or any other citizen.has lecture "The Patriotism of Peace" and the right to use his pleasure car for the years in the American Army, ten A. E. Bartlett D. Laurent, cf.. ........4 1 2 B. C. MELLENGAMP, Ethel L. Irwin -in an interesting travel hauling of his own produce to town or months overseas, returning with the C. A. Hudson B. Laurent, p-3b 4 ' 2 2 Co. AgrT Agent. lecture on "Mecico" will interest the for the hauling other articles of mer­ rank of Major, 317-Engineers. A. W. Freiberg Nelson, If......_ --,,..4 1 2 lecture going and information seeking chandise for himself, Without being Being interested in the welfare of his C. W. Hipp Reynolds, ss 3 0 0 citizens. compelled to purchase a Commercial comrades, he has been active in Ameri­ Mrs. M. B. Palmiter McLeod, rf 4 0 0 Demand Grows For can Legion . work, and is at present Frye & Co., Magicians and Illusion­ Brown, 2b.„, L...4 0 1 License for the car. We believe that Finance officer of "Rebec-Sweet Post" ists, with two musicians in the com­ Totals.. ....38 6 11 Hairy Vetch Seed the Legislature intended this particu­ No. 227 of the American Legion. pany, will provide on. the second day, lar section to apply only to those ve­ programs which will surprise and Notice Of Annual Struck out—By Saffron 13; by Laur^ hicles used or constructed solely for His busy professional life has not kept ent5. Home run, Swafford. 2-base Increased demand for Michigan him from doing-his-share-is connection -mystify all,, while The Harmony Maids grown hairy vetch seed, as a result of the purpose of hauling passengers for on the fojMlhv4ay will present a pro­ ScJioii^Mejtini hits, Morgan, Swafford. B. Laurei hire or for hauling freight. ~^"' '"•' with all civic matters. Now serving Nelson. Attendance 181. Umpires, L. grdwfnlfpopularity. of vetch as a winteF his third term as Mayor, and for sev­ gram or songfiLgintl beautifully costum­ cover crop in many of the southern This department will not make any ed novelty numbefswTiich will appeal The Annual Meeting of School Dist­ LaLonde and Powers. eral years a member of the School rict NO; 4 of the Township of South states, is expected by C. R. Megee, of arrests for alleged violations of this to Everyone. So far this season, the East Jordan the Michigan State College crops de­ section of the law where a pleasure Board. On thewilo'le, the dates July 11th to Arm, Charlevoix County, Mich., for the team has three wins to its credit with­ partment. vehicle may be usedja haul-produce or _As a friend and neighbor he is unex­ 15th promise to bring to this commun­ election of school district officers and out any loss, which is self-evident that celled, in public life he has been pro­ ity a program of surpassing interest for the transaction of such other busi­ The Carolinas, Virginia, and Alabama personal goods by the owner.
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