E1508 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 22, 2004 named ‘‘Black Patch.’’ However, his first major guilty of genocide or ethnic cleansing to jus- tive Chen has used his vast experience to pre- recognition as a film composer did not occur tice. serve and expand ties between Taipei and until 1962 for his score of the Kirk Douglas f Washington. Representative Chen’s advice film ‘‘Lonely Are the Brave.’’ That same year, and counsel have always been sought by he got his first Academy Award nomination for INTRODUCTION OF POVERTY Members of Congress who have a keen inter- the film ‘‘Freud.’’ STATS LEGISLATION est in matters involving the Taiwan Straits. Throughout his career, he became associ- Therefore, his impending departure is a loss ated with distinguished directors such as the HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY for Taiwan’s friends in Washington. late Franklin J. Schaffner who, with Mr. Gold- OF NEW YORK Mr. Speaker, my colleagues and I wish Rep- smith scoring, made ‘‘Planet Of The Apes,’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES resentative Chen and his lovely wife Yolanda ‘‘Patton,’’ ‘‘Papillon,’’ ‘‘The Boys From Brazil,’’ Thursday, July 22, 2004 well as they prepare to return to Taipei for and ‘‘Lionheart.’’ He also worked on a number new challenges. I look forward to seeing him of Paul Verhoeven films including ‘‘Total Re- Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, today I intro- again in Taipei or when he returns to Wash- call,’’ ‘Basic Instinct,’’ and ‘‘Hollow Man.’’ He duce legislation with Representative WILLIAM ington in the months ahead. wrote the scores for director Fred Schepisi LACY CLAY, D-MO, that requires the annual films ‘‘The Russia House,’ ‘‘Mr. Baseball,’’ ‘‘Six poverty estimate and the National Assessment f Degrees Of Separation,’’ and ‘‘I.Q.’’ And direc- of Educational Progress to be subject to cer- tor Joe Dante gave Mr. Goldsmith the oppor- tain guidelines on the release of the informa- INTRODUCTION OF THE SOCIAL tunity to show his talents for films like ‘‘Twilight tion to the public. I am deeply concerned at SECURITY FAIRNESS FOR MER- Zone: The Movie,’’ ‘‘Gremlins I and II,’’ what appears to be the politicization of data by CHANT MARINERS ACT OF 2004 ‘‘Innerspace,’’ ‘‘Explorers,’’ ‘‘The ’burbs,’’ ‘‘Mat- the Bush Administration on important issues inee,’’ and ‘‘Small Soldiers.’’ ranging from worker safety to the dangers of HON. BOB FILNER Mr. Goldsmith received 17 Academy Award lead paint to emergency contraceptives. Be- nominations for his work starting in 1962 for cause data regarding poverty and educational OF CALIFORNIA ‘‘Freud,’’ and including his work on films such progress are essential to lawmakers at all lev- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as ‘‘Chinatown,’’ ‘‘Hoosiers,’’ ‘‘Basic Instinct,’’ els of government to implement policies ad- Thursday, July 22, 2004 ‘‘LA Confidential,’’ and finally for his score of dressing these issues, it is critical that this in- the animated ‘‘Mulan’’ in 1998. He won four formation is disseminated in an open and Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in- Emmy Awards for his television work and was timely process. troduce the ‘‘Social Security Fairness for Mer- nominated for five Grammy Awards. Last year, the Census Bureau decided to chant Mariners Act of 2004’’ (H.R. 4904). Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me break with tradition to release its annual pov- There were three major roles in World War in remembering the life and work of Jerry erty estimates on a Friday in Suitland, Mary- II: the fighting forces overseas, the production Goldsmith. He was a national treasure. Al- land, rather than during the middle of the army at home, and the link between them— though we will no longer get the opportunity to week at the National Press Club in Wash- the United States Merchant Marine. The mari- hear new scores from him, his musical legacy ington, DC. Because that report was expected time power of the Merchant Marine may have will live on in his recordings for generations. to announce the loss of millions of jobs, the been the difference between victory and de- f questionable circumstances regarding the re- feat. lease of those statistics led myself and Rep- The World War II Merchant Mariners suf- DECLARING GENOCIDE IN DARFUR, resentative CLAY to seek an investigation by fered the highest casualty rate of any of the SUDAN the Government Accountability Office, GAO, branches of service while they delivered as to why the Census Bureau made its deci- troops, tanks, food, airplanes, fuel and other SPEECH OF sion. We should not be playing politics with needed supplies to every theater of the war. HON. STEVE ISRAEL science, which is why I believe this legislation Enemy forces sank over 800 ships between OF NEW YORK is so important. 1941 and 1944 alone. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Given the role of the Merchant Mariners in Wednesday, July 21, 2004 C. J. CHEN, TECRO World War II, it is unbelievable that they were REPRESENTATIVE not given their proper recognition as ‘‘vet- Mr. ISRAEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong erans’’. I would hope that this was an over- support of this bill, declaring the atrocities un- sight, not a deliberate attempt to exclude them folding in Darfur, Sudan, as genocide. HON. JIM McDERMOTT from benefits. In Darfur, villages are being burned to the OF WASHINGTON One of the results of this lack of the ‘‘vet- ground. Death squads herd African villagers IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eran’’ designation is that the law does not rec- into refugee camps until they are full to burst- Thursday, July 22, 2004 ognize Merchant Mariners as veterans for So- ing, lacking food and basic medicines. cial Security purposes. If they had the veteran In a matter of months, government-backed Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, C. J. Chen designation, their Social Security would have militias have killed 30,000 people and forced soon will be concluding his term as Rep- been calculated as if they had earned $160 more than one million from their homes. resentative of the Taipei Economic and Cul- People talk about ‘‘indicators of genocide’’ tural Representative Office (‘‘TECRO’’). In this more a month than they did earn during their and lawyers argue whether the killing, which capacity C. J. Chen has spent the past four time in service in the Merchant Marines. Of the administration has already characterized years as Taiwan’s unofficial ambassador to course, what this means is a smaller Social as ethnic cleansing, is genocide. the United States, an important posting and a Security check, now that they are retired. Whatever label one attaches to these critical position for the twenty-three million My bill H.R. 4904, will fix this unfair situa- killings, there is a moral obligation to do every- people on Taiwan. tion! It will provide benefits with the status of thing possible to stop them. To ignore slaugh- Few diplomats have a greater under- ‘‘veteran’’ under the Social Security Act to the ter on this scale is unforgivable. standing about East Asia and the United Merchant Mariners who served during World To its credit, the administration is pushing a States than C. J. Chen. He has been a mem- War II. UN Security Council resolution. But as that ber of Taiwan’s foreign service for more than Combined with my bill, the ‘‘Belated Thank process unfolds, the killing continues. three and one half decades, and he has spent You to the Merchant Mariners of World War II’’ The time has come for action, for the inter- most of that time focused on fostering ties be- (H.R. 3729), which would compensate them national community to exercise its moral and tween Taiwan and the United States. By all for their exclusion from GI Bill benefits, Con- political and arguably also legal obligations to accounts, he has done an excellent job. gress can fix the injustice that has been en- intervene in Darfur. Representative Chen’s diplomatic career dured by the Merchant Mariners. We can Genocide has shown its ugly face too often has been most impressive. He has held a never make up for years lost, but we can pro- this century: European Jews during World War number of important positions in Taiwan’s Min- vide additional benefits to Merchant Mariners, II, Cambodians in the late 1970s, and istry of External Affairs and capped his long many of whom are living on small, fixed in- Rwandans in 1994. diplomatic career in Taipei by being named comes, in their final years. The lesson is clear. We must stop the geno- Foreign Minister. During the past four years I urge my colleagues to support and co- cide; prevent further atrocities; and bring those while serving as head of TECRO, Representa- sponsor H.R. 4904 VerDate May 21 2004 05:46 Jul 24, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22JY8.174 E22PT2 July 22, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1509 CONGRATULATING INDIANA of the national average. The program, which erations Battalion. During the early years of BROADCASTER OF THE YEAR began as a successful demonstration project his career General Lowe served on active duty AWARD RECIPIENT, HAROLD A. in 1991 under the leadership of Health and as a mechanized infantry platoon leader, com- WELTER Human Services Secretary Lewis Sullivan and pany commander and battalion logistics offi- was overwhelmingly authorized by Congress cer, in Europe. Later he served as a Deputy HON. STEVE BUYER in 2000, has at its core the recognition that in- District Senior Advisor in the Republic of Viet- OF INDIANA fant mortality and morbidity are not just med- nam and as Chief of the Enlisted Separations IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ical problems, they are community problems.
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