Field Studies in the Lasiosphaeriaceae and Helminthosphaeriaceae sensu lato. By Ann Bell and Daniel P. Mahoney. 2016. CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiver- sity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Pp. 124, 80 figs (78 col.). [CBS Biodi- versity Series no. 15.] ISBN 978-94-91751-05-9. Price: 30 €. Zealand but also from visits to the USA. mycologists as well as professionals to take I am so glad that they did, as now we have an interest in these poorly known fungi. All BOOK NEWS a superbly colour-illustrated account of those working on fungi occurring on dung many of these fungi for the first time. They or dead wood should try and secure a copy. did, however, conclude on morphological The whole is superbly produced, as grounds that the primarily fungicolous we have now come to expect of CBS, but Helminthosphaeriacae appeared to be attention is drawn on the website to the indistinguishable from Lasiosphaeriaceae; it inevitable minor slips all works seem to have will be interesting to see if future molecular despite hours of proof-reading; these are studies can confirm that hypothesis. reproduced below1 (so those with copies can Four keys to the species are provided, annotate them accordingly. with main divisions based primarily on perithecial vestitures (the terminology of Bell A (1983) Dung Fungi: an illustrated guide to which is discussed and illustrated). Species coprophilous fungi in New Zealand. Wellington: descriptions are accompanied by two Victoria University Press. full-colour pages of illustrations, one of Bell A (2005) An Illustrated Guide to the exquisite coloured drawings and the other Coprophilous Ascomycetes of Australia [CBS of colour photographs, including ones in Biodiversity Series No. 3.] Utrecht: CBS- Ann Bell is already well-known for her phase and differential interference contrast, KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre. superbly hand-coloured illustrated works on and showing details of not just features of coprophilous fungi (Bell 1983, 2005). She value in identification, but also germinating has continued her careful field studies, and spores, ascus tip structures, and asexual 1Page 3 line 17: New genera (Immersella and has been focussing, together with Daniel morphs, along with details of the peridial Lasiosphaeria) have been erected...”, should read: Mahoney, on a particular ascomycete family, wall structures (including cephalothecoid “New genera (Immersella and Lasiosphaeris Lasiosphaeriaceae, which has representatives plates in some taxa) and vesitures. have been erected...” of some genera, notably Cercophora and Eight genera and 39 species, of which 12 Page 13: under the heading Lasiosphaeria Lasiosphaeria, growing on wood as well are newly described, are treated: Bombardia hirsuta (Fr.) Ces. & De Not.: the synonym as dung. The aim was to try and elucidate (1 species), Cercophora (9), Echinosphaeria Lasiosphaeria hirsuta (Fr.) A.N. Mill. & relationships between the dung and (10), Helminthosphaeria (4), Hilberina (5), Huhndorf (2004a), should be Lasiosphaeris wood-inhabiting species. However, after Iodosphaeria (2), Lasiosphaeria (7), and hirsuta (Fr.) A.N. Mill. & Huhndorf(2004a)... 10–12 years of work they felt they were Rimaconus (1). That 31 % of the species Page 17: under the heading Lasiosphaeria “no further along” in resolving that issue, proved to be new on the basis of field work hispida- same mistake in the synonym as before especially as they had no access to molecular in just two countries suggests that there are where Miller & Huhndorf ’s genus for this facilities. Instead, they decided to present very many more species awaiting discovery species should also Lasiosphaeris. the results of their examinations of material in the family. This study is so well-illustrated Page 22: L. megaimmersa would be placed in the they found in the field, primarily in New that it should serve to stimulate field genus Lasiosphaeris by Miller & Huhndorf. Atlas of Chinese Macrofungal Resources. By Li Yu, Li Taihui, Yang Zhuliang, Bau Tolgor, and Dai Yucheng. 2015. Central China Farmers Publishing House, Zhengzhou, People’s Republic of China. Pp. 50 + 1,351, illustrated. [In Chi- nese with English brief.]ISBN 978-7-5542-1256-1. Price: 1480.00 ¥ [approx. 198 €]. Macrofungi are utilized more in China total number of species utilized is unknown, these have not previously been made so than anywhere in the world. They are not but a staggering 1,819 fungi are discussed in widely available. That 260 of the species just a crucial part of the rural economy this major new book, and lavishly illustrated included were first described and published and rural diets, but also an important part in full colour. The number of genera by the authors is a great tribute to their of international trade in several Provinces. represented is enormous, at 509. Further, personal contribution to the knowledge of While a few species are cultivated on an 370 species are ones described from, and macrofungal resources in China. industrial scale, most are harvested from with the name-bearing types coming from, The first part of the book covers the nature and are sold in local markets. The China. Colour photographs of many of history and practice of naming macrofungi, (74) IMA FUNGUS illustrated for quick guidance to the correct G. sichuanense for the lingzhi mushroom. BOOK NEWS portion of the Atlas. Considering that even Different colour codes are used to indicate myxomycetes are covered, it was surprising the sections in the book to facilitate quick not also to find at least a selection of the 126 reference. macrolichens used in food and medicine The whole is superbly produced, with in China (Wang & Quian 2013) included; a flexible cover which enables open pages that is, however, understandable, as that even in the middle of the book to lie flat would have increased the size of the volume when open, and is issued in a protective considerably. hard cardboard box to ensure it can be Several macrophotographs are provided transported with minimal risk of damage. for most species to show their ranges of Considering the size of the volume, and variation, including ones orientated to lavish production, the price is rather show the underside or sections where reasonable. It will be a major asset to all appropriate. Some are accorded a double- those wishing to utilize the macrofungal page spread. There are no illustrations of resources of China who can manage to microscopic features, but measurements obtain copies, even if they have little or no of spores and some other structures can be previous knowledge of fungi, and it can be picked out from the Chinese text. In order expected to result in an upsurge in their use. an overview of the major habitats of interest to assist those unfamiliar with mycological In addition, mycologists around the world in China, characters used in identification, terms, a glossary of 124 terms with Chinese may be able to find here photographs of and the overall taxonomic system used with equivalents is included. A bibliography of macrofungi described from China belonging the positions of treated genera indicated. 417 titles is also provided. Chinese and to genera they are researching. All centres The species are grouped into ten sections: international scientific names are provided, dealing with macrofungal identification larger ascomycetes; jelly fungi; coral fungi; and I was pleased to see it stated that the and utilization, not only in Chinas but polyporoid, hydnaceous and thelephoroid species figured were evidenced by voucher throughout the world, will find it a most fungi; cantharelloid fungi; agarics; boletes; specimens, something lacking in so many valuable addition to their resources. gasteroid fungi; larger pathogenc fungi field guides. The nomenclature seems well on crops; and larger myxomycetes. The up-to-date, and I note that they have opted Wang L-S, Qian Z-G (2013) [Illustrated Medicinal categories of sporophores in each are to retain Ganoderma lingzhi rather than Lichens of China]. Beijing: Huayu Book Trade. Stamps Collection on Mushroom & Lichen Worldwide (1958–2010). Edited by Hui Zheng and Zesheng Wang. 2011. China Agricultural Press, Beijing, Peo- ple’s Republic of China. Pp. 338, illustrated. [In Chinese with some English.] ISBN 978-7-109-15540-4. Price: 128.00 ¥ [approx. 17 €]. Only books published within the previous and one of the foremost mycologists in 12 months are normally included in Book China, comments that he long cherished the News. An exception is made here as in idea of publishing a “mushroom philatelic drawing attention to Philatelic Mycology: item, which is better than the foreigner’s”. families of fungi (Marasas et al., CBS It took the authors 15 years to compile, Biodiversity Series no. 14, 2014) I had and is surely now the reference work for not encountered this gem of mycological philatelic mycology. The illustrations show philately when commenting on that work the sets, and seem to have been derived from (IMA Fungus 5(1): (19–(20), June 2014) a variety of sources, including scans sent – and nor does it appear to have been by colleagues around the world. Scientific known to the compilers of the 2014 book. names and synonyms are given, and there The two works do, however, complement is a cross-index to scientific names at the each other in that the Chinese book has end, but no systematic arrangement as in the stamps arranged by country rather the 2014 work. If you are a fungal stamp than fungal families. They note that by collector, I am sure you would regard this as October 2010, 1141 species of fungi from a “must have”. The book is dedicated to the 267 genera had been figured on stamps. In 50th anniversary of the Fujian Academy of a Preface addressed to “Mushroom Pickers Agricultural Sciences. in the Postal Sea”, Yu Li, an academician VOLUME 7 · NO. 2 (75).
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