RETURN POST OFFICE BOX KEYS ' TICKETS FOR HOPKINS-MARY­ BEFORE LEAVING UNIVERSITY LAND LACROSSE GAME FOR SUMMER THE NEWS -LETTER ~ NOW ON SALE Vol. XXXVI, No. 51 THE .TOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, HOMEWOOD, BALTIMORE, Md., MAY 17, 1932 Price 5 Cents UNDEFEATED JAYS~ T~RPS TO CLASH Council Makes Banquet Regulations TWO OF COUNTRY'S BEST TEAMS SAYSPRQGRAMS D'p<J~~~=~~1 rJ'/i;!:g MILTON SMITH Tic:o~"w~/,.'Ji~.~~me IN ANNUAL LACROSSE BATTLE MUST MEET Speech NAMED HEAD OF Card AT THE STADIUM SATURDAY Dr. Broadus Mitchell, associate Tickets for the University of professor of political economy s A co uN c IL Maryland-Johns Hopkins lacrosse Both Twelves Have Several at the Hopkins, is now at Lon- · game, to be played at the Municipal Outstanding Attack, S• C• APPROVAL don, Ky., With a delegation from • • • ' Stadium this Saturday at 3 :00 P. Defense Men the American Civil Liberties M., may be obtained at the Treas- First Real Test Will Come Union, attempting to re-establish C. Squire Chosen Secretary urer's Office in Remsen Hall. TEAMS ON PAR; WILL In 193 3 Banquet the rights of free speech and free Of Student Activities Students at the Hopkins may se- BE BRILLIANT TILT Season assemblage, which they claim has Council Last Week cure tickets for fifty cents upon been refused by the officials of presentation of athletic cards, the Jay Attack Has Found Its SAID TO OBJECT TO Bell and Harlan counties. MOVE MAY BE MADE Treasurer's Office announced. "Eye"; Defense Has TYPE OF PLEASURE The group is attempting to re- TO DELETE CLAUSE Without tickets, price will be Been Strengthened strain the interference with $1.00. Ruling Regarded As Outcome which their investigations into Constitutional By-Law Pro- By BERNARD VERLIN Of Administration's the coal field conditions of -Ken- vides For Return Of What are recognized as two of Objections tucky is being met. Cash From Fees FINALISTS CHOSEN the best lacrosse teams in the Among the many 'delegates in country will battle it out at the As an outcome of what is be­ the Union are Arthur Garfield Milton Smith, who is president of TO COMPETE IN Stadium this Saturday afternoon lieved to have been protests made Hays, who is in charge, Dudley the Musical Club, was last week when Johns Hopkins and Maryland by administrative officers at the Field Malone, Dr. Ernest Suther- named to head the Student Activi­ THOM CUP CONTEST meet in their annual lacrosse tilt, Hopkins against certain features land Bates and Dr. John Ran­ ties Council for the academic year both with unblemished records for of the recent sophomore ban­ dolph Neal. 1932-33. Charles Squire, who rep- Contestants To Be Given the season. quet in April, Student Council resents the Debating Society on the Individual Topics 4 Min- last week adopted definite meas­ activity-governing group at Hop- utes Before '"Contest Couttesy of The Sun. ures in regard to future ban­ TRIPLETT ELECTED kins, was chosen secretary. JACK TURNBULL quets held by any J. H. U. class. May Make Motion Today BIRNE H D Representatives to the three un- ' EANEY, AN Turnbull, captain, who will lead These regulations are to go into TO ~PRESIDENCY the Hopkins lacrosse team at the effect at once. However, they dergraduate publications on the THOM JUDGES Stadium in the biggest Indian stick will be given their first real test OF STUDENT COUNCIL campus yesterday indicated that at game of this season, when the Jays Competition To Be Held In and Terrapins clash. in April, 1933, during the frosh­ the Council's meeting today a move Levering Hall, At 8: 50 soph banquet season. Defeats Only Rival By 3-1 will be begun to have removed the P. M., Thursday Regulations Listed Vote; Two Candidates clause in the organization's new con­ The regulations are: stitution which reads: "Before any Culminating several weeks of Automobile !Will Be (1.) All university undergradu­ Withdraw profit sharing be participated in, all elimination try-outs, Thursday night ate banquet committees must sub- mo~er; received, from the Student <wilJ ~·'3.tness the fit1aJ testing of the Awarded WinnerOf ---...---yni"tt·-their- hanquet-p-~ran~;; -t;o the-­ William - Triplett was named Council preceding each affair; Acttv1ties fee shall be returned to candidates for the Thom Cup, which (2.) These programs must be president of Student Council in a the Student Activities Council to is given each year by Mrs. H. R. Olympic Raffle approved by the Couucil, or other­ sweeping victory last Thursday. use as it sees fit." It is said that Thom to the best extemporaneous wise they cannot be carried out. Doug Stone, the only other nominee this clause was placed in the con- speaker. Dr. P. M. Wheeler, in­ (3.) Any violations of the for the important campus office, stitution, when it was newly drawn structor in English, has announced Council's decision will be met with was defeated by a 3-1 vote. Two according to the constitution of up last year, upon pressure of the that all arrangements have been Student Council. other candidates, E. H. Hanhart administration and the faculty com- completed for the event. and Eugene Lyon, withdrew on the It is understood that officials mittee of student affairs. Should Ten Finalists Selected here have expressed extreme dis­ day of election. the proposed motion be passed at Section A: 2. Smith favor over especially past fresh­ On S. C. For Three Years noon today by the Student Activities 1. Dell Alternate, man and sophomore class ban­ , Triplett, who was graduated Council at its meeting the authori­ 2. Meyers Greshman Alternate, Miller quets. This disapproval became from Baltimore City College, is now ties of the Hopkins concerned with Section E: stronger this year, it is known. an A.B. student preparing for law. this will be formerlly petitioned to Section B: Disapprove Of Entertainment He has been on Student Council reconsider the matter, it was indi­ 1. Rudman 1. Armstrong Though no definite statements 2. Shreve 2. Eareckson three years and has held both the cated by representatives of the Alternate, Sykes Alternate, were obtainable it is believed that Alumni and Varsity Club scholar­ campus activities. Shudofsky objections have been made not to Real Purpose Mystery drinking or vandalism at class ships for two years. He received What the real purpose of the banquets, especially of the two major letters in lacrosse and foot­ clause is primarily is apparently a underclasses, but mainly to the ball, and was recently elected vice­ mystery to heads of the three under­ type of entertainment provided. president of 0. D. K. He is a graduate publications which are to ---o--- member of Phi Kappa Psi fra­ be hit hard by the provision made in Carroll Mansion Open ternity. it. Arguments are made that the editor-in-chiefs and business man­ To Public Every Triplett yesterday said that the Afternoon agers of especially the NEW-LETTER, The Charles Carroll Mansion at new Council will draw up a definite the Black and Blue Jay, and the Homewood will open to the pub­ policy to be carried out during the Hullabaloo should be permitted to lic every afternoon except Sun­ next academic· year. (Continued on page 4, col. 4) day from 2 to 5 P. M., it was an­ nounced by the Treasurer's Office recently. Admission will be SO Rain Mars Effectiveness Of cents. Members of the faculty, stu­ Carroll Mansion Dedication dents, employees of the Univer­ sity, their families will be ad­ Dr. Ames, Presiding, Introduces Principle Speakers, Dr. mitted free of charge. Angell, President Of Yale University, --<>- and Mr. Griswold Hopkins Playshop May Sponsor Conference Academic routine was briefly ness iof the speech of Mr. B. Plans for a Little Theater Con- interrupted last Thursday by a Howell Griswold, Jr., who said ference to be held at Hopkins ceremony at which the Johns' he had tried somehow to com­ during the coming winter are be­ Hopkins became the repository bine Goethe and Carroll. Yet of the newly decorated Carroll upon finding these two person­ ing undertaken by Dr. N. Brylliori Mansion, one of the finest exam­ ages absolutely unrelated and un­ Fagin, Director of the University ples of colonial architecture in combinable, Mr. Griswold decided Playshop. A questionaire has existence. to leave his former speech as "a been sent to fifteen colloges in Rain Prevents Garden Party frozen asset" of his cultural Maryland for the purpose of de­ The opening was to take place goods. termining the organization of the outside as a garden party. Be­ He then proceeded to give a conference and topics to be dis­ cause of rain, however, the description of the imaginary ar­ guests and :speakers moved to rival of Charles Carroll, Jr., and cussed. Several replies received Remsen Hall. Fate, in the form his bride when they took posses­ to date indicate that possibly five of this circumstance and the at- sion of the mansion. Scattered representatives from each college rnospheric conditions, again con­ throughout Mr. Griswold's will attend. spired to frustrate the effective- (Continued on page 3, col 2) 2 HOMEWOOD, BALTIMORE, MD., MAY 17, 1932 THE NEWS-LETTER I A Contemporary's Protest T erps Clash W ith 2 Beeler ......... ... 0 .................. Pugh 30 "THE DIAMONDBACK," under- 23 Guild .............. T.A .... Poppelman 45 "What is impossible to others is possible to us." Jays A t Stadium Moth H oles, Burns, Tears, and Cuts in Clothing, Linens, and FouNoiro 1897 graduate weekly of the U-p.iversity of 6 Stone .............. S. A ..Hockens~it h 45 Silk Rewoven Perfectly.
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