A Newspaper Devoted Complete News ..Pictures To the Community Interest Presented' Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week Published Every -Thursday VOL. XIX—NO. 41 FORDS, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1957 At 18 Green Street, Woodbridge, N. J. PRICE EIGHT CENTS Council Hires . of E. Rejects Tow Firm to Start Committee's Efforts On Revaluation To Alter Referendum Program Cost Township Schools 'Clarification9 is Offered Mayor Makes $139,00% To Get Merit Award By Board on School Plan Few Chan es WOODBRIDGE — In a three-page statement issued today the EDISON-—For the second con- Board of Education offered its clarification of. what it called "some Take 2 Years secutive- year, the Bonhamtown misconceptions concerning the school construction program and its In Statement and Sand Hills schools have re- financing." WOODBRIDGE — As a climax ceived a certificate of exceptional The Board stated the cost estimates have been filed in Trenton WOODBRIDGE — After a.con- to a campaign conducted by the merit and were placed on the Na- and listed the estimated costs of the schools as follows: Oak Ridge, ference called last night by the Independent-Leader, during the tional School Safety Honor Roll Kennedy Park and Cozy Corner Town Committee- in an effort to past several years for the adoption of the National Safety Council, at $363,000 each; New Dover Road convince the Board of Education of a revaluation, program in the Mrs. Russell Ely, PTA president, and Lafayette Estates-Shorecrest to change the wording in its De- Township, the Town Committee, has announced. at $462,000 each. The estimated NY. Tip Foils cember 11 referendum on an $8,- last night at an adjourned meet- "We are proud of our safety A HAPPY THANKSGIVING is in store for Mr. and Mrs. Deszo Yuhasz, a young Hungarian refugee costs of the three junior high 000,000 building program. Town- ing engaged Joseph Rubenstein, education program and are please'd couple, who will be spending the first such holiday in this country tomorrow. Shopping in the schools the Board listed at $1,- ship Attorney Nathan Duff an- trading as the Realty Appraisal that the National Safety Council Mutual Store, Railway Avenue, Mrs. Yuhasz can be seen above accepting a large fancy bird from 542,050 each. Holdup Last Night nounced that the Board members has again recognized our e'fforts," Leonard Silvermari, vice-president of the company. The gift was unexpected and gave the couple remained adamant and insisted Co., West New York, "to perform the further satisfaction of learning the American way of life. On the left is Rev. Leslie Egry, pastor The statement in full read: the task of. revaluating the real Mrs. Ely said. "As long as acci- "This statement is being issued WOODBRIDGE — A tip from they • "will rely on the advice of dents are the first-ranking cause of the Hungarian Reformed Church, their friend and advisor. The couple has a two-week-old the New York authorities, and their bonding attorney" from New estate in the Township of Wood- daughter, Helen. They reside at 285 Fulton Street and came to this Country last December. to clarify some misconceptions excellent police work locally, bridge for the, sum of $139,000. of death .among school-age chil- concerning the school construc- York. dren, all of us in the PTA and foiled a planned holdup at the In a recent ordinance odopted tion program and its financing. Acme Market in Fords last night Earlier in the day, Mayor Hugh by the Town Committee, the sum on the staffs of the Bonhamtown 9 "Cost estimates for this pro- and Sand Hills schools will con- and resulted in the arrest of Peter B. Quigley told the Independent- of $165,000 was appropriated to gram, as prepared by architec- LaPlace, 26, 291 Oakland Avenue, Leader that he had intentions of carry out the entire program. tinue our, organized safety pro- Triplets -Arrival' Causes Slight Shift tural and educational consultants, gram to teach the young people West Brighton, Stateh Island, withdrawing his support in a •Mayor Hugh B. Quigley, and have been filed with the State N. Y. Board of Education brochure, of our community to protect Departmentpf Education and the Township Attorney Nathan Duff themselves and their fellow stu- In Original Need of 'Room for One More' At press time early this morn- which goes to press this morning said they "conferred with various State Division of Local Govern- and to be distributed next week, dents." , PORT READING—The family, the male member,"" Ronald no indication that would lead ment. ing, police from New York, Edi- companies engaged in the busi- The National Safety Council son, Perth Amboy and Sayreville, if the wording of the referendum ness of revaluating , properties" of Stephen Peto, 112 B Street, George, at 4:00 A. M., weighing them to expect rnoie^ than one "Preliminary plans of construc- was not changed to include the honor roll was initiated in 1944. in at five pounds, four ounces. tion have also been filed with the along with local detectives were they are convinced after "due To earn a place on it, a school who had been planning to make child. still questioning the Staten Island itemized cost of each school. consideration , of all factors and rpom for "one more" are now Five minutes later Darlene Carol State Department of Education. must present a detailed report of made her appearance, weighing "I just can't believe it," he "NO CHANGES may be made man on holdups committed in However, after the conference phases of the project that the its safety program to a committee faced with an unexpected prob- recent months. last night, Mr. Duff, as spokes- Realty Appraisal Company was three pounds, four and one-half commented. in these plans unless approval is composed of the school principal, lem. For on Monday, triplets The oldest' of the Peto chil- Last Saturday, New York po- man, said three changes had been the best qualified and could best ounces and a minute later, at obtained from the State Depart- made in the mayor's statement the president of the PTA, a'stu-^ were born to Mrs. Peto at Perth 4:06 A. M., Susan Dolores ar- dren is Barbara, a, long; distance ment of Education. lice informed authorities in this serve the interest of the Town- dent and a local civic leader. If Amboy General Hospital—two area that a hold-up was being which will appear in the brochure ship." ; rived, weighing five pounds, two operate!- employed by the New "These plans call for the con- and the Board also agreed to set this committee reports favorably, girls and a boy. ounces. Jersey Bell Telephone Company. struction of elementary schools planned at a super-market. The The mayor also said yesterday the National Safety Council lists police were stationed at each forth specific itemized costs in the the West New York firm had re- There are six other children in The triplets are in incubators The others are Stephen, Jr., 14; as follows: One in the Oak Ridge brochure—"specifically costs to the school on the honor roll. the Peto home and now the Anita. 10; Thomas, 0; Michael, Heights section of Colonia with a market at the Township but it valuated property in nearby com- The committee which reviewed and their mother, 38-year-old developed last night that La- the taxpayer." munities including Edison, High- pressing problem' is to re-arrange Esther, interviewed yesterday, 7, all pupils in the Township kindergarten and 12 classrooms; the work of the Bonhamtown 'and schools, and Cheryl, 2. The Petos one in the New Dover Road sec- Place failed to visit the Township Last week, The Independent- land Park, Milltown and Piscata- Sand Hills school- for the past things so that the family of said she is "feeling fine." But that night because his car broke Leader in a front page editorial way. eleven can be accommodated in father, Stephen, appeared to be have been married for 19 years. tion of Colonia with 18 classrooms school year wa-s composed of Mrs. and two kindergartens; one in the'down. pointed out that "the referendum, The contract between the Thomas Brennan, head teacher of an eight room housse. bewildered by t<ie turn of events Mr. Peto is a construction as presently written, in effect for he said he and his wife had laborer. Kennedy Park section of Iselin •Late yesterday afternoon, a Township and the Realty Apr- the Bonhamtown -School; Miss First of the trio to arrive was with 12 classrooms and a kinder- teletype message was received gives the Board of Education a, praisal will be executed within a Margaret Leusenring, head -teach- garten; one in the Lafayette from the 120th Detective Squad, blank check for $8,000,000 and few days and work on the re- er of the Sand Hills School; Mrs. Estates - Shorecrest section of New York that "there may be an commits it, merely, to build eight valuation program will be started F. George Douglas of the PTA,School Personnel, B. ofE* Truck Driver Held Fords with 18 classrooms and twoattempted hold-up in a chain schoolhouses. It contains no item- within 60 days, Miv Duff said,. Mrs. Steven Papp, former safety kindergartens; one in the Cozy store in Perth Arriboy-Woodbridge ization as to the cost per school, Asked how long the program chairman, and Elaine Peschek, area. Subject may be operating either for land or building, and 111 lldillL Corner section of Avenel with 12 will take to: complete, Mr.
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