NORTH TEXAS ZEPHYR NEWSLETTER N ORTH T EXAS C HA PTER , N ATIONAL R AILWAY H ISTORICAL S OC I E T Y W W W . NTXNRHS . O R G J UNE 2008, VOLUME 13, ISSUE 4 V ALLI H OSKI , NORTH TEXAS NEWS EDITOR O PINIONS EXPRESSED HEREIN MAY NOT REFLECT THE OFFICI AL POSITION OF THE N ORTH T EXAS C HAPTER OR THE N ATIONAL R AILWAY H I S T O R I C A L S OCI E T Y . ALL CONTENT RIGHTS RETAINED BY ORIGINAL AUTHOR . EVERY ATTEMPT HAS BEEN MADE TO COMPLY WITH FAIR USE AND COPYRIGHT LAW . CHAPTER MEETING & ANNOUNCEMENTS ............ 1 NORTH TEXAS CHAPTER OFFICERS ................................................... 7 JUNE 3, 2008 – C HAPTER MEETING , F ARMERS BRANCH HIST . P ARK . 1 NORTH TEXAS CALENDAR...........................................7 NO JULY MEETING – SEE YOU AUG . 5, 2008! ..................................... 1 NORTH TEXAS CHAPTER HISTORY ..................................................... 7 SPECIAL FEATURE – DART’S NEXT VOLUNTEER APPLICATION – LONE STAR RAILS GENERATION CARS & LINES ...................................... 1 2008 CONVENTION ............................................................8 DART C-S ECTION DELIVERY CREATES NEXT GENERATION SLRV S ... 1 Chapter Meeting & Announcements 500 D AYS AND COUNTING TO GREEN LINE ........................................ 2 SPECIAL FEATURE – T&P RAILROAD ...................... 3 June 3, 2008 – Chapter Meeting, Farmers Branch Hist. MEMORIES OF THE T&P - J ON ’S HISTORY CORNER ............................ 3 Park RETRACING T&P’ S ROOTS IN TYLER ................................................. 3 Program: Walking tour. LSR 2008 Volunteer training. SPECIAL FEATURE – NATIONAL TRAIN DAY ........ 4 We will tour the Dallas-Wichita (later KATY) depot, wooden KATY GRAPEVINE CELEBRATES 1ST NATIONAL TRAIN DAY ........................... 4 caBoose, look at other Buildings in the park. Next is the Business NORTH TEXAS RAIL NEWS .......................................... 4 meeting, followed By a volunteer training workshop for Lone Star RAILROAD PASSENGER CAR ALLIANCE CONVENTION , D ALLAS , Rails 2008. Volunteer training for LSR 2008 is Mandatory. This JANUARY 16-18, 2009...................................................................... 4 meeting will Be a good opportunity to attend a training session. BNSF P URCHASES LAND IN SOUTHERN DALLAS COUNTY Where : 2540 Farmers Branch Lane. INDUSTRIAL PARK ............................................................................. 4 Driving ? From LBJ Freeway take the Josey Lane exit coming GENERAL RAIL NEWS ................................................... 5 from the west and the WeBB Chapel/Josey Lane exit coming from 1000 M ILES OF RAIL FAME ? P ICTURE YOUR TRAIN IN AMTRAK the east. Go north on Josey and turn left at Farmers Branch Lane. CALENDAR COMPETITION .................................................................. 5 You will soon see the main entrance and parking lot. The Dodson CHAPTER FEATURES & NEWS.................................... 5 House is the Building nearest the parking lot and it is where we will CHAPTER PRESIDENT ’S CORNER – R ON ’S RAMBLINGS ....................... 5 meet. Alternately, you can go from LBJ north on Denton drive and CHAPTER MEETING MINUTES , M AY 6, 2008....................................... 5 turn right on Farmers Branch Lane. CHAPTER MEETING MINUTES , A PRIL 1, 2008..................................... 6 No July meeting – See you Aug. 5, 2008! LONE STAR RAILS 2008 CONVENTION CORRAL... 6 Enjoy your “R&R” from LSR 2008! QUANAH ZEPHYR – BNSF M AINLINE EXCURSION !.............................. 6 CHAPTER DIRECTORY.................................................. 7 Special Feature – DART’s Next Generation Cars & Lines DART C-Section Delivery Creates Next Generation SLRVs Customers can step out on the next generation of light rail vehicles as DART modifies its current fleet with a new, low-floor section. The new center section of the vehicles adds seating capacity for aBout 25 more passengers and improves access through level Boarding, which will allow passengers with disaBilities - plus people with strollers, Bicycles and the like - to step or roll directly onto the trains without using mechanical lifts. Right: Passenger convenience at even level with center section. (Photo credit: DART) Send news for next issue to: [email protected], by July 15, 2008 Page 1 NORTH TEXAS ZEPHYR NEWSLETTER N ORTH T EXAS C HA PTER , N ATIONAL R AILWAY H ISTORICAL S OC I E T Y W W W . NTXNRHS . O R G J UNE 2008, VOLUME 13, ISSUE 4 The newly modified cars Begin service in early Summer 2008. The vehicle conversion is scheduled for completion By the end of 2010. The modified cars are known as Super Light Rail Vehicles (SLRVs) Because of the greater length and added passenger capacity. The SLRV will seat approximately 100 passengers compared with 75 on the current vehicles. Standing passengers on the vehicle can nearly douBle the capacity. Left: Smooth running for LRV with center section. (Photo credit: DART) . How does DART do it? • Each of DART's 115 light rail vehicles will Be converted into super light rail vehicles (SLRVs) with the addition of the low- floor rail car insert. • The insert kit (the car exterior, or shell, railcar truck, etc.) arrives at a DART assemBly facility in Northwest Dallas from Japan. Once assemBled, the car is delivered via flatBed trailer to a final assemBly point near DART's current service and inspection facility near Fair Park where it is installed. Right: Delivery of center section. (Photo credit: DART) • During its conversion an LRV is first separated at the articulation point - the place Between the two car sections where the vehicle Bends and the low-floor car is inserted. • It takes approximately five weeks to convert the LRV to an SLRV. From there it is turned over to DART staff for testing, modifications as needed, and final acceptance. Left: Installation of center section. (Photo credit: DART) Because the initial SLRVs are modifications of the current fleet of 115 LRVs, they also have another advantage: the inserts are less expensive than full-sized vehicles. However, DART will need to modify all current stations, except Victory Station, which was Built to accommodate level-Boarding at the time it was constructed. The platform work Began in NovemBer 2007 and will continue for two years. The platform improvements also will enaBle DART to operate longer, three-car trains through the Dallas CBD. Source: 4/11/2008, Dallas Area Rapid Transit News Release at: http://www.dart.org/news/news.asp?ID=789 and SLRV Fact Sheet at: http://www.dart.org/factsheet/slrv/ 500 Days And Counting To Green Line We look forward to transporting new generations of North Texans through these communities." North Texans are just over 500 days away from taking the train to Deep Ellum, Baylor University Medical Center, and Fair Park when the first phase of the $1.8 Billion, 28-mile Green Line rail project opens as scheduled on SeptemBer 14, 2009. "There is a long tradition of passenger rail service in the communities served By the Green Line, and we're excited to help Bring it Back," DART President/Executive Director Gary Thomas said. Until January 1956 streetcars carried passengers through Deep Ellum and the neighBorhoods By Baylor Hospital to Fair Park where up to four sets of tracks were in service in front of the fairgrounds, Thomas explained. "Not coincidentally, the Green Line will follow much the same path, and Fair Park Station will Be Above : Fair Park Green Line Construction, 01/11/2008. (Photo credit: in the same location as it was when rail service stopped in 1956. DART) Send news for next issue to: [email protected], by July 15, 2008 Page 2 NORTH TEXAS ZEPHYR NEWSLETTER N ORTH T EXAS C HA PTER , N ATIONAL R AILWAY H ISTORICAL S OC I E T Y W W W . NTXNRHS . O R G J UNE 2008, VOLUME 13, ISSUE 4 Green Line Corridors Projected Opening Dates was a whopping $12.75. These prices did not include federal tax. September 2009 The cover of the 1943 Brochure has a proud V for Victory in World War II and a fine picture of Steam Engine #902. Green Line (Southeast Corridor) The 1946 timetaBle shows that post-war America was vacationing 10.1 miles, Pearl Station to Buckner Station; 8 stations again. "CarlsBad Caverns. One of the World's Great Wonders - Green Line (Northwest Corridor) has miles and miles of rooms, tunnels, passageways. Marvelously 17.6 miles, West End Station (Dallas) to North Beautiful laces in stone; vast rooms filled with majestic stalactite Carrollton/Frankford Station (Carrollton); 12 stations and stalagmite formations unequalled anywhere. Electrically lighted-Elevator service-Lunch in cavern. Don't miss the sight of a December 2010 lifetime! Motor Coach Service Daily fom El Paso." Another notice Green Line (Southeast Corridor) shows how Mineral Wells, Texas was once a great tourist MLK Station to Buckner Station (7.4 miles) destination. "Mineral Wells. A delightful resort where America Green Line (Northwest Corridor) drinks its way to health. Renowned for the curative powers of its famous Mineral Waters. Texas and Pacific Motor Coaches meet Victory Station to Inwood Station (2.8 miles) all trains at Millsap and convey passengers direct to the hotels at Inwood Station to Bachman Station (Northwest Highway) (3.2 Mineral Wells in twenty minutes. Golf-fishing-tennis-mountain miles) climBing and many other modes of recreation and pleasure. Bachman Station to Farmers Branch Station (4.9 miles) Moderately Priced." And this note: "Direct Connections at St. Louis Farmers Branch Station to North Carrollton/Frankford Station with fast trains to and from Chicago, New York, and the East. (5.5 miles) Through Sleepers Between St. Louis and Los Angeles WestBound on Sunshine Special. EastBound on the Texan." The timetaBle Source: 4/11/2008, Dallas Area Rapid Transit News Release at: proudly ends with a note to show the railroad is riding high after 75 http://www.dart.org/news/news.asp?ID=788 years. "The Eagles are Coming. The magnificent light weight Special Feature – T&P Railroad Sunshine and Louisiana Eagle trains, which will Be put in service Memories of the T&P - Jon’s History Corner the last half of the year, are Being custom Built for comfort, safety By Jon Shea and speed.
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