May 25, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 7 9277 played an instrumental role during race across Alaska’s jagged mountain March 17, 2010. The measure was re- World War II as the company for the ranges, frozen rivers, dense forests, and ferred to the Committee on Oversight first time provided packaged rations windswept tundra; and Government Reform, which or- for the United States Armed Forces. Whereas running the Iditarod Trail Sled dered the measure reported by unani- Dog Race is a year-long commitment to In addition, during World War II, Kel- training and caring for one’s sled dogs; mous consent on April 14, 2010. Nota- logg Company engineering personnel Whereas the Yukon Quest is an equally bly, House Resolution 1189 enjoys the made use of the company’s production grueling 1,000-mile sled dog race from Fair- support of over 80 Members of Con- facilities in support of the United banks, Alaska, to Whitehorse, Yukon; gress. States Armed Forces engineering ef- Whereas Lance Mackey is the only 4-time Mr. Speaker, Lance Mackey’s ability forts. In recognition of the company’s consecutive Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race to win a record fourth consecutive contribution to the American war ef- Champion, the only 4-time Yukon Quest Iditarod can truly be characterized as a fort, Mr. Kellogg received the Army- Race Champion and the only man to win remarkable achievement. As the resi- both the Yukon Quest and Iditarod Trail Navy E Flag for excellence. Sled Dog Races in the same year, which he dents of Alaska well know, the Iditarod With that, I would just ask Members did in both 2007 and 2008; takes place on 1,150 miles of grueling on both sides of the aisle to support Whereas Lance Mackey, guided by his two landscape across the State. Competi- Mr. SCHAUER in his resolution. lead dogs ‘‘Maple’’ and ‘‘Rev’’, mushed his tors race over mountain ranges, I yield back the balance of our time. team of Alaskan Huskies along the path of through tundra and spruce forests and The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. the 38th Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race from across frozen rivers. SERRANO). The question is on the mo- its start in Anchorage to the finish line in Mr. Mackey completed this year’s tion offered by the gentleman from Nome in just 8 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, race from a start in Anchorage to the and 9 seconds; Massachusetts (Mr. LYNCH) that the Whereas both ‘‘Maple’’ and ‘‘Rev’’ exem- finish line in Nome in just 8 days, 23 House suspend the rules and agree to plify all the essential qualities for good lead hours, 59 minutes and 9 seconds, the the resolution, H. Res. 1172. dogs, including intelligence, initiative, com- second-fastest finish in the history of The question was taken. mon sense, and the ability to find a trail in this race. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the bad conditions; In addition, he is the only person opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being Whereas Lance Mackey, who despite retir- ever to be crowned Iditarod Trail Sled in the affirmative, the ayes have it. ing ‘‘Larry’’, the lead dog with whom Mac- Dog Race champion four times in a row Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I object to key won his first three Iditarod Trail Sled and the only person to win both the Dog Races, was still able to convincingly win Yukon Quest and the Iditarod race in the vote on the ground that a quorum his 4th consecutive Iditarod; is not present and make the point of Whereas the Iditarod Trail, a National His- the same year, a feat that he accom- order that a quorum is not present. toric Trail, is staffed by thousands of volun- plished in both 2007 and 2008. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- teers who monitor and assist all competi- Mr. Mackey’s accomplishments have ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the tors; and also served as an inspiration to the Chair’s prior announcement, further Whereas each checkpoint along the cancer community. In 2001, Mr. Mackey proceedings on this motion will be Iditarod Trail has coordinators, health care was diagnosed with throat cancer. He postponed. professionals, and licensed veterinarians who took a year off from racing in order to carefully monitor the health and safety of battle the disease. The point of no quorum is considered all dogs and mushers: Now, therefore, be it withdrawn. Resolved, That the House of Representa- Thankfully, Mr. Mackey is now con- f tives— sidered cancer-free and often speaks to (1) commends Lance Mackey on his record- a variety of cancer patient groups COMMENDING LANCE MACKEY ON breaking 4th consecutive Iditarod victory about his fight and his recovery. WINNING 4TH STRAIGHT during the 2010 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race; Mr. Speaker, let us now take this op- IDITAROD TRAIL SLED DOG (2) applauds each and every musher who portunity to congratulate Mr. Mackey RACE was courageous enough to compete in the on his historic victory. I thank the 2010 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race; and gentleman from Alaska for introducing Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I move to (3) expresses appreciation to all volunteers suspend the rules and agree to the reso- and staff who help make this great Alaskan House Resolution 1189. I would also lution (H. Res. 1189) commending Lance race possible each and every year. like to thank the gentleman from Cali- Mackey on winning a record 4th The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- fornia (Mr. ISSA) for his support of this straight Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. ant to the rule, the gentleman from measure. The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Massachusetts (Mr. LYNCH) and the I urge my colleagues to support the tion. gentleman from Missouri (Mr. LUETKE- House Resolution 1189. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of The text of the resolution is as fol- MEYER) each will control 20 minutes. lows: The Chair recognizes the gentleman my time. H. RES. 1189 from Massachusetts. Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, Whereas Lance Mackey was born and GENERAL LEAVE to facilitate matters, I will include my raised in Alaska and currently resides in Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- remarks in the RECORD at the conclu- Fairbanks, Alaska; imous consent that all Members may sion of these proceedings. Whereas Lance Mackey comes from a long have 5 legislative days within which to With that, I yield such time as he line of successful mushers, including his fa- revise and extend their remarks and may consume to my distinguished col- ther Dick and his brother Rick, each of add any extraneous materials. league from Alaska (Mr. YOUNG). whom has won the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I thank the Race; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gen- chairman and the ranking member. Whereas Lance Mackey is married to his This is a resolution recognizing high school sweetheart Tonya, who is also a tleman from Massachusetts? musher, and has three children: Amanda, There was no objection. Lance Mackey. I know Lance person- Brittney, and Cain and one new grandchild, Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- ally. As the chairman mentioned, last born on the seventh day of the nine-plus-day self such time as I may consume. March he made Alaskan history by Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race; Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Com- being the first person to win four con- Whereas Lance Mackey and his family run mittee on Oversight and Government secutive Iditarod races. My friends, the Comeback Kennel in Fairbanks, Alaska; Reform, I present House Resolution that’s a little over 4,450 miles across Whereas Lance Mackey was diagnosed with 1189 for consideration. This resolution nearly 1,200 miles of Alaskan wilder- throat cancer in 2001, took a year off from ness from Willow to Nome. sled-dog racing to recover from the disease, honors Lance Mackey for his record of and is now cancer-free; four consecutive wins at the Iditarod. His exceptional fast time this year Whereas the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, House Resolution 1189 was introduced makes him only one of two finishers to which has been called the ‘‘Last Great Race by my colleague, the gentleman from finish the race in less than 9 days. Re- on Earth’’, is a grueling 1,150-mile sled dog Alaska, Representative DON YOUNG, on member, this is over a thousand miles VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:06 Jun 20, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H25MY0.001 H25MY0 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 9278 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 7 May 25, 2010 in less than 9 days. Lance was also the Add to that temperatures far below zero, Whereas the history of Asians and Pacific only person to have won the Yukon winds that can cause a complete loss of visi- Islanders in the United States is inextricably Quest four times, a thousand mile dog- bility, the hazards of overflow, long hours of tied to the story of the Nation; Whereas the month of May was selected for sled race from Fairbanks, Alaska, to darkness and treacherous climbs and slide Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month due Whitehorse, Yukon. In 2007 and 2008, he hills, and you have the Iditarod.’’ In addition to to the following two historical events, first, won both the Iditarod and Yukon Quest a very exciting race, the Iditarod race every May 7, 1843, when the first Japanese immi- in the same year within 2 weeks of one year attracts fans and spectators from around grants arrived in the United States, and sec- another, otherwise over 2,000 miles the world and creates many important jobs for ond, May 10, 1869, when, with substantial within 2 weeks.
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