This report is published within the KFB Program on Biobased Fuels for Vehicles TfflS DOOM# 6 wr'l From Prototype to Product The development of low emission natural gas- and biogas buses Mats Ekelund Strateco DISTRP^- - - •'$ DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED uiidiiiN SALES PROHIBITED A follow up of the KFB- and Nordic Industrial Fund sponsored "Co-Nordic GasBuss Project" KFB-Rapport 1997:19 FORFATTARE/AUTHOR SERIE/SERIES Rapport 1997:19 Mats Ekelund ISBN 91-88868-41-9 ISSN 1104-2621 utel /htle PUBUCERINGSDATUM/DATE PUBLISHED From Prototype to Product January 1998 UTGIVARE/PUBLISHER KFB - Kommunikationsforsknings- KFBs DNR 88-194-732 and 1993-0270 beredningen REFERAT (Syfte, Metod, Resultat) Syftet med rapporten ar att beskriva utvecklingen for natur- och biogasdrivna bussar och andra tunga fordon sedan “Nordiska GasBuss Projetet”, for vilken TFB/KFT var en huvud- finansiar och en av initiativtagarna. Idag finns ca 325 tunga metangasdrivna fordon i landet. Projetets uppstallda mal naddes, da signifikant reduktion av avgasnivan kunde demonstre- ras. Volvo, och senare Scania, omsatte de laga nivaerna pa saval bussar som i lastbilar. Hela den etablerade busstilverkarindustrin har darefter, foljt efter till samma laga avgasnivaer. Sve­ rige leder utvecklingen av biogas som drivmedel och har narmare 100 fordon. Biogas ar ur fdrsorjningssynpunkt en undervarderad fdrsdrjningskalla som teoretiskt kan ersatta minst halften av dieselanvandningen i Sverige. Utvinningen av biogas kommer att oka ju mer avfall som sorteras och atervinns. Scanai och Volvo har tillverkat ca 500 gasbussar till 6 olika lander. Den utveckling som behover aga rum omfattar; kontrollen av avgasutslappen for att oka sta- bilitieten av over tiden, den omfattar utvecklingen mot lattare och billigare tankar och kompres- sor-Zreningsanlaggningar, fdrbattringen av verkninsgraden for att na lagre drivmedelsforbruk- ning och avgasutslapp av bla CO2, NOx och CH4. Samhallets kostnader, oavsett vem som betalar, for natur- och biogasdrivna tunga fordon ar i annu nagot hogre an for basta dieselteknink med CRT-filter. Da kommersialiseringen okar och priset pa gasfordonen fdrvantas sjunka, ar det sannolikt att de samlade aktorskostnaderna (industri, stat och anvandare) kommer att ligga klart under kostnaderna for dieseldrift. ABSTRACT (Aim, Method, Results) The objective of this report is to show the development of natural gas and bio gas buses and trucks since the termination of the “Co-Nordic GasBus Project”, to which KFB was a major contributor and one of the initiators. Sweden have some 325 heavyduty methane vehicles of which almost 100 are bio gas operated. Scania and Volvo have produced, or have orders for, 500 gas buses to 6 different countries since 1990. The Project objectives were obtained and the significantly reduced emission levels aimed for, were shown. The international bus manufacturing industry followed, and have since shown the same low levels of emissions from gas bus engines. Sweden has taken the lead in the use of bio gas, by operating nearly 100 buses and trucks. Bio gas is still an underestimated fuel when it comes to supply, as it can provide fuel for 50 % of the domestic use of diesel oil. Future development need to include control systems for more stabile emissions, lower weight cylinders, less costly compressors, cleaning equipment and storage cylinders as well as more fuel efficient engines that can reduce mainly the discharge of CO2, NOx and CH4 further. Societal costs, regardless of who pays, for methane operated buses is still somewhat higher compared with best use of diesel + CRT technology. As commercialization develops, it is expected that the price of the vehicle will be reduced and emissions improved. It is therefore expected that the stake holders costs will be lower then that of diesel technology in the future. I Kommunikationsforskningsberedningens - KFB - publikationsserier redovisar forskare sina projekt. Publiceringen innebar inte att KFB tar stallnine till framforda asikter, slutsatser och resultat. KFB-rapporter forsaljs genom Fritzes Kundtjanst, KFB-reports are sold through Fritzes' Customer Service, 106 47 Stockholm. Tel 08-690 90 90. Ovriga KFB-publikationer bestalls och erhalls direkt S-106 47 Stockholm, Sweden. Other KFB publications are ordered directly from The Swedish fran KFB. Man kan dessutom abonnera pa tidningen KFB- Transport and Communications Research Board, Box 1273, Kommunike. S-lll 92 Stockholm, Sweden DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. ^KFB KOMMUNIKATIONS FORSKN1NCS BEREDNINOEN From Prototype to Product The development of low emission natural gas- and biogas buses Mats Ekelund Strateco KFB-Rapport 1997:19 From Prototype to Product Foreword The “Co-Nordic GasBus Project" was initiated during a conference in Esbjerg in december 1986. The Nordic Council of Ministers had invited bus operators- and manufacturers to discuss more rapid means to reduce exhausts from public transportation - buses in particular. May 31, 1988, the technical managers of the public transit companies in tha Nordic area and in Malmo decided to get into action. The pro­ ject was started and the group constituated them selves into a Stee­ ring Committee. More specifically, they were: o Rolf Berg SL (Stockholm, S) o Ingvar Bluckert ML (Malmo, S) o Claus Lund HT (Copenhagen, DK) chairman o William Theisen OS (Oslo, N) o Seppo Vepsalainen HST (Helsinki, SF) Mats Ekelund, Strateco Development, Sweden, was assiged project manager and Rolf Egnell, Aspen Development, was assigned project engineer. Ragnar Thdmblom, SL, was invited as a specialist to join the Steering Comittee. The project was terminated in April, 1994, by giving a seminar in Trondheim, Norway, hosted by the Nordic Council of Ministers and Statoil. The report is funded by KFB, the Swedish Transport and Communica­ tions Research Board and aims at presenteing some of the vital steps of delveopment that has occured after the project. KFB have an inte­ rest in the development of alternative fuels and more so in fuels where the feed stock is bio based. Natural gas is not bio based, but the bio gas technology is basically identical with that of natural gas vehicles - it does note really matter if the CH4 molecule is old (fossil) or new (re­ newable). The Nordic Industrial Fund was the main funding organsiation, who's early comittment to the project, provided early involvement by many others. In all, 44 companies and organsiations have contributed the MSEK 20 (MUS$ 3). A special thanks also to James Hasten from San Jose, California, and Kristoffer Wren from Heber City, Utah, for making this report be more English then “Swenglish". Handen, Sweden, in January 1998 Mats Ekelund Strateco 1 After the "Co-Nordic GasBus Project" From Prototype to Product Summary The objective of this report is to show the development of na­ tural gas and bio gas buses. Some 300 or more heavy duty methane vehicles operates in the Scanidnavian countries, most of them in Sweden. Scania and Volvo, being the OEM project partners, have produced 500 gas buses to 6 different count­ ries. Their production has been going on since 1992. The Project objectives was to show that "significantly reduced exhaust emissions” could be obtained, mening exhaust levels so low that they at that time was not thoughed to be obtainable with any other fuel in an internal combustion engine. The ob-jective was met, including for instance a NOx- level of 2 g/kWh (ECE R49) and 2.5 g/kWh (US FTP). The international bus industry have since shown the same low levels of emissions, possibly triggered by the resuts from this project, initiallay presented in Buenos Aires in 1990. Since the project, Sweden has also taken the lead in the use of bio gas, by operating nearly 100 buses and trucks as well as some 150 cars. Bio gas is still an underestimated fuel when it comes to supply, as it statistically can provide fuel for 50 % or more of the domestic use of diesel oil, i.e. 10-15 TWh. Future development need to include control systems for more stabile emissions - especialy when using different fuel quali­ ties, lower weight cylinders, less costly compressors and clea­ ning equipment and storage cylinders as well as more fuel efficient engines that can reduce mainly the discharge of CO2, NOx and CH4 further. Methane from renewable sources are not accounted for as greenhouse gases, as they already exist in the natural cycle. Un-bumed mehtane from natural gas is measured as C02-equivalent in order to reduce confution of HC-emissions. Societal costs, regardless of who pays, for methane operated buses is still somewhat higher compared with best use of die-' sel + CRT technology. As commercialization develops, it is ex­ pected that the price of the vehicle will be reduced and emissi-ons improved. It is therefore expected that the stake holders costs will be lower then that of diesel technology in the future. Strateco 2 After the “Co-Nordic GasBus Project" From Prototype to Product Contents Foreword 1 Summary 2 Contents 3 1 Background 4 1.1 History and achieved objectives 4 1.2 Purpose and objective 4 1.3 Relations 5 2 Technology 8 2.1 New technology, step by step 2.2 Bio gas- and natural gas operations 11 2.3 Further needs 14 3 Environment 16 3.1 Measured results 16 3.2 Comments on methane 18 3.3 Future impact 19 4 Economy 21 4.1 Vehicle production 21 4.2 Gas prices 21 4.3 Infrastructure 22 4.4 Economies of the society 23 5 Market 27 5.1 Heavy Duty Vehicle Sales 27 5.2 New decisions at stake holders 28 5.3 Results compared with objectives 29 6 A gives B, gives C... 31 7 Important experiences 33 7.1 Cooperation 33 7.2 The organizations as a competitive tool 33 7.3 A “balanced effort” 34 8 Future 35 8.1 Market developments 35 8.2 Suggestions to the stake holders 35 Strateco 3 After the "Co-Nordic GasBus Project" From Prototype to Product 1 Background 1.1 History and achieved objectives Malmo Energy and Mahno Transit Authority are neighbors and after closing a trial project with LPG buses, a new test was planned.
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