•either Distribution Today Clearing today; high, M. Fair 17,525 t tonight; low, I0i. Increasing BED BANK cloudimti tomorrow, chance of rain; high, «i. See weather 7 Independent Daily f *. , i I UONDAYTHtOUOHttlDAY-tSTWI J SH I -0010 Inuad only. Itmta? mtouth Frlltr. ••cool Clua Pow RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1961 7c PER COPY 35c PER WEEK VOL. 83, NO. 174 Paid at Ktd Buk and ti Addition!) UUllnx Otneu. BY CARRIER PAGE ONE 70 Take Citizens' Oath at Freehold FREEHOLD—County Judge Elvin R. Simmill pre- ided yesterday at the swearing in of 70 new citizens at ceremonies at the Hall of Records. The group was presented for naturalization by James J. Tunney, federal examiner, and the oath was administered by naturali zation clerk Marv c°1|ins In congratulating the new citizens, Judge Simmill told them they had "every rign that a natural born citizen has, except the right to be Pres dent." He urged them to take ai THE PLAY'S THE THING' — Students from Long Branch High School depart from active part in their conununitie; Sought and to exorcise their right buses which transported them, along with nearly 800 other students from area vote. high schools, to see "Romeo and Juliet" performed by the New York Shakespeare The new citizens are: Francis Festival. j At 2 Red Bank zek Derylak, Polish, and Anna Derylak, German, both nf Colts Front St. Sites Neck; Wladyslaw Kapelewsk' Polish, and Helen Rose Kapelew- RED BANK — A resolution ski, English, both of Neptune asking the county Board of Free- City; Denise Joan Barton 1,400 Jam School holders to install two .traffic Greek, New Shrewsbury; Julit lights on Front St. was adopted Nuccio, Italian, Neptune; Evta last night by the Borough Maria Rella, German, Colts Council. Neck; Nunzio and Niola Di As recommended by Police 'ierdomenico, Italian, Cliffwood; ARMED ROBBERY—Little Silver Police Chief Jamet W. Fix examines a safe in Wil- Chief George Clayton, the Gertrude Herman, Hungarian bur's Jewelry Store, 517 Prospect Ave., Little Silver, with J, Gerald Gelling, the For 'Romeo, Juliet' lights would installed at Colts Neck. manager, after an armed robbery in (he store. Two thieves got away with about Front and Broad Sts. and East Paul Simonelll. Italian, Lon RUMSON — More than 1,400 High School, "I didn't think it where they might object to Mr. Front, St. and Wharf Ave. : $175 in cash and diamond rings valued at $3,000. Papp. I came to see Shakes- Branch; Maddclena Mokcsa; persons watched a production of should be canceled." Mayor George A. Gray said, peare." Italian, Neptune; Alexander Mir "Romeo and Juliet~ " yesterday 'Came to See Shakespeare' We've been considering this Ginny Berglund, a junior at Red onow, Russian, Freehold; Erm In the auditorium of Rumson-Fair Dana Lynch, a junior at Red for a long time." Bank HigTi School, "I can see (See ROMEO, Pg. 3) Kramer, German, Englishtown Haven Regional High SchBol. Chief Clayton's recommenda- David Lo Conte, Italian, Key The heralded performances, tion said the lights would facili- port; Hannelortf Perry, German which the American Legion tried tate the movement of ambu- to have canceled, brought the lances on their way to River- Long Branch; Elizabeth Dewai New York Shakespeare Festival Area School Boards view Hospital on Union St. Ballantyne, British, Unioi Rob Jeweler to Its first shore-(-area perfor- Fire Code Violations Beach; Karen R. Damrose. Ger man. Fort Monmouth; Michiki mance. Under the terms of tile reso- Nearly 800 students from five lution, the borough would main Aubrey, Japanese, Long Branch Mull Regional Plan Setsuko Stansbury, Japancst are* high schools poured off tain the lights after installation buses in the drizzling afternoon to SHREWSBURY — Representa- in a referendum, Mr. Garrison by the county. The Board of Port Monmouth; Elizabeth : • tee the love story written in 1597 tives of four area Boards of Ed- said a regional study was started Freeholders meets again March Sutton, Canadian, Monmou by William Shakespeare. More ucation met last night for ex- in 1956 with a number of school 15. < Beach; Sigrun Loyning, Norw than 600 persons attended the ploratory talks on the possibility districts in the area, but lasted Councilman John Warren, Jr. gian. Spring Lake Heights. Of $3,175 evening performance. of forming a regional high school only about three months. reported 128 buildings in the Elizabeth Ballantyne Keefi Ira Lewis moved up from less- district Representation central business district had British, Union Beach; Margare er roles to take the lead as Ro- Included In the discussion were Mr. Garrison said the mail been inspected since last month. L. Roule, British, Wanamassa meo. With Kathleen Widdoes as Shrewsbury, Red Bank, Little advantage of a regional setup for Mr. Warren said letters had Mervyn Hauser, British, Lin Condition Still Grave 2 Bandits , Juliet, the pair provided a moving Silver and Holmdel Township. the present sending district! — been received from many busi croft; Valentina Tkashenko, Ru story of two lovers caught in They met with Earl B. Garri- Little Silver, Shrewsbury and nessmen expressing "deep grati- sian, Farmingdale; M a r t h the turbulence of hate between son, county superintendent of Holmdel — would be representa- tude" for the inspections which Bibel, Austrian, Belford; Bet their families. schools. tion on the cortibined board have turned up deficiencies not Jean Mclihenny, British, Allei Liz Taylor Rallies education. noticed by the merchants or Hold Up Praise for Play Caused by Tuition town; Nechama Eppel, Cuba LONDON (AP)—Still gravely ill, Elizabeth Taylor owners. Asbury Park; Stefan Kalmik For most of the. students who Interest in formation of a re- He said those who attended rallied today after blood transfusions and was reported attended the matinee and many gional high school district was last night's session will discuss Mr. Warren said about 70 per Russian, Red Bank; Hubert Ki of the adults Who saw the evening aroused when Red Bank High the matter with their full boards cent of the places inspected had h o f e r, German, Wanamassa; 'breathing quietly and peacefully." performance, it was the first time School announced a tuition rate of education to see it enough in- violations of the fire code. All Zenija Striebrl'u, Latvian, N< .A>uUetin,from the 29-jrear-old film beauty's, bed^ Wilbur's 8talM«pe«fe tod come to life. of f 78S per fcwptl lor 19614Z." terest U indicated to start a ^re- had bom infotnwd of tions, he said. LITTLE SILVER — Two Students and adults who Boards in Shrewsbury and gional study. Gershon N. Tomlison, Britisl side said she was "definitely improving , . although .wen questioned called the play Holmdel protested the rate to Mr. Garrison said there prob- Neptune; Marianne H. Loetzei the general situation remains grave." bandits, one of them car- "wonderful," terrific," and "ex- Mr. Garrison. Donald F. Trotter, ably would be little difference be- German, Freehold; Rocco an Haggard from worry and lack of sleep, singer Ed rying a .38 caliber revolver, eellent.1 a board member hefe^ spear- tween the tuition cost under the U.S. Visit sendlng-recelving situation nov Giovanni Migliazza, Italia die Fisher for the third night remained near his wife's held up Wilbur's Jewelry Questioned about attempts by headed a move to study the re- Long Branch; Gueseppina Mu the American Legion to have the glonal setup. and a regional high school di bedside in the exclusive clinic in the heart of London. Store, 517 Prospect Ave., trict. Scheduled cillo; Italian, Long Branch; Ma show canceled becaus" e the pro- A proposal to form a regional and Clara Frisch, Polish, How< Two doctors were in the sickroom throughout the yesterday and escaped with ducer-director, Joseph Papp, in- high school district in 1950 died "Good education costs the sam no matter how you do it," Township; Dorothy and Franc night. $3,000 in diamond rings voked the Fifth Amendment In, By Ikeda Krupi, Italian, Red Bank, Elli 1958 before the House Un-Ameri said. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Taylor, stayed and $175 in cash. 'Lion's Share' TOKYO (AP) - Prime Ministei (See CITIZENS, Pg. 2) can Activities Committee, these 3 Boys Lead Hayato Ikeda of Japan will visii the night at the clinic also. The men, both about 30 years were the answer! of some of the He pointed out that Holmdel— high temperatures her condjtjpn Washington from June 20 to- 2J The actress was seen Uiis old, tied up the manager and a students: with its ever increasing tax rat- to confer with President Kennedj is definitely improving this morn- clerk In the bathroom, cleaned Bob Black, a freshman at Long Police In ables — probably would "carrj morning by her' full 'medical ing and she is breathing quietly and other government leaders, thi team of six doctors, and they is- out the cash register, scooped .Branch High School, "I think the lion's share" of the cost ol Japanese ^government announced INDEX and peacefully although the gen- starting a regional district. Pal sued this bulletin: two trays of rings from a safe that the past of the producer will today. eral situation remains grave." into a briefcase and escaped in have no Influence on the play Wild Chase A high school would have t Amusements Informed sources said-one ol "After a restless night, with (Sec TAYLOR, Pg. 2) a Cadillac, Rielf." be'purchased or built to start Births : LINCROFT — Two juveniles the main topics the Japanese lead- regional district, Mr. Garrisot Jim Bishop—Reporter Two In Store Nickl Lulken, Long Branch are in Riverview Hospital today er wants to take up with the said, and the cost would be ap Jim Bishop-Co With God and a third in the county Juve- President it.
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