THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE 1977 VISITOR His EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR OF VICTORIA THE HON. SIR HENRY WINNEKE, KCMG KCVO OBE KStJ LLM QC CHANCELLOR LEONARD WILLIAM WEICKHARDT, CBE Hon.DASc V.I.C. MSc Hon.LLD FIChemE FRACI. Elected 6th March, 1972. Re-elected 7th March, 1977. DEPUTY CHANCELLORS PROFESSOR EMERITUS ROY DOUGLAS WRIGHT, DSc A.N.U. 6- Melb. MB BS FRACP. Elected 10th April, 1972. Re-elected 4th April, 1977. MAURICE BROWN, LLB. Elected 2nd April, 1973. Re-elected 4th April, 1977. VICE-CHANCELLOR AND PRINCIPAL PROFESSOR DAVID PLUMLEY DERHAM, CMG MBE Hon.LLD Monash BA LLM, Barrister-at-Law. Appointed 1st March, 1968. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR PROFESSOR DAVID EDMUND CARO, OBE PhD Birm. MSc FInstP FAIP. Appointed 1st March, 1972. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR (RESEARCH) PROFESSOR JOHN RIDDOCH POYNTER, MA Oxon. PhD FASSA FAHA. Ap­ pointed 8th April, 1975. PRO-VICE-CHANCELLORS PROFESSOR DAVID OGILVIE WHITE, MD BS Syd. PhD A.N.U. MSc FRCPA. Appointed 5th May, 1975. PROFESSOR KENNETH VINCENT FINLAYSON JUBB, BVSc Syd. MSc PhD Corn. MVc FACVSc. Appointed 1st November, 1976. VICE-PRINCIPAL RAYMOND DAVID MARGINSON, BCom DipPubAdmin. Appointed 1st February, 1966. REGISTRAR ALFRED THOMAS JAKINS BELL, OBE BE Syd. BA FIEAust. Appointed 1st March, 1968. 33 UNIVERSITY CALENDAR COUNCIL Appointed by the Govemor-in-Council— Term expiring 16th December, 1979— ALEXANDER LESLIE CAHILL. Appointed 16th December, 1955. DONALD JAMES HIBBERD, OBE BEc Syd. Appointed 5th June, 1967. ALLAN CLYDE HOLDING, LLB, MLA. Appointed 17th December, 1967. DAVID SUTCLIFFE WISHART, BVSc Syd. FACVSc. Appointed 17th Decem­ ber, 1967. BRIAN JAMES DIXON, BCom DipEd MACE MLA. Appointed 13th October, 1970. THE HON. STANLEY EDMOND GLEESON, MLC. Appointed 29th April, 1971. LESLIE BREWSTER, OBE DipCom FASA FAIM. Appointed 17th December, 1971, Elected by Graduates of the University— Term expiring 16th December, 1977. THE HON. JOHN GERALD NORRIS, QC LLM. Elected 18th August, 1965. JOHN CORBELL HABERSBERGER, BCom. Elected 7th June, 1971. THE HON. MR. JUSTICE RAYMOND MOYLE NORTHROP, QC LLM. Elected 14th November, 1975. RONALD GEOFFREY DOWNES, MAgrSc DAgrSc FAIAS FSCSA FAATS. Elected 30th June, 1976. BERNARD JAMES CALLINAN, CBE DSO MC BCE DipTRP FICE FIEAust FRAPI. Elected 18th August, 1976. Term expiring 16th December, 1979. PHILLIP GARTH LAW, AO CBE MSc Hon.DAppSc FTS FAIP. Elected 17th December, 1959. LEONARD WILLIAM WEICKHARDT, CBE Hon.DASc V.7.C. MSc Hon.LLD FIChemE FRACI. Elected 17th December, 1963. MAURICE BROWN, LLB. Elected 17th December, 1967. PROFESSOR EMERITUS ROY DOUGLAS WRIGHT, DSc A.N.U. 6- Melb. MB MS FRACP. Elected 17th December, 1971. MARGARET BLACKWOOD, MBE PhD Cantab. MSc. Elected 17th December, 1975. Elected by the Professors— Term expiring 16th December, 1979— PROFESSOR SIR LANCE TOWNSEND, Kt VRD MD BS DTM & H Lond. FRCS Edin. FACS FRACS FRCOG Hon.FRCS(C) Hon.FACOG Hon.FCOG (S.Afr.). Elected 17th December, 1971. PROFESSOR HARRY FELIX SIMON, BA Lond. MA. Elected 17th December, 1973. PROFESSOR LEONARD KELMAN STEVENS, PhD Cantab. MEngSc MICE MIEAust. Elected 3rd November, 1976. Elected by the Academic Staff, other than Professors— Term expiring 16th December, 1977— JOHN PHILLIP RYAN, BA BSc. Elected 17th December, 1973. ANTHONY ROBERT MOORE, BA Cantab. MB MS FRACS. Elected 29th March, 1977. Term expiring 16th December, 1979— JAMES WILLIAM WATSON, BVSc Q'ld OAH PhD Q'ld MVSc. Elected 17th December, 1975. Elected by members of staff, other than the academic staff— Term expiring 16th December, 1977— PHYLLIS EDNA CULLEN. Elected 7th July, .1975. 34 COUNCIL ' Elected by the Graduate Students— Term expiring 16th December, 1977— TIMOTHY JOHN RYAN, BCom. Elected 17th December, 1975. Elected by the Undergraduates— Term expiring 16th December, 1977— MARY-ANNE O'CONNELL, BA, Elected 17th December, 1975. Term expiring 16th December, 1978— RICHARD CEDRIC TANTER, MA New School NY BA. Elected 17th De­ cember, 1976. Members ex officio— PROFESSOR DAVID PLUMLEY DERHAM, CMG MBE Hon.LLD Monash BA LLM, Barrister-at-Law. Vice-Chancellor and Principal. Appointed 1st March, 1968. PROFESSOR DAVID EDMUND CARO, OBE PhD Birm. MSc FInstP FAIP. Deputy Vice-Chancellor. Appointed 1st March, 1972. PROFESSOR DAVID OGILVIE WHITE, MD BS Syd. PhD A.N.U. MSc FRCPA. Appointed 5th May, 1975. (Pro-Vice-Chancellor). PROFESSOR KENNETH VINCENT FINLAYSON JUBB, BVSc Syd. MSc PhD Com. MVSc FACVSc. Appointed 1st November, 1976. (Pro-Vice-Chancellor) RAYMOND DAVID MARGINSON, BCom DipPubAdmin. Vice-Principal. Ap­ pointed 17th March, 1967. THOMAS JAMES MOORE, MEd Alta. PhD LcT BA BEd FAIM TPTC MACE. Deputy Director-General of Education. Appointed 29th March, 1971. JOSEPH NIEUWENHUIZEN, President of Students' Representative Council. Appointed 1st December, 1976. Members co-opted— Term expiring 16th December, 1979— DARYL MICHAEL DAWSON, QC LLM Yale LLB. Co-opted 17th December, 1975. JOHN DAVIS McCAUGHEY, MA Cantab, ir Melb. DDEdin, FACE. Co-opted 17th December, 1975. Heads of Colleges co-opted— Term expiring 16th December, 1979— MARGARET ELIZABETH RUSSELL-SMITH BA DipSocStud AIHA. Principal of University College. Co-opted 17th December, 1975, VACANCY. SECRETARY—THE REGISTRAR 35 UNrvERsrry CALENDAR COMMITTEES (including Standing Committees of Council and Standing Committees of the Professorial Board) The Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chan­ cellor (Research), and Vice-Principal are by statute ex officio members of all Uni­ versity committees, whilst the Registrar is by resolution of Council an ex officio member of the Standing Committees of Council and the Library Committee. The Registrar is by resolution of the Professorial Board an ex officio member of the Standing Committees of the Professorial Board. Their titles are not repeated in the following list of committees unless they are intended to be regularly attending working members of these committees. In the lists of committees following, a number of other ex officio members are expressed by title without name. For the recurring ex officio positions the following persons hold the offices as at 1st January, 1977, THE CHANCELLOR: DR. L. W. WEICKHARDT THE DEPUTY-CHANCELLORS : PROFESSOR EMERITUS WRIGHT MR. M. BROWN THE VICE-CHANCELLOR: PROFESSOR DERHAM THE DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR: PROFESSOR CARO THE DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR ( RESEARCH ): PROFESSOR POYNTER THE CHAIRMAN OF THE PROFESSORIAL BOARD: PROFESSOR WHITE THE VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE PROFESSORIAL BOARD: PROFESSOR JUBB THE VICE-PRINCIPAL: MR. R. D. MARGINSON THE PRESIDENT OF THE S.R.C: MR. J. NIEUWENHUIZEN (until December, 1977) THE REGISTRAR: MR. A. T. J. BELL In all other cases the main committees are as at 1st March and department lists as at 1st February. [Note: The conventions of the Commonwealth Universities Yearbook have been followed in listing the names and degrees of present staff of this University. Degrees with honours are not indicated as such, for example, Bachelor of Science with honours is shown as the basic degree BSc. Also, Melb. is not shown after University of Melboume degrees. All other degrees indicate the name of the award­ ing institution.] 36 STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE THE CHANCELLOR (CHAIRMAN) THE DEPUTY CHANCELLORS THE VICE-CHANCELLOR THE DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR THE DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR ( RESEARCH ) THE CHAIRMAN OF THE PROFESSORIAL BOARD THE VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE PROFES­ SORIAL BOARD THE VICE-PRINCIPAL THE REGISTRAR THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BUILDINGS COMMITTEE: MR. R. D. MARGINSON THE CHAIRMAN OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE (OR A VICE-CHAIRMAN NOMINATED BY THE CHAIRMAN): MR. D. J. HIBBERD REPRESENTATIVE OF ACADEMIC STAFF (OTHER THAN PROFESSORS) ON COUNCIL: MR. J. P. RYAN MEMBER OF COUNCIL ELECTED BY STAFF OTHER THAN THE ACADEMIC STAFF: MISS P. E. CULLEN Two OF THE FOUR STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES ON COUNCIL, GRADUATE OR UNDERGRADUATE, NOMINATED BY THE STUDENTS' MR. J. NIEUWENHUIZEN REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL: ONE VACANCY SECRETARY—THE COUNCIL EXECUTIVE OFFICER FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: MR.. D.. J. HHIBBERI D VICE-CHAIRMEN: MR.. L.. BREBREWSTEV R MR. J. C. HABERSBERGER THE CHANCELLOR THE VICE-CHANCELLOR THE DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLORS THE CHAIRMAN OF THE PROFESSORIAL BOARD THE VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE PROFES­ SORIAL BOARD THE VICE-PRINCIPAL THE REGISTRAR THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BUILDINGS COMMITTEE: MR. R. D. MARGINSON THE PRESIDENT OF THE STUDENTS' REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL NOMINEE OF GRADUATE CoMMrrtEE: MR. J. C. TRETHOWAN SECRETARY—THE ACCOUNTANT COMMITTEE ON STAFF THE DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR ( CHAIRMAN ) THE DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR ( RESEARCH ) THE CHAIRMAN OF THE PROFESSORIAL BOARD (or his nominee) 37, UNIVERSITY CALENDAR THE VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE PROFES­ SORIAL BOARD (or his nominee) THREE MEMBERS OF COUNCIL ELECTED MR. J. P. RYAN BY THE ACADEMIC STAFF OTHER THAN DR. J. W. WATSON PROFESSORS: ONE VACANCY THE MEMBER OF COUNCIL ELECTED BY STAFF OTHER THAN THE ACADEMIC STAFF: MISS P. E. CULLEN SIX MEMBERS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL: PROFESSOR G. W. CLARKE DR. E. G. EDEN DR. T. A. O'DONNELL PROFESSOR SIMON PROFESSOR STEVENS PROFESSOR SIR LANCE TOWNSEND ONE MEMBER NOMINATED BY THE GRADUATE COMMITTEE: MISS N. CARR THE PRESIDENT OF THE MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY STAFF ASSOCIATION (by invitation): MR. T. J. CUMMINS SECRETARY—THE STAFF OFFICER BUILDINGS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: MR. R. D. MARGINSON VICE-CHAIRMAN : PROFESSOR SIMON THE DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR (or his nominee) THE DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR ( RESEARCH ) THE CHAIRMAN OF THE PROFESSORIAL BOARD THE VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE PROFES­ SORIAL BOARD THE VICE-PRINCIPAL THE REGISTRAR THE CHAIRMAN OF THE CENTRAL
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