Index to Volume 46 Volume 46(4) 2002 Index to Volume 46

Index to Volume 46 Volume 46(4) 2002 Index to Volume 46

PALMS Index to Volume 46 Volume 46(4) 2002 Index to Volume 46 A brief history of the coconut palm in Australia Attalea oleifera 133 134 Attalea peruviana 133 A new palm cultivar: Cyrtostachys renda Attalea phalerata 56,116,133 ‘Theodora Buhler’ 70 Attalea plowmanii 133 A revision of Pseudophoenix 19 Attalea regia 133 Acrocomia aculeata 113,116,151 Attalea salazarii 133 Acrocomia lasiospatha 116 Attalea speciosa 116 Additional species proving hardy in the Pacific Attalea spectabilis 116 Northwest 57 Attalea teixeirana 133 Aeria 21 Attalea tessmannii 133 Aeria vinifera 35 Attalea vitrivir 133 Aiphanes aculeata 84 Attalea weberbaueri 133 Alfonsea 68 Attalea wesselsboeri 133 Alfred Russel Wallace and the Palms of the Bactris 116 Amazon 109 Bactris acanthocarpa 116 Areca catechu 88,195 Bactris elatior 116 Areca coronata 197 Bactris gasipaes 40,78,116 Areca paradoxa 194 Bactris hirta 116 Areca triandra 83,84,85,102 Bactris integrifolia 116 Arenga engleri 60,101,102 Bactris macrocarpa 116 Arenga pinnata 101 Bactris major 40,41,42,43,44,45,83 Aristeyera 68 Bactris maraja 110,113,116 Asterogyne 68 Bactris mexicana 40,41,42,43,44,45 Astrocaryum acaule 116 Bactris pectinata 116 Astrocaryum aculeatum 113,116 Bactris simplicifrons 116 Astrocaryum gynacanthum 113,116 Bactris tenuis 116 Astrocaryum humile 116 Baker, W., as co-author 109 Astrocaryum jauari 116 Balaka seemannii 68 Astrocaryum murumuru 116 Balinga, M.P.B., as coauthor 93 Astrocaryum standleyanum 84 Banka, R., as co-author 87 Astrocaryum tucuma 116 Barcella 68 Astrocaryum vulgare 116 Barkerwebbia 68 ×Attabignya 132 Basselinia 68 ×Attabignya minarum 133 Beccariophoenix 130,131,156 Attalea 132 Beccariophoenix flowers in cultivation 130 Attalea amylacea 132 Beccariophoenix madagascariensis 131 Attalea anisitsiana 132 Beethovenia 68 Attalea bassleriana 132 Bentinckia nicobarica 84,86 Attalea brejinhoensis 132 Brahea 68,151 Attalea butyracea 84 Brahea edulis 60 Attalea camopiensis 132 Britt, A.: Observations on two dwarf Dypsis Attalea degranvillei 132 species in Betampona, Eastern Madagascar Attalea excelsa 116 125 Attalea fairchildensis 132 Broschat, T.K., N.A. Harrison and H. Attalea glassmanii 132 Donselman: Losses to lethal yellowing cast Attalea guacuyule 133 doubt on coconut cultivar resistance 185 Attalea guianensis 133 Butia 151 Attalea huebneri 133 Butia capitata 6,59,60 Attalea kewensis 133 Butia yatay 150,181 Attalea lauromuelleriana 133 ×Butiagrus nabonnandii 151 Attalea leandroana 133 Calamus 88,91 Attalea liebmannii 133 Calamus hollrungii 88,91 Attalea lundellii 133 Calyptrocalyx 88,92 Attalea magdalenica 133 Calyptrocalyx albertisianus 88 Attalea maripa 116 Carrillo, L., R. Orellana and L. Varela: Attalea maripensis 133 Mycorrhizal associations in three species of Attalea ×minarum 133 palms of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico 39 Attalea moorei 133 Caryota 191 203 PALMS Index to Volume 46 Volume 46(4) 2002 Caryota mitis 190,191 Dufay, A., as co-author 179 Caryota monostachya 191 Dypsis 48,125 Caryota rumphiana 88,92 Dypsis betamponensis 125,126,127,128 Caryota sympetala 190,191,192 Dypsis carlsmithii 47,48,49,50,51 Caryota urens 68 Dypsis lutescens 48, 84 Ceroxylon 68 Dypsis madagascariensis 48,84 Chamaedorea 56 Dypsis nauseosa 51 Chamaedorea microspadix 60 Dypsis prestoniana 51 Chamaedorea radicalis 60 Dypsis saintelucei 51 Chamaephoenix 28 Dypsis schatzii 125,126,127,128 Chamaephoenix sargentii 28 Dypsis “stumpy” 4,47 Chamaerops 151,181 Dypsis tanalensis 51 Chamaerops humilis 57,58,59,68,149,150,181 Dypsis tokoravina 51 Chambeyronia 68 Dypsis tsaravoasira 51 Chambeyronia macrocarpa 151 Ehara, H., J.L. Dowe, R. Nagatomo and A. Chrysalidocarpus cabadae 48 Kawasaki: Livistona chinensis var. subglobosa on Chrysalidocarpus glaucescens 48 Aoshima, Japan 62 Cladosperma 194 Elaeis 68 Cladosperma paradoxa 194 Elaeis guineensis 68 Classified 13,80,119,166 Elaeis oleifera 84 Coccothrinax argentea 15 Eremospatha macrocarpa 95 Coccothrinax boschiana 3,14,15,16,17,18,52 Euterpe 68 Coccothrinax ekmanii 1 Euterpe catinga 112,114,116 Coccothrinax gracilis 15 Euterpe edulis 124 Coccothrinax munizii 108 Euterpe oleracea 84,85,113,116,124 Cocos 100 Euterpe precatoria 124 Cocos guacuyule 133 Euterpe vinifera 21,35 Cocos nucifera 40,88,98,116,135,167,185 Evans, T., as co-author 190 Cocos regia 133 Ferry, M. and S. Gómez: The red palm weevil in Cocos vinifera 35 the Mediterranean area 172 Cold hardy palms in southwestern Ohio: winter Ferry, M., S. Gómez, E. Jimenez, J. Navarro, E. damage, mortality and recovery 5 Ruiperez and J. Vilella: The date palm grove at Copernicia 68,102 Elche, Spain: research for the sustainable Copernicia alba 151 preservation of a World Heritage Site 139 Copernicia baileyana 38 Francko, D.A. and S.L. Wilhoite: Cold hardy Copernicia ?burretiana 102 palms in southwestern Ohio: winter damage, CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names: mortality and recovery 5 Common names, Scientific names, eponyms, From Barcelona to Bordighera: palm gardens on synonyms and etymology (reviewed) 68 Mediterranean shores 149 Cryosophila stauracantha 40 Gastrococos 74,75 Cyclospathe 21 Gastrococos crispa 73,104 Cyclospathe northropii 28,32 Gaussia 21,68 Cyphokentia 68 Gaussia vinifera 35 Cyrtostachys 72,88 Geonoma deversa 116 Cyrtostachys renda 70,72 Geonoma maxima 116 Cyrtostachys renda ‘Theodora Buhler’ 53,70,72 Geonoma multiflora 116 Desmoncus macroacanthus 116 Geonoma paniculigera 116 Desmoncus orthacanthos 40,41,42,43,44,45,83 Geonoma rectifolia 116 Desmoncus polyacanthos 116 Germinating Gastrococos – quickly and easily 73 Donselman, H., as co-author 185 Gómez, S., as co-author 139,172 Dowe, J.L. and L.T. Smith: A brief history of the Groves, J.L., as co-author 93 coconut palm in Australia 134 Growth response of Phoenix canariensis to Dowe, J.L. and R. Banka: Palm botany in the inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Louisiade Archipelago, Papua New Guinea 87 76 Dowe, J.L., as coauthor 62 Guilielma speciosa 116 Dransfield, J. and T. Evans: Caryota sympetala Gulubia 88,123,124 190 Gulubia costata 105, 107,108,122,123,124 Dransfield, J.: Beccariophoenix flowers in Gulubia costata – a handsome palm for the warm cultivation 130 subtropics 122 Dransfield. J. and J. Marcus: Dypsis “stumpy” 47 Harries, H.C.: The “Niu” Indies: long lost Drescher, J. and A. Dufay: Importation of “home” of the coconut palm 97 mature palms: a threat to native and exotic Harrison, N.A., as co-author 185 palms in Mediterranean countries? 179 Henderson, A.: Palm research in 2001 120 204 PALMS Index to Volume 46 Volume 46(4) 2002 Heterospathe 88,92 Mauritia flexuosa 116 Heterospathe annectens 88 Mauritia gracilis 116 Heterospathe elata 81 Mauritia pumila 116 Honrubia, M., as co-author 76 Mauritiella aculeata 116 Horticulture column 38, 101 Mauritiella armata 110,113,116 Howea forsteriana 152 Maxburretia 68 Hydriastele 88,89,90,91,92 Maximiliana 132 Hyophorbe 101 Maximiliana regia 116 Hyospathe 69 Medemia 68 Hyphaene thebaica 4 Metroxylon 90 Importation of mature palms: a threat to native Metroxylon sagu 88 and exotic palms in Mediterranean countries? Migliaccio, C.: Germinating Gastrococos – 179 quickly and easily 73 Insects on Palms (reviewed) 69 Migliaccio, C.: Gulubia costata – a handsome Iriartea deltoidea 116 palm for the warm subtropics 122 Iriartea exorhiza 116 Mogea, J.P, as co-author 193 Iriartea setigera 116 Morakinyo, T., as co-author 154 Iriartea ventricosa 116 Moratia 68 Iriartella setigera 116 Morici, C.: Coccothrinax boschiana 14 Jessenia 68 Morte, A. and M. Honrubia: Growth response of Jimenez, E., as co-author 139 Phoenix canariensis to inoculation with Jubaea 151 arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi 76 Jubaea chilensis 59,60,61,150,151,152 Mycorrhizal associations in three species of Kajewskia 68 palms of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico 39 Kawasaki, A., as co-author 62 Nagatomo, R., as co-author 62 Kennedy, J.D. 103 Name changes in Attalea 132 Keppleria 68 Navarro, J., as co-author 139 Keuper, Jerome 103 Nenga 202 Knapp, S., L. Sanders and W. Baker: Alfred Nenga pumila 202 Russel Wallace and the Palms of the Amazon Neodypsis leptocheilos 48 109 Neonicholsonia 68 Latania 181 Non-native ornamental palms invade a Lavoixia 68 secondary tropical forest in Panama 81 Leopoldinia major 112,114,116 Nypa 154,155 Leopoldinia piassaba 112,115,116, 117 Nypa fruticans 88,154,155 Leopoldinia pulchra 116 Nypa fruticans, a weed in West Africa 154 Lepidocaryum tenue 116 Obituary: Dr. Jerome Keuper 103 Liberbaileya 68 Observations on two dwarf Dypsis species in Licuala 88 Betampona, Eastern Madagascar 125 Livistona 63,65,68,89,90,91 Oenocarpus bacaba 116 Livistona australis 151 Oenocarpus bataua 78,116 Livistona beccariana 88 Oenocarpus distichus 116 Livistona carinensis 71 Oenocarpus mapora 83 Livistona chinensis 7,8,9,10,12,56,60,62,63,64,65, Oenocarpus minor 116 66,67,81,181 Ophiria 194 Livistona chinensis var. subglobosa 62,63 Ophiria paradoxa 194 Livistona chinensis var. subglobosa on Aoshima, Orania 88 Japan 62 Orbignya 132 Livistona decipiens 181 Orbignya brejinhoensis 132 Livistona drudei 136 Orbignya oleifera 133 Livistona mariae 151 Orbignya phalerata 132 Livistona saribus 83,84,181 Orbignya teixeirana 133 Livistona woodfordii 87,88,90,91 Orellana, R., as co-author 39 Loss of a legacy – Fusarium oxysporum and Palm botany in the Louisiade Archipelago, ornamental Phoenix canariensis 161 Papua New Guinea 87 Losses to lethal yellowing cast doubt on coconut Palm literature 68 cultivar resistance 185 Palm research in 2001 120 Maidman, K.: Horticulture column 38, 101 Palma americana 36 Manicaria saccifera 116 Parker,

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