CI-12/CONF.201/2 13 January 2012 PART I NEW PROJECTS SUBMITTED TO THE IPDC AFRICA IPDC BUREAU (Fifty-sixth meeting) UNESCO HQ, PARIS 22-24 FEBRUARY 2012 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS CLUSTER PROJECT AFRICA PAGE OFFICE NUMBER 1. ACCRA IPDC/56 LIR/01 LIBERIA: CAPACITY BUILDING FOR WOMEN COMMUNITY 5 RADIO JOURNALISTS 2. ACCRA IPDC/56 LIR/02 LIBERIA: MEDIA DEFENSE AND SAFETY OF JOURNALISTS 10 3. ACCRA IPDC/56 NIR/01 NIGERIA: BUILDING COMMUNITY RADIO 15 4. ACCRA IPDC/56 SIL/01 SIERRA LEONE: PROMOTING CREDIBLE ELECTIONS 20 REPORTAGE THROUGH THE INDEPENDENT RADIO NETWORK (IRN) 5. ADDIS IPDC/56 DJI/01 DJIBOUTI: APPUI A LA CREATION DE L’ECOLE SUPERIEURE 25 ABABA DE JOURNALISME A L’UNIVERSITE DE DJIBOUTI 6. ADDIS IPDC/56 ETH/01 ETHIOPIA: CAPACITY BUILDING OF THE DEPARTMENT OF 30 ABABA JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATION AT MEKELLE UNIVERSITY 7. ADDIS IPDC/56 ETH/02 ETHIOPIA: CAPACITY BUILDING OF MEKELLE FM 104.4 IN 35 ABABA TIGRAY 8. ADDIS IPDC/56 RAF/01 REGIONAL: PAN-AFRICAN CONFERENCE ON JOURNALISTS 40 ABABA SAFETY AND TACKLING IMPUNITY 9. BAMAKO IPDC/56 BKF/01 BURKINA FASO : CREATION DU CENTRE MULTIMEDIA 45 COMMUNAUTAIRE DE BONDOUKUY 10. BAMAKO IPDC/56 MLI/01 MALI: CREATION D’UNE RADIO COMMUNAUTAIRE DANS LA 49 COMMUNE RURALE DE BOSSOFALA A NEGUELA 11. BAMAKO IPDC/56 MLI/02 MALI: RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITES DE PRODUCTION 54 DE LA RADIO RURALE DE KAYES 12. BAMAKO IPDC/56 NER/01 NIGER: FORMATION DES FORMATEURS A INSTITUT DE 59 FORMATION AUX TECHNIQUES DE L’INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION (IFTIC) 13. BAMAKO IPDC/56 NER/02 NIGER: DEVELOPPEMENT DES RADIOS COMMUNAUTAIRES 64 DES REGIONS DE DOSSO, NIAMEY ET TILLABERY 14. DAR ES IPDC/56 MAG/01 MADAGASCAR : APPUI A LA CREATION DU DISPOSITIF DE 70 SALAAM FORMATION CONTINUE AU JOURNALISME AU SEIN DE L’UNIVERSITE D’ANTANANARIVO 15. DAR ES IPDC/56 MAR/01 MAURITIUS: COMMUNITY TELEVISION & AUDIO VISUAL 76 SALAAM FACILITIES FOR RODRIGUES ISLAND 16. DAR ES IPDC/56 SEY/01 SEYCHELLES: INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BILDING OF THE 83 SALAAM NEW SEYCHELLES MEDIA COMMISION 17. DAR ES IPDC/56 URT/01 TANZANIA: PROMOTING COMMUNITY DIALOGUE THROUGH 87 SALAAM THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMMUNITY RADIO IN SONGEA DISTRICT 18. DAR ES IPDC/56 URT/02 TANZANIA: CAPACITY BULDING OF THE TANZANIA SCIENCE 92 SALAAM JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION 19. HARARE IPDC/56 BOT/01 BOSTWANA: SUPPORT FOR THE CAMPAIGN ON FREEDOM 98 OF INFORMATION 20. HARARE IPDC/56 MLW/01 MALAWI: TRAINING OF JOURNALISTS IN GENDER- 103 SENSITIVE REPORTING 21. HARARE IPDC/56 MLW/02 MALAWI: STRENGTHENING THE CAPACITY OF 107 INDEPENDENT PRIVATE RADIO STATIONS 22. HARARE IPDC/56 ZIM/01 ZIMBABWE: IMPLEMENTING GENDER EQUALITY POLICIES 111 IN SOUTHERN AFRICA 23. HARARE IPDC/56 RAF/02 REGIONAL: CAPACITY-BUILDING FOR GENDER BALANCED 117 CONTENT PRODUCTION IN SOUTH EAST AFRICA 24. LIBREVILLE IPDC/56 PRC/01 CONGO: APPUI A LA CREATION DE L’INSTITUT DE 123 FORMATION AU JOURNALISME ET A LA COMMUNICATION 3 25. LIBREVILLE IPDC/56 GAB/01 GABON: REVISION ET SENSIBILISATION AU RESPECT DES 128 CODES D’ETHIQUE ET DE DEONTOLOGIE 26. LIBREVILLE IPDC/56 EQG/01 GUINÉE EQUATORIALE: APPUI A LA CREATION D’UN 133 CENTRE DE RESSOURCES PEDAGOGIQUES AU DEPARTEMENT DE LA COMMUNICATION DE L’UNIVERSITE NATIONALE DE GUINEE EQUATORIALE (UNGE) 27. NAIROBI IPDC/56 BDI/01 BURUNDI: REPORTING ON CHILDREN AND WOMEN’S 137 RIGHTS 28. NAIROBI IPDC/56 RWA/01 RWANDA: COMMUNICATING FOR DEVELOPMENT: 142 CAPACITY BUILDING OF WOMEN RADIO JOURNALISTS 29. NAIROBI IPDC/56 RWA/02 RWANDA: EMPOWERING THE RWANDAN PEACE AND 147 DEMOCRACY JOURNALISTS NETWORK 30. NAIROBI IPDC/56 SOM/01 SOMALIA: RAISING WOMEN’S VOICES IN SOMALIA 153 THROUGH COMMUNITY MEDIA 31. NAIROBI IPDC/56 UGA/01 UGANDA: ASSESSING THE MEDIA LANDSCAPE IN UGANDA 158 USING THE MEDIA DEVELOPMENT INDICATORS 32. NAIROBI IPDC/56 UGA/02 UGANDA: BUILDING SKILLS OF COMMUNITY RADIO 163 EDITORS AND PRODUCERS IN DIGITAL RADIO PROGRAMME PRODUCTION 33. NAIROBI IPDC/56 RAF/03 REGIONAL: INTEGRATING CONFLICT SENSITIVE AND 168 ELECTION REPORTING CONTENT IN CURRICULA AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI 34. WINDHOEK IPDC/56 LES/01 LESOTHO: CAPACITY BUILDING FOR MEMBERS OF THE 173 MAFETENG COMMUNITY MULTIMEDIA CENTRE 35. WINDHOEK IPDC/56 NAM/01 NAMIBIA: STRENGTHENING THE CAPACITY OF COMMUNITY 178 TO ENHANCE COMMUNITY LEARNING 36. WINDHOEK IPDC/56 SAF/01 SOUTH AFRICA: COMMUNITY RADIO AS A PARTICIPATORY 185 DEVELOPMENT CHANNEL 37. WINDHOEK IPDC/56 RAF/04 REGIONAL: REINFORCING THE NAMIBIAN COMMUNITY 191 RADIOS’ NETWORK 38. YAOUNDE IPDC/56 CMR/01 CAMEROON: AMELIORATION DE L´INFORMATION SUR LE 197 CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE DANS LE RESEAU NATIONAL DE RADIOS COMMUNAUTAIRES 39. YAOUNDE IPDC/56 RAF/05 REGIONAL: DEVELOPPEMENT DES CAPACITES DES RADIOS 201 COMMUNAUTAIRES A TRAVERS LA FORMATION SUR LA PRODUCTION DES EMISSIONS DE QUALITE FOCALISANT SUR LES OMD 4 LIBERIA A. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 1. PROJECT TITLE CAPACITY BUILDING FOR WOMEN COMMUNITY RADIO JOURNALISTS 2. NUMBER IPDC/56 LIR/01 3. MEDIA DEVELOPMENT Category 2: Plurality and diversity of INDICATORS’ CATEGORY media, a level economic playing field and transparency of ownership 4. IPDC PRIORITY AREA Development of community media 5. SCOPE National 6. TYPE OF ASSISTANCE Institutional capacity building REQUESTED 7. TOTAL COST OF PROJECT US$ 50 200 8. AMOUNT REQUESTED FROM US$ 43 900 IPDC 9. BENEFICIARY BODY Female Journalists Association of Liberia (FEJAL) 10. IMPLEMENTING OFFICE UNESCO Monrovia Office 11. PROJECT LOCATION Monrovia, Liberia 12. PROJECT PREPARED BY Siatta Scott-Johnson, Assistant Coordinator, FeJAL Mr Stevenson Seidi, UNESCO Monrovia DECISION OF THE BUREAU: 5 B. PRESENTATION 1. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Studies have proven that women bore the brunt of atrocities committed during the civil war. Since her inception, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has made great strides in bridging the gender divide, but much still needs to be done to minimize the disparity propped-up by centuries of Liberian tradition. Today, women make up the majority of the country's unemployed population and constitute 78% of the illiterate. Furthermore, while women account for nearly 50 percent of the population, they occupy only 17% of the Senate, 12% of the House of Representatives, and 25% of the President's cabinet; women are doing all to ensure that National Legislature pass a bill which would call for 30 percent women participation in political representation. The media sector is no exception. Newspaper entities and radio stations in Monrovia are predominately occupied by males and the editorial decisions made in the newsroom are male biased. A random sample of 30 newspapers published, carried out at a media workshop in 2008, showed that 85% of the stories were about various men issues; the 15% about women were mostly stories about President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and female government officials. Research conducted by various media development organizations has shown that women account for a mere 13 to 16% of the journalists in Liberia. A further survey conducted by Christian Media Center (CMC) showed that women hold a dismal one percent of clout positions in the media. The situation is appalling within community radio stations which are in the 15 political subdivisions of Liberia and provide information for over half of the population of Liberia. Of 20 community radio stations assessed by FeJAL, only River Cess Broadcasting System has a female in a senior management position. Most of the women who work at Community radio stations have received little or no form of journalistic training. They therefore struggle to produce meaningful reports, with women’s issues being given very little coverage. To address this problem, FeJAL will work to develop a comprehensive and inclusive training programme to build the capacity of women working in community radio and develop them to occupy managerial positions. FeJAL will develop the skills of community radio female journalists through a 3-week computer and programme production and presentation training course, two weeks hands-on training in Women Peace and Security and Gender reporting. An internship with Monrovia-based media institutions and training for senior reporters and manager will help to reduce the gender disparities in the newsroom. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE TARGET GROUP: Liberian women journalists working with community radio stations and Monrovia based media institutions are the targeted beneficiaries. 3. DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE: This journalism and managerial training project will contribute to promoting women’s participation in Liberia’s development and promoting women’s issues and development through developing the professional capacities of women journalists in the production and presentation of programmes on gender related issues, science and technology, climate change and women peace and security programmes. 4. IMMEDIATE OBJECTIVE: Ten female journalists from community radio stations will acquire knowledge to compete with their male counterparts and engage their communities, especially women, by sharing information that is cardinal to 6 women’s development and involvement and disseminate said information within the period of the project, after training. 5. PROJECT OUTPUTS: • Ten female journalists capable of producing quality programmes on women related issues • A network of female journalists specialized in reporting on science and technology and climate • Female journalists who can compete with their male counterparts for managerial positions 6. ACTIVITIES: • A three-week intensive training course for ten senior female journalists, from community radio stations in an Introduction to Computers (MS Word, Adobe Audition) and programme production and presentation. To ensure that women’s issues are reported more in the media, the journalists will receive training in gender reporting and women peace and security. • After a period of monitoring, a two-week intensive specialized and training in climate and science and technology reporting and internship will be conducted. The training shall be followed by an assessment. • FeJAL shall assess the impact of the training, by gathering stories and programmes produced by the trained journalists during the period of the project.
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