The Wester Ross Biodiversity Action Plan FOREWORD This Local Biodiversity Action Plan has been written by the Wester Ross Biodiversity Group (listed below) with help from Rachel Horsburgh, Dee Roberts and Kenny Nelson, Scottish Natural Heritage, and Malcolm Macleod and Janet Bromham, The Highland Council. Members: Representing: Barry Dumughn Loch Broom Field Club (Field Club, woodland & sporting interests) Meryl Carr Mountaineering Council for Scotland & Ranger Service (Mountain interests) Fran Cree Rubha Reidh Lighthouse (Business & tourism interests) Peter Cunningham Wester Ross Fisheries Trust (Freshwater interests) Rob Dewar National Trust for Scotland (Education & ecological interests) Aaron Forsyth Scoraig Community Association (Scoraig community interests) Richard Greene West of Four Fisheries Management Group (Fishing interests) Lloyd Gudgeon (Chair) Wester Ross Alliance Tom Kilbride Crofter (Crofting interests) Kristine Mackenzie Lochcarron Business Association (Business, education & crofting interests) Ewen Macpherson Scottish Landowners Federation (Land owning interests) Sue Scott Marine biologist & consultant (Underwater interests) Karen Starr Shieldaig Export Ltd (Fishing interests) John Wilkins Wester Ross Alliance The Wester Ross Biodiversity Action Plan forms part of a suite of Local Biodiversity Action Plans produced for the Highland Council area by the Highland Biodiversity Project, a two-year project funded by The Highland Council, Scottish Natural Heritage, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Caithness & Sutherland Enterprise and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. The Project receives funding from the Highlands & Islands Special Transitional Programme. MARCH 2004 Photographs: Lucy Beattie, Laurie Campbell/SNH, Peter Cunningham, Robert Dewar, Tara O’Leary, Rachel Horsburgh, Alex Ingram, Kenny Nelson, Sue Scott Design, layout and printing: Planning and Development Service, the Highland Council Printed on recycled paper that is manufactured from 100% post consumer waste. SUMMARY Biodiversity means the variety of life or richness of Lack of knowledge nature. It is all around us, from the top of Beinn This Plan has been very difficult to write due to the Eighe to the bottom of the Minch, from the animals lack of information available on the extent of some and plants that live in our waters, woodlands, of the less well-known species, as well as the moorlands and grasslands to the flowers, birds and impacts of local issues on them. Projects that insects that visit us in our gardens. We as humans improve our collective knowledge of the location are reliant on a robust and healthy ecosystem for our and management requirements of priority habitats food, raw materials, clean air and good health. and species would be welcome. As a start, the Plan suggests a literature and data search to make the existing information more accessible and identify gaps, and supports the development of an enhanced funding package for the Highland Biological Records Centre. Lack of awareness The consultation exercise highlighted a lack of awareness about the biodiversity of Wester Ross, and people requested a need for more user-friendly information and interpretation on wildlife, their habitats and the surrounding issues. Further ‘Know Your Own Patch’ projects were suggested as a means of helping local communities find out more about the wildlife on their doorstep. Lochcarron and Fuar Tholl from Slumbay Island. Lack of co-ordination This Local Biodiversity Action Plan has been written The Wester Ross Biodiversity Group was set up for Wester Ross. It aims: under the umbrella of the Wester Ross Alliance to draft and consult on the Local Biodiversity Action To ensure that all habitats are managed in a Plan. However, the Group was never intended to be sustainable manner that takes account of their a permanent fixture and it is therefore suggested biodiversity interests; that an Environmental Sub Group be set up under the auspices of the Wester Ross Alliance to oversee To create more opportunities for people to the development and implementation of the Plan in take action for biodiversity; addition to other sustainable projects in the area. To raise awareness and improve access to information about important habitats and species; and To establish a mechanism to help people deliver the Plan, monitor progress and share information on biodiversity matters. It has been divided into six main chapters, reflecting the six broad habitats of sea and coast; river, loch and wetland; croft and farm land; forest and woodland; mountain, moorland and grassland; and the built environment. For each section objectives, key issues, current projects and future actions have been identified. Where appropriate, the Plan suggests some partners that might be involved in Sand dunes, Sand. Soils on the island of Longa (beyond) taking forward the future actions. However, it are enriched with droppings of sea birds that nest there. should be noted that these are merely suggestions and no agreement has been reached on future work. The spread of invasive species, wildlife crime and Habitats and species that are important at a local or a the impacts of some forms of renewable energy are national level are listed in Annex 1. also identified as recurring themes, and the Plan goes on to identify a series of more habitat-specific In drafting the plan a number of themes emerged issues and projects in each of the six chapters. that are common to many of the chapters: The Wester Ross Biodiversity Action Plan i GEÀRR IOMRADH Tha bith-iomadachd a’ ciallachadh gach seòrsa math pròiseactan fhaicinn a bheireadh dhuinn beatha no beartas a tha ann an nàdar. Tha e sa h-uile barrachd fiosrachaidh mu shuidheachadh agus mu àite eadar mullach Beinn Eighe is grunnd a’ Chuain fheumalachdan riaghlaidh àrainnean is ghnèathan le Sgìth, bho na h-ainmhidhean is na lusan a tha sna h- prìomhachas. Mar thoiseach tòiseachaidh, tha am uisgeachan, sna coilltean, sna monaidhean agus san Plana a’ moladh sgrùdadh air sgrìobhaidhean is dàta fheur a tha timcheall oirnn gu na dìtheanan, na h- gus gum bi e nas fhasa faighinn chun an eòin agus na meanbh-fhrìdean a bhios a’ tadhal nan fhiosrachaidh a tha ann mar tha agus na beàrnan a gàrraidhean againn. Tha an duine an eisimeil eco- chomharrachadh. Tha e a’ toirt taic do leasachadh siostam làidir, fhallain airson biadh, stuthan amh, maoineachaidh nas fheàrr airson Ionad Clàraidh èadhar ghlan agus slàinte mhath. Bith-eòlais na Gaidhealtachd. Chaidh am Plana-gnìomha Bith-iomadachd Ionadail Cion mothachaidh seo a sgrìobhadh airson Taobh Siar Rois. Tha e ag Nochd an obair co-chomhairleachaidh cion amas air: mothachaidh mu bhith-iomadachd Taobh Siar Rois. Bha daoine ag iarraidh fiosrachadh a bhiodh A bhith dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil gach freagarrach do luchd-tadhail agus mìneachadh air àrainn air a riaghladh ann an dòigh a tha an fhiadh-bheatha, àrainnean is cùisean co- seasmhach agus gu bheil e mothachail air cheangailte ris. Chaidh tuilleadh phròiseactan cùisean bith-iomadachd; ‘Know Your Own Patch’ a mholadh mar dhòigh air coimhearsnachdan a chuideachadh gus tuilleadh Barrachd chothroman a chruthachadh do fiosrachaidh fhaotainn mun fhiadh-bheatha air an dhaoine gus rudeigin a dhèanamh airson bith- starsaich fhèin. iomadachd; Barrachd mothachaidh is fiosrachaidh a bhith aig daoine mu ghnèathan is àrainnean cudromach; agus Dòigh a bhith ann gus daoine a chuideachadh a’ lìbhrigeadh a’ Phlana, sùil a chumail air adhartas agus fiosrachadh a sgaoileadh mu chùisean bith-iomadachd Tha sia phrìomh chaibideilean ann airson nan sia àrainnean farsaing mar muir agus cladach; aibhnichean, lochan is talamh fliuch; talamh croitearachd is tuathanais; coilltean is coillteach; agus togalaichean. Tha amasan, prìomh chùisean, pròiseactan a tha a’ dol an-dràsta agus rudan ri View of Little Loch Broom and Annat Bay. dhèanamh san àm ri teachd a’ nochdadh airson gach roinn. Far a bheil sin iomchaidh, tha am Plana a’ Cion Co-òrdanachaidh moladh chom-pàirtichean a dh’fhaodadh a bhith an Chaidh Buidheann Bith-iomadachd Taobh Siar Rois sàs ann a bhith a’ cur rudan air adhart san àm ri a stèidheachadh fo sgèith Caidreachas Taobh Siar teachd. Ach, bu chòir cuimhneachadh nach eil annta Rois gus Plana-gnìomha Bith-iomadachd Ionadail a ach molaidhean agus nach eil aonta ann air obair a dhealbh agus co-chomhairleachadh a dhèanamh air. bu chòir a dhèanamh san àm ri teachd. Tha Ach cha robh e riamh san amharc gum biodh a’ àrainnean agus gnèathan a tha cudromach aig ìre bhuidheann seo buan agus thathar mar sin a’ ionadail no nàiseanta san liosta ann an Annex 1. moladh gun tèid Fo-bhuidheann airson na h- Àrainneachd a stèidheachadh fo sgèith Caidreachas Ann a bhith a’ dèanamh dreach dhen Phlana, bha Taobh Siar Rois gus am Plana a leasachadh agus a corra chuspair a’ nochdadh uair is uair anns gach chur an gnìomh agus cuideachd pròiseactan buan caibideil: eile san sgìre. Tha cuspairean mar ghnèathan a bhios a’ briseadh a-steach dhan àite, eucoir co- Cion fiosrachaidh cheangailte ri fiadh-bheatha agus a’ bhuaidh a tha Bha e doirbh am Plana seo a sgrìobhadh air sgàth aig cuid de lùth ath-nuadhachail a’ nochdadh tric. cion fiosrachaidh air àireamhan cuid dhe na Tha am Plana cuideachd a’ comharrachadh chùisean gnèathan nach eil cho bitheanta, a bharrachd air a’ co-cheangailte ri àrainnean sònraichte agus bhuaidh a tha aig cùisean ionadail orra. Bhiodh e pròiseactan anns gach caibideil. ii The Wester Ross Biodiversity Action Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary ... i Table of Contents ... iii Habitat Map ... iv INTRODUCTION: Biodiversity ... 1 Wester Ross ... 2 Biodiversity Aims ... 5 Recurring Themes & Actions ... 5 THE HABITATS Chapter 1: Sea and Coast ... 9 Sea and sea-loch Salt marsh and saline lagoon Dune and machair Coastal cliff and heath Chapter 2: River, Loch & Wetland ... 21 River Loch Wetland Chapter 3: Croft and Farm Land ... 29 In-bye land Boundary features Chapter 4: Forest and Woodland ... 35 Coniferous woodland Broadleaved woodland Riparian woodland Chapter 5: Mountain, Moorland and Grassland ... 41 Mountain Moorland Grassland Chapter 6: The Built Environment ..
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