US 201601 13363A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2016/0113363 A1 DYMSHTS et al. (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 28, 2016 (54) HEATRESISTANTSYNTHETIC UEWELRY Publication Classification MATERAL (51) Int. Cl. (71) Applicants: Olga Sergeevna DYMSHITS, St. A44C27/00 (2006.01) Petersburg (RU); Alexander CO3CIO/00 (2006.01) Alexandrovich ZHILIN, St. Petersburg (52) U.S. Cl. (RU); Karen Khorenovich AVAKYAN, CPC ........... A44C27/001 (2013.01); C03C 10/0018 Moscow (RU) (2013.01) (72) Inventors: Olga Sergeevna DYMSHITS, St. (57) ABSTRACT Petersburg (RU); Alexander A heat-resistant synthetic jewelry material having a transpar Alexandrovich ZHILIN, St. Petersburg ent, semitransparent or nontransparent composite nanocrys (RU) talline material on the basis of nanosized oxide and silicate crystalline phases. The material includes at least one of the (21) Appl. No.: 14/890,843 following crystalline phases: spinel, quartz-like phases, sap phirine, enstatite, petalite-like phase, cordierite, willemite, (22) PCT Fled: Jun. 25, 2013 Zirconium, rutile, Zirconium titanate, Zirconium dioxide with a content of ions of transition elements, rare-earth elements (86) PCT NO.: PCT/RU2013/OOO538 and precious metals of from 0.001 to 4 mol%. One of the S371 (c)(1), crystalline phases is additionally quartz-like Solid solutions (2) Date: Nov. 12, 2015 of lithium magnesium Zinc aluminosilicates with a virgilite or keatite structure. The composition is selected from the fol (30) Foreign Application Priority Data lowing components, SiO2, Al-O, MgO, ZnO, LiO, PbO, ZrO, TiO, NiO, CoO, CuO, CrOs. BiO, FeO, MnO, May 13, 2013 (RU) ................................ 2013 122741 CeO2, Nd2O, ErOs. PrO and Au. US 2016/0113363 A1 Apr. 28, 2016 HEATRESISTANTSYNTHETIC UEWELRY crystals, and/or Smoky quartz, and/or chrysoprase, and/or MATERAL carnelian. In the invention, the silicate glass with the melting temperature of 500-950° C. is used. The composition material 0001. The present invention is related to the production of is produced by Stacking together the wastes of precious and synthetic materials for jewellery intended for the substitution semiprecious Stones using the silicate glass with very low of natural precious Stones. melting temperature. Parts produced by this procedure have 0002 Synthetic materials are traditionally used in jewel low mechanical strength. They cannot be used in serial pro lery for the Substitution of natural gemstones. Synthetic gem duction as their appearance cannot be reproduced. Due to the stones can be divided into two groups. The synthetic gem difference in the coefficients of thermal expansion of the stones of the first group have the same composition and silicate matrix and fillers made of precious stone wastes, the physical properties as natural precious stones. Among them, resultant composite material has low thermal shock resis there are amethyst, citrine, Smoky quartz, alexandrite, ruby tance. Above all, a convenient and inexpensive technology of and spinel fabricated by Czochralski process, synthetic jewellery manufacturing “casting with stones' cannot be corundum and spinel manufactured by Verneuil process, applied to Such materials due to the low melting temperature hydrothermal emerald. of the silicate glass. 0003 Artificial, synthetic gemstones of the second group 0007 RU Pat. 2,162,456 published on 27 Jan. 2001 with imitate the appearance, particularly, the colour of natural indexes MIK C04B5/14 and C01B33/113 outlines the gemstones while having quite different compositions and manufacturing of synthetic material with the noble opal struc physical properties. Moreover, some of them do not exist in ture. Synthetic material is produced by the following stages: nature. The examples of such materials are yttrium aluminum 1. preparing the monodisperse Suspension of amorphous garnet, gallium gadolinium garnet, and phianite doped with silica with globule sizes of 140-600 nm.: 2. precipitating, oxides of rare-earth and transition elements. The significant layer by layer the precipitate and drying at 100-150° C. for disadvantage of synthetic gemstones is inhomogeneity of 10-30h, after that, further drying the precipitate at a pressure their colouration caused by the gradual changes of the inten of 1-10 Pa.; 3. after drying, annealing the precipitate at the sity of colouration from the beginning of crystallization to its temperature of 350-400° C. and the pressure of 15-45 MPa in end. This inhomogeneity owes to the fact that the concentra the atmosphere of water vapor and tetraethoxysilane; and 4. tion of colouring dopants in melts (or Solutions) usually filling the precipitate with silica sol and heat-treating at 400 changes in the course of the crystallization due to selective 600° C. for 1-2 h. entering the crystals by the dopants. Because of this, as crys 0008. This method is very difficult, labor- and time-con tals grow, the dopants concentration in them can change. The Suming, the product cost is very high. In addition, by this most intense inhomogeneity is the inhomogeneity of green, method, obtaining materials of various phase assemblage, blue, and brown phyanites, blue Sapphire, green and blue structures and colours is impossible. The main drawback of yttrium aluminum garnet, etc. It is common knowledge that this material is that it is very brittle and cracks during dehy growing of these crystals, their cutting and Sorting by the dration, which occurs quickly especially upon heating. It is colour are labor consuming and very difficult from the manu worth noting that the processes are rather intensive at as low facturing point of view. Besides, many coloured synthetic temperature as 100° C. gemstones produced under reducing conditions change their 0009 RU Pat. No 2,215,455 published on 10 Nov. 2003 colour upon heating in the open air (due to the oxidation of the with indexes MIIK A44C17/00, C30B31/02, C30B33/02 colouring agent). presents the method for colouring natural and synthetic gem 0004 Colourless and coloured glass (crystal glass, rhine stones. The method is intended for colouring the colourless stones), is widely used in bijouterie and in rather cheap jew and pale blue Sapphires, colourless topazes and quartz. The ellery. Glass is usually homogeneously coloured, however, it method consists of placing the grinded gemstones into a thin ranks below synthetic gems in terms of refractive index, glit cobalt oxide powder comprising a mixture of CoO and Co-O ter, hardness, density, and heat resistance. in the ratio of 1:1 mixed with ZnO in the ratio of 1:(0.25-3). 0005. The main disadvantage of many synthetic materials The mixture is heat-treated in the oxidizing conditions at and glasses is their low thermal shock resistance, i.e., they fail 900-1250° C. to maintain integrity at sharp temperature drops. They often 0010. The parts prepared by said method are coloured only crack being unable to withstand the thermal shock. This dis on the SuRUace. Their additional grinding and polishing is advantage prevents material grinding and polishing using a impossible because the thin coloured layer becomes dam high-speed processing. A convenient and inexpensive tech aged. This method provides only blue colouring, other colour nology of jewellery manufacturing “casting with stones' can tints cannot be achieved. not be applied to Such materials. O011 RU Pat. No 2,253,706 published on 20 Jan. 2005 with indexes MIIK C301 29/20, C30B28/00, C30B31/02, BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION C30B33/02 outlines the jewellery material—synthetic poly 0006 RU Pat. No 2,336,005 published on 20 Oct. 2008 crystalline corundum “Mariite' and its method of synthesis. under indexes MIIK A44C27/00, B44C5/06, B44F9/04, The material consists of alumina, colour dopants and paraffin C04B30/00, CO3C6/02, B28D5/00 claims the mixture of the wax used as a binder. The colour dopants are molybdenum, raw materials for manufacturing the parts of jewellery wolfram, neodymium, erbium, chromium oxides. The pro intended to Substitute the precious stones. The mixture com duction of the material used as parts for jewellery is made by prises the crushed silicate glass and wastes of rubies and/or forming the mixture with the use of molding machines under Sapphires, and/or emeralds, and/or alexandrites, and/or noble a pressure of 4 atm. followed by the Subsequent firing in spinels, and/or euclase, and/or topazes, and/or aquamarines, furnaces of continuous or periodic action. Then the coloured and/or heliodors, and/or garnets, and/or amethysts, and/or translucent potsherd is polished with diamond powder. This hyacinths, and/or cordierites, and/or turmalines, and/or rock method ensures only production of semitransparent material; US 2016/0113363 A1 Apr. 28, 2016 transparent material cannot be produced by this method, 0017. The technical result is achieved by the development which significantly reduces the variety of the final articles. In ofathermal shock resistant transparent, translucent or opaque addition, the obtained materials are of the limited range of material based on at least one of the following oxide or colours: there are no blue, green, yellow, brown materials. silicate crystalline phases: spinel, Sapphirine, enstatite, pet The nature of the binding agent paraffin wax prevents alite-like phase, and/or magnesium aluminotitanates, cordi material operation at elevated temperatures. erite, willemite, Zircon, rutile, Zirconium titanate, Zirconium 0012. It is well known that glass-ceramics with near Zero dioxide, with a content of at least one of the following ions of thermal expansion coefficients are produced by the controlled transition and rare earth elements and noble metals in an crystallization of solid solutions with B-quartz (B-eucryptite) amount from 0.001 to 4.0 mol %, in which, as opposed to the structure in glasses of the lithium aluminosilicate system. prototype, there is an additional crystalline phase, Solid solu This method is used in production of coloured transparent tion of lithium-magnesium-zinc-aluminosilicate with Virgi thermal shock resistant kitchen ware, cooking tops, windows lite (B-quartz) or keatite structure.
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