The LINCOLN LINK LINKINGThe TOGETHER LINCOLN ALL ELEMENTS OF THE LINCOLN MOTORLINK CAR HERITAGE 2 Lincoln Motor Car Foundation: A Vision llustration (French) i 3 The Digital Archive Project 4 Lincoln on the ctober 6, 1930 issue of l’ World Wide Web o 5 When Henry Ford Gave Away Lincolns 6 The Nascent Lincoln Motor incoln advertisement from the l Car Foundation 7 Standout Lincoln 7 The Ford Motor Company Centennial Celebration 8 The Weizmann Lincoln Limousine published semi-yearly Volume i, Number 1 • 2002 the lincoln link Lincoln Motor Car Foundation: A Vision by John T. Eby obtain a tax free agencies. status. This has • Creation of a he Lincoln Motor Car been done. The web site and a sys- Heritage Museum and foundation is tem to create, Research Foundation is incorporated in the maintain and oper- dedicated to carrying State of Michigan, ate a digital archive forward and sharing the and the United and linkages with Theritage of the Lincoln Motor States Internal other related Car. This effort will involve Revenue Service Internet sites. identifying, collecting, preserv- has granted 501 • Creation of an ■ ing and disseminating informa- (c)(3) tax free sta- John T. Eby is the ongoing process Lincoln Motor Car tion on anything pertaining to tus. Moreover, the with Ford Motor Foundation Chairman. Lincolns and the associated peo- organization has Company and its He is retired from the ple and events. This heritage is collected a dedicat- Ford Motor Company and advertising agen- embodied and preserved primar- ed group of expe- was formerly Executive cies to obtain cur- ily in artifacts and records. The rienced, senior Director, Corporate rent material as it artifacts include, of course, the people to serve as Strategy. John lives in is generated and cars themselves, plus buildings, directors and trust- Michigan and Arizona published. Ideally, tools, models, components, any- ees. Next, the fol- and owns a Lincoln K Lincoln would thing deemed to relate to the lowing steps are and three V-12 Lincoln view the cars. Records are the recorded believed appropri- Continentals, among Foundation as its word along with all manner of ate in order to other cars. permanent images and recordings. Artifacts progress towards archive. can be displayed and examined fulfillment of the • Building facil- and even experienced, by operat- vision: ities and hiring a staff to store, ing the cars. Records, however, • Obtaining the required maintain and allow public access will be the area of greatest licenses to allow the replication to the collections of Lincoln his- Foundation activity and can be of copyrighted material and toric material and vehicles. replicated and shared and images, both physically and digi- • Create ongoing financial enjoyed by scholars and the pub- tally. This is an issue with Ford support to facilitate accomplish- lic for generations to come. The Motor Company. ing the vision. anticipated amount of records • Creation of a system and Every person who reads this will be enormous and will be repository to acquire, catalog newsletter is interested in ever increasing. Organizing and and maintain information and Lincoln automobiles in some managing the records will be an material as it becomes available. manner and is therefore a candi- ongoing challenge. Acquisition of this material date for involvement in the To accomplish its vision, the requires the cooperation of pri- Lincoln Motor Car Foundation. Foundation will create and vate collectors, other museums Recording and preserving the administer an organized system and libraries, Ford Motor rich Lincoln Heritage is vital for of cataloging and preservation to Company and its advertising the inspiration and education of present and widely disseminate future generations of enthusiasts this living history of the Lincoln and scholars. Come help us automobile to the public. make this vision happen. But first, the Foundation had to create a legal entity and 2 volume I, number 1 by Dick Hopeman data is available. The Trustees scanned and converted into digital charged me with the task of devel- archive. This can be Foundation rom the beginning, the oping a website prototype and owned or borrowed material. The Trustees of the Lincoln sample collections of information Ford Motor Company has indicat- Motor Car Foundation on compact discs for evaluation. ed its support and has offered to were concerned about effi- By the end of 2000, a data struc- provide more recent documents. A ciently handling the enor- ture was developed which indicat- significant benefit of the digital Fmous anticipated quantity of ed the types of documents which archive is that the images and printed matter and graphic images would be included in the database. information in the documents can that will be collected by the In addition, an access structure be retained without deterioration Foundation, and getting this was created which provides the over time, once scanned and information into the hands of logic required for users to access stored on CDs or DVDs. users. To their credit, they needed information. Both of these Considering the vast potential embraced my suggestions to uti- documents were necessary before scope of this project, we needed lize the Internet and compact we began the process of computer to start somewhere and decided to discs to provide world-wide access programming to create the proto- begin with the scanning of docu- to this precious Lincoln informa- type. ments for early Lincolns, 1920- tion. They understand the Our ultimate goal is to scan all 1939. Following that, documents Internet would make selected published material pertaining to of the Lincoln-Zephyrs and information available through out the Lincoln motor car from 1920 Continentals of 1936-1948 are the world at any time of day or to the present. Achieving this goal now being scanned. When this is night without the need to physi- represents a huge amount of work finished, scanning will begin on cally travel to a museum or library. and will take several years. Rare information for later model At this point, Internet access to Lincoln photo graphs, promotional Lincolns from 1949. In each case, this kind of information is com- brochures, technical literature and interim CDs are created. When monplace, but limited Lincoln much other material will be additional documents become available, they will be scanned and CDs updated. You might ask, “When can I obtain these remarkable CDs with The Lincoln the Lincoln information?” Not quite yet. We are awaiting copy- right permission from the Ford Foundation Digital Motor Company. We also need to organize the production, handling and distribution of this material. Archive Project The first two modules were dem- onstrated at the October Dr. Richard J. Hopeman is President of the Foundation meeting at Hershey Lincoln Owner’s Club. He was formerly a last year. The first one showed Professor of Management at Villanova Uni- representative documents, includ- versity, and consulted for many organizations, ing an owner’s manual, service including the Ford Motor Company. Dr. manual, service bulletins, chassis Hopeman lives near Philadelphia in the parts list, body parts list and some Great Stone Barn, which holds his cars, rare sales manuals. The second workshop, collections and living quar- ters. He has organized and directed the showed 180 Lincoln advertise- Foundation’s virtual museum project ments. The assembled group was and contributed most of the effort. impressed. These prototype CDs demonstrate the feasibility of pro- viding vast amounts of Lincoln information (Cont’d on page 7) 3 the lincoln link tive business starting October, 2001. He previously served as Chairman, Ford of Europe, Lincoln on the CEO of Jaguar, President of Ford of Mexico, and in positions in Ford purchasing from 1966. World Wide Web He was knighted by the Queen. Darryl B. Hazel, President, ou will find Lincoln infor- Automotive Group President, Lincoln Mercury, earned his mation and happenings in Dr. Wolfgang Reitzle, to Linde Bachelor’s degree in Economics two fine club web sites, AG, a leading German engineer- at Wesleyan University and a the Lincoln & ing company, and his replace- Master’s from Northwestern Continental Owner’s ment by Mark Fields, formerly University. He was general sales ClubY site, www.lcoc.org, and the President and CEO of Mazda manager for Lincoln Mercury Lincoln-Zephyr Owner’s Club Motor Corporation, effective starting in July 1995 and general site, www.lzoc.org, plus two July 1, 2002. marketing manager for the Ford comprehensive web sites offered • Under the PEOPLE category Division starting in 1997. His by the Ford Motor Company. service for Lincoln The two club sites talk about Mercury totals 15 of his events, publications, ads, and the 30 years with Ford cars themselves. The Ford sites Motor Company. are www.ford.com and www. • There are three sep- media.ford.com, and they pro- arate summaries of vide a breadth of information on Lincoln history in the the eight Ford product brands Ford web sites. The best plus Services, the Company, is found under News, Environment, Investor LINCOLN/HISTORY, Info, Policy, Facilities, and entitled “Lincoln: 80 Personalities—even a bit of his- Years of Luxury and tory. Performance.” Another, • Under NEWS, Ford Motor at media.ford.com, is a Company announced that Darryl succinct listing of major B. Hazel will succeed Brian Lincoln milestones, enti- Kelley as President, Lincoln tled “A History of Mercury, effective August 1, were profiles of major Ford per- Lincoln.” A third, at LINCOLN/ 2002. Kelley becomes President sonalities: NEWS, is entitled “Lincoln and CEO of SIRVA, a relocation, William Clay Ford, Junior, Celebrates 80 Years of Luxury.” moving and logistics company. Chairman of the Board and • If you have not browsed • Ford announced a reorgani- Chief Executive Officer. He is these sites, you will enjoy doing zation of its luxury lineup, mov- 47, joined the Company 23 so.
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