1\cadern~ naOles ne~ headOlastef' ~ e :lIi 0-.11\ ,\ \ \ ~ e \os\d 7i\ \ \1\ . '3C \WS\l\l'SS . cr:tI\e 1:\1 , \,(!Ca\ .' \Gi\ \<\P> C\3SsihC(} .. .. \6" \,:d\tOr\<1.IS f cawrc .' tor. ~" \,C to \,:dl . fl, \3/\ tters \.\\P> Ob\\lIaries SC \ ;.lc~s .... " .. '1.C \ nOO socwt;i" . SVOrts \ "\, _*4 4_-......--__ ~_~~ __- - ---- -~ -~ . - r_ -- .. P'ge Two.A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 29, 1982 ~-~-- ----- - --- ---_.+ -------------------------------------- Series Oil, 1lUelellr u)ur Dry docked cops seek sllpport (Continued from Page lA) well." (Continued from Page tA) dilJrepllir. Kids break mto them and GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC LIBRARY He c~wlated petitions and found that 1'tIe ~rles at Grosse Pointe Woods set fires. Someone could be raped In the "very old and very young people Presbyterian Chur('h, 19950 Mack Av. Boyne himself conducted 106 safe there. We decided to level them before AN EVENING OF ELIZABETHAN seem most interested in the ban. enue in the WOods, is c(}-sponsore<i by boating classes and lralrwd more than we get hit wilh a $21) million lawsuit. the Wayne State Universily Center (or 500 students in water safety. He It's II matter of dollars and cel1ts, MUSIC & LANGUAGE "Middle.aged people seem most Peace and Conflict Studies and the De- started tilt> boating safety classes in hesitant to sign, I think, ~ause they troit Council for World Affairs. 1965 in frustl'ation from seeing boaters "LeI Illt.' be the first to. point out that fear communism the most," Morton receive slaps on the wrist for viola' no. one on the commission has ever in, said. But he agrees the new anti.war It apens tonight, April 29, with a dis. of Court & Country tians. I timated that the Marine Division movement is expanding its scope. cussion of the status of nuclear wasn't doing a great job, least 0( all With "People involved in this aren't just the weapons by WSU nuclear physicist "It was especially frustrating <.'on. me, I really appreciate them, I grew hippie types we marched with in the Alvin Saperstein. Nex~ Thursday, May cerning juveniles. bN'ause the ~ourts up on the water and live very close to Graeme Campbell late 1960s. It is, I thinls, a grounds- 6, Dr. Eugene Perrin, also of WSU, didn't really know what to do. with Lake St. Clair. Every comniissioner is will discuss the effects of nuclear war them," said. BOVlle. "I institutt'\J the for thelTl. it's just economics." (Stratford ShakespeiJreall Actor) Deadllile Ilear and in the final session, Mav 13, Rev,' program to. edlicatt' the yol\!hful of. and Robert Walton of the Wesle\' Faunda. fenders. Sametimt.'s 1 had 35 to 40 kids In finalizing his talk. Boyne staled (Continued-from Page IA) tion will talk abaut the ~ost af the in class, Over the past 15 )It'al's I'll bet the division has fI.'Ct'ived barking from the judicial system is inevitable. And arms race. I trained hundreds and hundreds af lIu'mcrous groups urging the division's Ray Fer2urson . the Park's Mayor Graham said he has kids, Naw it's all gone." rt.'instatement, including yacht clubs, (Detroit Sympboll)' Orc~stra Harpsecordist) All the classes meet from 7: ~ to. power squadrons and the Michigan "grave concerns" about what action BOYlle. a qualifit,{\ diving instru('\ol', the state may take to create unifor- 9:30 p,m, The cost is $12 for the series United Const.'rvation Clubs. or $5 for individual sessians, Call 577- estimated the annual budget of the Presented with Compliments of The mity in the Pointes if the cities do not Marine Division at about $190.000, with "I expt.'d things to get prett)' bad approve the pending resolutions. 3468 or 577-3453 (or information, ane-third coming from the count\' and out there Oil the water when people Friends of the Grosse Pointe Public Library "If the state just decides to abolish Nuclear (reeze petitions also are the rest from the state. rt.'alize we'rt' no longer araund," said available at lhe ('hurch between 8:30 Boyne. "Boaters can really get crazy. Tuesday, May 4, 8:30 p.m. mwricipal courts and combine us with "They don't have money (ar this an existing system, I think it's clear a.m. and 5 p.m. every day for thase There'll likely be more accidents, ~rles f\' UQ"{Or' r-n 'Vf __ ll...f~ __ " .. ~",1 who might be interested in the drive. unit, but thev do have the funds to tear drownings and callisions. Larcenies ~. 1 lunl - ur W 41 U...\;u ..v .....,.u "'''!l.t (\il.~tloT1 WE"'d gO in." Graham down old buildings at Eloise." said said in reference to earlier proposals In v:d~::~~~;=!::~d~~!~~1\l'0,'~n'~r will be up, too. We were also ealled on U.\IITED CO.\fPLl.\IENT,iRY TICKETS ,'fIIA/LABLE AT THE ballot, 230,000 signatures are neroed Hoyne. that the Park, City and Farms become La do a LOloi UI\lIIl~ 10 I~'U'<:I LuJi"" , GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC LIBRARY - 10 KERCHEVAL by May 26. Petitions also be circu- part of Detroit's District Court sys. will Also present at the meeting was weapons ,md valuables, Reinstate us lated at the Seven-Mack Shapping tern. Wayne County Commissioner Erv on the water. We can do a much better Center this Saturday, May 1. For more job than the DNR." information an the petition drive, call Steiner who. defended thl' commis- As it currently ztands, there is a sion's actions. jurisdictional gap for Grosse Pointers 577-5053. that is created by the municipal court He confirmed the' commission had The little squiggles on the tops of system, Civil suits between $1,500 and Shld()llls appropriated $400,000 to tear down the chocolate cavered candies are called $10,000 that would normally be heard old health care facililv. but did so to strings. Their significance is fairly in an individual's local district court, (Contin~ed from Page lA) save itself from a possible laWSUIt. standard in the candy industry: 0, (or must be filed in Wayne County Circuit instance, means orange cream, A Court. But, attording to Circuit Judg':! "You have heard the saying people laney L means lemon, A fancy C and a SEBAGO "We're fall guys, just like you are," square or oblong shape means cara. John H. Hausner, that situation may are the same everywhere in the world, not continue for long. Well, it's not true. People araund the said Steiner. "Those buildings are ill mt'1. Anather sort of C means coconut. world feel verv differentlv about "The law states that district courts things." - . have 'exclusive jurisdiction' for civil cases under $10,000, so actually circuit With an emphasis on program indi- court judges have no business hearing viduality and flexibility, math skills cases from Grosse Pointe in that are a good place to begin when placing category," Hausner said. "One of 'students, Mrs. Carrasco said. The Great Gator Sale these days, soon, someone is going to test that," "We work with the children the first day they arrive at school to. find out '!be meeting of city representatives their educational background so initial will be held tomorrow at 8:30 a.m, in placement is good." Grosse Pointe Farms municipal of- fices OIl Kerby Road. Most individual Instruction begins with the basics city councils will make their decisions working right up through .c1assroom at regularly scheduled meetings be- materials. "Our goal is to get the stu- tween now and May 11. The Grosse dent into the regular schoal cur- Pointe City Council, however, has riculum as soon as we can," Mrs. Car- scheduled a special meeting to discuss rasco said. its position on Wednesday, May 5, at She clearly sees that gaal would be a ~TD 7:30 p.m. lot tougher to. accomplish if it weren't (ar the 13 volunteers and aides who 30-year reunion work side-by-side with the students slated June 19 each term. Limited Time Only "Grosse Pointe has a very valuable The Grosse Pointe South High resource. The volunteers are warm. SChool class of 1952 (January and giving people who are also. willing to. 25 June) is planning a 3O-year reunion sharetheir time." Boy's Solids R'I.$16.50 Now $13 _. Saturday, June 19, at the Grosse' sule 9"0. Pointe Hunt Club, 655 Cook Road, in The v~lunteers, manv former non Illp $48 00 5r-~, 0"" J 2 (All Colors) 2 for $26 lole Grosse Pointe WOQiis. teachers, often develop' close and Jli{:h:/r hlgl", Class members are asked to send a lasting relationships with the young. $17.50 check (per person) by Thurs. sters and sometim~s are substitute day, May 15, to Laurie Stnith Huette- mother-figures, Mrs. Carrasco said. 50 '-?y<SB~O man, 859 Sunningdale Drive, Grosse Men's'Solids Reg. $25.00 Now $20 Pointe Woods, 48236. Five of the volunteers and aides will For men, the original handsewn -Docksides boat Tbe evening will begin at 6:30 p.m. attend "a live-day wo.rkshop in Livania (All Colors) 'or $40°0 with presentations at 10 p.m. followed this summer focusing on English as a 2 shoe. Specially tanned cowhide upper is chemically by music for dancing. second language. treated to withstand scuffing, fading, saltwater, foot An alumni directory will. be distri- The volunteers and aides meet in , perspiration. Famous Sebago non.slip boat sale engi.
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