Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles “Turtles Forever: the TMNT 25th ANNIVERSARY DTV MOVIE” Part Three Written By: Robert David LOGLINE: When the ‘88 cartoon series Turtles arrive in the ‘03 cartoon Turtles‘ dimension it‘s total culture shell shock! Can the two sets of Terrapins get over their differences and save the entire Turtles universe from a bigger and badder than ever Shredder? CHARACTER LIST + = Speaking Role + ‘03 MIKEY + ‘03 RAPH + ‘03 LEO + ‘03 DON + ‘03 SPLINTER + ‘88 MIKEY + ‘88 RAPH + ‘88 LEO + ‘88 DON + ‘84 MIKEY + ‘84 RAPH + ‘84 LEO + ‘84 DON + ‘03 APRIL + ‘03 CASEY + UTROM SHREDDER + KARAI + MUTANT TURTLE HUN + ‘88 SHREDDER + KRANG + BEBOP + ROCKSTEADY + PURPLE DRAGON GOONS + PEDESTRIANS (screaming in terror walla) 1 ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. ‘03 NEW YORK CITY – EXACTLY WHERE PART TWO LEFT OFF THE ROBOT FOOT SOLDIERS – all power down, their heads drop, their laser cannons fall. SETTLE ON A NATIONAL GUARDSMAN tenta- tively giving a robot a poke with laser rifle. <BOP!> The Robot falls back, inert! CU on the Guardsman‘s SURPRISED reaction and… ADJUST TO REVEAL the PARTY WAGON parked beside the simmering crater nearby. Suddenly, CASEY and ‘03 APRIL rush to it and… CU: throw their backs against the van - <panting> - pausing to catch their breath. (April w/swords; Casey w/clubs, bats, etc.) 1. CASEY (PANTING) That giant armored golf ball just… imploded! 2. ‘03 APRIL (WORKING IT OUT) It must have been controlling the robots. No ship, no power! Casey… <TURNS TO HIM BEAMING> we‘ve WON! 3. CASEY Won? April - no ship… <LIFTS MASK; ALARMED> no turtles! Realization and dread sinks in. April <GASPS!> WIDE SHOT: Casey slides down into the deep, singed, still smoking crater! He stops dead center, looking up to April… CLOSE: he drops to knees, throwing arms and dirt to heaven!!! 4. CASEY (DISTRAUGHT) They went in that thing and now they‘re nnooooOOOOOOOOO!!<BEAT-COCKS BROW> Huh? DOWNSHOT ON CASEY – looking skyward (at CAM), when suddenly, his look of anguish becomes one of puzzlement! He cocks the brow… AND HIS POV: there, in the sky above, a transporter like SPARKLE effect and suddenly EIGHT ninja turtles MATERIALIZE in thin air! BACK ON CASEY: his look of puzzlement becomes one of alarm as… WIDE: all eight turtles fall and crash land on top of him!!! 2 5. CASEY AND TURTLES OOF! UFH! YA! OUCH! YARGH! OWOWOWOW!! ON APRIL – eyes alighting with surprise and glee! 6. ‘03 APRIL Guys! You‘re ALIVE!! ON TURTLES – a tangled heap. They rise and part, wobbly! Team ‘88 gathers on screen left, team ‘03 screen right. Both teams dust themselves off, collect their bearings, then face each other. A beat. Then sudden realization. 7. ‘88 MIKEY Uh, dudes? Like, what just happened? 8. ‘03 MIKEY Yeah. shouldn‘t we be like… non- existent right ‗bout now? 9. ‘03 APRIL Mikey! And… Mikey?! ANGLE TO INCLUDE APRIL: sliding into crater, joining them. She throws ‘88 Mikey a quick, baffled glance… when: a wobbly Casey hops to feet – looking to both team - rubbing his head. 10. CASEY I bump my head… or am I really seein‘ double? 11. ‘03 DON <SMILES> Casey, April… meet our dimensional duplicates. The ‗88s are only too happy to make new friends 12. ALL ‘88 TURTLES Hiya!/Nice ta meetcha!/Howdy!/Charmed! 13. ‘03 RAPH(SHOVING‗EM AWAY) We ain‘t got time for no meet n‘ greet! 14. ‘03 LEO Raph‘s right. The Shredder‘s back! And he‘s on his way to destroy the source of all Ninja Turtle life. 15. ‘03 APRIL What? 3 16. CASEY Come again? They all make their way to the PARTY WAGON as Leo explains. Casey wheels his cycle right inside. 17. ‘88 LEO <NODS> Long story short, if we don‘t stop him – it‘ll spell the end of Ninja Turtles everywhere <GULP> forever! HARD CUT TO: Wheel‘s of Party Wagon peeling off! <SCREECH!> ANGLE ON: the Party Wagon rounding a corner, departing area… … as CAMERA PANS TO REVEAL: MUTANT HUN – hidden in the shadows. He spots the wagon - <GROWLS> – and takes off after it! EXT/INT. THE PARTY WAGON – CONTINUOUS The Party Wagon <tears> along! Inside, Casey and April (sitting on the cycle) watch as the ‘88s and the ‗03s argue. 18. CASEY (STILL CONFUSED) So… I still don‘t get it. ‗Zactly which Shredder is back? Doin‘ what? To who? 19. ‘88 MIKEY (TO ‘03 RAPH) All I know is we wouldn‘t be in this mess if it wasn‘t for your stupid Shredder! 20. ‘03 RAPH (WAY TOO ANGRY) Our Shredder?! Your Shredder started this whole stupid mess with his stupid Technodrome in the stupid first place! 21. ‘88 RAPH Yeah, but your Shredder is like totally psycho evil! 22. ‘88 DON Ours is just decaf. 23. ‘88 LEO Yeah, he won‘t keep you up at night! 24. ALL ‘88S (CRACKING UP) Hahahahahahaha! Good one, dude! 4 25. CASEY <TO ‘03 MIKE> Yer doubles ain‘t exactly playing with a full deck, are they? ‘88 RAPH hand juts into frame pointing at ‘03 Mikey‘s chest. Mikey looks down. Raph‘s hand sweeps up – bopping Mikey‘s nose! 26. ‘03 MIKEY (TO CASEY) OW! And they‘re really annoying. 27. ‘03 CASEY <NODS> Gotcha. Up ta speed now. 28. ‘03 DON (TROUBLED) What I want to know is: How did we survive the Shredder‘s centrifugal scanning process? We should have been broken down into non-existence! Some- thing didn‘t go according to his plan. 29. ‘03 LEO Then he won‘t be expecting us to go after him. We need to head to the source dimension - to what the Shredder called… TURTLE PRIME! 30. ‘03 MIKEY But Leo, you saw Shredder‘s slideshow. The Turtle-Verse is like… GINORMOUS! 31. ‘03 DON We‘ve no way of knowing which dimension Turtle Prime is! We‘d just be guessing! A beat. All look gloomy. Hope dashed. But then: 32. ‘88 DON Ooorrrrr… <CHIPPER> we could track your Shredder‘s exact movements instead? ‘88 Donny holds up the PORTAL STICK – beaming! 33. ‘88 DON When the Technodrome phases thru trans- dimensional barriers it leaves a trail of particle emissions that, with the right equipment, we can recalibrate the Portal Stick to track! <WINKS> Betcha didn‘t know it had a tailpipe, didja? 5 All stare – STUNNED. Then smile with rising HOPE - When suddenly: The party wagon <SCREEEEEECHES> to an abrupt stop!!! 34. TURTLES/CASEY/APRIL <Thrown to floor!> YAAAGGHHH!! 35. ‘03 MIKEY What the shell, Raph?!! ON RAPH –gripping the wheel, staring in wide-eyed HORROR! 36. ‘03 RAPH (STUNNED) End of the road, bros! Literally!!! REVERSE TO REVEAL – seen through windshield – the road ahead is… disappearing!!!! And it‘s not just the road… WIDE TO SHOWCASE: the whole world is starting to VANISH! Cars… fire hydrants… even entire buildings and panicked pedestrians… (Note: Things will “Vanish” in the following manner: first color will be drained, leaving black inks and outline. Then the blacks will disappear, leaving only outline. When the black outline disappears, it leaves sketchy blue pencil. Finally, the blue pencil fades, leaving nothing. The effect should feel as if the processes of comic or animation art are being undone.) 37. PEDESTRIANS <SCREAMING IN TERROR!> ANGLE ON TURTLES, CASEY AND APRIL: spilling out of Wagon, eyes wide, as things revert rapidly into FINAL INK DESIGNS… 38. CASEY S‘like the whole world‘s being… ERASED! … then PENCIL SKETCHES… then BLUE-PENCIL BREAKDOWNS… 39. ‘03 LEO It‘s the Shredder! Has to be! He‘s reached Turtle Prime! … and VANISH from sight! Our heroes look on – HORRIFIED! 40. ‘03 APRIL (TO ‘88 DON) Then we better recalibrate your… stick! You said you needed some tech..? 6 41. ‘03 DON (STEPPING OVER) All our gear was destroyed along with our lair - - but I think I know a place that just might have the tech we need… And on everybody‘s interest piqued… WIPE TO: EXT. PURPLE DRAGON HEADQUARTERS – SOON AFTER Establish the high-rise tower, PAN DOWN as the Party Wagon now parked outside, then PUSH IN on the lower levels as… 42. ‘88 DON (V.O.) Nice call, Mr. Wizard! INT. PURPLE DRAGON HEADQUARTERS – LOWER LAB – CONTINUOUS Casey and April rummage through the DARK lab with flashlights. All around them – crates overflowing with HIGH-TECH GEAR! 43. ‘03 DON <TOSSING TECH INTO A BAG> I figured the Purple Dragons would still have the goods from that robbery they pulled… 44. ‘03 RAPH Yeah, wit‘out Hun, the Dragons ain‘t too swift… CU ON ‘88 RAPH shining a flashlight on… the HUNBUG – now thrashing around inside a SUPER-SIZED GLASS JAR. 45. ‘88 RAPH <CREEPED> Step on it, home slices! This place… bugs me out! We follow the light as it falls on… a mutant turtle chest? Surprised, the beam slowly up chest… to reveal… 46. MUTANT HUN (O.S.) Yes, mutation. It‘s a real… The SPOOKY, under-lit face of MUTANT HUN glaring down on Raph!! 47. MUTANT HUN … horror show. ON: ‘88 Raph‘s STARTLED LOOK OF ALARM! HARD CUT TO: 7 CASEY, APRIL AND OTHER TURTLES – as ‘88 Raph comes hurling in toward them, thrown from O.S. into a wall! <SLAM!> Our heroes REACT! Shining flashlights around lab as… 48. MUTANT HUN (OS FROM DARK) I don‘t know how you escaped the Shredder – and I don‘t care. … but Hun is nowhere to be seen. Until: <CLICK!> The lights turn on! Our heroes REACT – SHOCKED – as they turn to see: MUTANT HUN – blocking the exit to the lab - now FLANKED by a troop of <Snickering>, knuckle cracking, menacing DRAGON GOONS! 49.
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