k) President Hancher: Your Education Depends on You IY, a President Virgil M. Hancher told SUI students In the aMusl induc­ tion address Thursday that what they got from their college years depended enUrely on them . "Teachers can lecture, books lie open and laboratories stand ready _ but what they do for you will depend on you. Nothing can force an education on you. Hancher said. "On the other hand. nothlng can keep you from an education If you are determined to have one. " THE INDUCTION ceremony launched the 1963-64 academic year for more than 12.200 SUI students. Hancher emphasized the need for establ is hing the right patterm of work during the opening days of the semester. He told students that "In aU probability the next hun­ dred days will he the most Impor­ tant hundred days in your unl versity wa. life ." of Addressing his remarks to new hi. SUI students. he warned they would a find themselves among their Intel­ the lectual peers. "Here is a challenge you must accept at once." Hancher said. HANCHER told students they are ] embarking on "strenuous times." They face complex and competitive problems : the rise of the European had F.conomlc Community. Khruschev', tha "We will bury you threat," the rt· emergence of Red Chi.na and the rising tide of nationalism In Africa. This is "the Great Adventure." Hancher said. He asked the students to take advantage of the univer­ sity's facilities to cope with those complexities. "With proper application to your studies, your future here should be secure." 01 * ..... ,11 0 by 11011 N.nclell Miss SUI Contest * * * * * To Be Presented Beginning Oct. 5 Presentation of the candidates for oil Iowo-n Miss SUI will be held In the Union Serving the State University Iowa and the People at Iowa City Saturday, Oct. 5. at The ten semi-finalists will be se­ Established in 1888 10 Cents Per Copy A and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa. Friel y, lected that night by a three-member J panel (two men, one woman ), all of whom have had past experience with Miss America Pageants and local pagaents. Before the Union presentation, JFK Appoints Representatives judges will interview the candi­ dates. They have been asked to se­ lect 10 girls whom they feel are most representative of SUI co-eds as determined by the candidates' poise and abillty to answer ques­ tions. Blaik, Royall to Birmingham I At the end of the interviewing phase, each judge wlU be asked to WASHI GTON III - Pre id nt ri 10 fear and distr KennedY aaid the Fed al Bu- select the top 10 girls as determined Kennedy Is sending Earl H. CRedl The Rev. Morlin Luther King. rrau of InvesUgation, 'II U a I' by the Interviews. Each will cast Btaik, former Army football ~ king for th d I atlon, id f I I I . aT rna 20 votes for his choice of the top coach, and Kenneth C. ROy h. Birmingham', N groe ore "frus· "m ve eUorts Lo bring to jUJo girl, 18 for the second, and so on former secrrlary of Ule Army, traled, confu and almost on li(' lh~ (If'rsons r pon ihl for IIJI until he reaches the tenth girl, who into Birmingham, Ala .. to try to the verg of d p ir." lhe bombing on unday aod pre­ will receive two votes. The votes ease racial tensions there. viou Ineid nl ." of each judge wiU thell be recorded. King , pre iden! of th Southern Kenn dy said Thursday the two Chri tian Lead rship Confer nee. '" urg ev ryonc to coopernt The second phase of selection wlll will go to Birmingham In the n xt read a statement which Mid tb with them In lhi effort and thaL be the Pageant on Saturday eve­ few days "to repre nt me per­ gro I aderl had promised full ail citizens of Binningham nd ning, Oct. 5. sonally In h Ipine the city to worlc cooperation with the PresidenL Lo Alabama will give th proc Skits will he presented for each a a unit in overcommg the fearll avert further violence. of law enlore menl a full opportu­ girl by members of her housing Loftiest Perch and uspicions which now eKi t." King saJd they discussed tho nity to work," K nnedy said. unit. After the pageant, the judges Daily lowen AIII,tent Photographar Bob Nandtll probably wa, the In Birmingham, Mayor Albert efro leaders' rcqu t thal fed· " I ure all citi~ns In the neltt will select the top 10 skits In order, eral troop be cot Into Birming­ SUlowln with tIM loftlt.t perch during Thursday morning'. Indue. Boulwell said Blalk and Royall dnys to conduct. thcmscl\l 5 with casting 10 votes for t1Je number one are welcome In the viol nc - ham to replace slate troopers. r traint nd reapolliibilily:' skit, nine for the second, and so on. tlon ctremony at Old Capitol. Although many .tudents and faculty plagued city_ The tenth skit wilJ receive one vote. member. Witched the certmony from window. In Sche.Her and Kennedy lold the egroes that Th White flou onnoull Cd th The President. who eooferred appointm nl or Blaik and RoyaU Judges will consider Ingenuity, Macbride Hall., Nandlll was. atop the dome of Old Capitol to .hoot national guardsmen fed Tall zed os a public commiU to work originality, and talent displayed by the panoramic crowd .caM .bovt. -Photo by Joe Lippincott with ven Negro leaders. aid the Ja 1 week for school lnt grotion the various housing units. tragic deaths o[ four gro girls arc stili on duty, King said, and with while and • earo leaders in in the bombing of 8 Birmingham that he would wait and what the Birmingh m crlsis. Total votes for each candidate develops in the next few days. On . 10nday KeMedy will con· will then be added; the ten candi­ * * * * * * church la t Sunday hay given dates with the highest ratings will be semi-finalists. The interviews thus count two-thirds in selection of Miss SUI semi-finalists and skit Says Dionne: Committee Posts Open Soviets Ask New Step' presentations count one-third. To Students for 1st Time Death Penalty Set I Did My Best Toward Disarmament tudent Senate President 1ikl' ,arver announced CALLANDER, Ont. IA'\ - The UNITED NATIONS. N. Y. (II - Ife cited Bonn's op ilion to a For 81uHs Man father of the Dionne quintuplets Thursday that students will he n·prt·~ ·nted on tl l~ Concert Sovi t Forcign ~initel'1 Andr i reduction or W . t rn troop rength Cour and the Lcctun' and espcn Committee (or the Gromyko came up Thursdny with in Central Eurol and to malting COUNCIL BLUFFS (II - A Dis· said Thursday hI conscience i· n w proposals on di armament, in­ that ar a d nuel arired lOne. first time thi ·l'ar. lrict Court jury Thursday nighl clear aboul the way he Dnd his I cluding the holdinl of an IS-nation Th 18 nalions invited to send convicted Leon Tice Jr.. 22. of wife brought up their five famou pplications (or tJI~e two committees will be avail­ ummlt m bng on that' u before th ir head. of ·tat lo the sum­ Council Bluffs of first degree mur­ daughters. able today at the [n fonnanon Desk of the nion. ny stu­ next June 30_ He offered Moscow mit con(·r n on disarmam nt der and fixed the penalty of death a a liite. He said a magazine article in dent is eligible to serve on thes· committ s and the ap­ would be those whkh have been by hanging. His proposals were contained in taking port in th I 'ngthy talks in Sentencing was set for 10 a.m. wh ich th e four urviving girls plications must be turned in at the tudent (' nat Office a major pollcy peech to the U. N_ Gen va . Sept. 27. charged they had a hard and un­ by S pt. 27. General A sembly that was devoid Tice was charged with slaying happy child hood "is full of un­ One post on each committee will be opened up to stu­ of cold war languag as fa r as Bond Set at $10,000 Judy Ellen Jackson, 13, last June truths." the United tates and the other big 21 in a shooting rampage that al· dent . The two tudent will be lected by a election Western powers were concerned. For Byers Thursday so took the life of Randall Curtis But Marie contradicted him. U's committ e formed by the Stud nt nate and Union But it was vitriolic In respect to Burtness, 2, at the Jackson bome "true, true, true," she said at her Bond for Ike VanBuren Byerll , Board. W t Germany and Chancellor Kon· here. Last Induction home in Montreal. fad Adenauer. 62, Des foin wa t at $10.000 Police said Tice opened up with Carv r said that he hoped a large number of tud nts "Our conscience is clear," Oliva Gromyko pok in advance of th in Iowa City police court Thurs­ a loaded .22 caliber revolver, ap­ SUI President VlrgU M. Hancher (in academic IIOwn at top center) appli d for th po t that two comp t nt rodents could policy speech to be delivered in th parently in anger, when be called participate. In hi. last SUI induction certmony Thursday momin, Dionne said. "We tried our best day afternoon_ Byers is in John­ be el ct d. H aid that compet nt m mbers on th e assembly Friday morning by Presi· son County jail here on a charge lor Mrs.
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