Rhode Island Marine Fisheries Council 3 Fort Wetherill Road Jamestown, Rhode Island 02835 (401) 423-1920 Fax: (401) 423-1925 RIMFC: Robert Ballou, Chairman; Travis Barao; Andy Dangelo; Katie Eagan; Jason Jarvis; David Monti, Vice Chair; Christopher Rein; Michael Rice, Ph.D.; Mike Roderick MEETING NOTICE RI MARINE FISHERIES COUNCIL May 3, 2021 – 6:00 PM Virtual public meeting only Zoom webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81340984296 Meeting ID: 813 4098 4296 Dial in: 1-929-205-6099 AGENDA Agenda item Recommended action(s) ePacket Attachment(s) 1. Tonight’s agenda Approval of agenda • Tonight’s meeting agenda 2. Meeting minutes from last Approval of meeting • Draft meeting minutes meeting (March 1, 2021) minutes 3. Public comment on any Discussion and/or N/A matters not on the agenda recommendations for future action. 4. SAP membership Council vote • D. Erkan applications • C. Sperry • C. Ennis 5. Shellfish Advisory Panel Approval of minutes • 3/24 agenda meeting minutes (March 24 • 3/24 powerpoint & April 14. 2021): K. Eagan • 3/24 draft minutes • 4/14 ePacket • 4/14 powerpoint • 4/14 draft minutes 6. Proposed amendments to Provide • 4/14 SAP powerpoint – Prov. River Shellfish Management Area recommendations to the • 4/14 SAP draft minutes – Prov. River regulations: C. McManus Director regarding • 4/14 SAP powerpoint – Quony a. Providence River shellfish proposed regulations harvest schedule • 4/14 SAP draft minutes – Quony b.Quonochontaug Pond oyster moratorium 7. Proposed regulation Provide • Public notice amendments publicly recommendations to the • Proposed rule noticed: J. Lake Director regarding a. Summer Flounder and Black proposed regulations Sea Bass – Transiting Provision Mass. Pilot Program (Part 1) 8. RI Saltwater Recreational Approval of report for • RIGL 20-2.2-10 Fishing License Program submittal to the General • Draft Report 2020 Report: J. Lake Assembly. 9. FYI: FYI only • Viera Aquaculture letter • Signed Aquaculture letters • Pinheiro Aquaculture letter • NOAA Additional • NOAA Fisheries Assistance Funding Under • the Consolidated RI Quahog week Appropriations Act of 2021 • RI Quahaug week 10. Any other matters? FYI or recommendations for future action. 11. Adjourn All RIMFC Meetings are open to the public Posted to Sec. of State Open Meetings pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-46-6 on April 26, 2021 Rhode Island Marine Fisheries Council 3 Fort Wetherill Road Jamestown, Rhode Island 02835 (401) 423-1920 Fax: (401) 423-1925 RIMFC: Robert Ballou, Chairman; Travis Barao; Andy Dangelo; Katie Eagan; Jason Jarvis; David Monti, Vice Chair; Christopher Rein; Michael Rice, Ph.D.; Mike Roderick MEETING SUMMARY March 1, 2021 Virtual public meeting only Zoom webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83941560588 Meeting ID: 839 4156 0588 Dial in: 1-929-205-6099 Chairperson: B. Ballou RIMFC members in attendance: T. Barao, A. Dangelo, K. Eagan, J. Jarvis, D. Monti, C. Rein, D. Monti, Director’s office: J. McNamee Division: C. McManus, S. Olszewski, J. Lake, N. Costa, N. Ares, C. Parkins, J. Livermore, M. Bucko, A. Williams, E. Schneider, C. Truesdale, P. Duhamel DEM Legal: J. LoBianco Public: Approximately 10 persons in attendance. 1. Approval of the agenda: The Chair inquired to any objections to approving the agenda or if there were any requests for modifications; hearing no objections or requests for modifications, the agenda was approved by consent. 2. Approval of minutes from meeting on December 7, 2020: The Chair inquired to any objections to approving the minutes or if there were any requests for modifications; hearing no objections or requests for modifications, the minutes were approved by consent. 3. Public comments regarding any other matters not on agenda: B. Morris asked that his comment on tautog management be considered. 4. Napatree Point: C. McManus provided an overview of the status of management considerations for the waters of Napatree Point and Little Narragansett Bay. 5. Shellfish Advisory Panel meeting minutes (Dec. 16, 2020): The Chair inquired to any objections to approving the minutes; hearing no objections or requests for modifications, the minutes were approved by consent. 6. Aquaculture lease application review (Antonio and Joseph Pinheiro): Motion made by D. Monti that the application is not consistent with competing uses engaged in the exploitation of the marine fisheries; 2nd by K. Eagan. The motion passed 5 -1 (T. Barao opposed). 7. Recommendations on noticed regulation amendments: • 2021 Recreational Black Sea Bass Management (Part 3, section 3.7.1): Motion made by A. Dangelo to recommend maintaining status quo; 2nd by C. Rein. The motion was approved by consent. • 2021 Recreational Scup Management (Part 3, section 3.8.1): Motion made by D. Monti to recommend maintaining status quo; 2nd by C. Rein. The motion was approved by consent. • 2021 Recreational Summer Flounder Management (Part 3, section 3.10.1): Motion made by A. Dangelo to recommend maintaining status quo; 2nd by J. Jarvis. The motion was approved by consent. • 2021 Recreational Striped Bass Management (Part 3, section 3.9.1): Motion made by D. Monti to recommend maintaining status quo; 2nd by A. Dangelo. The motion was approved by consent. • 2021 Commercial Striped Bass General Category Management (Part 3, section 3.9.2(A)): Motion made by D. Monti to recommend maintaining status quo; 2nd by K. Eagan. The motion passed 6-0. • 2021 Commercial Striped Bass Floating Fish Trap Management (Part 3, section 3.9.2(B)): Motion made by J. Jarvis to recommend maintaining status quo; 2nd by C. Rein. The motion was approved by consent. • 2021 Recreational Tautog Management (Part 3, section 3.11.1): Motion made by D. Monti to recommend maintaining status quo; 2nd by T. Barao. The motion was approved by consent. • 2021 Commercial Tautog Management (Part 3, section 3.11.2): Motion made by C. Rein to recommend maintaining status quo; 2nd by A. Dangelo. The motion was approved by consent. • 2021 Recreational Bluefish Management (Part 3, section 3.18.1): Motion made by D. Monti to recommend maintaining status quo; 2nd by J. Jarvis. The motion was approved by consent. • 2021 Commercial Bluefish Management (Part 3, section 3.18.2) Motion made by D. Monti to recommend maintaining status quo; 2nd by C. Rein. The motion was approved by consent. • 2021 Commercial Menhaden Management (Part 3, section 3.22): Motion made by K. Eagan to recommend maintaining status quo; 2nd by T. Barao. The motion was approved by consent. • Sand Lance Management (proposed new section 3.34): Motion made by A. Dangelo to recommend maintaining status quo; 2nd by C. Rein. The motion was approved by consent. • Proposed prohibition on the use of midwater gear in the marine waters of Rhode Island (Part 6, section 6.8.2(E)): Motion made by D. Monti to recommend adoption of the midwater trawl gear prohibition as proposed; 2nd by J. Jarvis. The motion was approved by consent. 8. RI Saltwater Recreational Fishing License Program Report: This item was postponed until next meeting. 9. RIMFC 2020 Annual Report: Motion made by D. Monti to approve the report and submit to the General Assembly pursuant to statute; 2nd by T. Barao. The motion was approved by consent. 10. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by the Chair at @ 7:50pm. Note: This document represents a meeting summary. The full video recording of the meeting is available at the Division of Marine Fisheries YouTube channel here. Individual agenda items and their times can be viewed by expanding the “SHOW MORE” tab. Rhode Island Marine Fisheries Council 3 Fort Wetherill Road Jamestown, Rhode Island 02835 (401) 423-1920 Fax: (401) 423-1925 Advisory Panel Application Name: ___________________________________________________DateDennis Erkan of Birth: _____________________01/17/1959 Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________255 James Trail City: _____________________________________West Kingston _ State: _____________RI Zip: ________________________02892 Phone (Home/Work/Cell): ____________________________________________________________________Home: (401) 539 - 3128 Cell: (401) 641 - 4860 Email: ____________________________________________________________________oldmil@cox.net ________________ Check Species Advisory Panel applying to: Shellfish Industry Advisory Committee Please check the type of position you are applying for: Primary Alternate If alternate, provide primary panel member name: ________________________________________________ 1. FOR COMMERCIAL FISHERMEN: Provide type and license number(s): _________________________________________________________ Number of years as a commercial fisherman? ___________________ Please describe fisheries fished and gear types used: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Where is your primary area fished? Narragansett Bay Coastal Ponds East Passage West passage Upper Bay Lower Bay Federal waters 3. FOR PARTY/CHARTER BOAT CAPTAINS: How many years have you been in the Party/Charter boat business? _________________ Years 4. FOR RECREATIONAL FISHERMEN: How many years have you been engaged in recreational fishing in RI waters? __________________60
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