THE RADIATIONS OF THE TWELVE TEMPLES AROUND OUR SUN (THE ZODIAC) The Temples Around Our Sun Excerpt from ‘Initiations of the 7th Ray’ from THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM MATERIAL compiled by Werner Schroeder (AMTF) When our solar system was designed by our God-parents, Helios and Vesta, and then created by the Seven Elohim, our God-parents established twelve temples around our sun. These temples were located in what has been called “The Etheric Belt,” which encircles our sun. Each temple contains different God-virtues. As the Earth orbits the sun, mankind is bathed, in 30-day intervals, in the beneficial radiation of one of the temples. One who is born in the period during which a certain cosmic temple is active, is particularly stimulated by its God-virtues. In modern astrology, these temples and the God-qualities they represent are called “Signs (or Houses) of the Zodiac.” The original Zodiac has been distorted, and the consciousness of mankind has created those symbols which are not true expression of the twelve-fold nature of our God-parents. The signs of the Zodiac, as used today, no longer express the perfection of the God-virtues. There is no such thing as malicious influence from any of these twelve temples. On July 11, 1954 the Goddess of Liberty gave a dictation on the original purpose of the Zodiac. This address was followed by a more detailed description of this subject, by the Sun God Helios, on March 6, 1955. These dictations, as well as a summary of all of the God-virtues that are radiated from each temple (also called “Zodiac”) are included here. In order to understand the origin of the Zodiac, it is helpful to understand the origin of the parent galaxy from which our Earth evolved. The Ascended Masters have not only explained the formation of our galaxy, but also have given us details of the origin of our galaxy. In this way, we are able to trace the earlier path of the evolution of our God-parents Helios and Vesta, our present Sun, as well as that of Alpha and Omega, our present Central Sun. This research also explains the origin of the numbers seven and twelve, which have such a determining influence on our galaxy, on our solar system – yes, on our very lives. According to a dictation by the Goddess Vesta, our present galaxy evolved from a former galaxy, headed by two Divine Beings, most closely spelled in English as Elohae and Eloha. Elohae represented the masculine aspect, and Eloha, the feminine. This former galaxy consisted of twelve Suns, and each Sun, in turn, was responsible for twelve planets. Our present Central Sun (governed by Alpha and Omega), was part of that galaxy. It was the fourth sun, measured vertically in distance from the Central Sun of our parent galaxy. Our present Sun (governed by Helios and Vesta) was also part of our parent galaxy. It was the fourth planet relative in distance from the Sun, governed by Alpha and Omega. All of the individualizations of the former galaxy had a causal body, consisting of twelve concentric bands. All of the God-virtues were contained and expressed in twelve rays. From this it follows that the cosmic number of our parent galaxy is twelve. The former galaxy completed its divine plan. All of mankind ascended and all planets were absorbed into the aura (electronic belt) of Elohae and Eloha. Each of the intelligences responsible for a Sun, or a planet, then decided how they wanted to progress. Seven of the twelve suns of our parent galaxy decided to become Central Suns. Alpha and Omega were among these. They became responsible for a galaxy consisting of seven suns. Helios and Vesta also made the choice of progressing, and thus took initiation as a sun which was to be responsible for a solar system consisting of one sun and seven planets, including our Earth. There are seven major rays which nourish all life in the galaxy our Earth is part of, and all of the God-virtues are expressed in these seven rays. Every individual who volunteered for embodiment in this galaxy has a causal body consisting of seven bands and every individual has seven bodies. Therefore, the cosmic number for the galaxy our Earth is part of, is “Seven.” After our solar system was created, some Ascended Beings made the choice of magnetizing and radiating the God-virtues of Helios and Vesta to our Earth. For this purpose, Twelve Temples of Light were established. Together, they contained all of the God-virtues of Helios and Vesta. These temples were located in a horizontal circle around our Sun. It would be the task of these temples to radiate their God-virtues to our planet, in cycles of about 30 days, in successive order. This process is now known as the Zodiac. The radiation of the twelve temples around our sun should not be confused with the beneficent radiation of the Seven Rays. The following summary may be helpful 1. The twelve temples around our sun (the Zodiac) are sending the various God-virtues in the form of TWELVE rays to Earth. The causal body of our God-parents Helios and Vesta consist of TWELVE concentric bands. Therefore, the cosmic number of our parent galaxy, to which Helios and Vesta belong is “Twelve.” 2. There are SEVEN Rays which nourish all life in the galaxy to which the Earth belongs. Every individual, who volunteered to have embodiment on this planet has SEVEN bodies, including a causal body which contains SEVEN bands. Therefore the cosmic number of the galaxy to which our Earth belongs, is “Seven.” THE 12 TEMPLES AROUND OUR SUN Dictations by various Ascended Masters GRADED RADIATION By Ascended Lady Master Mother Mary December 1953 Around our Sun, the beloved Helios and Vesta, stand twelve Great Beings who radiate all of the God-virtues to mankind. In the outer world they have been represented as the Signs of the Zodiac, but in their original, perfect representations, they are temples, directed by Ascended Beings of tremendous power. It is their great privilege and honor to soften the radiation and the glorious splendor of the Sun God and Goddess, so that the angels, the cherubim and the seraphim can receive that radiation, without being overwhelmed by its presence. Then the Archangels, cherubic and seraphic beings, in turn, soften the radiation of that splendor, and carry it from sphere to sphere, onward on its outward course, to the periphery of the sphere of their activity. We, the Hierarchy that stand around the Lord of the World, and represent the guardians of mankind, again take, into our own bodies, that blazing light, and temper it according to our own nature and then offer it to the chelas, who have become the most highly-developed consciousnesses incarnate. These chelas, throughout the world, in turn, embody our nature, embody our light, share our consciousness, our plans and designs, and carry them to those lower on the ladder of evolution. LOCATION OF THE ELECTRONIC BELT By the Maha Chohan May 25, 1958 Twelve Mighty Beings have a focus in the great Electronic Belt around our sun. They represent the twelve signs of the Zodiac. They represent the Twelve Cosmic Virtues, radiating the nature of Helios and Vesta. That nature is channeled out, we would say, IN HORIZONTAL FASHION, covering the entire seven planets belonging to Helios and Vesta. THE GOD-VIRTUE OF LIBERTY By the Goddess of Liberty July 11, 1954 At the time when mankind was ready for embodiment, I was given the opportunity of consecrating each lifestream chosen and dedicated by the Manu. Before entering physical birth, I addressed every individual as follows: “You are at liberty, beloved, to take pure and primal life into the Earth plane. You are at liberty, beloved, to utilize life as you will, in the physical appearance world. You are at liberty, beloved, to call upon any and all of us as you may choose, to assist you when the momentums and energies of your own worlds seem not sufficient to handle conditions necessary to fulfill your divine plan.” Without exception, every man has remembered that he has the liberty to use life. Many have forgotten that they have equal liberty to call upon the Sun of the system, or any God Being. I come this morning to bring to your remembrance that the liberty to call upon us, is yours. As the Earth plane grew dense, after the Fall of Man, and the Karmic Board was established, I, as spokesman, had the opportunity to give the final word for each lifestream chosen to incarnate in the twelve months to come and to say: “You are at liberty now, to take embodiment.” This is one reason why I have held that office for so long. Then, through the mercy of the Cosmic Law, the beloved Kwan Yin prepared for the coming of opportunity. Now the Goddess of Opportunity (Portia) sits upon the throne, as the head of the Karmic Council. At the time when the Sun of our system chose to create our solar system, twelve Ascended Beings volunteered to embody the twelve-fold nature of our Sun (Helios and Vesta) and to become magnetizing and radiating centers of these mighty virtues, in the Electronic Belt around the Sun. I was one of those. OUR RELATIONSHIP TO THE SUN IS TO SPECIALIZE IN MAGNETIZING, CONCENTRATING AND RADIATING ONE OF THE PARTICULAR GOD-VIRTUES. All twelve virtues are embodied within the consciousness and nature of Helios and Vesta.
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