SEP 18 E COVERS 8_15 FINAL.qxp_Layout 1 8/15/18 7:45 PM Page 1 SEPTEMBER 2018 KNIGHTSOFCOLUMBUS Sept Columbia 2016 ENG (2018).qxp_Layout 1 8/15/18 7:49 PM Page 1 Peace of mind is more affordable than you think. Finding out is free. Find an agent at kofc.org or 1-800-345-5632 LIFE INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE RETIREMENT ANNUITIES SEP 18 E 8_17 FINAL.qxp_Mar E 12 8/17/18 3:50 PM Page 1 KNIGHTSOFCOLUMBUS sEPtEmbEr 2018 ♦ V o l u m E 9 8 ♦ N u m b E r 9 COLUMBIA FEATURES 8 A Lifeline for Persecuted Christians For four years running, the Knights of Columbus has championed the cause of suffering Christians in the Middle East. BY COLUMBIA STAFF 18 ‘We Will Stand With You’ An interview with Archbishop Bashar Matti Warda of Erbil about the humanitarian efforts of the Church in Iraq. BY COLUMBIA STAFF 20 Return to the Land of Modern-Day Martyrs The Knights of Columbus continues to support efforts to rebuild and resettle a Christian Iraqi town ravaged by ISIS. BY INÉS SAN MARTÍN 24 Knights of Diplomacy The Order’s efforts on behalf of Christians targeted A portrait of Father Ragheed Ganni, who was martyred by Islamist for genocide moved the U.S. government to take action. insurgents in 2007, rests among the shattered remains of his tomb- BY ANDREW T. WALTHER stone in St. Addai Chaldean Catholic Church in his native town of Karamles, Iraq. Father Ganni’s cause for canonization was opened this past spring, and a new memorial is being built in place of the original, which was destroyed by ISIS militants. DEPARTMENTS 36Building a better world Knights of Columbus News 26 Knights in Action Through prayer, material aid and Mountaintop Mass Honors Father advocacy, we stand in solidarity McGivney • New John Paul II 30 Scholarship Recipients with Christians suffering in the Documentary Released • Supreme Middle East. Director Named to Philippine BY SUPREME KNIGHT CARL A. ANDERSON Supreme Court 4 Learning the faith, 7 Fathers for Good National Catholic Register living the faith A Knights’ connection brought The witness of St. John Vianney en- my parents together during World courages us to grow in holiness, fidelity War II. and love. BY GERALD KORSON BY SUPREME CHAPLAIN ARCHBISHOP WILLIAM E. LORI PLUS: Catholic Man of the Month Photo by Edward Pentin/Courtesy of SEPTEMBER 2018 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦ 1 SEP 18 E 8_17 FINAL.qxp_Mar E 12 8/17/18 4:07 PM Page 2 EDITORIAL COLUMBIA PUBLISHER Knights of Columbus Saints Wanted ________ THE CRADLE of Christianity is also a At precisely this time, the Knights of SUPREME OFFICERS Carl A. Anderson crucible of faith. In the 21st century, de- Columbus countered ISIS’ campaign of SUPREME KNIGHT scendants of ancient Christian commu- destruction with a campaign of charity Most Rev. William E. Lori, S.T.D. nities in the Middle East have experienced and solidarity — establishing the Chris- SUPREME CHAPLAIN Patrick E. Kelly unspeakable suffering and even the threat tian Refugee Relief Fund and urging DEPUTY SUPREME KNIGHT of extinction. On June 2, 2007, Father prayer and advocacy for suffering Chris- Michael J. O’Connor Ragheed Ganni, a 35-year-old Chaldean tians and other persecuted minority com- SUPREME SECRETARY Ronald F. Schwarz Catholic priest serving in Mosul, Iraq, munities in the Middle East. SUPREME TREASURER wrote an email message to a professor in This issue of Columbia outlines the John A. Marrella SUPREME ADVOCATE Rome, where he had studied and was or- Order’s important work in the region ________ dained just six years earlier. Father Ganni over the past four years (see page 8) and EDITORIAL described the situation in Mosul as “worse provides updates about new and ongo- Alton J. Pelowski than hell,” noting that churches continu- ing projects, including a $2 million ini- EDITOR Andrew J. Matt ally faced attacks by Islamist extremists. tiative to resettle Karamles that began last MANAGING EDITOR The very next morning, after celebrating year (see page 20). As the people of Margaret B. Kelly Sunday Mass for his people, he and three Karamles continue to return and rebuild ASSOCIATE EDITOR others were followed, confronted for re- with K of C support, they draw inspira- fusing to close the local church, and bru- tion from their native son, Father Ganni, tally murdered. whose cause for canonization was offi- Father Ganni was well aware of the cially opened in May. Today, Father risks of his profession. Less than a year Ganni is known as Father Ragheed of the earlier, he attended the funeral of a Eucharist, and a new memorial is now brother priest who was kidnapped, tor- being constructed in St. Addai Church. Venerable Michael McGivney (1852-90) Apostle to the Young, tured and martyred. In response, Father Father Ragheed’s witness, together with Protector of Christian Family Life and Ganni simply acknowledged his own that of other Christians in Iraq, Syria and Founder of the Knights of Columbus, Intercede for Us. human weakness and prayed for the elsewhere who have held firm to the faith ________ strength “not to humiliate” the priesthood until the end, provides a lesson to us all: HOW TO REACH US of Christ. When Father Ganni was killed, When confronted by manifest evil, the MAIL Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho of Mosul only adequate response is humility, faith- COLUMBIA 1 Columbus Plaza had the following words written on his fulness and love — that is to say, holiness. New Haven, CT 06510-3326 tombstone in Arabic: “Father, not my will The Church, which is in constant need ADDRESS CHANGES 203-752-4210, option #3 but yours be done” (cf. Lk 22:42). Nine of purification and authentic reform, faces [email protected] months later, Archbishop Rahho was enormous challenges today, not only in PRAYER CARDS & SUPPLIES himself kidnapped and murdered. the Middle East but throughout the 203-752-4214 COLUMBIA INQUIRIES In August 2014, after the rise of the Is- world. It is therefore imperative that we 203-752-4398 lamic State group, militants invaded Fa- seek to follow Christ more closely and FAX ther Ganni’s hometown of Karamles, 20 pray that, by his grace, our faith, hope and 203-752-4109 K OF C CUSTOMER SERVICE miles east of Mosul, and demolished his charity might always increase.♦ 1-800-380-9995 tombstone in St. Addai Chaldean E-MAIL Catholic Church. Never did the future of ALTON J. PELOWSKI [email protected] INTERNET Christianity in the region look so bleak. EDITOR kofc.org/columbia ________ Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Solidarity Cross Program Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the K of C councils are urged to raise awareness of the plight of perse- Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to cuted Christian communities in the Middle East through the Sol- live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church. idarity Cross Program, by which they purchase 5-inch olivewood ________ crosses crafted by Christians in the Holy Land and distribute them Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved for a suggested donation of $10 each. Net proceeds go to the Chris- ________ tian Refugee Relief Fund. For more information, contact the Fra- ON THE COVER ternal Mission department or visit kofc.org/christiansatrisk. An icon of Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians depicts Mary, with the Child Jesus over her heart, ON THE COVER: Icon by Fabrizio Diomedi (2018) spreading her mantle around recent Christian martyrs. ♦ COLUMBIA ♦ SEPTEMBER 2018 2 SEP 18 E 8_17 FINAL.qxp_Mar E 12 8/17/18 3:50 PM Page 3 BUILDINGABETTERWORLD Our Work Continues Through prayer, material aid and advocacy, we stand in solidarity with Christians suffering in the Middle East by Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson THIS ISSUE of Columbia details our their homes and desecrated their aid to our brothers and sisters in the churches. faith who have been marked for ex- When their land was recaptured tinction by ISIS and other terrorists in from ISIS, the Christians were ready White House. We worked with them the Middle East. to return to their homes. But their to de-escalate tensions and avoid a The hard truth is that Christians towns were in ruins. Who would help bloody conflict that could have ended are on the verge of extinction in the them rebuild? the Christian presence in Iraq. Middle East. We must not allow this The first to act was the government Archbishop Warda has said that to happen. of Hungary, which provided funds to without the support of the Knights of Since 2014, the Knights of Colum- rebuild the town of Teleskof. During a Columbus, Christianity might have bus has committed more than $20 consultation with Hungarian govern- died in Iraq. million to aid Christians and those of ment officials in Budapest, I discussed Our work has brought a message other religions in their care. This with them our similar effort. of solidarity and of hope — that no money has provided food, shelter, Today, with $2 million from the Christian community is an island. clothing and medical care to thou- Order, Karamles is being rebuilt and Every Christian is “a piece of the sands who lost everything in Iraq and Christian families are returning home. continent.” Syria because they refused to give up We have provided more than finan- Every Christian is a member of the their love of Christ.
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