Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Brighton, United Kingdom Conference Program WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 2018 Refreshments during breaks – Sandringham 09:00–04:00 Student and Early Careers Preconference Ambassador Room 01:00-03:30 Board Meeting Chartwell 04:00-05:00 Business Meeting (ST&D Keynote) Osborne Suite 05:00-07:00 Welcome Reception (Joint with ST&D) Oxford Gallery Wednesday POSTER SESSION I (JOINT with ST&D) Authors Oxford Gallery 05:30-07:00 Katherine Binder, Mount Holyoke College: Assessing vocabulary depth and breadth and their role in adult 1 kbinder@mtholyoke.edu; An Tran; Kathryn literacy reading comprehension Tremblay Why do better readers have larger vocabularies? Exploring the roles Laura Shapiro, Aston University: 2 of reading ability and reading experience in developing vocabulary l.r.shapiro@aston.ac.uk; Jessie Ricketts; Adrian knowledge Burgess Amélie Bourcier, University of Montreal: The effect of a vocabulary intervention on the spelling, reading and 3 amelie.bourcier@umontreal.ca; Rachel lexical skills of French-speaking grade 4 students Berthiaume; Daniel Daigle; Dominic Anctil Mary Requa, San Francisco State University: Vocabulary development through shared storybook reading with 4 mrequa@sfsu.edu; Yi-Jui (Iva) Chen; Anne E. preschool parents Cunningham How phonological and morphological awareness interact for Erin Robertson, Cape Breton University: 5 children with dyslexia erin_robertson@cbu.ca; Helene Deacon An examination of a morpheme-based training and its effects on Irit Bar-Kochva, German Institute for International 6 literacy skills in native speakers of German with a reading Educational Research, University of Haifa: disability iritbarkochva@gmail.com; Marcus Hasselhorn Cross-lagged panel analysis of reciprocal effects between Dongbo Zhang, University of Exeter: 7 morphological awareness and reading in Chinese in a multilingual zhangdo6@msu.edu; CheKan Leong; Keiko Koda; context Elizabeth Pang Effects of morphological awareness training on spelling of Anila Fejzo, UQAM: fejzo.anila@uqam.ca; Rihab 8 morphemes and morphologically complex words in fourth-grade Saidane; Kathleen Whissell-Turner French-speaking students Multidimensionality of morphologically complex words: Robin Irey, University of California at Berkeley: 9 Consideration at the item level rirey6@berkeley.edu; Yi-Jui Iva Chen 2 The role of sleep in the consolidation of orthographic learning in Hannah Nash, University of Leeds: 10 children h.nash@leeds.ac.uk; Anna Weighall A cross-linguistic study of the growth of word and pseudoword Marketa Caravolas, Bangor University: 11 reading efficiency: Impact of orthographic consistency m.caravolas@bangor.ac.uk Cristina Martínez, University of Oviedo: Development of orthographic representations in Spanish children 12 martinezgcristina@uniovi.es; Paz Suárez-Coalla; with dyslexia: Influence of semantic and phonological knowledge Fernando Cuetos Malin Wass, Luleå University of Technology: Learning to read when speech sounds different – orthographic 13 malin.wass@ltu.se; Ulrika Löfkvist; Lena Anmyr; learning in children with cochlear implants Eva Karltorp; Björn Lyxell Kindergarten phonological awareness development and early Orly Lipka, Haifa University: orlylipka@gmail.com; 14 literacy skills in Hebrew Dorin Wasserstein Elizabeth Norton, Northwestern University: Both low phonological and low rapid naming skills disrupt typical elizsn@gmail.com; Georgios Sideridis; Ola 15 patterns of reading development: A cusp catastrophe model Ozernov-Palchik; Sara Beach; Maryanne Wolf; John Gabrieli; Nadine Gaab Dynamic assessment of the alphabetic principle: Measuring R. Michael Barker, University of South Florida: 16 phonological awareness in children with complex communication rmbarker@usf.edu; Mindy Bridges; Kathryn needs who do not speak Saunders Phonological and lexical predictors of reading and spelling in ESL Rui Qi Choo, University of York: 17 learners rqchoo@gmail.com: Susan Rickard Liow Handwriting legibility reflects spelling difficulties in dyslexia but Cameron Downing, Bangor University: 18 not in developmental coordination disorder (DCD) c.downing@bangor.ac.uk; Marketa Caravolas Invented spelling with feedback – Can a speech synthesis do the Stine Engmose, University of Copenhagen: 19 job? lxk494@hum.ku.dk Non-genetic factors driving individual differences in reading, Brian Byrne, University of New England: 20 writing and numeracy in Australian students: Insights from bbyrne@une.edu.au; Connie Ho; Sally Larsen; discordant monozygotic twins. William Coventry; Callie Little; Richard Olson Jeffrey Malins, Yale University School of Medicine & Haskins Laboratories: jeffrey.malins@yale.edu; An Examination of unexpected poor comprehenders using 21 Miao Li; Mellissa DeMille; Chintan Mehta; molecular-genetic and imaging-genetic approaches Dongnhu Truong; Maureen Lovett; Joan Bosson- Heenan; Jan Frijters; Jeffrey Gruen Molecular genetic examination of rapid automatized naming and Andrew K. Adams, Yale University: 22 rapid alternating stimulus in Hispanic and African American andrew.adams@yale.edu; Dongnhu T. Truong; Joan youth: A multivariate approach. M. Bosson-Heenan; Jeffrey R. Gruen 3 Ginette Dionne, Laval University: The genetic/environmental transmissions and innovations across ginette.dionne@psy.ulaval.ca: Sara Mascheretti; 23 reading from ages 5 to 15 years Jeffrey Henry; Philippe Robaey; Mara Brendgen; Frank Vitaro; Michel Boivin; Cecilia Marino Mo Zheng, University of Hong Kong: A longitudinal analysis of word reading skills in Chinese twin zhengmo.hk@gmail.com: Connie Suk-Han Ho; 24 children: genetic and environmental influences Bonnie Wing-Yin Chow; Simpson Wai-Lap Wong; Mary M. Y. Waye Exploring the effects of knowledge of writing on reading Chinese Mingjun Zhai, Rice University: 25 characters in skilled readers minnazhai@gmail.com; Simon Fischer-Baum Xiao Zhang, Georgia State University: Exploring the association between preschool literacy environment 26 xzhang60@student.gsu.edu; Gary Bingham; Hope and children’s early writing development Gerde; Katherine McLendon Practice matters more than instruction: The relationship between David Coker, University of Delaware: 27 typical writing instruction, student practice, and writing dcoker@udel.edu; Austin S. Jennings; Elizabeth achievement in first grade Farley-Ripple; Charles A. MacArthur The role of semantics in the organization of the mental lexicon Ayelet Sasson, Bar Ilan University: 28 among adults with dyslexia ayelet.sasson@gmail.com; Rachel Schiff John Sabatini, Educational Testing Service: Comparing adult to adolescent performance on component 29 jsabatini@ets.org; Tenaha O’Reilly; Zuowei Wang; assessments of reading Szu-Fu Chao; Daphne Greenberg Elizabeth Tighe, Georgia State University: Examining correlates of PIAAC literacy performance among the 30 etighe@gsu.edu: Deborah K. Reed; Lee Branum- lowest-skilled United States adult prison population Martin Statistical Learning contributes to different reading skills in Ferenc Kemény, University of Graz: 31 children and adults ferenc.kemeny@uni-graz.at; Karin Landerl Return-sweep saccades and individual differences amongst skilled Adam Parker, Bournemouth University: 32 adult readers parkera@bournemouth.ac.uk; Timothy Slattery Unpacking gains in multisyllabic word reading by adult literacy Jennifer Goudey, Hospital for Sick Children: 33 learners: Differential intervention effects on affixes, syllables, and jgoudey@ualberta.ca; Jan C. Frijters; Daphne suffixes. Greenberg ; Maureen W. Lovett Hanna Poylio, Niilo Mäki Institute: The effects of a partner reading intervention on self-efficacy and 34 hanna.poylio@nmi.fi; Annastiina Kettunen; Katja reading motivation among L2 learners Korhonen; Adrienn Jalonen; Paula Salmi The contribution of cognitive flexibility to reading in 3rd grade Larissa Alabe Padua, University of Victoria: 35 children learning French as a second language (L2) padualari@gmail.com; Gina Harrison Alexa von Hagen, IDEALAB: alexavh@gmail.com; 36 Foreign language attainment in children with poor literacy skills Saskia Kohnen ; Nicole Stadie 4 Jolijn Vanderauwera, KU Leuven: Early dynamics of white matter deficits in children developing 37 jolijn.vanderauwera@ppw.kuleuven.be; Maaike dyslexia Vandermosten; Jan Wouters; Pol Ghesquière Ola Ozernov-Palchik, Massachusetts Institute of The relationships among SES, white matter, and reading Technology: ola.ozernov_palchik@tufts.edu; 38 development: A longitudinal investigation from kindergarten to 2nd Elizabeth S. Norton; Yingying Wang; Sara D. grade. Beach; Jennifer Zuk; Maryanne Wolf; John D. E. Gabrieli; Nadine Gaab Examining the dimensionality of parent-child interactions related Trelani Milburn, Florida Center for Reading 39 to language and literacy for children in pre-kindergarten and Research: tfchapman@fsu.edu; Christopher kindergarten Lonigan Jennifer Jacoby, Mount Holyoke College: 40 Oral narrative skills of at-risk pre-kindergarten children jacoby@mtholyoke.edu; Rebecca Lebowitz Sonia Cabell, Florida State University: Effects of a text-messaging parent intervention on preschoolers’ 41 scabell@fcrr.org; Tricia Zucker; Jamie DeCoster; literacy development Susan Landry; Maria Carlo Ana Sanchez Negrete, JEL Aprendizaje: Efficiency of non-standardized methods of assessing reading level 42 anasancheznegrete@gmail.com; Rufina Pearson ; in low income schools: Correlation with standardized measures Terán Mercedes ; María Victoria Antonini Kevin Kien Hoa Chung, University of Hong Kong: Addressing the reading achievement gap
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