FRATERNITY BALFOUR For more than a quarter of a century, the Bal­ four Company has taken pride in erving the fraternities and sororities with their insignia. Your badge, made by master Balfour craftsmen and set with precious jewels, is a worthy symbol of your association with Pi Kappa Alpha. INSIGNIA PRICE LIST Plain bevel border badge, No. 1 _ _______ ---· $ 6.00 Crown set pearl badge, No. 0 ···-··------------ 11.50 Pledge butt on --·---------·---- --·············---·····--·----· 0.50 Monogram recog nition, plain .. ··--·---- ..... --··--·· 1.25 Complete illust1·atecl p1·ice list sent on Te quest. 20 % Federal Tax and any State Tax in effect in addition to above prices. All orders for badges must come in on official order blanks and must be signed by an officer of the chapter. P1·ices effective March 1, 1948. IIKA Crested Jewel Box May also be used as cigar ette bo x. Softly padded brown calf with decorative gold leaf border is fashioned into a beautiful case which may be used for either cigarettes or jewelry. Box is cedar li ned with re­ movable velvet pad. Size 4" x 3 78 " x 2". No. 4343 Dark Brown CalL·------------·---·-------------···---···-··-··$6.00 Not Taxable Official Jeweler to PI KAPPA ALPHA L. G. BALFOUR COMPANY Attleboro Massachusetts + CHAPTERS will be inter­ ested to know that the propo ed a­ rm AND tiona] Dream Girl Contest will not ma­ ~HI~tll DIAM~ND terialize at the Salt Lake City Conven­ OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY tion becau e of lack of time to properly Founded at the University of Virginia, March I, 1868, by Julian Edward organize the event. Wood, Littleton Waller Tazewell, James Benj amin Sclater, Jr., Frederick outhgate Taylor, Robertson Howard, and William Alexander. Chapters are to be congratulated J. BLA1 FORD TAYLOR, EDn·oR upon the response to the reque t from HARRY E. HEATH, JR., AssociATE EDITOR the National Office for comment on the Office of Publication, 114 East Second Street, Little Rock, Ark. contest. Almo t to a chapter, the reply Changes of address and subscriptions should be sent to Robert D. Lynn, was " we are intere ted but the time is Executive Secretary, 1294 Union Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Both old and too short to assure a successful conte t." new addresses should be given. Life subscription 10 for those initiated Okay, yo u chapters, let's think about before Sept. I, 1927. Per year, 2. Alumni rate, per year, l. it for the 1950 Convention! Articles and photographs for THE SH IELD A 'D DI AMOND are cordiall invited and should be addressed to J . Blanford Taylor, P.O. Box 148, DeLand, Fla. - phi phi kappa alpha - Copy for the June i ssue really Volume LVII, No. 4 JUNE, 1948 swa mped yo urs trul y. At the last min­ ute, it was decided to go to 64 page THE SH IELD AND DIAMO ND is published lour times a year at 11 4 Ea t Second St., Little Ro k, because there was so much good copy Ark., in eptember, December, March and J une by th e Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Entered as second class mauer, Oct. 14, 1937 , at the Post Offi ce at Lillie Rock , Ark., under Act of that came in on the deadli ne. In fact, March· 3, 1897. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Secti on some of it was late and is not in this 11 03, Act of Oct. 3, 19 17, authorized June 16, 19 18. issue. In addition to chapter news, there were two new chapter , new eli trict CO f~TENTS presidents, district conventions and the + IIKA Business main attraction-the alt Lake City Ca II to Con ven tio n ····---·-----------------·--------·------------------- ·-----·--------------·-------------------- 2 Convention. H part of yo ur material is Utah and Salt Lake City Welcome Delegates._______________________________________ ____ 3 not in this issue, it h as either been National Officer School ................ ---··--------------------------·--·--------------------------------------- 6 saved for the next i ue or it has been Delaware Chapter lnsta lled __ _________________ __ ____________________________________________ ____ 8, 9, I 0 o ·owded out because of pace li mita­ Arkansas State Chapter I nsta II ed ............ ---------------------------------·------------------·-------- 11 , 12 tions. With 90 acti ve chapters, 4 pages ITKA Initiate Through September, 194 7 ·----------------------------------------------------54-60 is not enough! - phi phi kappa alpha - + IIKA Spotlights If the Fraternity had a few more Smythe and Summey at Atlanta Dinner.. .. ·--·----·--·------------------·------------------------- 6 boosters for THE SH IELD A o DIAMO D Salt Lake City Mothers' Club -----·---------------------------------·----------------------------------- 7 li fe subscription plan like R . E. (Bob) Alan Ladd Chooses Dream GirL. -·-----·------·---·---·------------------------------------------·------ 13 Lambert, Jr., T, ther.e would be a big A. A. Knowlton, "Mr. Chips of IIKA"--------·-------·---------------·------------------------- 14- 16 increa e in the circulati on of the maga­ Frank Cali e, "Little Flower of Oregon"--·-----·------·------------------------------------------ 18 zine. Ivey, Chapman amed Men of Year.._··-------·---------------------------------------------- 20 Tide Sharpshooters Wear Garnet, Gold -------·----·------------------·------------------·--------- 31 Bob, a member of the Class of J 921 f cCorkle Wins Achievement A ward····-------------------------------------------------------- 12 at Alabama Polytechnic Institute, re­ ce ntly wrote the 1ati onal Editor: + IIKA Departments ''I'm se nding a life ubscription to Convention Committees --·-----·-------------------·----·--·-·--·------------------------------------------- 4 tlanta for a cousin of mine who h as Directory -------·-----------------------------------·--·------------------------------------------·------61-63 been out o£ coll ege longer than 1- Dr. J. R . Simmon , 11 5 Broadus Ave., Greenville, S. C. He i ited me during the Christmas holidays, o I hit him up for a subscription and got it." + MAY 25, 1948, was mov- Union has been leased and redecorated. ing day for the National Office. ow It wi ll provide much needed space for Bob, incidentall y, reminds us that life your National Office is at 1294 U IO our equipment and p~r onnel. sub criptions weren't avail able when he graduated, "but they soon were and I AVE UE, MEMPHI 4, TE N. Every member is invited to visit the bought one." Hi receipt was one of The 1946 Convention voted to erect new offi ces at any time. the fir t 20 iss ued by lational Head­ the propo ed War Memorial Building --fiKA - - and ational Office m 1emphis on quarter, and Bob ay it till i a pos· property being donated by outhwestern session h e prize . University adjacent to its campus. ''I'm till a boy when it comes to the + A GOVERNOR congrawlare F raternity's magazi ne," he onclude . Present lease on office space in Atlan­ a Pi Kappa lpha pledge. The Honor· - -IIKA - - ta expires this summer. In view of the able Clarence W. Meadows, rr, of W est above developments and after circular­ Virginia, congratulates J ames F. Kast, + R . C. JORDA N, JR., A~. has izing the active chapters it was decided Jr., who is wearing the pledge pin uf been elected pre ident of the breve­ to move the offices to Memphis imme­ Alpha-Theta chapter at the Univer ity port, La., As ociation of Insurance diate! y. The entire building at 1294 of West Virgin ia. Agents. 1 THE PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY OFFIC E OF THE NAT IONAL P A E S I O ENT JOHN L. PACKER 1603 LAW e FINANC E BUILDI NO PITTSOU RGH, PENNSYLVANI A May 6, 1948. To the National_Officers, District Presidents, and Delegates of the Active and Alumni Chapters of Pi Kappa Alpha. Dear Brothers:- Your Supreme Council, in accordance with authority vested in~t in Article IV, Section 4, ha·s fixed the Hotel Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, as the place, and 9 A. Y.. (Salt Lake City time) August 16, 1948, as the time for the convening of the National Convention of Pi Kappa Alpha. Every effort of your national and district officers and of the active and alumni members of the fraternity in Utah is being expended to make this a profitable, instructive and enjoyable convention. It is our fond desire that this convention will be widely attended b,y many active and alumni delegates, as well as guests and wives and friends of our members. Our fraternity is also planning a Chapter Officers School to be held at the Fort Douglas Barracks, adjacent to the University of Utah, the opening meeting of this school to be held in the Student Union Building Ball Room of the University of Utah, at 9 A. Y.. (Salt Lake City time) on August 13, 1948. We feel certain that this school can do much to raise the standards of the operation of our chapters, and we are hoping that each chapter, through the use of community cars, will send at least two and possibly more from each of our active chapters. The school will be a participating one, and your future national officers we feel sure will glean much instruction from the undergraduate active members who we know will come there prepared to seriously participate in the activities of this school. This official call is issued in accordance with the authority contained in Article V, Section 2. Youro in the bond•, k JLP:VY. 2=Pr::en~~ a ~~I!J!lY! _.~ ~ S"-I.T I.A io."F. c:m• I.CT.Al1 Hay 11, 1948 M•y 7, 1948 To The Members of the p · K t appa. Alpha Fraternity Pi Kapp:~ , it is an th ' A s Governor f th As the rather of t~:;,: ~at.e s of the Pi varpa iSP~pportunit y to we lcome :ct' e State o f Utah, l e t me take honor to extend to the ._ion in Aurust, a cord1o.l t h e t Kappa AI h Ive and elum .
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