Phylum: Nemertea Tubulanus polymorphus Class: Palaeonemertea Order: An orange ribbon worm Family: Tubulanidae “Such a worm when seen crawling in long 1). and graceful curves over the bottom in clear Anterior: Head rather broad, set off water earns for itself a place among the from body and somewhat flattened. No most beautiful of all marine inverte- cephalic grooves (order Palaeonemertea) but brates” (Coe 1905) with lateral transverse grooves (Fig. 2a, b, c). Taxonomy: Tubulanus polymorphous was a Head cannot completely withdraw into body name assigned in unpublished work by (Kozloff 1974). Renier (1804). The genera Tubulanus and Posterior: No caudal cirrus. Carinella were described by Renier (1804) Eyes/Eyespots: None. and Johnston (1833), respectively, and were Mouth: A long slit-like opening (Fig. 2c) pos- synonymized by Bürger in 1904 (Gibson terior to the brain, separate from proboscis 1995). Melville (1986) and the International pore (Fig. 2c) and positioned just behind Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) transverse furrows (Coe 1901). determined that the family name Tubu- Proboscis: Eversible (phylum Nemertea) lanidae take precedence over its senior sub- and, when not everted, coiled inside rhyncho- jective synonym Carinellidae (Ritger and coel (cavity). The proboscis in Tubulanus pol- Norenburg 2006) and the name Tubulanus ymorphus is short with the rhynchocoel reach- polymorphus was deemed published and ing one third total worm body length. Probos- available (ICZN 1988). Previous names for cis bears no stylets and the proboscis pore T. polymorphus include C. polymorpha, C. almost terminal (Fig. 2c). rubra and C. speciosa. Tube/Burrow: As is true for most Tubulanus species, T. polymorphus individuals live in Description thin parchment tubes that are attached to Size: A large nemertean, up to three meters rocks or shells and made of hardened mu- when extended. Commonly 25–75 cm in cous secretions (Coe 1943). length and 5 mm in width (Coe 1901, 1905; Possible Misidentifications Corrêa 1964). Color: Individuals boldly colored in solid red, The genus Tubulanus is slender, soft, brown, orange or vermillion. No patterns extensible without ocelli or cephalic grooves and no dorsal or ventral color differences (Corrêa 1964) and with a flattened head with (Coe 1901). transverse lateral grooves. Five other species General Morphology: Recognizable by of Tubulanus are reported for Pacific North- bright orange color and long, stretchy mor- west intertidal and subtidal habitats (Roe et al. phology. Individuals are sometimes found 2007). T. polymorphus and T. sexlineatus are within parchment tubes. most common intertidally. Tubulanus poly- Body: Long, thin and very soft (Coe 1901). morphus can be distinguished from the others Non-segmented (phylum Nemertea), cylin- by its large size, strong color and lack of pat- drical anterior but can flatten posteriorly (Fig. tern. A publication of the University of Oregon Libraries and the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology Individual species: https://oimb.uoregon.edu/oregon-estuarine-invertebrates and full 3rd edition: http://hdl.handle.net/1794/18839 Email corrections to: [email protected] Hiebert, T.C. 2015. Tubulanus polymorphus. In: Oregon Estuarine Invertebrates: Rudys' Illustrated Guide to Common Species, 3rd ed. T.C. Hiebert, B.A. Butler and A.L. Shanks (eds.). University of Oregon Libraries and Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, Charleston, OR. Some of the other species are: Tubu- mussels, in mud and shell hash, on both open lanus pellucidus, a small (to 2.5 cm in coast and in bays (Haderlie 1975). It is the length), white to translucent tube-dweller in common large orange nemertean of the outer estuaries, occurs on the Pacific coast from coastal rocky intertidal. San Francisco to San Diego and on the At- Salinity: Often collected on outer rocky lantic coast from New England to Florida shores at salinities of 30. (Gibson 1995; Roe et al. 2007). Tubulanus Temperature: Found in cold and temperate cingulatus is deep brown with white trans- waters. verse rings and four long stripes. Individuals Tidal Level: Intertidal (Corrêa 1964) to low reach lengths to 15 cm and occur subtidally intertidal and subtidal zones (Haderlie 1980). and lower in soft sediments. Pacific distribu- Associates: Small polychaetes are often tion from Bolinas to San Diego, California found within the parchment tubes of T. poly- (Coe 1904; Roe et al. 2007). Tubulanus morphus. sexlineatus is up to 1.5 m in length, choco- Abundance: Rather common (Corrêa 1964) late brown with white rings and 5–6 longitu- and quite common on the outer coast in Ore- dinal lines. This tube-dwelling species is gon, but rarely abundant in Alaska (Coe found from Alaska to southern California 1901). (Griffin 1898; Roe et al. 2007). Tubulanus Life-History Information capistratus is a slender and brown tube- Reproduction: Male and female individuals dweller (Coe 1901), up to one meter long, often inhabit the same parchment tube where with many narrow white transverse rings and they deposit eggs (Coe 1943). Specimens three longitudinal lines. The range of T. ca- are sexually mature from early summer (San pistratus is Alaska to Monterey Bay, Califor- Juan Island, WA, Stricker 1987) to August nia (Roe et al. 2007). Subtidal species (Coe 1905) and can produce great numbers found off the coast of southern California in- of large (350 µm in diameter) eggs (Stricker clude T. albocinctus and T. frenatus (Coe 1987), which are often used for experimental 1904; Corrêa 1964). studies (Coe 1940; Stricker et al. 2001, 2013). Because of the many identifying char- Larva: Larvae hatch after two days, are large acteristics that are internal and not visible, it (500 µm in length) and uniformly ciliated with is sometimes very difficult to distinguish inconspicuous apical tuft of cilia (Stricker among nemerteans without dissecting them. 1987). These lecithotrophic larvae develop Ways in which the worms flatten, contract, rapidly (approximately 90 hr, Coe 1940; and coil are useful as aids to identification of Stricker 1987). live specimens. Juvenile: Ecological Information Longevity: Range: NE Pacific range Aleutian Islands, Growth Rate: The growth rate of most ne- Alaska south to Monterey, California. merteans is unknown. Most species have Worldwide distribution includes northern some regenerative ability. Tubulanus poly- European and Mediterranean coasts. morphus and T. sexlineatus are known to re- Local Distribution: Collected in Coos Bay generate both anterior and posterior ends (T. in exposed parts of estuaries, as well as Hiebert, pers. obs.) rocky outer shores. Coos Bay sites include Food: A predator on soft-bodied worms and Charleston, Barview and Pony Slough. mollusks, where only soft parts are ingested Habitat: Under heavy boulders, among from larger prey (Coe 1943). A publication of the University of Oregon Libraries and the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology Individual species: https://oimb.uoregon.edu/oregon-estuarine-invertebrates and full 3rd edition: http://hdl.handle.net/1794/18839 Email corrections to: [email protected] Predators: R. I. Smith, and J. T. Carlton (eds.). Uni- Behavior: Can be found at low tide search- versity of California Press, Berkeley. ing for food. 10. —. 1980. Polychaeta: The Marine annelid worms, p. 448-489. In: Intertidal inverte- Bibliography brates of California. R. H. Morris, D. P. Ab- 1. COE, W. R. 1901. Papers from the Harri- bott, and E. C. Haderlie (eds.). Stanford man Alaska Expedition. The Nemerte- University Press, Stanford, CA. ans. Proceedings of the Washington 11. INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ZO- Academy:1-110. OLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE. 1988. 2. —. 1904. Nemerteans of the Pacific Tubulanus Renier 1804 and Tubulanus coast of North America. Harriman Expe- polymorphus Renier 1804 (Nemertea) re- dition. 11:111-220. instated and made available. Bulletin of 3. —. 1905. Nemerteans of the west and Zoological Nomenclature. 45:157-158. northwest coasts of North America. Bul- 12. JOHNSTON, G. 1833. Illustrations in Brit- letin of the Museum at Harvard College. ish zoology. Magazine of Natural History. xlvii:1-318. 6:232-235. 4. —. 1940. Revision of the nemertean fau- 13. KOZLOFF, E. N. 1974. Keys to the marine na of the Pacific coasts of north, central invertebrates of Puget Sound, the San and northern South America. Allan Han- Juan Archipelago, and adjacent regions. cock Pacific Expeditions. Reports. 2:247- University of Washington Press, Seattle. 323. 14. MELVILLE, R. V. 1986. Tubulanus and 5. —. 1943. Biology of the nemerteans of Tubulanus polymorphus (Polychaeta) pro- the Atlantic coast of North America. posed reinstatement under plenary pow- Transactions of the Connecticut Acade- ers. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature. my of Arts and Sciences. 35:129-328. 43:112-114. 6. CORRÊA, D. D. 1964. Nemerteans from 15. RITGER, R. K., and J. L. NORENBURG. California and Oregon. Proceedings of 2006. Tubulanus riceae new species the California Academy of Sciences (Nemertea: Anopla: Palaeonemertea: (series 4). 31:515-558. Tubulanidae), from south Florida, Belize 7. GIBSON, R. 1995. Nemertean genera and Panama. Journal of Natural History. and species of the world: an annotated 40:931-942. checklist of original names and descrip- 16. ROE, P., J. L. NORENBURG, and S. tion citation, synonyms, current taxonom- MASLAKOVA. 2007. Nemertea, p. 221- ic status, habitats and recorded zoogeo- 233. In: Light and Smith manual: intertidal graphic distribution. Journal of Natural invertebrates from central California to Or- History. 29:271-562. egon. J. T. Carlton (ed.). University of Cali- 8. GRIFFIN, B. B. 1898. Description of fornia Press, Berkeley, CA. some marine Nemerteans of Puget 17. 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