StatisticsinBrief: SeventhTermSenate The Seventh Term Senate elected on 21st October 2007 has 100 members: 60 were candidates of the Civic Platform Election Committee, 39 of the Law andJusticeElectionCommittee,1ofhisownelectioncommittee. The current Senate has 92 men and 8 women. In the past, the number ofwomensenatorsrangedfrom7inthefirsttermto23inthefifth. The average age of senators is 51 (in the past, it ranged from 49 in the second termto56inthefifth).14senatorsareyoungerthan40,1isolderthan70. 91 senators are university graduates (in past terms, the education level ranged from 85 university graduates in the third term to 94 in the sixth). 9 senators havesecondaryeducation. 23 senators have graduated in the humanities, 23 in engineering, 11 in law, NOTES 11 in medicine, 9 in agriculture, 7 in economics, 6 in physical education, 3inmathematics,physicsornaturalsciencesand2inothersubjects. 29 senators hold scientific degrees and titles. There are 12 university pro- ON fessors (15 in the sixth term, 20 in the fifth, 11 in the fourth, 13 in the third, 10inthesecondand26inthefirst)and14doctorsordoctorshabilitated. THESENATE 18 senators had worked as academic teachers (at election time, 4 were active universityrectors),5werelawyers,20managedstateorprivateenterprises. 68senatorshaveexperienceinterritorialself-governmentwork. 56 senators are seasoned parliamentarians – 20 were deputies to the Sejm. 1 served through six Senate terms, 1 served through fifth Senate terms. The number of senators with parliamentary experience in the current term is larger thanintheprecedingone(34). 76 senators declare affiliation with a political party. 48 senators belong to the Civic Platform Party of Poland, 24 to the Law and Justice, 2 to the „Piast” Po- lish People’s Alliance, 1 to the Movement for Reconstruction of Poland and 1totheDemocraticLeftAlliance. 24 senators have no political-party affiliation (in the sixth term – 36, in the fifth – 22, in the fourth – 63, in the third and second – 42, and in the first –100). The average number of children per senator is slightly more than two; 32 se- natorshavethreechildrenormore. PublicInformationandEducationUnit,November2007 *** Thereweretwoby-electionsconductedduringtheseventhtermSenate: – the first, on the 22nd of June 2008, when Stanis³aw Zaj¹c was elected, con- ductedbecauseofthedeathofsenatorAndrzejTadeuszMazurkiewicz, – the second, on the 20th of June 2010, when Micha³ Boszko, Leszek Piechota SENATE OFTHEREPUBLIC and Alicja Zaj¹c were elected. Election conducted because of the tragic death OFPOLAND of senators Krystyna Bochenek, Janina Fetliñska and Stanis³aw Zaj¹c who diedintheplanecrashinSmoleñskonthe10th ofApril2010. CHANCELLERYOFTHESENATE OFFICEFORCITIZENRELATIONS ul.Wiejska6,00-902Warszawa June2010 tel.(48-22)694-92-84 fax(48-22)694-95-70 www.senat.gov.pl Listofsenatorsandseatsoftheir electoraldistricts £ukaszAbgarowicz –Warszawa KrzysztofMajkowski –Siedlce Ma³gorzataAdamczak –Kalisz AdamMassalski –Kielce Piotr £ukasz Juliusz Andrzejewski –Warszawa Andrzej Tadeusz Mazurkiewicz* – Krosno DorotaArciszewska-Mielewczyk –Gdynia ZbigniewMeres –Sosnowiec Mieczys³awAugustyn –Pi³a TomaszMisiak –Legnica GrzegorzBanaœ –Kielce AndrzejMisio³ek –Gliwice RyszardJanuszBender –Lublin AntoniMotyczka –Rybnik JózefBergier –Che³m Rafa³KlemensMuchacki –Bielsko-Bia³a Stanis³awBisztyga –Kraków IreneuszNiewiarowski –Konin Przemys³awJacekB³aszczyk –Sieradz Micha³Ok³a –Kielce KrystynaBochenek*** –Katowice JanOlech –Szczecin BogdanBorusewicz –Gdañsk W³adys³awOrtyl –Rzeszów BarbaraBorys-Damiêcka –Warszawa AndrzejOwczarek –Sieradz Micha³Boszko**** –P³ock MariaPañczyk–Pozdziej –Gliwice JerzyChróœcikowski –Che³m BohdanJózefPaszkowski –Bia³ystok ZbigniewJanCichoñ –Kraków ZbigniewMicha³Paw³owicz –Bydgoszcz LucjanCichosz –Che³m AndrzejPerson –Toruñ W³odzimierzCimoszewicz –Bia³ystok AntoniPiechniczek –Katowice GrzegorzCzelej –Lublin LeszekPiechota**** –Katowice W³adys³awDajczak –ZielonaGóra KrzysztofPiesiewicz –Warszawa Wies³awDobkowski –PiotrkówTrybunalski Stanis³awPiotrowicz –Krosno JanDobrzyñski –Bia³ystok Zdzis³awPupa –Rzeszów Jaros³awDuda –Wroc³aw JanuszRachoñ –Gdañsk JaninaFetliñska*** –P³ock MarekRocki –Warszawa PiotrG³owski –Pi³a ZbigniewRomaszewski –Warszawa Stanis³awGogacz –Lublin JadwigaRotnicka –Poznañ Stanis³awGorczyca –Elbl¹g JanRulewski –Bydgoszcz RyszardGórecki –Olsztyn Czes³awRyszka –Czêstochowa HenrykGórski –Siedlce S³awomirSadowski –Elbl¹g MaciejGrubski –£ódŸ JanuszSepio³ –Kraków PiotrAndrzejGruszczyñski –Konin W³adys³awSidorowicz –Wroc³aw TadeuszGruszka –Rybnik TadeuszSkorupa –NowyS¹cz AndrzejGrzyb –Gdañsk WojciechSkurkiewicz –Radom WitoldLechIdczak –Legnica ErykSmulewicz –P³ock Stanis³awIwan –ZielonaGóra JacekSwakoñ –Legnica KazimierzJaworski –Rzeszów ZbigniewSzaleniec –Sosnowiec Stanis³awJurcewicz –Wa³brzych AndrzejSzewiñski –Czêstochowa PiotrKaleta –Kalisz Gra¿ynaAnnaSztark –Koszalin Stanis³awKarczewski –Radom MarekTrzciñski –Sieradz LeonKieres –Wroc³aw PiotrWach –Opole KazimierzKleina –Gdynia KazimierzWiatr –Tarnów MaciejKlima –Tarnów MariuszSebastianWitczak –Kalisz Pawe³Klimowicz –Kraków EdmundWittbrodt –Gdynia RyszardKnosala –Opole GrzegorzWojciechowski –PiotrkówTrybunalski Stanis³awKogut –NowyS¹cz Micha³Wojtczak –Toruñ MarekKonopka –Olsztyn HenrykMaciejWoŸniak –ZielonaGóra Bronis³awKorfanty –Katowice JanWyrowiñski –Toruñ S³awomirKowalski –Bielsko-Bia³a AlicjaZaj¹c**** –Krosno NorbertKrajczy –Opole Stanis³awZaj¹c** –Krosno WaldemarKraska –Siedlce KrzysztofPiotrZaremba –Szczecin KrzysztofKwiatkowski –£ódŸ PiotrZientarski –Koszalin RomanLudwiczuk –Wa³brzych MarekZió³kowski –Poznañ *Diedonthe21st ofMarch2008 **Electedinaby-electionconducted22nd ofJune2008,tragicallydiedintheplanecrashinSmoleñskonthe10th ofApril2010 ***TragicallydiedintheplanecrashinSmoleñskonthe10th ofApril2010 ****Electedinaby-electionconductedonthe20th ofJune2010.
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