Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 / June 2 935 (2) In the event of the temporary absence not doing right. In other words, he is the or temporary disability of the Secretary of kind of person you want from a State of Defense, the Secretary of the Navy shall act strong, independent people, tough, prin- for and perform the duties of the Secretary cipled, unwilling to yield when he stands of Defense as Acting Secretary of Defense. for—when he believes he’s correct. And In these instances, the designation as Acting that’s the way Jim Talent is. Every time I’m Secretary of Defense applies only for the du- with him, he’s always talking about the citi- ration of the Secretary’s absence or disability, zens of Missouri. I say, ‘‘What about Texas?’’ and does not affect the authority of the Sec- He says, ‘‘Well, they’re all right down there.’’ retary to exercise during the absence, or to [Laughter] resume when the disability no longer exists, So I’m proud to stand here with him. And the powers of his office. I think the people of Missouri will be wise (3) In all other respects, Executive Order to send this good man back to the United 13000 of April 24, 1996, shall remain in ef- States Senate. fect. And Talent married well—[laughter]— (4) This memorandum shall expire upon Brenda, I appreciate you being here. It’s the appointment of a Deputy Secretary of good to meet your mother-in-law. It’s a smart Defense, unless sooner terminated by oper- thing to bring the mother-in-law through the ation of law or by the President. photo op line. [Laughter] Not only is he a (5) You are authorized and directed to good Senator, he’s a smart son-in-law. publish this memorandum in the Federal Register. [Laughter] I was also thrilled to meet Mi- chael and Kate and Chrissy, Jim and Brenda’s George W. Bush children. See, what’s important to the Talents [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, is putting their family first. That’s what I like 9:46 a.m., June 3, 2005] about Jim Talent. He’s got his priorities abso- lutely straight, faith, family, and the United NOTE: This memorandum was published in the States of America. Federal Register on June 6. He married well, and so did I. And Laura sends her love to all our friends here in Mis- Remarks at a Dinner for Senator souri. You might have noticed that she’s be- James M. Talent in St. Louis, come quite a comedian. [Laughter] More im- Missouri portantly, she’s a great First Lady. I was proud of her trip recently to the Middle East. June 2, 2005 She’s sending a strong message as part of the Thank you all for coming. Thanks for the freedom movement, and that is, you can’t be warm welcome. Please be seated. My arm free unless women have a free role in society. still hurts from the last time—or one of the So not only is she a great comedian, she’s last times I came to St. Louis. I tried to fire a great diplomat. But more importantly, she’s a 90-mile-an-hour fastball on opening day— a wonderful mother, wonderful wife, and a [laughter]—got up there about 60, maybe. great First Lady for the United States. [Laughter] But I love coming to your town. And I want to thank the senior Senator. Thanks for having me. Thank you all. Those That’s appropriate to call you senior, but you of you who have traveled—I want to thank are a little older than Talent, at least. [Laugh- those of you who traveled from outside this ter] Kit Bond has served this State with great great city of St. Louis to come to support distinction for a long time. He’s a great friend Talent. and a great man. I appreciate you being here, The ‘‘Show Me’’ State—my attitude is, Kit, and his wife, Linda Bond. show me a good Senator, and I’m going to And I’m proud of your Governor. It still back him. And we’ve got a great Senator in amazes me that you are old enough to meet Jim Talent. I appreciate his spirit. I appre- the age requirement. [Laughter] He’s the ciate his working with the White House. He’s youngest looking Governor in America. It an independent enough guy to tell us if we’re turns out he’s a young-looking man who can VerDate Aug 04 2004 21:51 Jun 06, 2005 Jkt 205250 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P22JNT4.003 P22JNT4 936 June 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 get a lot done. And I appreciate your leader- Now, we dealt with one of our problems, ship in the statehouse, Matt. Good job. And and that is our economy. We had some tough the Lieutenant Governor is with us, Pete times for a while because of the enemy attack Kinder. I’ve known Pete a long time, and and the down cycle of our economy. I don’t I appreciate your serving, Pete, and joining know if you know this or not, but in the last Matt and making this State be all that it can 2 years, we’ve added over 3.5 million new be. jobs. More Americans are working today in I want to thank Congressman Kenny our country than in the Nation’s history. And Hulshof as well, and his wife, Renee. Kenny I appreciate the fact that Jim understands is a bright star in the House of Representa- we can’t rest, that the job of Government tives from the great State of Missouri. I love isn’t to create the wealth but an environment talking to Kenny. He’s a thoughtful fellow. in which people are willing to risk capital, Every time I see him he says, ‘‘soybeans.’’ an environment in which there’s a reasonable [Laughter] chance for America to stay competitive in the I thank Mike Gibbons and his wife, Liz. world. Mike is the State senate president pro tem. And one way to do that is to make sure I want to thank Rod Jetton, the speaker of we finally get an energy policy out of the the statehouse, and his wife, Cassie. Thank United States Congress. When I first got to you all for coming. I want to thank all of Washington, I recognized that our country you all who serve. was too dependent on foreign sources of en- Somebody told me they thought Ambas- ergy. And so I went to the Congress and said, sador Danforth would be here tonight. I ‘‘Here is a strategy that will encourage more hope so. I do want to say that he represented conservation, a strategy that will use research our country so well. Jack, thanks for coming, and development dollars to make it more and thanks for serving. Thanks for serving likely we’ll have more renewable sources of so admirably in the United Nations. As well, energy, a strategy that says we can explore thanks for taking on a tough assignment. I for oil and gas in environmentally friendly asked Jack Danforth from the State of Mis- ways in America, a strategy that recognizes souri to help resolve the Sudan civil war, the we need to use nuclear power, a strategy that conflict between north and south. And unfor- says we need clean coal technology, a strategy tunately, Darfur has obscured the great that says we can use soybeans to refine bio- progress that Ambassador Danforth made on diesel.’’ It’s a smart strategy. behalf of peace. And when it’s all said and But it’s been stuck. There’s too much poli- done, Jack, your contribution to helping solve tics in Washington, DC. It’s been stuck. They that problem will go down in history as one got it out of the House, and thanks to Jim of the great humanitarian gestures by our Talent’s leadership and Kit Bond’s leader- country, led ably by you. Thank you, sir. ship, they’re going to get a good bill off the I want to thank all the folks who helped Senate floor. I’m going to sign a bill. For put on this fundraiser. It’s an incredibly suc- the sake of national security and for the sake cessful evening and—which speaks not only of economic security, Congress needs to get to your hard work but also to the admiration me a good energy bill by the recess, by the that your Senator has earned by the people summer recess break this year. of Missouri. Jim Talent knows what I know: Smart pol- We’ve got a lot to do in Washington. One icy will enable us to grow out of our hydro- of the things I like about Talent is he under- carbon society, which we’re going to have to stands that our job in Washington is to con- do. I went to a refinery in Virginia the other front problems, not pass them on to future day—it’s an unusual kind of refinery; it’s a Congresses. In my case, to confront prob- refinery that refines biodiesel—and saw a lems and not pass them on to future Presi- new C.A.T. engine that can burn 100 percent dents. That’s our job.
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