AM ERICAN SO CIETY FOR CYBERNETICS Number 3 NEWSLETTER Edited by Allenna Leonard August 1980 EFLECTIONS ON THE FESTIVAL By Shelly Clemson AFTERTHOUGHTS - EDITORIAL COMMENT By Roger Conant Participants in the First Annual Cybernetics estival at Sunset, Maine basked in sunshine, We will not convince the world tha t we have omaraderie, and participative labor for two anything worthwhi le to offer as a group/disci­ ovely days. Roger and Shirley Conant, hosts pline, if we cannot apply our understandings tc f the "happening", survived the brief trans­ ourselves. Do we understand self-organization! ormation of their summer homestead into a Then we should be able to bootstrap and self­ onference center. ASC folk from Washington, D.C. organize into a li:vely society. Do we under­ aryland, Virginia, Orono, ME., Chicago (Conant's stand circular causality? Then we should be Lnter home), New Hampshire (Larry Heilprin's able to apply positive feedback to our own op­ nmner home), Boston and Jakarta, Indonesia erations. Do we understand control and commun­ ~arry Clemson's parents) gave the meeting a ications? Then we need to modify the design of Lobal perspective. our own existing channels of communications anc Despite the overall mood of casual raillery, develop new ones to enhance both our internal ~ighty issues were the order of the day. Basic interactions and those wh;ich we have with the ;sumptions, such as the proper role of profess­ external environment. Tf we fail we shall not >nal societies, the unique mission of ASC, and only be an organizational flop, we shall as te desirability and rate of membership expansion practitioners have given a'l!lple evidence that !re on the agenda. Strategy sessions concent~ cybernetic insight is just an airy notion. tted on implementation of a fall membership Could that be? I like to think not and offer :ive, short and long range conference partic­ a few thoughts on the society's communications. >ation for 198ü-82 and beyond, the role of the We are a loosely coupled system, widely >urnal and the Forum, and exchange activities scattered, lacking in critical mass of members .th other organizations. One popular proposal except in a few places such the D.C. area where LS the increased use of the News Letter as .a tight personal bonds are _possible . through reg­ >rum for ideas; a kind of medium for cybernetic ular informal meetings. To succeed as a societ .alogue. Roger Conant suggested the inclusion communication through printed media is crucial. : 'fundamental questions 1 as a thought-provoking To meet this need our present formal publicat­ :arting point. Another intriguing Suggestion ions are only peripher ally useful and for a ts an idealproblern exchange with Soviet number of reasons. They are only published in­ rberneticians. frequently, they have long lead times, they ad­ Cybernetics, when not explicitly discussed, mit only of well reasoned polished final drafts :ill simmered noisily beneath the surface. The and thus do not foster spontaneaus discussion, Lestion of whether or not we were organizing and last but not least they are prohibitively trselves cybernetically (i.e. practicing what expensive. I believe that this· newsletter offe· ! profess) was raised frequently, and the the best vehicle for dynamic printed communic­ >ncepts of self-organization, autopoiesis, ations. I predict that ASC will succeed or fai !edback, and requisite variety provided the according to the success of. the newsletter. >gnitive breakthroughs that moved the group For the newsletter to succeed it must >ward consensus at several points during the a) have very rapid turnaraund and it must be !ekend. published frequently·, b) be both interesting People who had attended the April Planning and informal so that all or most members will >nference in Washington were eagerly looking both read and contribute to it and c) it must >rward to the implementation of more of the not impose such an overwhelming task that no on >nference's recommendations. Frank Leonard will be willing to serve as editor and take on ; planning a follow-up meeting in Toronto this the responsibility of getting i .t out. tnuary. At that time, some of us hope to Another vehicle for communications that we tve additional opportunities to get tagether in have is conferences. Too often our meetings and 1all, stimulating discussion groups that conferences have centered on organizational >ncentrate on cybernetics theory and ideas. housekeeping matters and/or on the eternal que­ ~tails of organizational logistics will be stion What is cybernetics? Too seldom do we get 1nned from these sessions!! It's amazing how to address the sum and subs·tance of cybernetics 1ch details tend to expand and devour all CONANT (cont'd) railable time and space. Only strict vigilance Lll check their growth! CLEMSON (cont 'd) ~- ~ AMERICAN SOCI ETY FOR CYBERNETICS Nurober 3 NEWSLETTER Edited by Allenna Leonard August 1980 REFLECTIONS ON THE FESTIVAL By Shelly Clemson AFTERTHOUGHTS - EDITORIAL COMMENT By Roger Conant Participants in the First Annual Cybernetics Festival at Sunset, Maine basked in sunshine, We will not convi.nce the world that we have comaraderie, and participative labor for two anything worthwhile to offer as a group/disci­ ovely days. Roger and Shirley Conant, hosts pline, if we cannot apply our understandings tc of the "happening", survived the brief trans­ ourselves. Do we understand self-organization! f ormation of their summer homestead into a Then we should be able to bootstrap and self­ bonference center. ASC folk from Washington, D.C. organize into a li:vely society. Do we under­ ryland, Virginia, Orono, ME., Chicago (Conant's stand circular causality? Then we should be inter home), New Hampshire (Larry Heilprin's able to apply positive feedback to our own op­ home), Boston and Jakarta, Indonesia erations. Do we understand control and commun­ Clemson's parents) gave the meeting a ications? Then we need to modify the design of 1lobal perspective. our own existing channels of communications anc Despite the overall mood of casual raillery, develop new ones to enhance both our internal eighty issues were the order of the day. Basic interactions and those which we have with the ~ sumptions, such as the proper role of profess­ external environment. If we fail we shall not anal societies, the unique mission of ASC, and only be an organizational flop, we shall as he desirability and rate of membership expansion practitioners have given ample evidence that ere on the agenda. Strategy sessions concent~ cybernetic insight is just an airy notion. ated on implementation of a fall membership Could that be? I like to think not and offer rive, short and long range conference partic­ a few thoughts on the society's communications. pation for 1980-82 and beyond, the role of the We are a loosely coupled system, widely Jurnal and the Forum, and exchange activities scattered, lacking in critical mass of members Lth other organizations. One popular proposal except in a few places such the D.C. area where 3.S the increased use of the News Letter as .a tight personal bonds are _possible through reg­ Jrum for ideas; a kind of medium for cybernetic ular informal meetings. To succeed as a societ Lalogue. Roger Conant suggested the inclusion communication through printed media is crucial. E 'fundamental questions 1 as a thought-provoking To meet this need our present formal publicat­ tarting point. Another intriguing Suggestion ions are only peripher ally useful and for a 3.S an idea/problem exchange with Soviet number of reasons. Th.ey are only published in­ rberneticians. frequently, they have lang lead times, they ad­ Cybernetics, when not explicitly discussed, mit only of well reasoned polished final drafts till simmered noisily beneath the surface. The and thus do not foster spontaneaus discussion, ~estion of whether or not we were organizing and last but not least they are prohibitively ~rselves cybernetically (i.e. practicing what expensive. I believe that this· newsletter offe· : profess) was raised frequently, and the the best vehicle for dynamic printed communic­ Jncepts of self-organization, autopoiesis, ations. I predict that ASC will succeed or fai :edback, and requisite variety provided the accor.ding to the success of. the newsletter. Jgnitive breakthroughs that moved the group For the newsletter to succeed it must Jward consensus at several points during the a) have very rapid turnaraund and it must be :ekend. published frequently·, b) be both interesting People who had attended the April Planning and informal so that all or most members will Jnference in Washington were eagerly looking both read and contribute to it and c) it must Jrward to the implementation of more of the not impose such an overwhelming task that no on Jnference's recommendations. Frank Leonard will be willing to serye as editor and take on s planning a follow-up meeting in Toronto this the responsibility of getting it out. 3.nuary. At that time, some of us hope to Another vehicle for communications that we 3.Ve additional opportunities to get tagether in have is conferences. Too often our meetings and nall, stimulating discussion groups that conferences have centered on organizational oncentrate on cybernetics theory and ideas. housekeeping matters and/or on the eternal que­ etails of organizational logistics will be stion What is cybernetics? Too seldom do we get anned from these sessions!! It's amazing how to address the sum and subs·tance of cybernetics uch details tend to expand and devour all CONANT (cont'd) vailable time and space. Only strict vigilance ill check their growth! CLEMSON (cont 'd) AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR CYBERNETICS Nurober 3 NEWSLETTER Edited by Allenna Leonard August 1980 REFLECTIONS ON THE FESTIVAL By Shelly Clemson AFTERTHOUGHTS - EDITORIAL COMMENT By Roger Cona,nt Participants in the First Annual Cybernetics Festival at Sunset, Maine basked in sunshine, We will not convince the world tha,t we have comaraderie, and participative labor for two anything worthwhile to offer as a group/disci­ lovely days.
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