Editor & Director Dr. R.K. Thukral Research Editor Dr. Shafeeq Rahman Compiled, Researched and Published by Datanet India Pvt. Ltd. D-100, 1st Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Delhi- 110020. Ph.: 91-11- 43580781, 26810964-65-66 Email : [email protected] Website : www.electionsinindia.com Online Book Store : www.datanetindia-ebooks.com Report No. : AFB/AP-001-0118 ISBN : 978-93-87415-37-9 First Edition : January, 2018 Third Updated Edition : June, 2019 Price : Rs. 11500/- US$ 200 © Datanet India Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical photocopying, photographing, scanning, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. Please refer to Disclaimer at page no. 174 for the use of this publication. Printed in India No. Particulars Page No. Introduction 1 Assembly Constituency at a Glance | Features of Assembly as per 1-2 Delimitation Commission of India (2008) Location and Political Maps 2 Location Map | Boundaries of Assembly Constituency in District | Boundaries 3-9 of Assembly Constituency under Parliamentary Constituency | Town & Village-wise Winner Parties- 2014-PE, 2014-AE, 2009-PE and 2009-AE Administrative Setup 3 District | Sub-district | Towns | Villages | Inhabited Villages | Uninhabited 10-17 Villages | Village Panchayat | Intermediate Panchayat Demographics 4 Population | Households | Rural/Urban Population | Towns and Villages by 18-19 Population Size | Sex Ratio (Total & 0-6 Years) | Religious Population | Social Population | Literacy Rate Electoral Features Important Dates of Last Elections Held | Electors by Gender | Service 5 Electors | Voters | Voters Turnout | Polling Stations & Average Number of 20-25 Electors per Polling Station | Electors by Age Group | Present Elected Representatives Historical Summary Election Results Vote Share of Major Parties | Winning Margin (Number & Percentage) | 6 Polarity of Parties | Summary Result of Assembly Segment of Parliamentary 26-45 Elections 2014, 2009, 2004 and 1999 | Summary Result of Assembly Elections 2014, 2009, 2004, 1999, 1994, 1989, 1985, 1983, 1978, 1972, 1967, 1962 and 1955 Polling Station Level Election Results Name and Number of Polling Station 2014-PE, 2014-AE, 2009-PE and 2009- 7 AE | Polling Station-wise Electoral, Voter & Voter Turnout 2014-PE, 2014-AE, 46-153 2009-PE and 2009-AE | Polling Station wise Elections Results 2014-PE, 2014- AE, 2009-PE and 2009-AE Share of Assembly Constituency 8 Share of Assembly Constituency in State, District and Parliamentary 154 Constituency Socio-Economic Amenities Access to Administrative Units | Agricultural, Manufacturing and Industrial Commodities | Demographic Indicators | Education | Health & Manpower | 9 Drinking Water Supply | Sanitation | Entertainment and Recreations 156-170 Infrastructure | Power | Food Allocation Distribution and Marketing of Agriculture Commodities Infrastructure | Transport and Road Infrastructure | Communication | Banking and Financial Services | Land Use | Irrigation Source 10 Abbreviation & Sources 172 11 Disclaimer 174 Ichchapuram Andhra Pradesh Assembly Constituency Assembly Factbook™ Location & Political Map 7 Ichchapuram Andhra Pradesh Assembly Constituency Assembly Factbook™ Administrative Setup List of Village Panchayat & Intermediate Panchayat (Block) Name Intermediate Panchayat Village Name Village Panchayat Name Name Ammavariputtuga Mandapalle Kanchili Ampuram Ampuram Kanchili Ananthapuram Turakasasanam Sompeta Arakabhadra Arakabhadra Ichchapuram Aravasariapalle Kolluru Kanchili Balakrishnapuram Balakrishnapuram Ichchapuram Baliyaputtuga Kanchili Kanchili Balliputtuga Balliputtuga Kaviti Baruva Baruva Sompeta Baruvapeta Baruva Sompeta Bejjiputtuga Bejjiputtuga Kaviti Belagam Belagam Kaviti Bellupada Bellupada Kanchili Benkili Benkili Sompeta Besiramachandrapuram Besi Ramachandrapuram Sompeta Bhinnala Belupada Kanchili Bhinnala Kothuru Belupada Kanchili Bhogabeni Bhogabeni Kanchili Bhyripuram Bhyripuram Kanchili Bhyripuram Bhyripuram Kaviti Birlangi Birlangi Ichchapuram Boddabada Boddabada Ichchapuram Boddakali Haripuram Ichchapuram Bonamali Bhogabeni Kanchili Borivanka Borivanka Kaviti Buragam Buragam Kanchili Burjapadu Burjapadu Ichchapuram Busabhadra Busabhadra Sompeta Chandiputtuga Rajapuram Kaviti Contd.... 13 Ichchapuram Andhra Pradesh Assembly Constituency Assembly Factbook™ Demographics Number of Villages by Population Size - 2011 Less 10000 100- 200- 500- 1000- 2000- 5000- Total than and 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 Village 100 Above 5 3 14 30 28 42 7 1 130 Number of Towns by Population Size - 2011 Less than 10000- 20000- 50000- 100000 and Total 5000-9999 4999 19999 49999 99999 Above Town 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 19 Ichchapuram Andhra Pradesh Assembly Constituency Assembly Factbook™ Electoral Features Electors by Male & Female Year Male Female Others Total Year Male Female Others Total 2014 PE 110202 114774 13 224989 1989 AE 53883 62036 - 115919 2014 AE 110202 114774 13 224989 1985 AE 40619 50605 - 91224 2009 PE 85610 100642 - 186252 1983 AE 37666 48054 - 85720 2009 AE 85610 100642 - 186252 1978 AE 36727 46520 - 83247 2004 PE 59447 71367 - 130814 1972 AE 31895 41330 - 73225 2004 AE 59447 71367 - 130814 1967 AE 68308 - - 68308 1999 PE 60771 69535 - 130306 1962 AE 60344 - - 60344 1999 AE 60771 69535 - 130306 1957 AE - - - - 1994 AE 55985 63695 - 119680 1955 AE 54716 - - 54716 Note : AE : Assembly Election, PE : Assembly Segment of Parliamentary Election 21 Andhra Pradesh Ichchapuram Assembly Factbook™ Assembly Constituency Historical Summary Election Results Summary Result of Assembly Election - 2009 Candidate Name Party Votes Votes % Piriya Sairaj TDP 45277 33.24 Narthu Ramarao INC 43002 31.57 Narthu Seshagiri Rao PRAP 39256 28.82 Umapathi Badiya BSP 5222 3.83 Rama Raju Mahanthi PPOI 3465 2.54 34 Ichchapuram Andhra Pradesh Assembly Constituency Assembly Factbook™ Polling Station Level Election Results Number and Name of Polling Stations (PS) (2014 AE) Number Number of Polling Name of Polling Stations of Polling Name of Polling Stations Stations Stations 1 Muchendra 21 Sasanam 2 Kedaripuram 22 T.Barampuram 3 Purushottapuram 23 Bhirlangi 4 Purushottapuram 24 Birlangi 5 Aminsahebpeta 25 Rattakanna 6 Mandapalli 26 Rattakanna 7 Mandapalli 27 Rattakanna 8 Mandapalli 28 Masakhapuram 9 Mandapalli 29 Ichapuram 10 Balakrishnapuram 30 Ichapuram 11 Munibadra 31 Ichapuram 12 Telukunchi 32 Ichapuram 13 Telukunchi 33 Ichapuram 14 Haripuram 34 Ichapuram 15 Boddakhali 35 Ichapuram 16 Boddabada 36 Ichapuram 17 Koligam 37 Ichapuram 18 Koligam 38 Ichapuram 19 Paitharikeerthipuram (M) 39 Ichapuram 19A Paitharikeerthipuram (M) 40 Ichapuram-14 15 Wards 20 Arakabadra 41 Ichapuram Contd.... 53 Ichchapuram Andhra Pradesh Assembly Constituency Assembly Factbook™ Polling Station Level Election Results Polling Station-wise Votes Secured by Overall Top Five Parties in Ichchapuram Assembly in Assembly Election (AE) under Srikakulam Parliamentary Constituency in Andhra Pradesh (2014) Runner- 3rd - Number Winner - up - 4th - 5th - Agarwal Total of Ashok Nartu Malipeddi Murapala Naresh NOTA Other Votes Polling Bendalam Rama Dhanunjaya Kodandarao (Lallu) Secured Station (TDP) Rao Rao (BSP) (JASPA) (INC) (YSRCP) 35 440 378 27 7 8 3 21 884 36 374 275 31 4 3 4 8 699 37 319 158 13 5 3 5 13 516 38 298 192 55 5 4 3 6 563 39 266 225 26 7 8 5 10 547 40 248 417 8 4 6 4 14 701 41 251 167 19 1 5 2 11 456 42 279 229 25 5 4 0 12 554 43 326 274 82 9 2 5 17 715 44 494 128 47 6 1 6 14 696 45 446 190 36 2 8 0 7 689 46 401 235 32 6 4 5 11 694 47 256 253 46 4 13 5 8 585 48 258 271 21 4 3 7 5 569 49 420 381 50 11 8 1 24 895 50 294 192 9 7 5 1 14 522 51 394 330 18 9 13 3 39 806 52 384 227 9 6 8 1 28 663 53 224 154 6 7 2 1 23 417 54 398 410 20 8 7 2 10 855 55 578 216 37 7 5 4 19 866 56 436 85 6 4 1 0 5 537 57 393 78 13 7 2 2 5 500 58 451 232 9 3 0 0 5 700 59 187 67 2 4 1 1 3 265 60 416 153 60 9 12 5 14 669 61 360 317 37 13 9 11 20 767 62 297 115 40 3 2 3 9 469 63 265 166 78 6 6 6 9 536 64 472 55 16 4 0 4 0 551 65 405 119 5 5 0 5 2 541 66 458 176 10 3 6 3 5 661 67 254 64 9 2 0 3 9 341 68 486 90 1 0 1 0 5 583 69 705 211 10 10 4 3 14 957 Contd.... 107 Andhra Pradesh Ichchapuram Assembly Factbook™ Assembly Constituency Polling Station Level Election Results Winner, Runner-up and 3rd Party Position & Winning Margin According to Polling Stations in Ichchapuram Assembly in Assembly Election (AE) under Srikakulam Parliamentary Constituency in Andhra Pradesh (2014) Winning Third Polling Winner Runner- Winner Runner- Margin Third Party Other Station Votes up Votes Party up Party Votes Party Votes Votes (%) Number (%) (%) (%) (%) 74 TDP 344 (62.32) YSRCP 161 (29.17) 183 (33.15) INC 35 (6.34) 12 (2.17) 75 TDP 241 (52.05) YSRCP 199 (42.98) 42 (9.07) INC 14 (3.02) 9 (1.94) 76 TDP 423 (57.95) YSRCP 168 (23.01) 255 (34.94) INC 112 (15.34) 27 (3.7) 77 TDP 485 (59.8) YSRCP 301 (37.11) 184 (22.69) INC 6 (0.74) 19 (2.34) 78 TDP 527 (68.35) YSRCP 211 (27.37) 316 (40.98) INC 17 (2.2) 16 (2.08) 79 TDP 663 (72.7) YSRCP 220 (24.12) 443 (48.58) BSP 14 (1.54) 15 (1.64) 80 TDP 368 (65.13) YSRCP 85 (15.04) 283 (50.09) INC 78 (13.81) 34 (6.02) 81 TDP 315 (60.46) YSRCP 117 (22.46) 198 (38) INC 77 (14.78) 12 (2.3) 82 TDP 360 (69.23) YSRCP 110 (21.15) 250 (48.08) INC 38 (7.31) 12 (2.31) 83 TDP 332 (63) YSRCP 116 (22.01) 216 (40.99) INC 60 (11.39) 19 (3.61) 84 TDP 835 (86.98) YSRCP 83 (8.65) 752 (78.33) INC 28 (2.92) 14 (1.46) 85 TDP 442 (72.82) YSRCP 108 (17.79) 334 (55.03) INC 44 (7.25) 13 (2.14)
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