Edition 4 - 2020 ISAFA Newsletter Magazine, Edition 4, 2020 Effective Officiating Practices for an International Masters 5-a-side World Cup Football Tournament Brian Webster, John Gainey, Nigel Hill, Lars Corlin Christensen, and Harry Hubball International masters tournament head referees and tournament co-chairs Introduction: International masters small-sided foot- masters small-sided football practices; and, a wider pro- ball competition for 55-65+ players (e.g., 3v3, 4v4, 5v5, cess of transcending borders, focusing on interdepend- futsal, and competitive walking football) is not new in ence, and lessening of the influence of localized football tournament settings around the world, however, very cultures. Thus, officiating in an internationalized mas- little is known about effective officiating practices in ters tournament context is a complex and multifaceted this context. Although FIFA, the world governing body process. We argue that officiating practices for an inter- for football, have well-established guidelines for com- national 55-65+ masters small-sided football tourna- munity football (e.g., futsal, grassroots football devel- ment is inherently situated within broader communities opment), currently there is not yet official FIFA guide- of practice (including FIFA and club/organizational cul- lines (nor official customisation of rules) for small-sided tural context and political landscape, strategic priori- football in order to meet the unique needs and circum- ties, access to available resources); it is socially mediat- stances for 55-65+ players at various levels of competi- ed (shaped by key tournament leaders and stakeholder tion. In the absence of specific FIFA guidelines, interna- support including engagement by peer referees, coach- tional 55-65+ masters football tournament rules are es, captains and players); and, it is locally and interna- typically determined by host clubs or local football or- tionally constructed (i.e., conceptions of “quality and ganizations and implemented by qualified local refer- effectiveness” will always be part of how it is adapted, ees with a knowledge of the Laws of the Game. Thus, understood and continually improved within contextu- “localized” masters small-sided football tournaments ally-bound settings). and officiating practices tend to implement rules which International officiating: Action research and best are familiar to local football cultures and traditions, and practice : As part of preparation for the annual Interna- which are aligned with local football associations etc. tional Masters 5-a-side Football World Cup Tourna- Interestingly, some international masters tournaments ments hosted in European and UK venues (e.g., Den- are conducted in a similar way by simply adopting lo- mark 2020), action research methodology is employed over a 4-month period following each tournament in calized referees and respective rules. In contrast, order to review, revise and improve effective officiating “internationalized” masters small-sided football tour- in an international masters small-sided football tourna- naments and officiating practices go far beyond local- ment context. Drawing on analyses of relevant data ized implementation. Internationalized masters tourna- (including multinational tournament organizing com- ments are also about the way in which the tournament mittee planning and debrief sessions; interviews with is planned, implemented, evaluated, improved, and individual referees, masters players, and team leaders; how tournament officials, teams, players and specta- match video analysis, and Head referee post- tournament reports), this paper highlights key findings tors (whom many have travelled across oceans, conti- for effective officiating (including refereeing with cus- nents and countries with different masters football tra- tomised rules) in an international 50-65+ masters small- ditions practices) are supported within these processes. sided (3v3, 4v4, 5v5 and competitive walking football) In an internationalized masters tournament context football context. emphasis is placed on multicultural and intercultural perspectives; global trends in effective and sustainable ISAFA Newsletter Magazine, Edition 4, 2020 P A G E 5 Continued.. Results * Rules - Rules must be forwarded months in-advance for international team captains to distribute to their players * Effective officiating practices in international 50- (and translate as necessary) for question and answer ses- 65+ masters small-sided football tournaments should sions prior to the tournament. Team captains must ensure integrate unique local (e.g., traditions, environment, that their players arrive knowledgeable about the interna- facilities, small-sided football culture), regional (e.g., tional tournament rules and small-sided games format. national football association guidelines), and interna- Rules should also be posted on the international tourna- tional (e.g., responsive to languages, multicultural- ment website (including rationale) and reinforced prior to ism, diverse masters small-sided football traditions, tournament kick-off. etc) participation needs and circumstances. * Multinational tournament officials’ should be engaged in * A multinational tournament organizing committee team briefings in-advance of/during and post-tournament (including host club/organization leaders), an inter- games regarding officials’ planning and reflection pertain- national tournament program, qualified multination- ing to tournament-specific format, rules, and game man- al officials and customized 55-65+ small-sided foot- agement issues. This engagement was key to refereeing ball rules provide a critical foundation for both quali- quality, cohesion, and consistency throughout the interna- ty assurance and quality enhancement in an interna- tional masters tournament experience. Further, effective tional 50-65+ masters small-sided football tourna- referee and team captain communications played a key ment context. For example, in the absence of specific role for developing camaraderie and enjoyment, as well as FIFA rules for 55-65+ masters small-sided football to keep competition behaviors within acceptable limits (3v3, 4v4, 5v5 futsal and walking football), we argue and maintain the spirit of fair play for all international 55- that qualified multinational referees (including ESL 65+ teams and players. Thus, officials are viewed as inte- consideration) with research-informed and custom- gral to the international masters tournament community. ised 55-65+ small-sided football rules is critical for Many reunions, friendships, and better understandings effective officiating in an international 55-65+ mas- about complex officiating experiences are formed as a re- ters small-sided football tournament. The following sult of this annual 2-day international masters event. international small-sided football rules for the Inter- national Super Masters Tournament * On-going research, development and dissemination (e.g., symposia poster displays) of evidence-based offici- http://faculty.educ.ubc.ca/hubball/ ating are key to effective practice in this international mas- worldcupMASTERS/tournament2020.html were ters small-sided football context. For example, referee adapted from various small-sided football organiza- performance quality (including fitness, positioning and tions around the world (e.g., AMF & FIFA Masters/ game-management) aided tournament officiating credibil- Seniors 5v5/Futsal, Star Sixes Football, “The Dutch ity, decision making and match control. While walking Way: 4v4 SSG Method”, 3v3 TSS Masters Canada, Football was a new concept to some 65+ teams, and oth- 3v3 Kick it USA, 3v3 Soccer UK, Walking Football As- ers who had played it had seen many variations to the sociation England, European Legends Walking Foot- rules applied (especially interpretations of non-running/ ball) and without any advantage to any single club/ fast walking!), feedback from the 2019 tournament, indi- nation/region or international masters team – these cated that walking football players would benefit from a customised rules provide fairness and simplicity for referees pre-kick off role-play demonstration about what all participating international teams (some without would be allowed, and what would not be allowed regard- ESL), and equally important, for officiating multina- ing consistent interpretations (one foot on the ground at tional referees. Essentially, these customised interna- all times when) of fast walking versus running (on or off tional 55-65+ masters small-sided football rules focus the ball). Furthermore, following the May 2020 tourna- around key tournament competition issues: players’ ment in Denmark, this issue will be evaluated, as well as, age eligibility; customised dimensions of goalposts, the 2-day sequencing order for 65+ games and subsequent pitches and game formats; players’ safety, discipli- modifications prior to the 2021 tournament in Brussels. nary sanctions; multiple substitutions, and team points scoring system. ISAFA Newsletter Magazine, Edition 4, 2020 P A G E 6 Continued.. Summary References Our research in an international 50-65+masters small- • Cleland, J., O’Gorman, J & Webb, T. (2017). Respect? An investigation into the expe- sided football tournament context suggests that a rience of referees in association football. The International Review for the Sociology multinational tournament organising committee; an of Sport. 08.03.2017. international tournament program; and, qualified • Hubball, H.T., Reddy,
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