Cornell Alumni News Volume 47, Number 4 August 15, 1944 Price 20 Cents Sixth Class Arrives for Midshipmen's School, With Bag and Baggage Here is Your PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY TIMETABLE OF CORNELL ALUMNI TO AND FROM ITHACA NEW YORK AND VICINITY BALTIMORE, MD. Light Type, a.m. Dark Type, p.m. RE A RET A *—Folded and interfolded facial tissues WHITMAN, REQUARDT & ASSOCIATES Lv. New Lv Lv. Ar. for the retail trade. York Newark Phila. ITHACA Engineers S'WiPES*—A soft, absorbent, disposable tissue, Ezra B. Whitman Ό1 Gυstav J. Requardt Ό9 11:05 11:20 11:10 6:34 packed flat, folded and Interfolded, in bulk or Richard F Graef '25 Norman D. Kenney '25 6.52 7:08 7:05 2:35 boxes, for hospital use. Stewart F. Robertson A. Russell Vollmer "27 ί 10:20 110:35 $10:12 86:12 Roy H. Ritίer '30 Theodore W. Hacker Ί 7 t11:45 1112:00 t11:00 °'7:13 FIBREDOWN*—Absorbent and non - absorbent cellulose wadding, for hospital and commercial use. 1304 St. Paul St., Baltimore 2, Md. Lv. Ithaca Ar. Buffalo Lv. Buffalo Ar. Ithaca FIBREDOWN* CANDY WADDING—in 2:40 5:30 10:05 12:56 °y7:17 °y10:03 8:30 11:37 several attractive designs. WASHINGTON, D. C 9:30 12:50 10:35 1:23 FIBREDOWN* SANITARY SHEETING— 6:40 9:35 For hospital and sick room use. THEODORE K. BRYANT Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. New *Trade Mark rβg. U. S. Pat. Off. ITHACA Phila. Newark York LL.B. '97—LL.M. '98 THE GENERAL CELLULOSE COMPANY, INC. Master Patent Law, 6. W. U. '08 1:28 9:20 8:49 9:05 1:02 8:35 8:29 8r45 GARWOOD, NEW JERSEY Patents and Trade Marks Exclusively •11:51 7:45 7:54 8:10 D. C. Taggart Ί 6 - - - Pres. -Treat. Suite 602-3-4 McKim Bldg. iDaily except Sunday °Daily except Monday No. 1311 G Street, N.W. \\This train 12:00 P.M. at Newark every night except Sunday. ROYAL MANUFACTURING CO. ^Sunday only ^Monday only PERTH AMBOY, N. J. KENOSHA, WIS. yOn Mondays only leave Ithaca 6:18 a.m., arrive Buffalo 9:30 a.m. GEORGE H. ADLER '08, Vice President 'New York sleeper open to 8 a.m. at Ithaca, and at MACWHYTE COMPANY 9 p.m. from Ithaca Manufacturers of Wiping and Lubricating Coaches, Parlor Cars, Sleeping Cars; Cafe-Dining Waste — Dealers in Wiping Rags, Spin- Manufacture of Wire and Wire Rope, Braided Wire Car and Dining Car Service ning, Felting and Batting Stocks, Clothing Rope Sling, Aircraft Tie Rods, Strand and Cord. Clips, and Rayon Wastes Literature furnished on request Lehigh Valley JESSEL S. WHITE, M.E. Ί3 PRES. & GEN. MGR. STANTON CO.—REALTORS R. B. WHYTE, M.E. "13 Vice President in Charge of Operations Railroad GEORGE H. STANTON '20 Real Estate and Insurance MONTCLAIR and VICINITY MEXICO 16 Church St., Montclair, N. J., Tel. 2-6000 CENTRAL AMERICA mm SOUTH AMERICA The fuller Construction Co. If considering representation in this expand- J. D. TULLER, '09, President ing field communicate with BUILDINGS, BRIDGES, Chas. H.Blair '9^98 BLAIR, COMINGS & HUGHES, Inc. DOCKS & FOUNDATIONS 521 Fifth Avenue, New York WATER AND SEWAGE WORKS Paseo de la Reforma, 77, Mexico City Chas. A. J. Holt, V. P. A. J. Dillβnbβck '11 C. P. Bβyland '31 EXPORTERS C. E. Wallace '27 T. G. Wallace '34 MANUFACTURERS AGENTS U. S.H. A. HOUSING PROJECT 95 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK, N. J. ENGINEERING SYRACUSE, N.Y. RANDALL, KING, VEDDER & KING, Architects Since 1940 the facilities of this Com- Hemphill, Noyes CSk Co. Easttmatii , Dillon & C/o. pany have been devoted to the United MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Members New York Stock Exchange States Government. In these first years Investment Securities 1 5 Broad Street New York of our Second Century we look forward INVESTMENT SECURITIES DONALD C. BLANKE '20 Representative to resuming peace-time construction. Jansen Noyes ΊO Stanton Griίfis ΊO 15 BROAD STREET NEW YORK 5, N. Y. L. M Blancke '15 Willard I. Emerson Ί9 BRANCH OFFICES Branch Offices Albany, Chicago, Indianapolis: Philadelphia Philadelphia Chicago Reading Easton Paterson Hartford Pittsburgh, Trenton, Washington Direct Wires to Branches and Los Angeles and St. Louis CAMP OTTER CORNELLIANS IN SERVICE For Boys 7 to 17 Please be sure to notify us prompt- IN THE HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO ly of address changes, to make sure Inquiries Answered at Any Time. Write you get your Alumni News HOWARD B. ORTNER '19, Director without interruption. Camp Otter, Dorset, Ont, Canada Please mention the CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Volume 47, Number 4 August 15, 1944 Price, 20 Cents CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Subscription price $4 a year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N.Y. Published the first and fifteenth of every month. for the purpose stated, to stand at the South end of the row, thus giving you an First President Gets A Building opportunity of choice between that and WHITE'S UNPUBLISHED LETTER TO JOHN McGRAW the other plan and situation which I formerly submitted to you. It is a build- Λ LETTER from President An- all important liabilities, and to complete ing, very beautiful, very simple, convenient and ample for all our books and collec- -*~* drew D. White to John McGraw the buildings already commenced. I hope too that it will enable us to stock and tions for several years to come. On many of Ithaca, a Trustee of the new Uni- equip the farm and shops. accounts I prefer the original centre build- versity, written from Albany Febru- We shall be able, I trust, next year, to ing, but this building now suggested is on ary 17, 1869, and hitherto unpub- employ more Professors and to increase all some accounts to be preferred, and as it is salaries which ought to be increased, be- smaller and more compact it will cost lished, is among the Cornell memora- several thousand dollars less. bilia recently deposited in the Uni- side erecting some simple farm buildings which shall put the Agricultural depart- Plans, elevations and sections with esti- versity's Regional History Collec- ment in good working order. mates are prepared to be submitted to you tion by Mrs. Gauntlett Whitcomb of But there is one great drawback. We are and I hope to take them to Ithaca next Ithaca, who is McGraw's grand-niece. terribly cramped and endangered by the Monday. want of a Library Building. My heart and soul are in this thing, Written in longhand by President even more than they ever were before, and White, the letter presents persuasive We have the most valuable and prac- tically useful Library in any American should you see fit to let us lay the corner arguments for the building of Mc- University save, possibly, that of Harvard stone etc. on or before April 14th— Graw Hall at a time when only "Founders Day"—that being the anni- University at Cambridge. We have over versary of the passing of our "Act of Morrill Hall had been completed and 20,000 volumes of the best and most Incorporation," I will at the same time the walls of the "North University" costly works, and, what is the great point, you make your gift, add to it a gift of my the latest books in every department. We building (later to be named White have such a collection of apparatus and own to the amount of at least ten thou- Hall) were being erected, with space models as no other institution in America sand dollars. has. We have just received a gift from the Without such a building as I have thoughtfully left between the two for named we shall be crippled for years, since the "Library Building'7 about which Government of Great Britain of an Agri- cultural Collection which puts us ahead the funds we can apply to building pur- the President wrote. of all competitors. We have one of the poses are limited by law—and indeed if McGraw Hall was actually com- most perfect collections in Mineralogy they were not we ought to apply them to ever made and one of the most valuable perfecting and increasing our instruction pleted in 1872, the gift of John Mc- and equipment in various ways. With this Graw, its cornerstone being laid by collections in Geology, and our collection of shells, if we can ever get a place to building we can take rank among the the Grand Lodge of Masons of the show it, will be seen to be one of the finest foremost Universities. State of New York in June, 1870. in the world, certainly the finest in President White's letter follows: America. Greene Smith has given us a beautiful collection of birds admirably Stories of Cornell Albany Feb. 17th, 1869 mounted with costly cases in which to John McGraw Esq. place them, and I have myself ordered in By FRANK A. WRIGHT '79 My dear Sir Europe a large collection of casts and I was much occupied here last week medallions, over 2,000 in all, which alone "White Dressed it Up" with our Trustee meeting, the State will be a great attraction. We are also Professor Carl Becker's book, Cornell Agricult. Society, and various deferred promised other things, among them some University: Founders and the Found- University matters which seem all now very interesting specimens of American ing, recalls a story told to me several happily settled. Sculpture. years ago by a well-known professor. This week I am obliged to "lobby" a We have all these and more than these, little for the University, to .get the bill for He was out walking with President but we have no place for them.
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